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Chapter 9 What You Absolutely Need To Know What were Jim Crow laws and how did they

did they impact African Americans in the SOUTH? Did Jim Crow laws exist in the NORTH? What was the purpose of the Federal Trade Commission? What is a trust? How did Woodrow Wilson feel about trusts? Describe a monopoly in your own words. Most considered the Northern Securities Company a monopoly why? Do you agree or disagree with this statement: Teddy Roosevelt backed efforts to save the nations forests by preventing short-sighted lumbering companies from over cutting. SUPPORT your answer with evidence from the book. What happened to large trusts during Roosevelts presidency? Explain the crazy situation that led to Woodrow Wilson winning the Election of 1912. How did President McKinley die? Who were the Rough Riders? Why did trusts often lower prices? What was their initial goal and their longterm goal for doing so? Did the Northern Securities Company violate Sherman Antitrust Laws? WHY OR WHY NOT? Why was Teddy Roosevelt considered the first Modern President? What did Booker T. Washington want African Americans to do? What do you think of this idea? What was the main goal of the Federal Trade Commission? Who was Leon Czolgosz? Who founded the Bull Moose Party?

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