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Types and causes Orthopedic and Neurological impairment 1) orthopedic An ortho pedic impairment involves the skeletal system,bonesjoints,limbs

and associates muscles ,nervous systemaffecting the ability to move use,feel or control certain parts of the body a) Quadriplegia All four limbs (arms and legs) are affected; movement of the face may also be effected. b) Paraplegia: motor impairment of the legs.only legs are effected c) Hemiplegia only one side of the body is effected d)) Diplegia major involvement of the legs with less involvement of the arms

Less common forms of involvement

1) Monoplegia: Only one limb is affected 2) di plegiaonly : 2 limbs are effected 3) triplegis: 3 limbs are effected 2) cerebral palasy: Most common in children in school is a long term condition resulting from a laison to the brain or abnormality of brain growth that the causes a varity of disorders of movement & posture (extreme weakness, lack of co ordination no control over their arme ,lega or speech,depending on the type and dergree of the ompairment.) 3) traumatic head Injury: Significant causes of head trauma includes automobiles,motorcycle or bicycle accidents,gun shot wounds and child abuse.

4) Limb deficiency: Limb deficiency is the absence of partial loss of an arm ,aa prosthetic(artificial) limb is often used to facilitate balance to enable the child to participate in a varity of task and creat a normal appearance 5) Diabetes: It is a disorder of metabolism i.e., it effect the way the body absorbs and breaks down the sugar and starch. Sugar level can be low or high. 6) Asthma: Asthma is a chronic lungs disease characterized by episodic routs of wheezing coughing and difficulty breathing. Asthma is a complex disease .inflammation of the air ways is both the cause and effect of the problem. 7) Cystic Fibrosis: Cystic fibrosis is a serious chronic disease of the children and adolescent. The bodys exocrine glands excretes a thick mucous that can block the lungs and parts of digestive system It may be a genetic disease. 8)Hemiplegia: It is a rare hereditary disorder ,where in the body blood does not clot as quickly as it should. 9)Burns Burns are leading types of injury in childhood. Most of few burns result from household accidents but sometimes they are caused by child abuse. Serious burns can cause complications in other organs. Long term physical limitations and psychological difficulties.

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