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Your EQ At Work

...How to develop and use your emotional intelligence to work smarter and live more happily. 1. How To Use This Course The materials The process The practices 2. What Is Emotional Intelligence? Your unlimited potential Skills for work and life The EQ At Work Model: A model for developing your emotional intelligence and authenticity. Assessing your emotional skill and setting goals. 3. Your Mission Using your purpose, values and strengths to get results in this course and in your life. 4. Developing Emotional Awareness - Emotional Literacy: Increase your ability to recognize, differentiate and understand your emotions and their influence on your thoughts and actions. 5. Developing Emotional Awareness - Emotional Wisdom: Use your emotions to gain insight and understanding to enable better choices. 6. Emotional Self Management - Making Choices: Develop your ability to make purpose-centered choices and be self-determined. 7. Emotional Self Management - Self-Regulation: Develop your ability to regulate your emotions and be present and self-assured in any situation. 8. Social Awareness - Removing Barriers: Increase your ability to gain rapport with others by removing barriers to understanding 9. Social Awareness - Tuning In: Develop your ability to tune in and gain insight into the needs and motivations of others.

1998 - 2011 EQ At Work All Rights Reserved 1

10. Relationship Management - Creating a context for relationship: Develop your ability to identify and express the thoughts, feelings and actions that enable a successful relationship with individuals and groups. 11. Relationship Management - Communication: Develop your ability to communicate effectively using emotional awareness, emotional management and emotional self-expression. 12. Inspiration - Being of Service: How to positively influence people and outcomes with your authentic expression.

1998 - 2011 EQ At Work All Rights Reserved 2

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