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Math103 PROBLEM SET 1 Prob1. Calculate the perimeter of an equilateral triangle whose area is 9 3 sq. units. Prob2.

A piece of wire is shaped to enclosed a square whose area is 169 sq units, it is then reshaped to enclose a rectangle whose length is 15 units. Find the area of the rectangle. Prob3. Two equal semicircles whose diameters are each 10 units intersect at point X and Y. (See Figure 2) If their diameters are perpendicular to each other, find the area of the shaded portion.

10unitss Y X 10 units

Figure 2

Prob4. Each of the four circles shown in the figure 3 is tangent to each other three. If the radius of each of the smaller circles is r, find the area of the largest circle.
r Figure 3

Express your answer in terms of


Prob 5. A tank, open at the top, is made up of sheet iron 6 inches thick. The internal dimensions of the tank are 8ft long; 6ft wide and 5ft tall. Find the number of cu. ft. of materials used. Find also the capacity of the tank.

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