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TGG~worksheet /Ch.

Name_________________ Date_______________ Section_____________

#1 (of 2) Say What? Eloise Jarvis McGraw uses many well-chosen, high-level words. When you come across a word that you do not know, see if you can figure it out by its context. If you cant (and the example below is tricky in this way) please dont pass over it, but take a moment to look it up. Provide at least one synonym. On pg. 19, the new apprentice Heqet is introduced:
Welcome, friend eyes-on-the-ground, said a voice half-amused, half-diffident.

Diffident- Not having much self confidence. Synonyms: shy, bashful, modest, meek, timid. Treacheroussynonyms: ______________________________________________ Surlysynonyms: ______________________________________________ Hideoussynonyms: (OVER)------------->>>>>

#2 Egyptians compared many things with nature and animals, and this is reflected in the dialogue and narration of this historical novel. Keep your eyes peeled for at least three (3) more metaphors having to do with animals in the first chapter, and write down the full metaphor. Or collect them all! Also note the page number so you can refer back to it later.

(p.11) They were like master and dog. (p.12) Ranofer was reminded of a black adder slithering into its hole.

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