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XIX Sunday of Ordinary Time A

7 August 2011

Buona Domenica
D A U G H T E R S O F S T . P A U L

W a l k

o n

w a t e r !

( M a t t

1 4 : 2 2 - 3 3 )

World Youth Day, Madrid 16th to 21st August. Please keep all the young pilgrims in your prayers.

Is it possible to walk on water? In todays gospel passage, Peter did, at least for a few moments. But fear and discouragement overcame him and he started to sink. Walking on water can be analogous to any impossible or difficult feat by human standards being healed of an incurable disease, overcoming a life long addiction, forgiving the person who had abused and murdered your child, reconciling with a friend who had deeply hurt you, scoring 100% in every exam paper. The list of impossibilities can go on. However, we know that with God everything is possible, including walking on water. All that is needed is faith, a faith strong enough to move mountains. The boat of our life may, like the boat of the disciples, be tossed about by the waves and winds of trials, temptations, difficulties, setbacks and devastations. Yet when we call out to Jesus, and sincerely seek his help

no matter how dire our situation, he will always encourage us, cast away our fears and give us the grace to walk on water. As long as we focus on Jesus, we will not sink into the waters of despair and hopelessness. Rather, he will hold our hand and lead us towards a calming peace after any storm. Take courage! No matter what difficult or seemingly hopeless situation you are in, make a miracle of your life and walk on water.
Sr Wendy Ooi, fsp

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