Spiritual Lounge EMagazine August 2011

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Issue : Aug 2011 Vol : XIV Price : `.



Dear Readers,
We really like to thank all those who have supported and send in their blessings for
the last month's first anniversary issue. It only pushes us to fly higher! But
sometimes we need more than just blessings; we need help in various departments
like finding new writers, marketing, distribution, technical department, etc. Please
come forward or pass on the word!
The world needs to grow up! Our civilization needs to evolve and become more
mature. We need to learn to take the responsibility of our own actions and to stop
crediting everyone or everything for the bad or good in our own life. We need to start
having more faith in our own self rather than depend on another person be it divine
or otherwise. There is nothing more foolish than the fact that there is someone far
superior who decides your life. You are your own destiny; you are the master of your
own life and soul. How, when, where, are all the questions you need to ask yourself
because you are the one driving the vehicle.
We do not have to be positive or negative. We do not have to be optimist or pessimist.
We don't have to be good or bad. We just have to be our self! We need to decide our
path for our soul, we are our own soul! Unique, individual and different! Just find
yourself, before you get lost in the illusions of the cosmos or get stuck in a time and
space loop forever.
Meditate, be alone, contemplate, communicate and trust yourself!
Connect with us anytime at: spirituallounge@live.com or +91-9619629092
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Thank you,

Dhara Kothari

Cover page Photo : Valley fog in Spain

Copyrights: All rights reserved SPIRITUAL LOUNGE EMAGAZINE ©

CONTENT Aug 2011

Editorial Death bed of an Indian politician

Page 2 By Uma Krishnan
Page 6-8

Leading with Spirituality

Balance and Sustainability
Dr. Amit Nagpal

The Kundalini Awakening Systems Safeties Protocols

By Master Chrism
Page 9-10

Inspiration from Binah

Yvette Soler
- Dheeraj Bhoma
Page 12

SPAIN - España
Compiled by Dhara Kothari
Page 13-19

Patanjali Week Celebration

Page 20-21

Legend of the Nomad

- By Alex Mero
Page 22-33

Edited by Dhara Kothari. Published by Moksa Publishers for Spiritual Lounge.

Designed by Biren Shah. Email: spirituallounge@live.com.
Cell: +91-9619629092 / +91-9757274289
Advisory Board Members Aug 2011
Spiritual Lounge Advisory Board

Dhara Kothari

Biren Shah

Maya Shahani -
Chairperson of Sage Foundation
VP of Global Dialogue Foundation

R. P. Jain
Director of MLBD

Spiritual Lounge E-Magazine Board

Gayatri Pagdi Dr. Amit Nagpal Master Chrism Linzi Martin Hitesh Guruji

Yvette Soler Binoy Sasidharan Alex Mero Dheeraj Bhoma

Leading with Spirituality - Amit Nagpal Aug 2011

Leading with Spirituality-Balance and Sustainability

The increasing popularity of the Triple P concept to be many lessons learned and that somehow I would
(Planet, People and Profit) fills us with hope that the find my way guided by a sense of profound trust in life
corporate world is moving in the right direction and is and the truth of who I am and what I believe in.” She
symbolic of holistic corporate growth in the future.. adds, “I am grateful to Eziba for teaching me important
The corporate world has become symbolic of never lessons and in illuminating for me that one can indeed
ending greed. Gandhi rightly said that there is enough create successful businesses that are spiritually
in the world for everyone's need but not enough for a inspired-only when this becomes one's singular
single man's greed. mission and clear intent. I have no doubt that armed
Two classic examples of leadership with balance, grace with patience, trust, focused clear effort and humility;
and sustainability at its core are Ratan Tata (Taj Terror The Amber Chand Collection will grow successfully.”
attack case) and Amber Chand (USA). In fact, The company was named Eziba because of the word
personally I was so overwhelmed by the Taj terror Ziba which means beautiful in Persian and being an e-
attack case that I decided to teach it as a case study to commerce company the 'e' was added. Amber was the
my students (and warned them not to cry, at least not nurturing mother in the company who constantly
in the classroom). Amber Chand, born to Indian attempted to be reassuring, loving and a nurturing
parents in Uganda, is a superb example of rising from spirit. She personally spoke to unhappy customers and
the ashes like a Phoenix and is well known for her gave her direct line number to them in case they had a
foundation which supports international artisans in complaint or issue in future. The customers would get
conflict zones. In a way both the cases are related with delighted and amazed that a co-founder of the company
conflict and supporting people post-conflict especially is concerned enough to give them a call. The company
the weaker sections of society. tried to achieve a delicate balance between creating
Spirituality is essentially holistic in nature though one global products and at the same time being authentic to
may discover the balance by connecting to the soul. In the traditions of artisans.
my opinion anything which is holistic is spiritual, be it Amber believes the success could be measured by the
holistic living, holistic education, personal branding three factors; the degree with which people are
or Triple P philosophy. Let us take a look at some of the impacted internally and externally, the degree to which
gestures of Ratan Tata in the Taj case. the organization acted as a steward of the planet and the
Relief and assistance was not only given to employees degree to which the organization was profitable. But the
at the hotel but was extended to all those who died at need to give high returns to the venture capitalists and
the railway station, surroundings including the pan desire for stupendous growth overtook the other
shop owners. During the time the hotel was closed for objectives of the company and the decision was taken to
repairs, not only the salaries were sent home but liquidate Eziba. But Amber Chand was not the one to
employee outreach centers were opened where all accept defeat and created another foundation for
help, food, water, sanitation, first aid and counseling similar purposes but on non-profit lines this time. In
was provided. Ratan Tata personally visited the any case, she did not run away from her responsibility
families of all the 80 employees who were injured or of being a part of a failed team though she was not the
killed and asked the families and dependents as to part of some of the decisions which led to the fall. She
what support they desired. behaved like a mother who wanted to protect her child
What was unique and respectable is that even the till the last moment. She says, “Wee… I to have walked
other people, the railway employees, the police staff; away, I never would have forgiven myself.” She adds,
the pedestrians who had nothing to do with Tatas were “To me in order to be successful I must embrace all
covered by the compensation. A four year old three aspects of mind, body and spirit. My spiritual
granddaughter of a vendor who got hit by four bullets theme of God being tapestry of compassion, balance,
was taken to Bombay hospital and several lakhs were grace and friendliness provides me with the inner
spent by the Tatas on her. New hand carts were guidance for what I do and how I do it.”
provided to several vendors. Tata also decided to take
responsibility of life education of 46 children of the What grace, what balance, what divinity!
victims of the terror. Senior managers including Ratan
Tata were visiting one funeral after another over the
three days after the attack. What a heart-rending story Dr Amit Nagpal
and what an inspiring leadership? amitknagpal@gmail.com
Amber Chand saw the meteoric rise of her
organization Eziba and a dramatic fall after few years.
She says, “Without the anchor of my spiritual practice,
I could not have weathered this personal Tsunami. For
at some level I knew that Eziba's meteoric rise and fall
were part of a larger archetypal story. That there were

Death bed of an Indian politician Part -3 - By Uma Krishnan Aug 2011

Death bed of an Indian politician

On the eve of the Independence Day celebrations in the this money. Now master I shall take your leave since I
school the politician's sons visited the school. They have to cover a long distance to reach the town.”
asked the politician why he was covering his face and Politician: “Ok Guna, I will await your return. Take
the politician told them that he was disfigured in an care.”
accident. The politician's sons are unable to identify Guna leaves for town. On reaching the house, Guna
their own father and get busy with propagating their finds some work in the politician's room and on that
name and false achievements and try to project to the pretext he goes to his master's previous chamber and
media that the student's achievement was because of takes out the money from the secret place and keeps it
their valuable contribution to the village. They safely with him. Then in the evening he again drives to
promised more aid and grant for the school and start to the village and gives his master all the money.
leave one by one. The politician in his heart knows about The politician is very happy to see the money. He gives a
the hollow promises made by his sons and relates to the part of the money to Guna and asks Guna to use the
fact that he too was like them once not very long ago. money only for educating his children. The politician
Thinking about this he enters his small room which he also makes a resolve that he will not spend even a single
had set it up for himself in the broken down building. penny on him. He would continue to live the same life
There is a knock on the door. On opening he finds his old that he was doing till then.
driver Gunajirao standing at the door. On seeing the The politician hides the money and draws out a plan on
politician he falls at his feet. how this money will be utilised for upgrading the
Guna: “Oh! Master, I am so glad you are alive. In the quality of life in the village. He plans that he will open a
function I recognised you by looking at the big patch on dormitory type of living quarters for the children and
your feet. When I compared that with your body will look after them as his own, taking care of their
structure I knew that you are my master”, saying this he education and give them a path for developing a
starts crying with joy. successful career. Once again the regret strikes him that
The politician is shocked by this. He regains his when he was having all the powers and the money he did
composure and lifts Guna and pats him. not serve the people. But alas the personal greed just
Politician: “You have been so faithful to me always; I pulled him down.
have no words to express my gratitude towards you.” Little by little he puts his plans in to action. He takes
Guna: “Since your identity is confirmed, now I can tell twenty young children under his care and becomes their
your sons about you being alive. For some reason in the guardian in every way. He arranges to give them all
morning you were hiding your identity. May I know the opportunities to become as per their skills. The
reason for it?” politician purchases books, clothing, food,
Politician: “Oh! Guna, please don't tell my sons about equipment's, and all accessories for the children. He
me being alive,” and explains the whole incident to him. gives them clean living environment and provides them
Guna is shocked by the activities of his master's sons. with computers with internet facilities. He also teaches
Politician: “Guna, there is one thing which you can do them political situation existing around the world. He
for me.” imparts the children importance of serving the local
Guna: “Please tell me master.” community.
Politician: “I have kept few million rupees in the secret He also helps the farmers by providing them knowledge
chamber in the house. I will tell the location of the about achieving high quality seeds, eco friendly
money, you bring me that money so that I can use it to fertilizers, crop rotation, knowledge about cash rich
develop this school. That way I will be able to pay back a crops like herbs, flowers, better water storage system,
little for the kindness shown by these villagers. In any rain water harvesting and all those knowledge which
case it is their money only.” will make the life of the farmer more easier. He also
Guna: “But master won't the villagers ask you from develops the local village crafts like making paper out of
where this money has come from?” waste, wooden furniture, pottery, chicken craft on
Politician: “Don't worry I will not spend all the money in clothes and many others. He opens a co-operative
one go. I will tell them that school got some grant from society to combine all the farmers for better
the government. Now listen carefully, in the dressing management of land consolidation; because bigger the
table of my bedroom, towards the bottom of the table land available for cultivation better the crop planning is
there is a secret chamber where the money is kept. No possible. He purchases tractors and other agricultural
one knows about this money, not even my wife. So bring equipments for the villagers to be used by all the
this money to me. I will reward you handsomely for this farmers of the village. He also organises crèche facilities
work.” for the village children so that the women could also
Guna: “Please master do not talk like that. You have work without worry.
always been so kind to me for all these years; I will Education of children especially female children
surely do this work for you. By tomorrow you will have becomes the prime focus for the politician. He also

Death bed of an Indian politician Part -3 - By Uma Krishnan Aug 2011
trains the villagers to keep the surroundings clean and However, busy you are you should take out time for her.
tidy all throughout the village. The money for all these In fact I suggest you to gift a notepad this time when you
activities is indirectly provided by the politician. There come so that you can chat with her on net.”
is overall well being in the village. The village is clean Dayal: “Yes Guruji, I will do that. In fact I have been
and self sufficient, power is made available with he help trying to speak to her for the past two days but due to the
of solar facilities developed with the help of tight time schedule of the Indian delegation which has
international NGO's. come here, I could not succeed.”
For the first time the politician realises the importance Politician: “That's a lame excuse Dayal. One is never too
of internet which has made all the knowledge and help busy for his or her mother. Anyway there's good news
available to every individual at the click of the button. that our Komal has completed her Masters in micro-
One single technology that reduced the gap and biology with flying colours and she has been offered a
inequalities between the village and the city, between research position in Delhi University. Her brother too
developed and developing world. The politician figures has done very well in school exams. Her father is
out the importance of e-education which has made it thrilled. In fact she is coming here next week along with
possible for village children to get quality education her friends to spend some time with her father.”
without being dependent of the nonexistent teachers in Once again the politician goes back in time and
the village schools. To everyone's surprise the village remembers the young Komal who had come to his
slowly starts developing into an ideal village, a role school to work as a child worker to provide additional
model for other villages to adopt. source of income to her drunkard father. The politician
The politician thinks, “Ordinary effort of single person had paid her wages to her father and instead of making
in the right direction, utilising the government funds in her cleaning utensils in the school the politician had
a right manner can produce such fabulous results. It can given her education.
make thousands of lives more comfortable and helps Dayal: “Yes Guruji, I already know about it. I read her
people to live with dignity. What if the entire mail which she sent yesterday. I thought it will be good
government machinery starts operating in this opportunity to visit you when she is there. So I too am
manner? Service before self and selfless service with coming to India around the same time. But don't tell the
aim to become true human beings of right values, what rest of the gang, let it be a surprise.”
this can do to an individual and to the nation.” Politician: “That's wonderful Dayal. I am so happy to
Thinking about this tears starts rolling down the cheeks hear this news. Although we talk on Skype regularly but
of the politician, tears of joy and the satisfaction of a job seeing face to face is something different. I have been
well done. For the second time in his life he realises the talking about you to the children all the time and they
meaning of true joy and he remembers the meaning are all eager to see you. Bring chocolates for them. Also
behind the saying “you can sometimes give without don't forget the hearing aid of Chaman.”
loving but you can never love without giving.” Dayal: “No Guruji, I have packed it all long time back so
The politician also realises that true respect of people that there is no rush at the end. Also I will be bringing
from the bottom of their heart is the real achievement some friends of mine and they will be staying in the
and not the campaigning done by politicians before guest house.”
elections to woo the voters. The politician also finds no Politician: “Don't worry about that Dayal, I will organise
desire to promote his name or take the credit for for their comfortable stay. It's the mango season here, I
achieving these magnificent results. He realises that he am sure they will have good time here.”
actually does not have the right to take credit for himself Dayal: “In fact Guruji, my friends are interested to
because he was just returning to the villagers what he adopt children from our school and provide for their
had snatched from them. Time passes very joyously for education. I have been telling them the good work being
everyone in and around the village. There is all round done in our village.”
happiness and wellbeing. Politician: “That's good Dayal. I am happy to see that
Twenty three years pass by...... you have not forgotten us. In fact after me you people
The politician gets a call from Delhi. have to take this movement ahead.”
Politician: “Who is calling?” Dayal: “Don't worry about that Guruji, all our team
Caller: “I am Ramdayal Guruji.” mates will never let you down and will ensure that not
The politician goes back in time and pictures a fragile one but all the villages of India and also wherever
child brought to him by a poor village woman, wrapped needed in the world, prosper and flourish in the same
up in old soiled cloth, thin and malnourished that the manner.”
child's bone could be seen just like that. The politician Politician: “That's my student. I like your spirit. My
takes the responsibility of that child and nurtures him. countdown for your visit starts from today. Take care
The child was Ramdayal alias Dayal an IFS officer and bye. Also tell your friends to come prepared with
posted in France. cotton clothes for the summer.”
Politician: “I am so happy to hear your voice my child. Dayal: “Thanks Guruji, I will do that. So see you soon.”
Just yesterday your mother came enquiring about you. Politician: “My blessings to you Dayal.”

Death bed of an Indian politician Part -3 - By Uma Krishnan Aug 2011
After the long wait the date of arrival comes. The entire planted a god in all those things on which our mind can
village gathers to welcome the bright starts of the wonder. For instance, when the mind goes towards
village. The guests are taken to the guest house. One money we have goddess Lakshmi, goddess Saraswati
couple Mr. And Mrs. Ralph are Americans, Mr Hangshi for education, Durgaji for strength and so on. There is
is from China, Mr. Schindler from Germany and Jack god for sexual pleasure too who is called Kamadev. So
Patel, an NRI settled in the US. you see whenever a person's mind may wonder it is
All the guest are shown their rooms. Lunch is served in never too far away from the god in one form or the other.
traditional Indian style. Dayal goes home where his So everything is scientifically worked out. One more
mother is eagerly waiting to meet her son. In spite of the reason that I can think off for having so many gods is
tiring flight journey the guests choose to take a look that every person's desire is different in this world. So a
around the village and are surprised at the cleanliness, person can choose a deity to match his or her desire.
craftsmanship and the warm nature of the people of Thus lots of choice is provided.”
village. They are impressed by the fact that every person Mrs. Ralph: “I am glad we Christians have only one god
in the village looked upon them as their own guest and for everything so we remain much focused.'
they feel they have known this village and villagers for Politician: “Is that so?”
ages. Mrs. Ralph: “Oh! Yes! We follow Christianity. You
The guests are very happy seeing the age old should see the Chrisman celebrations in USA; it is
monuments around the village. It is a beautiful temple, something to die for. The whole city is filled with lights,
fully carved and totally artistic. They had never Christmas carols, Santa's and gifts.”
expected to see such a classic piece of art in such a Mr Ralph: “Oh yes so true. The whole city shines like a
remote unknown village. They understand the rich bride. In fact Guruji it would be wonderful if you join us
heritage of India. After all the roaming around, they this time. You will have an experience of a life time,
return to the guest house. They are invited for the unimaginable.”
evening tea in the open garden. After taking the Politician: “Someday, if I get an opportunity I may love
refreshment they all watch the traditional dance to visit your country.”
performance put forward for them by the school In his mind he imagines number of his visits to America
children. The guests are very happy and talk to the when he was the chief minister and smiles. He further
children. The guests to join the dance after some time adds, “But I want to visit America to see the latest you
and teach a step or two to the children of their own are doing in the field of crop protection and high yields,
dance forms. They also enjoy the taste of rabri and not for Christmas celebrations.”
popcorns along with hot tea. They all gather for some Mrs. Ralph: “Why Guruji, just because you are a Hindu
chit chat. you don't accept other religions, is it?”
Mr. Ralph: “Oh! I had so much fun. It is just like Politician: “Not at all dear. What a precarious
Christmas time in US. Isn't it darling?” conclusion that is. India is the only country in the world
Mrs. Ralph: “Oh yes. All these songs and dances remind where all religions co-exists. Even those religions that
me of the last Christmas in States. I think the only did not originate in India and which has become non-
difference is in India, every month they find some or the existent elsewhere in the world, still exists in India. That
other occasion just to get together, where as in US we is our achievement.”
have to wait for a year. Isn't it so Dayal.” Mrs; Ralph: “Then why are you not interested in our
Dayal: “No, it is not that we have celebrations every Christmas celebrations.”
month, after all children need time for studies too. If Politician: “That's because due to my experience of this
they are involved in celebrations all the time, then when world, and my maturity, I have come to realise the real
will they study? But yes, unlike US we have more meaning behind all these festivals and I feel that
opportunities to mingle and more number of festivals. understanding the celebration is more important than
You have only one god to butter whereas we have more the celebration itself. In fact I want to celebrate festival
35 crore deities, in our religion. So a few more festivals I everyday and not just once in a year.”
presume.” He sees the confused faces of his guests and goes on to
Mrs. Ralph: “Tell us Guruji, why do you have so many explain…
gods and goddesses?”
Politician: “It was the idea of our ancestors that when
the mind is fluctuating all the time and jumping like a
monkey from this tree to that tree of desire. In a second
it can move from US to Japan to China to India and the
list is endless. It has speed greater than light. So seeing
the activities of the mind our ancestors were afraid that
a person should not lose sight of his/her real reason for
coming to this world and that is to understand one self
completely. Hence, in order to tame the mind they

The Kundalini Awakening Systems - Master Chrism Aug 2011

The Kundalini Awakening Systems Safeties Protocols

This month we will look at the Safeties of Inner Joy, Trust there is really nothing that comes close or is even similar to
and Surrender. it.
The practice of the safeties is what lays the foundation for This joy seems everlasting in its effect upon the person.
the energy to run through the body in a balanced format. Nothing can break it. Not the heat of day or pain from a
This cannot be ignored or delayed or procrastinated about wound can abrogate it. It is a love of endless proportions
and still expect results that are meaningful or beneficial. It far outside of the human conscious ability to understand. I
can be quite the other way around. It can be painful. So do am having trouble even now finding words that can even
the practice daily. Find a rhythm that works for you and approach the immense majesty, full heart exploding loving
strive to achieve this state. silence filled music of feelings, of love, in love, fulfilled and
Most individuals within the KAS-1 group are young within fulfilling, of unity, of complete harmony, of JOY!
the context of this energy. Young meaning that it hasn't Regardless of what the body is experiencing at the moment
been running through the body very long. This is a good it is having this experience.
thing and allows us all a chance to learn from each other. Like the emotional palette the human consciousness
The people who are getting results are those who are doing draws from on a daily basis, this blending of amplified
the practice; making it a priority in their lives. The multi plat formed love also draws us into separate feelings
blessings from Kundalini are enormous and most go of the qualities of compassion and empathy, sympathy and
beyond words or what the physical and mental/emotional cheerfulness and intense personal joys that transcend any
bodies can hold or understand. mere societal or physical induced fleeting moments of
Telepathy, healing, psychokinesis, levitation, pleasure. So many different forms of love experienced at
communication with spirit, ascension, bliss, at oneness the same time.
with the creator; are all nice words and concepts, but they This is a taste of the heavenly fields, a home coming
go far beyond what a straight linear definition can offer. harvest of love for all creation. Good, bad, and the many
They are all double edged. The pursuit of these experiences layers of what we insert into those qualities do not exist
can become obsessive and addictive. So it is the wise one anymore as the world of life becomes an exquisite tapestry
who treads the path of peace and loving consideration of creative loving intention. It is a conscious thought that
without the attachment to phenomena. These gifts come extends into the deepest areas of our lives and allows us a
with the Kundalini anyway. Not immediately, but look into what we are outside of the little (i) - outside of our
eventually and sometimes immediately. ego.
What some of us have recently experienced as far as This is the joy that brings everyone back.
phenomena is just the tip of the iceberg. For some it is the This is the quality of love and completion that will cause
realization that there are other forms of consciousness that people to search and search and try and try to regain that
can have a direct and immediate impact on our physical special place of love and joy. For the rest of their lives they
existence. That there is the other existence! Filled with will search as so little of it can be had inside of a society
creatures and intention and experiences far and way based in a focus of different qualities of expression.
beyond what we will typically experience in our five sense Kundalini brings this joy.
society and yet is actually part of us as our heritage. The But the price one pays is the development of the body that
true landscape of the Kundalini experience is to walk that it becomes able to hold the intensity of this love for a much
landscape and this requires time and practice, intent and longer period then a brief moment. All of the expressions
action. This leads back to the practice. of the physical and the spiritual aspects of a soul and
Inner Joy (Safety Protocol) consciousness encased in flesh must change. They must
When you experience a situation in which you find yourself evolve. This evolution is modulated by the Kundalini.
in a very unfamiliar territory the first impulse is to go into The ego is used to controlling the expressions of the soul in
fear. I want you to begin to cultivate a memory of when you the body. Therefore it is this part of the person that must
have been joyous. Exuberantly joyous! I would have you completely surrender control of the body to the Kundalini.
practice this during the day when you experience Not to a Guru or a teacher or a statue or an animal or any
something frightening. Immediately supplant this material based form representing divinity. But to that
reaction with the inner joy, just the memory of it will divinity itself as it resides in you at this moment.
change your perception and therefore the energy of the The Kundalini in you. Blessings to all in your surrender
situation. Put a post it in your car on the dash if that's and evolution into these qualities.
where these events happen for you or at work somewhere. Trust (Safety Protocol)
Or on the refrigerator at home where you can remind Trust the process that is happening to you. Know and
yourself of this new reversal that you are incorporating. understand that the one is watching everything. Spirit is
You can write 'I.J.' on it just as a reminder. This is to begin a watching everything. You are safe in the arms of the
new form of acceptance of different mind states that will divinity as long as you practice the love and forgiveness
help you on the Kundalini path. that are part of what we teach. If you stray into areas of
Extended Article on Inner Joy negativity, willfully, and with malice afore thought, well,
When it happens it is beyond anything a person may have then that is what you will receive. In real time. So trust the
ever experienced in the body. Some astral traveling Kundalini. It has your best interests as part of its agenda or
experiences may approach this feeling but when it comes you would not have been allowed to activate or even to

The Kundalini Awakening Systems - Master Chrism Aug 2011
have known about this. activated Kundalini. Surrender will lead you into the
Extended Article on Trust - This is who we are awakened state. This is not the type of surrender one is
Kundalini has an agenda of creation within the body. This accustomed to hearing about or reading. This is not about
creation is for a substantial change in how the body can succumbing to an enemy or giving up. Surrender is the
process and hold a much higher dynamic of energy than release of the conscious mind in its control over and of the
what has been used for the limited five sense life of physical body. This can have its challenges. Kundalini is
physicality. energy with an agenda. Its job in the primary activated
It is a transformation. And from this transformation great state is to rewire ALL the subtle electrical networks within
work is begun. Not a finishing but a beginning. Once the the physical body to receive a higher and stronger form of
transformation has been approached then new and bio-spiritual etheric radiation. As the individual works
stronger currents of intelligent energetic components with their practice this is translated into an Ascendency
begin to 'run' on these new upgrades. They run and they Platform; whereby a person is given the options for divine
test these new areas of transformed physical expression. In service to others by use of exalted skills such as Levitation,
these areas a new feeling and a new interpretation of Telepathy, Healing, and the many other gifts of Divinity.
feeling from a tactile sense of the word is experienced. Surrender is the first path. This can be very intimate. The
These will demonstrate many of the extremes of the Kundalini will pick your foods; decide for you whether or
Kundalini energetic expression. not you will pray or meditate at a given time or at all and
Extreme cold will be experienced. Not for days and days control your sex life. It can be merciless and merciful
typically but for periods of time that allow for the energy to depending on your level of surrender. Most challenges of
run in these new areas. Extreme Cold is a signature of the the Kundalini can be met be a deeper and more loving
Shakti the divine feminine as she infuses a body bringing degree of surrender. The Kundalyn Energies know you
transformation as she pursues the divine agenda in the better than your conscious mind knows you so pay
body. Extreme heat is also experienced and is the signature attention and allow this divinity within you to change your
of the Shiva or the divine male. proclivities.
These dynamics are aspects of the creation that occur Extended article on Surrender
within the body of a person inside of a Kundalini This is one of the most important teachings of a sustained
Awakening. It is natural and not to be feared or resisted. activated Kundalini. Surrender will lead you into the
One merely allows this to occur and for a time it may be awakened state. This is not the type of surrender one is
uncomfortable. Not painful unless the person goes into accustomed to hearing about or reading. This is not about
fear or resistance or both. succumbing to an enemy or giving up. Surrender is the
Cracking of spinal pathways also occurs. An inside release of the conscious mind in its control over and of the
channeling of the spine can be felt as the conduit of the flow mental and the physical and emotional bodies. This can
is increased from the inside out. It cracks and pops and it have its challenges.
doesn't typically hurt. Pain is often put into the equation as Kundalini is energy with an agenda. Its job in the primary
a response to the strangeness of the sensation and the activated state is to rewire ALL the subtle electrical
surprise factor. It usually isn't a hurtful experience and networks within the physical body to receive a higher and
often is accompanied by tingles as the energy begins to stronger form of Divine Bio Plasmic Hyper Electric
flow in a more unrestricted manner through that area of Radiation (Kundalini). As the individual works with their
the body. practice this is translated into an Ascendancy Platform;
This is new and different and isn't going to match up to a whereby a person is given the options for divine service to
person's normal comfort zones. It will be uncomfortable at others by use of exalted skills. Surrender is the first path.
times and blissful at times as the full spectrum of
transformation is achieved and this is just for the initial © Chrism 2011
change of the physical instrument. It becomes much more The safeties protocols can be found at this URL:
exciting after that. http://www.kundaliniawakeningsystems1.com/the-
So be aware of your levels of surprise and fear and comfort. safeties.html
These qualities within you will be stretched and stretched
and turned and folded and tumbled and smoothed. All of Next month we will discuss the Safety Protocols of Prayers,
the wrinkles will be removed and this process will Alternate Breathing and Meditation.
demonstrate a willfulness that isn't yours and an agenda
that is far from your understanding. You must trust and Chrism is a native of California. He travels awakening the
have faith in what is happening. You must surrender and Kundalini in groups of people safely. Kundalini as
allow and be willing to experience different feelings and it expresses through Chrism is the teacher. A
sensations. Nothing is wrong. It is the dynamic of the
Kundalini Awakening that you are experiencing and it is seminar will be held in Minneapolis, MN (U.S.) in
natural and part of the plan of your DNA. SEPT 2011
This is who we are. Who and what we are capable of
becoming. So let it come and rejoice in its arrival and its www.KundaliniAwakeningSeminars.com.
attentions upon you! For a packet contact: ekundalini@gmail.com
Surrender (Safety Protocol)
This is one of the most important teachings of a sustained

Inspiration from Binah - Yvette Soler Aug 2011
Inspiration from Binah
Alone for so long, how do I make friends?
Charles asks: With social networks and innovative ways to meet people,
All of my life I have not had much luck in making and keeping now would be a good time to explore new ways to connect.
friends. I don't know why it is so difficult. I may have ADD or While friendships used to start in person, now there is an
Asperger's, although professionals who know me say that I entire online world to interact with. Groups and forums give
don't have these maladies. I'm 52 and I have no circle of you a common interest to start from. And if you find it hard to
friends with whom I can go out regularly or call on and not maintain verbal conversations in the beginning, you may find
much family left. I hate being alone so much. It has always typing short paragraphs or chatting easier because it gives
been hard for me to start conversations with people and keep you more time to think about your response. Once you have
going. Something isn't quite right but what is it? built up a rapport, you can create an opportunity for face-to-
face interaction.
Inspirations from Binah replies: Remember, you have all the power within you to become the
Friends come into our lives for a variety of reasons. You will person you want to be, you only have to access it. Be gentle
have people that enter quite suddenly and exit just as fast, with yourself and let the friendships grow organically.
disappearing once the lesson you needed was learned. Then Embrace every connection and express gratitude for what is
there are those that share a lifetime with you. With these types shared, whether it is for a moment, a season or a lifetime.
of friends, you experience continual closeness even through
periods of physical silence. Each relationship is unique and We all have moments in life when we are dealing with
valuable for your continual growth. problems we don't know how to solve. We read books, browse
through forums, take classes and talk to friends, but that just
A circle of friends is something that takes time to nurture. leads us to endless amounts of spiritual options without a
There are people that are able to create these bonds almost clear way to use them. In the end, we are more confused than
unconsciously, but for some of us it is more difficult. It ever, eventually calling out to the Universe for help!
requires a fair bit of thought, a little planning and a whole
bunch of love and acceptance. In these times where previously-hidden spiritual knowledge
is being revealed at a rapid pace, there is a need to learn how to
The secrets to maintaining healthy friendships are the same integrate these teachings into everyday life. My Higher Self
as with any other relationship: releasing expectations and guides me as I identify your issues from your question, cross
clear communication. But first, you must know what you want reference them against a database of correspondences, and
in a friend -- what are the characteristics you are looking to reveal the perfect match between question and Spiritual Tool.
share. Sit with a piece of paper and pen in front of you, close Yvette Soler, a leading spiritual teacher who will help you find
your eyes, call in your guides and guardians, and begin to spiritual solutions to the issues in your life. Please forward
write about friendship without thought. Let your feelings flow any questions you may have to
onto the paper, listing out traits, experiences to share, how binah@eternallightenergy.com. Additional questions,
you communicate, etc. Capture every nuance of what answers and podcasts can be found on the Inspirations from
friendship means to you. Binah website: www.inspirationsfrombinah.com

When you are done, take out another piece of paper. Read Yvette Soler is an international healer, teacher of Practical
through your first list, close your eyes and ask your guides Spirituality, and founder of Eternal Light Energy. Her
what lessons you need to learn in order to maintain a circle of background in the corporate world working for RealNetworks
friends based on your list. Once again, without thought, write and Microsoft, music engineering, event production, and the
everything that comes to you. This is the time to be completely arts, endows her with experiences common to all who are on a
honest and detailed with yourself, identifying areas you journey in the material world. What she accomplished in this
would like to transform or release. realm gives her insight into situations faced by those who
With your first two lists complete, there is one more left to do. come to her for both material and spiritual guidance.
Take out a third sheet of paper. Read through the first two
slowly, once again close your eyes and ask your guides what Yvette's spiritual experience similarly endows her with
tools you can use to meet new friends and learn the lessons knowledge of how to incorporate changes in one's situation
necessary to keep them. You may tap into yet to be discovered using Energy Work, Hermetic Magick, Sacred Geometry and
tools or ways to meet people, so shut down the inner censor Kabbalah. Yvette acquired her practical spirituality expertise
and write everything that comes to mind. through specific study. She began her formal training with
two mystery schools and then augmented her knowledge with
These three lists are the foundation for your new friend-filled the Theosophical Society, various Kabbalah teachers, and
life. Use them as points of meditation and inner extensive self-study. Yvette grows her toolbox daily through
contemplation, to research new tools, and for inspiration. her interactions with physical and spiritual beings in classes,
They are there to remind you of what you want, what you need meditation, astral travel and dream work. She provides tips
to overcome and how you can do it. Place them in a safe place and insights through classes, social media, videos, and
and refer to them often. When you feel that you have learned newsletters as well as a practical spirituality column called
the necessary lessons and are on your way to successful friend Inspirations from Binah. You can read more about her
building, burn them and release the ashes into nature. If you methodology at www.eternallightenergy.com.
feel there is new work to do, you can create a new set of lists,
always moving forward.

MUSIC AND MEDITATION - Dheeraj Bhoma Aug 2011
Often we listen to music and feel overwhelmed, why? inspired very much in my life.
Because of the rhythm, words, sound, tune and voice.
People ask me how to use music in meditation. Kishan Das:
He is an American but disciple of an Indian guru. His
I remember OSHO, when he talked about meditation and voice has tremendous effects. He generally sings with his
music that without music meditation feels like something orchestra, which uses few instruments like violin, tabla,
is missing. Actually, what I feel about music is that and harmonium. But even when he sings without these
everything in this world is musical. The words which we musical instruments, he generates tremendous effect on
speak to everyone during our conversation are also our soul. He sings mantra chants and normally his songs
musical. See when you are deep in love with someone; are for 7 to 10 minutes long. This is a good time to go in
you express your feelings with few words. Hence, your deep meditation. Every music there must be a certain
words just appear in a whispering manner. Not too loud voice quality which Das possesses.
and when you feel angry with someone then you express
your feelings with loud words even though the person is Chandrika Tondon:
sitting next to you. I came to know her singing several months back. She is
working in USA and singing is not her profession. But she
When we express our words through love it makes a sings for the divinity and not for money. She has been
difference because it feels like music to our ears and we given a special power and blessings to her voice which can
believe on these words just because of their love. Thus, be seen while listening to her.
words create much control in our life so as in our music.
Without words there can be music but without music I notice people listening to music but not in proper way.
there cannot be a word. People turn on their speakers and listen to loud music. I
think that's not a proper way because music which you
I divide music in three parts: 1.Words. 2. Rhythm. 3. like may be disturbing others and maybe others prefer
Sound. different sort of music to listen to? Its normal psychology
that the music which we like, we want others to know how
Let us talk about words, In India there are so many beautiful it is. What I have discovered is that we are all
mantras chanting with specific sound and rhythm. When different individuals in this world and we all have
we chant particular words or mantra with different different choices and interests and when we want others
rhythm and sound, it affects our life in different manner. to listen or behave like us, conflicts arises. So when I like
Like so many rhythm or SUR we have developed in our some music or something which I want to show others, I
Vedas. We can use different words in every SUR and the just tell them, if it helps their life they tell me about it.
effect will be different every time. Otherwise it's a just our duty to show the path to others,
because their path may be different and that may be more
When we use certain holy words there is a huge effect beautiful than us.
from these words on our inner soul. Because these words
have specific control power and strength to affects. I recommended listening to music all alone. If somebody
Ramcharitmanas written by Shree Tulsidas is also meant likes your choice than they will join you. I prefer using
for singing. This is not a written structure of certain earphones to listen because when we put earphones we
words to read. When these sentences sing by a certain are not able to hear other's voice and that's all we need to
notes they effects very deeply in our consciousness. go into deep meditation. While listening to music it sends
Singing or chanting in specific manner creates a rhythm us in deep meditation and deep sleep also. When we
in our inner sense. After chanting for a few minutes, our listen to music while lying on the bed then there must be
body gets overwhelmed and our consciousness gets 90% chance of falling asleep. Music is for awaking not for
deeper. After practicing of these for a few times we later sleeping. Hence do not lie down and listen to the music.
find that every cell of our body is chanting those mantras Prefer using carpet made from woolen to sit down. Sit on
or sounds in a musical harmony and the same music is a very thin woolen or cotton carpet to listen music and
flowing in our blood. We can see our body harmonized meditation.
with these words. At that time we can also see rains
without cloud in our inner sense. A 15th century saint Before doing meditation practice some Pranayam or
said these words 'Bin Ghan Parat Phuhar' meaning it's breathing exercises. That will generate blood flow
raining without clouds. I see that when I do meditation. through your body. That's a warm up exercises for
meditation. Your spinal cord should be straight not bent
Music is very soulful when it is made not just for listening down. There is an interesting condition, when you fall
but for the blessings. It is a real experience of the divine. It asleep while sitting on the floor then your neck rolls down
is everywhere! Some music have powerful words, some but when you develop your meditation your neck goes
have beautiful notes and certain beats. Some music upwards like you are watching the sky. As you emerge in
makes us so happy. Some music makes us cry. I am your meditation your neck and spinal cord gets
describing here some soulful singers from whom I am straighten and upwards focusing.

SPAIN - España - Compiled by Dhara Kothari Aug 2011

SPAIN - España
Kingdom of Spain is the official name of the country. The ago. Modern humans first arrived in Iberia, from the north
Spanish territory also includes the Balearic Islands in the on foot, about 32,000 years ago. The best known artifacts
Mediterranean, the Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean of these prehistoric human settlements are the famous
off the African coast, and two autonomous cities in North paintings in the Altamira cave of Cantabria in northern
Africa, Ceuta and Melilla, that border Morocco. Iberia, which were created about 15,000 BCE by Cro-
Furthermore, the town of Llívia is a Spanish exclave Magnons. Archaeological and genetic evidence strongly
situated inside French territory. Because of its location, the suggests that the Iberian Peninsula acted as one of several
territory of Spain was subject to many external influences major refugees from which northern Europe was
since prehistoric times and through to its dawn as a repopulated following the end of the last ice age.
country. Spain is a
d e m o c r a c y Mainland Spain is a
organized in the mountainous
f o r m o f a country, dominated
parliamentary by high plateaus and
government under mountain chains. The
a constitutional Meseta Central is a
monarchy. vast plateau in the
heart of peninsular
The first known Spain. There are
peoples of present- several major rivers
day Spain were the in Spain such as the
Celts and the Tagus, the Ebro, the
Iberians. After an Duero, the Guadiana
arduous conquest, and the Guadalquivir.
the Iberian Alluvial plains are
Peninsula became found along the coast,
a region of the the largest of which is
Roman Empire t h a t o f t h e
known as Hispania. Guadalquivir in
During the early Andalusia. Three
Middle Ages it main climatic zones
came under can be separated,
Germanic rule but according to
l a t e r w a s geographical
conquered by situation and
Muslim invaders. o r o g r a p h i c
Through a very long and fitful process, the Christian conditions: 1. The Mediterranean climate, characterized by
kingdoms in the north gradually rolled back Muslim rule, dry and warm summers. 2. The semiarid climate, located in
finally extinguishing its last remnant in Granada in 1492, the southeastern quarter of the country, especially in the
the same year Columbus reached the Americas. A global region of Murcia and in the Ebro valley. In contrast with
empire began which saw Spain become the strongest the Mediterranean climate, the dry season extends beyond
kingdom in Europe and the leading world power in the 16th the summer. 3. The oceanic climate, located in north
century and first half of the 17th century. Continued wars quarter of the country, especially in the region of Basque
and other problems eventually led to a diminished status. Country, Asturias, Cantabria and partly Galicia. In
The French invasion of Spain in the early 19th century led contrary to the Mediterranean climate, winter and
to chaos, triggering independence movements that tore summer temperatures are influenced by the ocean, and
apart most of the empire and left the country politically have no seasonal drought. 4. Apart from these main types,
unstable. In the 20th century it suffered a devastating civil other sub-types can be found, like the alpine climate in the
war and came under the rule of an authoritarian Pyrenees and Sierra Nevada, and a typical subtropical
government, leading to years of stagnation, but finishing in climate in the Canary Islands.
an impressive economic surge. Democracy was restored in
1978 in the form of a parliamentary constitutional Spain is composed of 17 autonomous communities and two
monarchy. In 1986, Spain joined the European Union, autonomous cities with varying degrees of autonomy
experiencing a cultural renaissance and steady economic thanks to its Constitution, which nevertheless explicitly
growth. states the indivisible unity of the Spanish nation as well as
that Spain has today no official religion but all are free to
Archaeological research at Atapuerca indicates the Iberian practice and believe as they wish. The Spanish nation is
Peninsula was populated by hominids 1.2 million years organizationally composed in the form of called Estado de

SPAIN - España - Compiled by Dhara Kothari Aug 2011

las Autonomías (State of Autonomies); it is one of the most shopping. It may

decentralized countries in Europe, along with Switzerland, not take you 400
Germany and Belgium. For example, all Autonomous years (the time it
Communities have their own elected parliaments, has been Spain's
governments, public administrations, budgets, and capital) to see all
resources; therefore, health and education systems among that Madrid has to
others are managed regionally, besides, the Basque Country offer, but be
and Navarre also manage their own public finances based prepared to spend
on fuero provisions. In Catalonia and the Basque Country, a some time here.
full- fledged autonomous police corps replaces some of the
State police functions. Barcelona
Spain is considered an exotic country in Europe due to its Barcelona is an
friendly inhabitants, relaxed lifestyle, its cuisine, vibrant ancient city, born of
nightlife, beaches, and world-famous folklore and the Roman Empire.
festivities. Despite all this Spain is also a good place to relax, But like many great
detox and experience peace and tranquility. It is a perfect cities around the
place for spiritual travelers who besides enjoying the world, it flowered in
country can also spend time looking at the ancient lands, the late Middle
experiencing the geography, learning something new, Ages and blossomed in the mid-19th century. Yet there
eating healthy food, the climate and visiting the islands. are many exciting elements of the modern period there,
as well. These periods are all evident in this
Places to visit northeastern Spanish city on the Mediterranean Sea
coast. The late 19th-early 20th century is alive and well
Madrid in this artistic city, too, thanks to Antonio Gaudi and his
patrons. Park Guell and the Sagrada Familia are two
Spain's vibrant capital! Center of power of a monarchy that notable examples, but there are many others. The Arc
for centuries ruled half the world, it is now one of the major de Triomf, built for the 1888 Universal Exhibition, is an
tourist spots of Europe. Once ground zero of the Spanish outstanding example. Barcelona's most famous
Inquisition it is now best known for its zestful nightclubs, thoroughfare is a tourist attraction in itself. The street
performers are there all day, every day and for a few
cents will do their little party trick for you. One of two
mountains in Barcelona (the other being Tibidabo),
Montjuic has a wealth of sights for those who don't
mind a bit of a climb.


Seville is one of the jewels of Spain, with architecture,

museums, food and shopping that make it a must-see
holiday destination. Seville is in the Spanish region of
Andalucia, which also includes the coastal resorts of
Costa del Sol and Costa Almeria. Seville, or Sevilla in
Spanish, is one of the most popular destinations in
Spain. Seville is the spiritual home of both flamenco and
bullfighting and it has some of the most beautiful
gardens and buildings in all of Spain. Seville itself is set
outstanding shopping centers and life-celebrating art. But inland, although the coastal areas are within easy reach.
there's much more to see and do than stroll around art It has its own airport, which is a 45 minute drive from
museums. For a lovely walk in Madrid's warm sunshine, the city. Make sure you see the Casa de Pilatos, built by
you'll want to visit the Parque del Buen Retiro. Besides the the first Marquis de Tarifa in the early sixteenth
lovely grounds there are lakes, sculpture and the Crystal century. It is one of the finest palaces in Seville and now
Palace to see and enjoy. Don't miss seeing the Palacio Real, also houses a courtyard and park, at the end of which
the Royal Palace, either. Long the home of Spain's are mansions that have been turned into museums. For
monarchs, it still contains the throne room, the Royal a real taste of Seville, spend some time in the Barrio
Armory and the Royal Pharmacy. You can stand in some of Santa Cruz, one of the most picturesque parts of the city,
its 2,800 rooms and imagine what it must have been like to full of narrow lanes and surprising squares;
rule half the world from there. That's easy to do when you whitewashed houses and excellent tapas bars. Tapas
see El Cid's sword or the hundreds of jewels, porcelain vases are thought to have been invented in Seville, and it's
and other objects on display. But leave some time for certainly the way that most locals choose to eat. Seville

SPAIN - España - Compiled by Dhara Kothari Aug 2011
is a busy city with lots of narrow roads, and it is a brave dry plains in the south. What can you do here? Lots! Visit
person who attempts to drive or park in the main areas. the numerous museums, monuments, tourist spots; Walk
Note that it gets very hot in the summer avoid Seville in through the seven streets of the Casco Viejo; walk along the
July and August unless you can stand temperatures of river and walk through Doña Casilda Iturrizar Park,
50ºC. admiring the ponds and gardens, next to the Fine Arts
Museum. You can also visit resort cities like Santander and
Granada San Sebastian.

Granada is home to two of Spain's most famous Unesco Cadiz

World Heritage Sites: the gardens of the Generalife and
the exquisite Moorish architecture of the Alhambra A historian's delight, Cadiz is perhaps, the oldest city in
Palace. In Granada, you will take a guided walking tour of Spain as well as in southwestern Europe. It was founded by
Spain's most stunning monument of Moorish culture, Phoenician sailors about 3.000 years ago, as a commercial
the breathtakingly beautiful Alhambra Palace and stronghold. Few know that the Romans occupied this city
Generalife Gardens, framed by the stunning backdrop of prior to defeat at the hands of the Visigoths. Archeological
t he Sie rra N e vad a remains can be found
Mountains. Sharing all around the old town.
their wealth of This city was also an
knowledge about the important trading
h i s t o r y a n d center for the
architecture of the site, Carthaginians. Apart
your guide will help you from history lovers,
delve beneath the visitors also visit this
beautiful architecture city for its beautiful
and design to learn the coastline. Home to the
history behind two of University of Cadiz, it is
the most visited also the main port of
attractions in the the Spanish navy. It is
world. also famous for its
historical landmarks.
Córdoba Do not miss Carnival in
Cadiz, one of the oldest
Very few places in the and best in Spain, often
world can boast of cited as the third
having been the capital biggest Carnival
of a Roman province (Hispania Ulterior), the capital of celebration in the world; usually held in February. In
an Arab State (Al-Andalus, a highly civilized state in ancient days, Cadiz had approximately 160 watchtowers
Southern Europe) and a Caliphate. Such splendor is that local merchants used for looking out at sea for arriving
palpable in the intellectual wealth of this center of merchant ships. Only a few of them have survived the
wisdom and knowledge. The historic quarter of Cordoba ravages of time including the Tavira Tower. Tourists
is a beautiful network of small streets, alleys, squares and visiting this place should check out the cámara oscura. This
whitewashed courtyards. Cordoba is also synonymous room uses the pinhole camera's principles merged together
with art, culture and leisure, thanks to a myriad of with a convex lens to project panoramic glimpses of the old
cultural events that are organized here throughout the city.
year: Flamenco festivals, concerts, ballet and other
activities. Alcazar de los Reyes Cristianos, a fortress built Valencia
by and for the conquerors. Today, that war is an item in
history books that won't intrude on the peaceful Valencian is a charming old city and the capital of the Old
atmosphere created by the numerous gardens and Kingdom of Valencia province of Spain that is well worth a
fountains in the interior. Watermills on the nearby visit. It is the third Spanish city in terms of importance and
Guadalquivir River supply the water that irrigates the population. It is famous all over the world for its Las Fallas
plants. festival that takes place in March every year and for the
massive architectural project by Santiago Calatrava called
Bilbao The City of Arts and Sciences. Las Fallas festival, in which
local areas build big papier maché models. They are mostly
The city is situated on the banks of the Nervión, a tidal of a satirical nature and can be as tall as a few stories. Fallas
river. The climate in Bilbao is milder than in most other are constructed of smaller figures called ninots, Valencian
parts of the peninsula, rarely falling below freezing in for dolls. The fallas take a whole year of planning and
winter, or rising above 35ºC in summer. There is also construction to complete. Each neighborhood has a falla.
more rain, which is a mixed blessing. The green hills of Another feature of Fallas is the fireworks. It's like the city's a
Bilbao are a welcome relief after an extended stay in the war zone for a week! They wake you up early in the morning

SPAIN - España - Compiled by Dhara Kothari Aug 2011

and shopping streets, is one of the most well-known towns

along the Costa Blanca. Known for its miles of sandy
beaches, Alicante is a starting point for thousands of
tourists every year. Famous for its excellent weather, the
city invites you to take a trip along the coast or to the
wonderful island of Tabarca. Along the Alicante harbor you
find beautiful long alleys for nice relaxing walks, enjoying
the palm trees and the mild climate. With many historical
buildings around the entire city, Alicante offers countless
sightseeing attractions, from cathedrals to churches and of
course a wonderful harbor area. Additional to sightseeing,
direct from the harbor area, a long wide sandy beach leads
its way up to San Juan. Just drop your towel on the sand
and enjoy a wonderful day in the sun.

Costa Blanca
and go on through the day. Every day, there are three The Costa Blanca, with its wonderful beaches attracts
fireworks events, la despertà, la mascletà, and el Castillo. millions of tourists every year. In the north the Costa
If you can't be in Valencia at the time of the festival, you Blanca starts with Denia and Javea two wonderful towns at
can at least get an idea of what it's all about by visiting one the bottom of a mountain. In the south the Costa Blanca
or both the following museums: Museo Fallero or Museo goes down to Guardamar and Torrevieja. With such
de Artistas Falleros. You can also see Museo Nacional de wonderful cities like the Elche, the palm tree capital of the
Ceramica Gonzalez Marti: Housed in a palace built in the world. There are many attractions alongside the Costa
15th century, and refurbished in the 1740, the National Blanca, some of them specially for tourists like the
Ceramics Museum Gonzalez Marti boasts of an exquisite entertainment park Terra Mitica at Benidorm or the bays
alabaster entrance. Check out its awesome collection of of Altea and Calpe. Others are smaller towns and villages
ceramic tiles and its 19th century rooms. like Villa joyosa just south of Benidorm, famous for its old
town and its chocolate. The biggest beauty of the Costa
Valencia has mild winters and dry and warm summers Blanca comes from the seaside villages and towns. Its
make it a favorite amongst tourists, especially during beaches along with its tiny villages give the Costa Blanca its
winter. The hot spring is located 90km north of Valencia unique attraction.
in a region known for its mountains, deep gorges and
scenic nature. The crystalline waters of the lagoon bubble Toledo
up from the earth at a temperature of 25ºc all year round.
This place well known by the locals is still undiscovered by Famous for its 1,000-year-old Alcázar fort and for its huge
most travellers. There are several city beaches, and three collection of fine arts, Toledo, a small city that was once the
major beaches outside of Valencia. Spanish capital, lies 70 kilometers southwest of Madrid.
Do not forget to include this city in your itinerary if you are
Zaragoza interested in ancient architecture or if you have a penchant
for the fine arts. Little wonder that, this city, bestowed with
Zaragoza is a warm and inviting city strategically located the title of a national monument. The twisted streets and
between Madrid, Barcelona, Bilbao, Valencia and architecture are the first things that will catch the attention
Toulouse. In peoples' haste to see the big cities, this gem is
often passed without as much as a second look. The city
welcomes visitors with its rich culture, shopping, eating
and sightseeing. Its more than 2000 years of history
makes the city one of the greatest historical and
artistically legacies in Spain. It is situated in Aragon, one
of the previous kingdoms of Spain. Zaragoza has a
Continental Mediterranean climate, very dry, with cold
winters and hot summers. The best time to visit Zaragoza
is during spring (April to mid-June) and autumn (Sept-
Oct). The major city festival is El Pilar that takes place
every year the week of the 12th of October, with lots of
concerts, performances and street animations.


Alicante, and it's wonderful boulevard with palm trees

SPAIN - España - Compiled by Dhara Kothari Aug 2011

of visitors to Toledo. The Alcazar: Founded in 1085, this

fort that has been demolished and restored a couple of
times and is now a military museum was previously the
royal residence of Carlos I. In the past, this fort served as a
prison as well as an army school. With more than 100
monuments, the historic center of this city is regarded as
one of the biggest in Spain.


Ibiza or Eivissa (the official name) is one of the Balearic

Islands. Amazing beaches, unyielding sunshine, untamed
nightlife, and superb foods, Ibiza Spain is certainly not
like a number of other holiday resorts. Ibiza is in fact an
existing, living city with an appealing old district, raided
each summer by a cosmopolitan vigor of pleasure-seeking cosmopolitan view of Mallorca. Half of the island's
sun seekers. Locally, the setting is callous, parched, and population lives here so it comes as no surprise that
rocky, however, the beachside, bars, discos, and clubs, sophisticated bars and classy shops sit easily alongside
makes sure that the city in no way stops its vivacity. Ibiza ancient streets and the astounding Gothic Cathedral. It
also known as the 'white island' because of its pays to spend some time exploring the city whether it's
predominant white house's belongs to the Balearic taking in the amazing view from the waterfront, wandering
in and out of the tiny shops in the old Arab Quarter, or
taking in the sights from a traditional pony and trap.
Further afield, Mallorca boasts a range of interesting
towns, secluded bays, and mountain walks that reward
with perfect views. Majorca holidays are as popular as ever
because of the many great resorts offering unforgettable

There are number of other cities and towns that you can
visit like: 1. San Sebastian - sits pretty on the southern coast
of the Bay of Biscay and to the north of the Basque Country.
Its picturesque sun-kissed beaches allure tourists from all
parts of the world, with its lively, friendly people, and its
pretty scenery. The city is also famous worldwide for
hosting major music and film festivals, along with its
universally acclaimed cuisine. Check out its heart-
throbbing ski races. 2. Malaga - Founded by the
Islands. This international island, its setting, the type of Phoenicians, Malaga, situated 370 kilometers to the south
weather, the leisure offered, and its eye-catching natural of Alicante, is the second largest city of Andalusia. Apart for
surrounding draws numerous travelers year round. Its its architecture, it is also famous for its gastronomical
great popularity began with hippies during the sixties delights and for its nightlife. It is the best bet for those who
making the city famous globally, although today there are love fiestas and have an attraction for folklore. Lovers of
just a few hippie community left on the island, the impact sports, especially golf. Costa de sol is a beach where tourists
they made has remained. Formentera - neighboring town from all over the world visit Malaga, just to see this beach.
is a tranquil and un-spoilt island set in some of the This city is also the birthplace of the famous artist, Pablo
cleanest, most turquoise waters of the Mediterranean, Picasso. 3. The Costa Brava (Rugged Coast) is in Catalonia,
and uses a beautiful boat ride to get there. in the northeast of Spain. It has rocky cliffs and a mix of
pebble beaches and sandy beaches. 4. The Costa del Sol
Mallorca (literally sun coast) is a long stretch of Mediterranean
coastline in the Andalucia region of southern Spain. 5.
One of the ever-popular Balearic Islands, Mallorca is the Gran Canaria is the third largest island in the Canary
perfect location for a quiet romantic holiday or full-on Islands. It's often described as a continent in miniature
family fun. Mallorca is the middle, and largest, of a set of because it has so much variety to offer. 6. La Rioja is a wine-
islands set in the Mediterranean off the east cost of Spain. making region of Spain. 7. The Sierra Nevada is a mountain
It has a varied terrain, which means that although the range in Andalucia in the south east of Spain. They are the
majority of visitors come for the coast and beaches, there country's tallest mountains, rising to over 10,000 ft. 8.
is a growing interest in the island's fertile plains and Tenerife is the largest of the Canary Islands and is a great
mountainous regions. Visit Palma for a really place to travel. Tenerife is probably one of the last

SPAIN - España - Compiled by Dhara Kothari Aug 2011

European paradise isles. It offers lush forests, exotic fauna 3. Air conditioning is a must in the hot Spanish summer
and flora, deserts, mountains, volcanoes, incredibly months. Nevertheless you should make sure to take water
beautiful coastlines and spectacular beaches. 9. Buñol is a with you at all times.
city in a mountainous area of Valencia province. The La
Tomatina festival is held every year on the last Wednesday 4. Most taxi drivers do not speak English or any other
of August. Upwards of 40,000 people descend on the foreign languages, so it would be necessary to have the
town for a massive tomato fight that literally stains the names and/or addresses of your destinations written in
entire town red. Buñol is also famous for its two music Spanish to show your taxi driver. Likewise, get your hotel's
wind ensembles; they are the most important wind business card to show your taxi driver in case you get lost.
ensembles in the province of València. 10. Ronda-
Famous pueblo blanco, built atop a deep ravine. Said to be 5. In addition to the native languages, English and French
where bullfighting was invented. are commonly studied in school. While younger Spaniards
have studied English in school, due to a lack of practice and
Visas exposure, proficiency is generally poor, and most people
will not know more than a few basic words. If you are lost,
Spain is a member of the European Union and the your best bet would generally be young urban people. To
Schengen Agreement, which governs its visa policies. improve your chances of being understood, stick to simple
However, do check words and avoid
with the Spanish long sentences. That
consulate in your being said, major
country before landing hotels and popular
in Spain. tourist destinations
usually have staff
Things to know members who speak
an acceptable level
1. Spain isn't a good of English, and
c o u n t r y f o r particularly in
h i t c h h i k i n g . popular beach
Sometimes you can resorts.
wait many hours. Try
to speak with people at 6. Spain has Euro as
gas stations, parking its currency and do
lots etc. They are not expect anybody
scared and suspicious, to accept other types
but when you show of currency, or to be
them that they willing to exchange
shouldn't be afraid, c u r r e n c y .
they gladly accept you Exceptions are
and mostly also show s h o p s a n d
their generosity. In the restaurants at
South of Spain, in and around the Alpujarras, hitchhiking airports. These will generally accept at least US Dollars at a
is very common and it is also very easy to get a ride. As long slightly worse exchange rate. If you wish to exchange
as you can speak a bit of Spanish and don't look too dirty or money, you can do so at any bank, where you can also cash
frightening, you should be able to get a ride moderately in your traveller's cheques. Credit cards are well accepted.
easily. Most ATMs will allow you to withdraw money with your
credit card, but you'll need to know your card's PIN for that.
2. If you plan to move around large cities or explore Most Spanish stores will ask for ID before accepting your
further afield you will find many companies that offer car credit card. Some stores may not accept a foreign driving
hire at affordable prices because of the high competition license or ID card and you will need to show your passport.
between car rental agencies, consider renting a car with
GPS navigation, it will be even easier to drive than having 7. Most businesses (including most shops, but not
an automobile map. Consider having full-coverage restaurants) close in the afternoons around 13:30/14:00
insurance instead of franchise: other drivers are not and reopen for the evening around 16:30/17:00.
always careful parking near other cars, especially when Exceptions are large malls or major chain stores. For most
parking space on a street is limited. If you break down Spaniards, lunch is the main meal of the day and you will
while on holiday you will want a car hire company that find bars and restaurants open during this time. On
gives you the free roadside assistance of trained Saturdays, businesses often do not reopen in the evening
mechanics. Cars often overheat in Spain while the tires are and almost everywhere is closed on Sundays. The
vulnerable on the hot roads. exception is the month of December, where most shops in
Madrid and Barcelona will be open as per on weekdays on

SPAIN - España - Compiled by Dhara Kothari Aug 2011

10. Pharmaceuticals are not sold at supermarkets, they're

sold at 'farmacias' (pharmacies), identified with a green
cross or a Hygeia's cup. Nearly every city and town has at
least one 24 hour pharmacy.

11. Spaniards are keen to maintain physical contact while

talking, such as putting a hand on your shoulder, patting
your back, etc. These should be taken as signs of friendship
done among relatives, close friends and colleagues.

12. While Spaniards may not always be the most punctual

people in the world, you should never arrive late to
appointments; this will seem very bad to most people.

13. If you are staying at a Spaniard's home, bring shoes to

wear inside such as slippers. Walking around barefoot in
Sundays to cash in on the festive season. Also, many
the house is viewed as unsanitary and also an easy way to
public offices and banks do not reopen in the evenings
catch a cold.
even on weekdays, so if you have any important business
to take care of, be sure to check hours of operation.
14. During lunch or dinner, Spaniards do not begin eating
until everyone is seated and ready to eat. Likewise, they do
8. No service charges are included in the bill. A little extra
not leave the table until everyone is finished eating. Table
tip is common and you are free to increase that if you are
manners are otherwise standard and informal, although
very pleased. Obviously you don't have to tip a lousy
this also depends on the place you are eating. When the bill
waiter. You would typically leave the small change after
comes, it is common to pay equally, regardless of the
paying with a note. VAT is-not-included is a common trick
amount or price each has consumed, with the exception of
for mid-range and splurge restaurants: always check in
Catalonia, where everyone takes care of their own order.
menu whether VAT (8%, IVA in Spanish) is included in
menu prices. There are many types of tourist
15. When Spaniards receive a gift or are offered a drink or a
accommodation, ranging from hotels, pensions and
meal, they usually refuse for a bit, so as not to seem greedy.
rented villas, to camping and even monasteries. '7% VAT
Remember to offer more than once (on the third try it must
is not included is a common trick for mid-range
be fairly clear if they will accept it or not). On the other
guesthouses and hotels: always check the small print
hand, if you are interested in the offer, politely smile and
when you choose your place to stay. VAT is IVA in Spanish.
decline it, saying that you don't want to be a nuisance, etc.
but relent and accept when they insist.
9. Before paying the bill in bars and restaurants, always
check the bill and carefully scrutinize it. Some staff will
16. To call home cheap you may opt to buy prepaid calling
often attempt to squeeze a few extra euros out of
cards which are widely available in newspapers or grocery
unsuspecting tourists by charging for things they didn´t
stores around the city. Simply ask for a "tarjeta telefonica".
eat (bread for example - if you didn´t eat it, you can´t be
charged for it) or drink, or simply overcharging. This is
true in both touristy and non-touristy areas. If you feel
you´ve been overcharged, bring it their attention and/or
ask to see a menu. It is also sometimes written (in English
only) at the bottom of a bill that a tip is not included -
remember that tipping is optional in Spain.

Legend of the Nomad - By Alex Mero Aug 2011

Legend of the Nomad

Chapter 5 Natural Harmony
Accordance - Union - Memory - Alertness
Accordance “Do you think the text is good?” Sophie asked.
“It is a beautifully prepared text, but it doesn't
Nathan flew to the other end of the African reflect who you are or your works of art.”
continent. The next morning, he arrived in Cape “Nathan, you know me like no other, would you
Town, where Sophie was waiting for him at the edit the text for me?”
airport. He had been looking forward to seeing her “Are you sure?”
again, and once he saw her standing in the arrival Sophie nodded.
hall, he remembered just how beautiful she was. Nathan took a pen and crossed out the full text.
They rushed to hug each other. Nathan told her she Then he wrote down one single sentence and gave
looked radiant. They were both very emotional the page back to Sophie, who looked completely
during their encounter. They walked to the rental baffled.
car and drove to the flat where Sophie was staying. “What are you doing?” She asked.
The flat was located in the mountains and had a “Why don't you read it out loud?” Nathan said.
large terrace with comfortable sofas and a low “All that should be understood in my artwork
bamboo table. Nathan sat down and admired the cannot be confined to words.”
wonderful view of the ocean. Behind him was the “You only have to add the usual acknowledgments
famous Tafelberg with its top shrouded in the to it.”
clouds in a clear blue sky. Sophie brought cool “Nothing more than that?”
drinks and touched her head to Nathan. “Do you like giving speeches?”
“Nathan, I am very grateful to you for making me “No, not at all!”
see that I could only be happy if I developed my “There's a reason! You always have to restrict the
inherent abilities.” unpleasant to the bare minimum. Your works
“Yes, this applies to each of us.” radiate your magic; the guests want to be
“That not only encouraged me to completely enchanted. That's the reason they are here and
devote myself to my artwork, but it also enabled me with this sentence you will demand their utmost
to better understand your departure.” attention.”
“And it's because of your artwork that we meet each Sophie read the sentence again and felt all the
other again today…” stress drain from her.
“And at the other end of the world! It's “The only thing you have to do tomorrow,” Nathan
unbelievable!” said, “before starting, is to look briefly at all the
“Do you have photos of your previous works?” people present and to speak every word slowly and
Sophie got up and went to get her catalogue. clearly.”
Nathan went through its pages and immediately
recognized the black and white symbolic forms She looked at Nathan, smiled and hugged him
that characterized Sophie's style. strongly. The rest of the day Nathan and Sophie
“Do you still make them as big?” He asked. explored a couple of beautiful coastal areas to the
“Even bigger than in the past. Seven works will be south of Cape Town. They stopped when they
displayed and the smallest of them is two meters arrived at a small beach and spent most of the time
high.” in the water. Sophie was the first to get out and sat
“I am curious to see your works in person.” down exhausted on the beach. Nathan followed her
“The exhibition starts tomorrow evening. I have later. He went to a small beach bar to get
been asked to give a speech and I am already sandwiches. While they were enjoying their snack,
nervous.” Sophie told him about the last couple of months.
“You don't like to do that, huh?” She had really become successful; it seemed as if all
“No, but it's all part of it.” doors were being opened to her. Nathan listened
“Have you already prepared your text?” attentively. Naturally, Sophie was very curious
Sophie brought a couple of pages of English text. about his experiences.
Nathan read rapidly through them. “What happened to you over the past few months?”

Legend of the Nomad - By Alex Mero Aug 2011

Nathan thought of the best way to express his “When negative feelings, such as loneliness, fear or
experiences in Spain and Morocco. What was most anger are no longer flowing easily through us. We
relevant to Sophie and how could he explain this are then mainly inspired by positive feelings.”
simply. “Negative feelings don't seem to have much
“I met interesting and exciting people who have influence on you.”
taught me to gather knowledge from the world of Nathan knew what Sophie meant. He had always
higher awareness.” been aware of his "inner power" and trusted it
“What did you discover in the world of higher above everything. Since the start of his journey he
awareness?” had become more aware of how special this power
“I have seen how feelings flow through us and was.
partially determine our intentions, our choices and
our actions.” Nathan and Sophie left the next day for the
“Don't we determine our actions ourselves?” exhibition's opening ceremony. The sculptures
“We shouldn't underestimate the role of our were set up in a large hall. They were covered with
feelings.” large gray cloths and would only be displayed after
“When I am working on my sculptures, I am Sophie's speech. The press was also present and
completely vulnerable. For me, my feelings are a Sophie was asked several questions.
source of energy.” Nathan left her on her own and started a
“Everything in us is made up of energy, including conversation with the gallery manager. When he
our feelings.” returned he saw how nervous Sophie was.
“Really, our feelings are energy?” “Look at all these people who have come here for
“You can see feelings as energy waves that influence your artwork. Just be yourself and your fear will be
our own inner energy. They influence our replaced by a feeling of satisfaction.”
intentions and our actions.” Nathan saw Sophie looking around fearfully and
Sophie let the meaning of Nathan's words move understood that his words had not helped. So he
through her. took her in his arms and whispered in her ear.
“The most remarkable thing I have seen is that all “Sophie, just let a feeling of pride stand by your side
energy forms, ourselves included, come from one and your words will ensure that the attention of all
whole. We are all connected to the universal the people present will be fully focused on your
energy.” works. The enchantment of the sculptures will do
“Connected to the universal energy? I have heard the rest!”
artist friends talk about the same experience. What Sophie's facial expression changed as she heard
is that exactly?” Nathan's words that gave her confidence. She
“It is an intimate feeling that really every living understood that people's attention would not be
thing is created from one and the same source.” focused on her, not even on her words, but mainly
Nathan took his time in retrieving his experiences. on her works. Just at that moment Sophie was
“It was only later that I started thinking about this called to the stage. Nathan gave her one last word of
experience, but at that time it was as if I was no advice.
longer experiencing a psychic activity. Everything “After you have welcomed everyone, look at the
happened naturally, I did not ask myself any guests in the back, see all the sculptures one by one
questions, and needed no explanation… deep in your mind and then speak.”
within I just knew!”
“Did this experience change you?” While Sophie stepped forward confidently Nathan
“Now I am more aware of the fact that everyone is asked a few people present to stand by the cloth-
connected with the greater whole.” covered sculptures. Now, at every sculpture was
“If each one of us forms part of one whole, what is one person ready to unveil one of the works of art
our individual role?” when given a sign. As Sophie finished the speech,
“Within this connectivity all have the free will to the gallery manager turned off the lights and
move nearer or to distance themselves from the switched on the floodlights. All the cloths were
source.” pulled down simultaneously. The works of art were
“How do we know when we are getting closer to the beautifully lit and made a great impression. It
source?” seemed as if they radiated magic. All the guests,

Legend of the Nomad - By Alex Mero Aug 2011

with no exception, looked at them as if enchanted. Sophie and Nathan stood by the exit to say goodbye
Meanwhile Sophie had reached Nathan. to the departing guests. Sophie's works of art had
“You are a magician.” made a huge impression. Now Sophie could fully
“No, Sophie, your artwork is magical.” enjoy all the congratulations. It was late by the time
Several people came towards Sophie wanting to Sophie and Nathan drove back to their flat. Sophie
know more about the deeper meaning of her was relieved that her commitments had been
artwork. Nathan left her on her own and went to fulfilled. Now she would be able to enjoy Nathan's
admire the sculptures. They were amazing symbolic company for two weeks in a country that
manifestations of universal themes. When Nathan increasingly impressed her.
arrived at the last sculpture someone tapped him on
his shoulder. He turned and saw an older man with The next day Nathan and Sophie left for a ten-day
a dark skin. The man was tall and slender and had trip. They visited the beautiful white beaches of Port
gray hair and a gray beard. He wore a colorful tailor- Elizabeth. Then they stayed in the port city of
made suit and spoke to Nathan in English. Durban, where they saw an intertwined mix of
“I am Doctor Songo, pleased to meet you.” cultures. Afterwards they drove through the
“My name is Nathan and I am also pleased to meet backwoods to Pretoria and Johannesburg. On the
you.” road they visited a natural park with a wealth of
“You have done beautiful work!” fauna and flora they had never seen before. In
“It's my girlfriend who deserves your Johannesburg they strolled through its modern
compliments.” center. They followed this with a trip to the
Songo glanced at the works of art. townships, where they saw for themselves the
“Her competence is brilliantly expressed here, but poignant poverty. In this city the great differences
your talent is of another category.” between poor and rich were the most visible.
“What talent are you referring to?”
At that moment Sophie joined them. She was happy Nathan and Sophie discussed all the highlights of
to escape the bustle, even for a short while. Songo their tour on their return trip to Cape Town. They
introduced himself. had seen many sights and were impressed by their
“I am Doctor Songo, pleased to meet you. Your work adventure in a country full of diversity with its
shows that you have great creativity.” amazing natural beauty. When they arrived in Cape
“Thank you,” Sophie said. Town, Sophie was feeling nauseous and had an
Songo addressed Nathan again. intense stomach ache. Nathan decided to go to a
“The talent I was talking about is your capacity to pharmacy, but there they were advised to go to a
inspire.” doctor. They were given a list of available doctors.
“My capacity to inspire?” When they were reviewing the list their eye fell on
“It was very special to see how you managed to fill Doctor Songo's name. This could not be a
the silence and knew how to go towards the climax coincidence. When Nathan called up Doctor Songo,
at the right moment, isn't that right, Miss?” he was asked to describe the symptoms. After
“You are right about his involvement,” Sophie listening to these, Doctor Songo told them he would
laughed. make time to visit them in their flat that evening.
“That's because noticing is my talent!”
Songo expressed himself in a very special way but, Union
notwithstanding his remarkable choice of words,
Nathan understood perfectly what he was talking Songo rang the doorbell after dinner. He examined
about. Sophie, took her temperature and asked her what
“I have to go now, Songo said, it was a real pleasure she had eaten over the past few days. Sophie
for me and I wish you much success.” summed up what she could still remember.
While Songo wandered away, Sophie remarked in a “Do you think it's serious?” She asked.
lightly amused way. “Don't worry; these symptoms are caused by a small
“It seems tonight it's not only my talent that is being imbalance.”
contemplated!” Nathan and Sophie recognized Songo´s
“Doctor Songo is actually a very unusual person.” remarkable use of language.
When the exhibition opening was about to close, “It comes at a bad moment, because tomorrow I am

Legend of the Nomad - By Alex Mero Aug 2011

returning to France.” Songo understood that Nathan was sincerely

Songo paused in his examination of Sophie for a interested. He sat down, imitating Nathan's
moment. posture, and when he spoke his hands also copied
“Are there any good moments to get sick?” He asked Nathan's movements.
Sophie. “I accept a level of power, infinitely much greater
With this remark, he got Sophie to smile. Songo than seems possible to many. Because that power is
asked Nathan to warm some water and opened his so great, sometimes it is even called supernatural,
bag. It was a large bag; one compartment was filled but I consider it to be a natural harmony available to
with different kinds of herbs. Songo took out two any individual.”
long leaves and gave them to Nathan. Nathan “People with a modern outlook on life are skeptical
remembered that the Rom healer had also had of natural harmony,” Nathan said. “They see the
these kinds of herbs with her, when she had cured world as a chaotic muddle.”
the shepherd's wife. “People with a modern outlook on life usually
“When the water is boiling,” Songo said, “You can experience nature far less consciously and distance
put the leaves in the pot.” themselves from perfect harmony. They develop a
“They look like a weed.” Sophie said. blind faith in technology and tend to think that this
“Weed is a name given by people to plants when gives them a better grip on the future.”
they do not fully know their usefulness,” Songo This conversation made it clear to Nathan that
answered. Songo could teach him a lot. Not only had Nathan
Sophie still had her doubts. noticed his wise tone, but Nathan found this man's
“Don't you have any other medicines?” She asked. character increasingly compelling.
“Nothing that is more effective in returning your “Tomorrow Sophie will leave for France. I will
equilibrium.” remain here for a while longer, because I want to
The boiling water had now turned into an herbal find out more about this fascinating country. And I
tea. Nathan brought the pan and put it on a small would also like to continue our conversation.”
table. “Here is my address, just drop by when it's
“What are these leaves for?” He asked Songo. convenient for you.”
“Herbs are curative plants, they remove the Songo took his leave.
poison.” Later that night Nathan and Sophie discussed their
“Poison?” Sophie reacted. plans.
“We eat food that's actually foreign to our bodies,” “I am co-manager of a large-scale art project with
Songo said. “Therefore food has to be completely children,” Sophie said. “It's in collaboration with
transformed by digestion; otherwise it would the city of Marseille.”
remain poison to us.” “That seems a beautiful initiative for you to be
“Is that why every food is experienced as a burden?” involved in,” Nathan said, “that's really something
Sophie asked. that is suited to you.”
“Indeed, some more than others, until they are “Do you have any idea when we'll see each other
conquered by the digestive force.” again?”
Songo made Sophie drink the hot herbal tea “No, I only know that I am already looking forward
carefully and gave her enough herbs for the next few to that day.” Sophie remained silent.
days. Nathan became increasingly fascinated by the “We have had an amazing time here.”
old man. He seemed to have extensive knowledge. “And we have more memories.”
“How did you find out about all this?”
“Partially old traditions,” Songo said, “And partially Sophie was feeling better the next day. Songo's
experience. I believe in nature's power and always herbal tea appeared to be a curative. While she was
try to ensure its harmony.” preparing her luggage, Nathan went to extend the
“What does that mean exactly?” Nathan asked. rental lease on the flat and the car. In the afternoon
“You will find out by observing me,” Songo said. Nathan took Sophie to the airport where, once
“You only have to see how I treat others in order to again, it was an emotional farewell. One day later,
understand how consciously I experience nature!” Nathan was on his way to the beautiful coast north
“What do you mean by consciously experiencing of Cape Town. He needed time both above and
nature?” Nathan insisted. under water to consider his journey. More than

Legend of the Nomad - By Alex Mero Aug 2011

before he was now convinced that he was in the “Look Nathan, the discernible consciousness is very
right place to continue his learning process and limited. The largest part of our knowledge is located
decided to see if he could spend some time with in our subconscious. So you can actually learn to tap
Songo. The next morning he called Songo and they into your subconscious.”
made an appointment. Songo lived in a mansion on “How can you do this?”
a beautiful property. The people who worked there “You must break through the nets of distrust. As
lived in smaller houses on that same property. A you did by taking over my unusual style of talking.”
sumptuous lunch had been prepared; especially the Nathan had indeed just done that. Meanwhile
bredies, a typical stew, that met with Nathan's Nathan had become familiar with Songo's use of
approval. language, but also with his unusual metaphors. He
During the meal he explained his intentions. knew that by doing this Songo wanted to focus
“If I could stay with you and help you with your daily attention on the message. For this he had to listen
activities… would my presence be useful to you?” attentively, ask the right questions, but mainly use
“I would have to inquire about your motive?” Songo his imagination.
said. “What is the role of the nets of distrust?”
“I have two. First, I could use this time to thank you “They prevent information from getting through to
for Sophie's recovery. She called and said she is in the subconscious.”
top form.” “Can you always break through the nets of
“I'm glad to hear that she's feeling better.” distrust?”
“And second, I would like to accompany you to “I start by analyzing the body language of the people
learn as much as I can from your fountain of I am conversing with. I observe small things and
knowledge.” imitate them when I am in their presence.”
“Either of these motives alone would already have “You imitate them?”
been enough!” “Usually, what people see has more impact than the
messages they are told.”
In the following weeks Nathan became familiar For Nathan this was a confirmation of the power of
with Songo's daily life. Together they visited many images.
people who needed Songo's services. Nathan saw “People then sense me as if I belong with them,”
how Songo had acquired a reputation and was Songo continued. “Many people think that if you
known all over the country. One free afternoon exhibit the same behavior this means you also had
Nathan and Songo drove to Chapman's Peak, the same education and the same problems.”
outside Cape Town where there was an amazing
coastline. Songo and Nathan sat down on a rock and These lessons were very valuable to Nathan. This
enjoyed the view. Nathan had something to discuss helped him to better understand the influence of
that had made him curious. Together they had images in communication. Nathan felt comfortable
visited people from different origins and beliefs. in Songo's presence and he was also beginning to
Still, they all had something in common, which was feel more at home in South Africa. He was
an immense trust in Songo. Apparently Songo particularly impressed by the overpowering
managed to be accepted by everyone. environment and natural fauna and flora.
“Why is there such a lack of understanding between Sometime later, Songo and Nathan traveled to the
people of different origins?” townships of Johannesburg. Songo had been
“Because people focus more on the differences and visiting certain districts for years and knew many
less on what they have in common.” people there. For Nathan this would be his second
These words reminded Nathan of one of Adnan's visit. Just as he had on his first visit with Sophie, he
expressions. was strongly affected by the poverty and living
“Then, how come you are understood everywhere?” conditions he saw there.
He asked. “How many South African children live in poverty?”
“To achieve this, you have to keep patience at your He asked Songo.
side and learn how to offer trust.” “You won't get any wiser from a number,” Songo
Nathan began to adopt Songo's style of speaking. answered.
“How are you accepted by people who live Songo said nothing more and Nathan did not insist.
differently and how can you offer trust?” They kept walking until Songo approached a boy

Legend of the Nomad - By Alex Mero Aug 2011

wearing shorts and a torn T-shirt. He was skin and “This is one story of just two children, but it
bone and apparently had not been able to wash for a enlightens you more than knowing the number of
long time. He smiled shyly when he saw that Songo children living in poverty.”
wanted to talk to him. Songo spoke in the local Nathan understood the wise lesson he had just
Xhosa language. received and sank back into his thoughts.
“What's your name?” “Humans lack humanity!”
“My name is Moyo,” the boy said. Songo realized how deeply Nathan had been
“This is the first time I've seen you here.” affected.
“We arrived here last week and we sleep there.” “Apparently, we humans are not yet able to live how
Moyo pointed towards some large concrete pipes, we want to live, in peace, harmony and love. We are
where young children were hanging about in the only creatures on earth that extinguish
groups. Songo translated the conversation. Nathan themselves.”
reacted astonished. “So much is needed to help them all,” Nathan
“Do you live there?” He asked Moyo, while he reacted.
pointed at the concrete pipes. Songo stopped and looked at Nathan.
“Yes, with my little brother,” Moyo answered. “A little love can work miracles.”
“With whom did you come here?” Songo asked.
“Only me and my little brother,” Moyo said. The next day, Nathan and Songo took a trip to a
Songo translated and again Nathan was astonished. spectacular canyon. Once there, they found a
“Where are your parents?” He asked. viewing point, named God's window. From there
“We've been living alone for a year now,” Moyo they had an amazing view of the giant crater.
replied. Nathan was still in turmoil about what he had seen
“How old are you?” Songo asked. the previous day. Songo was aware of this, and used
“Nine years,” Moyo said. this day to let him relax and have the opportunity to
Nathan felt a sincere pity and squatted so he was at process everything. Precisely for this reason Songo
the same level as the child. had chosen this wonderful location.
“And your brother, how old is he?” Nathan “It is important,” he said to Nathan, “that after the
inquired. many moving images you have seen yesterday, that
“My little brother is six-years old,” Moyo said. you can replenish your feelings today with beautiful
Nathan spoke to Songo. images.”
“Shouldn't we help them?” “Many people do not realize how lucky they are that
Songo looked at Nathan, but did not answer. After a they do not have to live like those children. I have
short pause Songo continued to speak with the boy. always asked myself the same question: so much
“Do you need something now?” misery, so much pain, so much sadness, why?”
At first Moyo hesitated, but then he asked for a Songo put his hand on Nathan's shoulder.
favor. “For each one of us, who is touched by the misery of
“Do you know the other children living in the another, and lets their behavior be influenced by it,
concrete pipes?” this misery becomes meaningful.”
“I know a couple of them, why?” Nathan remembered these words were similar to
“Some of them are bothering us.” those Simon had spoken during the floods in
“I will talk to them, so that they know that you and Bangladesh.
your brother are Songo's friends.” “How can I give any meaning to this misery?”
Songo kissed Moyo on his forehead, after which “The pain of another person makes it possible for us
Nathan did the same and wished him luck. They to develop humility, courage, generosity and love.
continued walking. These are necessary characteristics to change
“You see Nathan,” Songo said, “that boy not only ourselves and to change life around us.”
takes care of himself but also takes care of his little “To change life around us!” These last words kept
brother. This means that he, being only nine years ringing in Nathan's thoughts.
old, is taking on the role of a mother and father all “Are pain, misery and even death really necessary
by himself.” for this?”
Songo let Nathan think about this and then “Life is not only an alliance between the livings, but
continued. between living, the deceased and those who are yet

Legend of the Nomad - By Alex Mero Aug 2011

to be born. Death helps us to become aware of our “Today is a new beginning!”

existence. Were we to live forever, then we would After these words Songo turned and left. Nathan
not be able to experience our existence.” felt great compassion for the widow and hugged
This was a new perspective on death for Nathan. her. Nathan was always touched deeply when
“We will now let death rest a while and get back to it someone died, while Songo seemed to deal with it
later. For the time being, remember that you should more easily.
only try to change what you can change and that you “Shouldn't we have said more to her?” Nathan
have to learn to accept the rest, but you must learn asked afterwards.
to distinguish between both!” “The more words you use, the less they mean,”
Again Nathan recognized that wise tone of voice Songo replied.
and gained confidence in Songo´s words. Both men Nathan knew that Songo had an unusual view of
then took a long stroll through the canyon. death. The last time they had talked about it, Songo
had only touched on the subject. Nathan thought
Memory this was an appropriate moment to talk about death
“We have already met different foreign doctors,” “According to you, what happens when our lives
Nathan said. “I ask myself every time what is the here are finished?”
force that impels them to leave their prosperous life Songo looked attentively at Nathan and saw
and to come to work in such woeful conditions?” through him to all the questions in his mind.
“Usually they want to make better use of their “The importance of these questions requires that
knowledge and in exchange they gain a greater we take time to discuss this subject.”
capacity for empathy,” Songo answered. Songo pointed at some large trees at the top of a hill.
“Don't modern doctors have enough sympathy?” “Let's sit down underneath those trees; the shade
“Many doctors, educated in modern medicine, will keep us cool. What you are going to hear now
know how to think very well, but usually not how to are the beliefs of an old man, who has based his
feel!” findings on a life dedicated to the extension of the
“What are they missing?” current existence and therefore on the
“The awareness that healing someone also helps to postponement of what comes after.”
expand his or her consciousness.” “That makes my interest in your ideas even
“How?” greater.”
Songo kept silent for a moment to give more “You can divide people in need of healing into three
strength to his words. groups. For the first group time has not yet decided
“Healing helps someone to get closer to their core. to send them death; to heal them knowledge and
In some instances we can even help someone to experience are sufficient.”
remember who they really are.” “Time?”
“Do you mean that in this way they are helped to “It is time who decides when death can dance.”
find their true life destination?” “Can death dance?”
Songo looked admiringly at Nathan and kept quiet. “Indeed, that's what he does when he's allowed to
Songo was impressed by Nathan's capacity to make get near someone.”
the right connections. “Dancing? But it is not a joyful occasion.”
“You couldn't have said it better.” “That is true for the survivors, but for the deceased
it means deliverance.”
A couple of weeks later Songo was approached by a Nathan understood that Songo had again chosen an
known doctor from the city Bloemfontein. An unusual symbolism to make his views of
epidemic had broken out in a tribe. The sickness complicated issues understandable.
was considered very dangerous and several people “What about the second group?”
had already died. Songo and Nathan decided to stay “The second group cannot be saved any longer for
and offer their help. During that short period, this existence, because time has decided that this is
Nathan saw a great number of people die. Shortly so.”
thereafter another man died in the presence of his “Again it is time that decides.”
wife and children, Songo got up and said to the “Time has that responsibility! That's why you can
widow: only act with humility, as with that man just now.

Legend of the Nomad
Book Review - By
- Gayatri Alex Mero
Pagdi Aug2011
March 2011

You must never lose sight of the thought that time talked to Songo about this.
knows more than you.” “Is pain a detriment to humanity?”
“Now I'm starting to understand a little more why “Pain is indeed necessary to our personal
the arrival of death is more easily accepted by you.” development, it teaches us to distinguish between
Songo nodded affirmatively and remained silent. different feelings.”
“You also spoke about a third group?” Nathan “So we have to suffer?”
asked. “You were talking about pain, not about suffering.”
Songo still said nothing and kept staring into the This statement startled Nathan.
distance. By observing Songo, Nathan knew that he “Is pain not the same as suffering?”
had to concentrate on what would follow. “Pain is a guide pointing to a lack of harmony, a lack
“It is by guiding those who are in the third group, of balance seeking recovery.”
that I have gathered the necessary wisdom to fully “And what is suffering then?”
utilize my capacity.” “Suffering is a brain condition that originates from
“Did you find your true life destination thanks to the emotional need to escape pain. If we really
them?” understood the nature of pain, there would be no
Songo nodded, thereby confirming to Nathan that suffering.”
he would be revealing his true mission. This was news to Nathan. And this statement would
“When the willpower is strong enough, time can be become clearer in the coming months. Nathan
convinced to be patient.” would come to know several emotional and physical
“Can you explain that?” symptoms of sickness and see how Songo usually
“In very special cases time can call death back!” succeeded in helping patients. Meanwhile, Nathan
“When does time make such an exception?” had become an experienced assistant and, on
“When time sees that the person, through this several occasions, had been able to heal
experience, can complete their true mission.” independently. In this way, he learned to see how
Nathan understood to what Songo had dedicated there was always a positive and negative side to
his whole way of being. He understood the skills everything. In particular, he learned to distinguish
Songo had developed, and how Songo consciously between things he could not influence and the
experienced nature. Now, Nathan was curious things that he could change. What impressed him
about what these experiences could teach him. most was the will power of some patients. Many of
“Do people change because of these experiences?” them referred to a higher power that helped them to
“They return to us with a great feeling of keep holding on when there were setbacks and
responsibility in order to develop their unused obstacles.
“Do they talk about what they experienced when In one of his talks with Songo he discussed this
death came to them?” subject.
“Each one describes it differently, but all talk about “It is amazing what people can do when they have
a country of bright luster in which they felt great will power!”
welcomed.” “Not only has consciousness, but especially higher
“What do you notice in these people, after such an awareness has had greatly influenced the quality
experience?” and the brightness of our existence. Will power can
“Many drastically change their lives afterwards. make one aware of what is hiding outside of
They consider their experience to be a spiritual consciousness.”
rebirth. They are able to recognize the natural Nathan had learned from Songo to make a
harmony and have stronger feelings of unity with distinction between the conscious and the
others and to the universe.” subconscious. He had not yet discussed higher
awareness with Songo and he wanted to know his
During the following days the team of doctors opinion.
worked strenuously. They managed to bring the “What does higher awareness mean to you?”
epidemic completely under control. Calm returned. Songo looked at Nathan and replied seriously.
Nathan now experienced death in a different way, “My ancestors have taught me that higher
but still had questions about the enormous awareness brightens the darkness and brings
suffering. On their last evening in Bloemfontein he shadows to life. Higher awareness is that of which

Legend of the Nomad
Book Review - By
- Gayatri Alex Mero
Pagdi Aug2011
March 2011

we are not yet aware, but can access through “How can we distinguish between internal wisdom
insights and dreams.” and external wisdom?”
“How does higher awareness influence our “By letting ourselves be accompanied by the
healing?” insights of our intuitive capacity. These insights are
“Through the instinctive wisdom of our body that tuned into our true life destination.”
guides the processes and energies within “Do our logical thought processes have any
ourselves.” knowledge of this?”
“When you give meditation exercises, is this so “Internal wisdom gives us insight into the extent of
people can learn to understand these processes higher awareness.”
better?” “Is the power of higher awareness inside us?”
“If we are seriously ill, then it is necessary to become “Indeed, we all have access to a mysterious store of
familiar with the world of higher awareness. Thus wisdom. Each of us can let this information flow
we can see which elements are disturbing our through us. The only thing that we must do is pay
natural harmony and we are able to influence attention.”
them.” “In Morocco, a friend told me that the better one
“How can we influence these elements?” gets to know silence, the more insights of internal
“Thanks to our will power!” wisdom can be observed.”
“Our will power enables us to suffer less?” Songo showed interest and asked Nathan to tell him
“You are probably referring to our talk on the about his experiences in Morocco. Nathan told him
difference between pain and suffering?” about his adventures, beginning with his arrival in
“At that time I understood that pain is a physical Tangier until his departure from Casablanca.
phenomenon linked to our nervous system, but that
suffering is a feeling based on the meaning we give Alertness
to the pain.”
“That's completely right. Well, our will power helps Songo had listened attentively. His was interest had
us to interpret that feeling of pain correctly.” been caught by what had happened during
“Whether we suffer or not depends on our will Nathan's stay in the desert.
power?” “Then you became acquainted with higher
“Now you are able to understand that our awareness. This world is not hiding in the desert,
happiness, as a whole, is fully dependent on our will but inside of us. Your friends used an old technique
power.” to help you to discover the power, the magic and the
mystery inside you.”
Nathan increasingly understood the great Songo waited and then said.
importance of Songo's messages. Weeks went by “However, always be alert for people who only
and Nathan further understood how people in appear to guide you towards your inner power. Not
Africa allow themselves be guided by their feelings everyone will have the same sincere intentions as
to make decisions and less by their intellect. It made your friends in Morocco.”
him think. He and Songo had talked frequently There was an invitation for Songo to attend a large
about this. Songo thought that a perfect balance so-called spiritual convention. He took Nathan with
should be found between our logic, which he called him and wanted to confront Nathan with the
external wisdom, and our intuitive capacity, which dangers of indoctrination and mass belief. The
he called internal wisdom. convention was located out of Cape Town, where
On a beautiful evening they were sitting in the large events were usually held. Thousands of people
garden and Songo clarified his statement. had gathered that day in front of a large podium
“We have to go through life feeling as well as where speakers, categorized by Songo as skillful
thinking.” magicians, would be speaking.
“Is it not dangerous to allow ourselves to be led too While waiting for the first speaker, Nathan and
much by our feelings?” Songo talked with several people in the crowd. The
“We must be certain that our feelings are one-sided perception of life held by all he spoke
determined by us, and not others, since only the with amazed Nathan. It was midday when the first
wisdom from within can give us our true speaker spoke. Four others would follow him.
directives.” Nathan and Songo listened attentively to the

Legend of the Nomad
Book Review - By
- Gayatri Alex Mero
Pagdi Aug2011
March 2011

lectures. Nathan was primarily interested in the snacks and they spent some time talking. Songo
effect of their words on the public. When the last knew Nathan's thoughts about their last
speaker had finished, it took time before Nathan conversation and continued:
and Songo could extricate themselves from the “I saw that you were pondering the consequences of
crowd. They did not hurry and used the opportunity such indoctrination, if done on a greater scale.”
to inquire about the findings from the other people “I fear that when people are no longer free to think
present. Because of the less than rational assertions individually, a critical way of thinking will become
Nathan had heard, he became aware of the dangers impossible.”
Songo had warned about. When they arrived at “What do you think the result will be?”
their car, Nathan's attention was caught by a Nathan recognized his father's methods working in
colorful poster with photos of musical groups from Songo's question. This approach had enabled him
different parts of the world. The poster announced a to use his thinking capacity to the fullest to discover
festival of world music, taking place within a week. important truths. This also indicated that what
Songo looked at it with interest and said it looked Songo wanted to tell him was very important.
like a promising event. Nathan was immediately Nathan thought about it and then said.
enthusiastic and looked forward to going to the “That these people are no longer able to think
festival. independently about what is good for them. They
behave based their lives on what others expect from
On their way home, Nathan and Songo discussed them and account for their behavior based on
their findings about the convention. rehearsed arguments.”
“What did you think of the lectures?” Songo asked. “Nathan,” Songo said in a very serious tone of voice,
“I felt like a witness to a burglary of individual “what you bring up here is the basis of the lack of
thinking.” harmony on earth!”
Songo appreciated Nathan's way with words and A silence followed, after which Songo spoke in a
smiled. softer tone.
“Did you also recognize the method used?” “What kind of feeling does this bring up in you,”
“The speakers could conquer the emotions of their Nathan?
listeners by the way in which they announced their “A feeling of injustice for all the victims and for the
statements. It seemed more like collective victims they make in their turn.”
hypnosis!” “Do you feel anything else?”
“Indeed, their purpose is to overcome fear and joy “The feeling I always have when I come up against
in their followers. They know these feelings will be injustice. The will to prevent this injustice!”
strengthened by the large number of people Songo laid his hand on Nathan's arm and again
present.” spoke seriously. Nathan looked at Songo and felt
There was a short silence. Nathan became aware of that a very personal message would follow.
the danger Songo was protecting him from. At the “You can only go against the main current if you let
same time, there was something worrying him. He yourself be accompanied by courage. Courage has
realized that all humanity was not being protected resistance, hope, and an immortal trust in a good
from this. outcome!”
“All those we spoke with,” Nathan said, “subject Songo's words had the same effect on Nathan as
themselves without question to what is taught to when he had heard Sanah's words. His power of
them.” creation manifested itself to make it clear to him
“What do you remember from our talks within the how important was this message.
masses?” “I did not show it, but from our first meeting I was
“For them it seems that spiritual life mainly consists aware that you are exceptional!”
of fulfilling imposed obligations. The behavior of Nathan thought about this.
most of the followers is comparable to that of “Did you come to meet me at that time?”
herded animals. They follow their leader and do “Sophie's sculptures were what led me to you. When
what the herd does.” I noticed you, I recognized your inner being.”
Nathan and Songo arrived home. Even though it Songo was still holding Nathan's arm and his words
was late at night, they were both in good spirits and penetrated deep within; Nathan let Songo's words
sat down in the garden. Songo got some drinks and sink through to him.

Legend of the Nomad
Book Review - By
- Gayatri Alex Mero
Pagdi Aug2011
March 2011

“My inner being, my exceptionality?” Nathan then harmoniously with each other. The fact that the
asked, “Can you tell me more?” presented dance styles of Latin America had their
Songo hesitated at first and then continued. origin in Africa was beautifully expressed to the
“Your core is the symbol of purity and great joy of the public.
receptiveness. Because of this you will always feel
the urge to free people who cross your path.” Later that day Nathan went to one of the food
A silence fell, after which Songo let go of Nathan's stands. He was in line waiting his turn and noticed
arm. that the two girls just behind him formed part of
Numerous thoughts swirled in Nathan's head. He that same dance group that had impressed him. He
tried to remember all the conversations he had ever noticed that they came from Cuba, because of their
had with those who had noticed his exceptionality. Spanish accent. He used this opportunity to
Songo gave Nathan space to think. congratulate them on their performance. The girls
“You just spoke about a good outcome,” Nathan thanked him, but they emphasized that the
continued. “What did you mean exactly?” management was in the hands of an Argentinean
Songo took his time in formulating a proper choreographer and that she merited the greatest
response. praise. When it was Nathan's turn, he ordered his
“From a very young age you knew that everything meal and went looking for a place to sit down. The
forms part of a greater whole. After that you learned two girls followed him and invited him to join them
that everything within this whole is made up of at their table. He accepted the invitation and
energies. In the meantime, you understood better followed them. He was introduced to a couple of
how these energies interrelated. The next part of other dancers from the group and to Catalina, the
your journey will give you insight into what choreographer. Nathan congratulated the group
constitutes the connective tissue of this whole!” and sat down in front of Catalina. She was around
Nathan thought about this. forty years old and had the beautiful, toned body of
“Do you mean the power keeping everything a dancer.
together?” She looked intensely at Nathan; his appearance
“During your future journey always be receptive, apparently did not remain without effect.
willing and accessible and whatever needs to be “You speak Spanish fluently,” she said. “Where are
clarified will be.” you from?”
“Why hasn't it become completely clear to me yet?” “My father comes from Spain and I have been there
“I only have one more piece of advice for you. frequently myself.”
Embrace patience, tolerate ignorance and you will “I heard that you enjoyed the show. I am very proud
experience brightness!” of the boys and girls; they worked long and hard.”
This conversation with Songo had been the most “You can be proud of yourself. I think it was
intense by far since Nathan had come to know the fantastic, the way in which you brought the
wise man. He knew that Songo had completed his different styles into one harmonious whole.”
task. Thanks to him, Nathan had obtained a much “Thank you…”
broader view of his life purpose. He had received Catalina, who seemed to be a bit confused, excused
the necessary lessons and could now continue herself and left the table.
onwards. “I'll be right back!”
One of the male dancers now spoke up.
A week later Nathan visited the world music “Catalina is a formidable choreographer, but more
festival. It was an amazing day. The program than that, she's also a fantastic human being. She
included musical groups from all continents. The has that special capacity to bring out the best in
public sang and danced along happily. Everyone someone.”
was in the best of humor. In the evening a Latin After him a female dancer remarked:
American dance group performed. It was an “During our rehearsals Catalina always emphasizes
assorted mix of Brazilian and Caribbean dancers. that we must form our movements from what we
Nathan, himself a fan of dancing, could appreciate feel within ourselves and, in this way, we will be able
the value of this performance and admired the to discover the immeasurable wealth within us.”
rehearsed choreography. It was an enormous Another dancer added:
performance to make the different styles intertwine “Her words give us so much energy and self-

Legend of the Nomad
Book Review - By
- Gayatri Alex Mero
Pagdi Aug2011
March 2011

confidence!” her invitation?”

The male dancer spoke again: Songo took note of Nathan's enthusiasm and knew
“In Mexico we only practiced a couple of weeks, but that an answer was not required of him.
each day we made great progress.” “If a decision has already been made deep within
“In Mexico?” Nathan asked. yourself, it's up to time to choose the moment when
“Catalina's dance school is in Mexico City. We all you will make this decision known.”
had the opportunity to practice with her.”
“Unfortunately our fairy tale is coming to an end.” Nathan had become so used to Songo's unusual
Another dancer added. sentence construction that he immediately
“We all learned so much from this experience, both understood what Songo meant. The next day,
on a professional and personal level. In a short time Nathan went to the hotel where Catalina and the
my life has really changed.” dancers were staying and told them of his decision.
Nathan sensed how the dancers looked up to Nathan and Songo said goodbye to each other at the
Catalina and how sorry they were that their Cape Town Airport some time before the New Year.
adventure would soon end. She had become a sort Nathan thanked Songo and promised to keep in
of a mother figure to them. He understood that they touch. It would be a long trip with many stops in
had experienced a wondrous time. In a couple of between.
weeks Catalina had succeeded in creating a tight
bond between herself and the dancers. Now
Catalina had returned and sat down again. Nathan
noticed that Catalina was concerned about
something and he wanted to bring her out of her
“Catalina, I hear nothing but praise and
appreciation for your work. The joy all of you are
experiencing just bounces off of you.”
Just as the others Catalina was very emotional
because the fairy tale was coming to an end.
“They are all sweethearts,” she said, “We will never
forget this!”
“No, we will never forget this!” All the dancers
Catalina asked Nathan the reason for his presence
in South Africa. He told her about his journey and
all the members of the group listened attentively.
After the meal, Catalina invited him to stay with
them during the festival. The performances would
continue throughout the night. Meanwhile, Nathan
and Catalina got to know each other better. Both
showed a clear interest in the other. When they
parted at the end of the festival, Catalina invited www.alexmeroblog.com
Nathan to come to Mexico.
“The secret roads of passion cannot be lacking on
your journey!”
Nathan wrote down her information and promised
to think about it. Once at home, Nathan told Songo
about his day.
“What do you think?” He asked Songo, curious to
know his opinion.
“Everything that is revealed to you carries life with
it, Nathan.”
“Do you think I would be acting right in accepting

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