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Assumptions of Organizational Development

A set of values, assumptions and beliefs is characteristics of OD, distinguishing OD from other improvement/change strategies.

The field of OD rests on a foundation of values and assumptions about people and organizations. These beliefs help to define what OD is and guides its implementation.

A belief that is regarded as valuable and correct, that they are taken for granted and very rarely questioned or examined.

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Intellectual climate prevalent then, the initial enthusiasm for scientific management; bureaucracy and authoritarian leadership, gave way to increasing doubts about the organizational practices as theory and research pointed out heir limitations, dysfunctions and negative consequences. Organization development practitioners formulated a set values and assumptions regarding people, groups, and organizations. eg. Humanistic, Optimistic, Democratic.

Early Statements of OD values and Assumptions

Values are an integral part of OD. In 1969, Warren Bennis proposes the OD practitioners (change agent) share a set of normative goals based on their Humanistic/Democratcic philosphy. He tested the following normative goals:

Improvement in interpersonal competence.

A shft in values, so that human factors and feelings come to be considered legitimate.

Development of more effective Team Management i.e. capacity for functional groups to work more competently.

Development of increased understanding between and within working groups in order to reduce tension.

Development of better methods of conflict resolution. Rather than the usual bureacratic methods, which rely mainly on suppression, compromise and unprincipled power more rational and open method of conflict resolution are sought.

Development of organic rather than mechanical/mechanistic system. This is a strong reaction against the idea of organs as mechanisms which managers work on like purchasing buttons.

The basic value underlying all OD theory and practice is that of CHOICE. Through focused attention, and through collection and feedback and relevant data to relevant people, more choices become available and hence better decisions are made.

1. The basic building blocks of an organization are groups (teams). Therefore, the basic units of change are groups, not individuals.

2. An always relevant change goal is the reduction of inappropriate competition between parts of the organization and the development of a more collaborative condition.

3. Decision making in a healthy organization is located where the information sources are, rather than in a particular role or level of hierarchy.

4. Organizations, subunits of organizations, and individuals continuously manage their affairs against goals. Controls are interim measurements, not the basis of managerial strategy.

5. One goal of a healthy organization is to develop generally open communication, mutual trust, and confidence between and across levels.

6. People support what they help create. People affected by a change must be allowed active participation and a sense of ownership in the planning and conduct of the change.

Assumptions of OD
Assumption about people as individuals: Most people have drive for personal growth and development. Most people are capable of making higher level of contribution to organizational goals.

Assumption about people in Groups and about Leadership The most psychologically relevant reference group for most people is the work group. Most people wish to be accepted with at least one small reference group.

Group members must assist each other with effective leadership and member behavior. Suppressed feeling and attitudes adversely affect the problem solving, personal growth and job satisfaction.

Level of interpersonal trust, support and cooperation is much lower in most groups and organizations than is either desirable or necessary. Solutions to most attitudinal and motivational problems in organizations is transactional.

Assumption about people in Organizational Systems The interplay of dynamics of work team has a powerful impact on the attitudes and behavior of people Win-lose conflict strategies are not optional in the long run to the solution of most organizational problems. WIN-WIN Situation is essential.

Managerial Grid

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