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Natural treatment for Jaundice

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The patient should rest till acute symptoms subside. Include fruit juice in daily diet for few weeks. Administer hot water enema daily. And follow the below mentioned diet after the severity of the disease is over On rising - A glass of warm water with 2 teaspoon of lime juice. Breakfast - One juicy fruit like apple, papaya, mango, grapes or berries and 1 slice of whole wheat bread. Mid morning - orange juice Lunch - 2 slices of whole wheat bread, a cup of strained vegetable soup, a steamed leafy vegetable and a glass of buttermilk. Mid afternoon - coconut water or orange juice. Dinner - whole wheat bread, baked potato, steamed vegetable and a glass of hot milk with honey. Butter, oils and cream should be avoided for at least 2 weeks. Fresh juice from radish leaves is a valuable remedy. Leaves should be pounded and strained. One pound of this juice provides immediate relief to an adult. Water Treatment - Drink lots of water with lemon juice to protect damaged liver cells. Hot and cold compresses should be applied alternately to the abdomen. Cold friction twice a day is beneficial. A hot immersion bath for 10 minutes at 104 degree Fahrenheit daily eliminates bile pigment through skin and kidneys. Yoga also is equally beneficial.

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