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Self employment & earning opportunities in small savings HBN Group

Our company provides Self-employment opportunities to large number of educated as well as un-educated. unemployed or under employed youth as its field force. Career with HBN offers a very bright future to the ambitious and commited Field Workers. This Career gives you an opportunity to deal with various kinds of people and dealing with the people is the most rewarding talent in Human beings. In this Career your success depends on your performance. The main features of he Career with HBN are as under : FEATURES OF CAREER WITH HBN1. Complete Freedom : By way of this Career you can achieve Complete Freedom in your life. Complete Freedom consists of, (i) Finance Freedom : HBN career provides enough Financial strength to the people so that they can become financially free. 2.For honest and hard working People Sky is the limit to earn. 3.This is an equal opportunity to become un-equal in life. Irrespective of your education background, language, age, location, you can build up your career with HBN. 4.The Income you will be getting in this career is going to come from Hundred various Sources. 5. NonDestructive : To build a career with HBN, you do not have to invest Money in Training, Education etc. Without investing any money you can start building up your career with HBN. If you are in India & really need a part time or full time career growth income job you can join with us, Good commision,Yearly Promotions, Yearly incentives, Yearly Bonous, C.M/D Awards every year & even pension benefits in this career for further assisance to join contact me You can also view our company profile at our company website

The main aim & advantage of the self employment opportunity in our HBN schemes is to uplift all human beings at different levels to the one Platform ie (The Heigher Economic Platform) What is this Freelance Job actually? This Freelance job is just really to inculcate the habit of smallsavings amoung our friends, relatives, general public & educating the need of savings to them for their future needs . Our company HBN DAIRIES & ALLIED LTD was incorporated in the year 1998 , and thereafter it has become a registered company (Regd.No.55-97690) under

the Govt of India 1956 company act and it also got ISO 9001 : 2000 certification. Our company as per the norms of RBI launched various joint venturer schemes to mobilise RD & FD funds from the general public in the way of policies for a stipulated small time period of 70 months, and at the time of maturity period the company repays back the sum assured in the respective Bonds to the policy holders who have joined here as a joint venturer. Every policy holders will be paid back with much higher interest rates as per mentioned in the tabular chart by the company if the joint venturer has fully paid his renewals in time. Moreover in between the policy period if any one of the joint venturer meets with any Accidental death, then as per the guidelines of IRDA their nominee will get a Accidental death insurance sum assured accoding to the RD amount what they paid actualy to the company. If the accident occures after one month of the policy taken from the company and if they have paid only the very first instalment alone ,they will get the Accidental insurance covarage alone from the company as per IRDA Rules & if it is after 18 months and above then the nominee will be paid with the accumulated amount what they paid till date along with a prevailing interest for that amount and also the accidental insurance covarage. The policy Bonds will be issued to the respective customers within 30 days of the first installment payment being made. Accidental insurance covarage claim & other Benefits : The Accidental insurance covarage claim should be within the age group of above ( 12 years & also within 65 years ) as per (IRDA RULE) . As per our company rule if the nominee submits the necessary evidence certificates of Accidental death of the policy holder and the necessary Documents for the claim within a short stipulated time period the nominee will get back the Accidental insurance covarage amount. The main advantage in HBN Smallsavings joint venturer schemes is that there wont be any lapsation even after the specified period you can get back your money paid without any hurdles . Hundred % security is there for your money . The company invests these funds in Indian Govertment Securities and also in the Nationalised Banks in Bonds, so hundred % security is assured here, & also a small percentage is invested to our own HBN Group of companies. HBN group consits of 10 groups of companies at present, still its widening further development in its near future. Now HBN stands in the 11 the position in the INDIAN DAIRY ASSOCIATION. Main differences between HBN Small savings & Other insurance schemes HBN SMALLSAVINGS 1. Small time plans (70 months) 2. No Age certificate necessary 3. For all age group same amount

4. No medical certificate necessary 5. Policy wont lapse 6. Free accidental death benefit

OTHER INSURANCES 1.Long time plans 2 Age certificate necessary 3.According to age premium differs 4. Medical certificate must 5.Yes lapsed if not paid for 3 years 6 For accidental death coverage more premium

HBN scheme Benefits 1. For RD & FD much higher interest paid if renewels paid on date till maturity. 2. Free accidental insurance covarage will be paid if the policy is in live We will discuss the major subject in depth here CAREER GROWTH WITH HBN. How this career is developing?, What are the duties to perform in this career?, What is the benefit we will be getting out of doing this career?, What is the procedure to join in this career Growth prospectus in this HBN career " TEAM WORK SUCCEEDS EVER"

This Career with HBN DAIRIES & ALLIED LTD is a Ten year based one, here we are giving this golden opportunity to both (Male & Female) with or without qualification (Age above 18 yrs) who wants to come up in their life with a burning desire & take this as their (Part /Full time ) career. Who ever wants to join this career has to join first as a SALES OFFICER here. What is the main duty to perform here by the SALES OFFICER? Every Sales officer has to

promote our company small savings plans to the general public, relatives & to their friends and to generate RD in the way of policies according to the individuals wish. Each Sales Officer by doing this activity , will be getting Spot Commissions from the Collection amount .Say for the very first year of the policy about 15%Commission , then after that the rest of the years the same policy will yield them 5% commission until its maturity time. These policies should be renewed in proper period & the whole activity of the policy renewal until its matruity should be carried out only by the concerned Sales Officer. Once the Sales Officer achieves his mere Target of Rs10,000 in his collection within the year end of 30th April, then he will be promoted to the heigher rank as Development Manager. Now the main duty here to perform by the Devalopment Manager is to teach what he had done in the very first year of this career to the newely appointed Sales Officers under him. Each Devalopment Manager can recruite any number of Sales Officers under him according to his will & capability. The very next year end if the Devalopment Managers completes his specified Target of Rs 75,000,by the way of helping & teaching his Team members to achieve their Target and making them to promote by that year end, then these Devalopment Managers will be promoted as Area Devalopment Managers. Now here the Area Devalopment Managers main duty is to recruite more number of Devalopment Managers under him and also Sales Officers under each Development Manager & to build a good team strength in this career. By this way each Area Devalopment Manager by the year end if he completes his Target of Rs 2,00,000 through his team strength then again by the very next year he will be promoted to the heigher rank of Regional Devalopment Managers, again by doing the same activity of helping & guiding his Team members he will be again promoted to much higher rank of Zonal Manager Development like that every year promotions will be there for 10 years up to C.E/D (the top rank) according to their work .Even spot comissions will be given at any rank if they do personal collections and special incentives will be given if any one does more and above the Target.Even CMDA Awards ( ie Chairman cum Management Awards) every year, & after 10 years of career you will get a pension of Rs 10,000 every month for ten years in this career. NB: All Rank holders in this career has to purchase the Company's products (own Farm products) for their own use compulsarily for a minimum of Rs 500 for every year to get promoted even if they achieve their respective Targets. This will be added to their Promotional Quota incentive. This is a must for every one in this career as per our company rule. The 10 year Career growth in HBN ? (1) Sales officer- (SO) 1st Year -Target- Rs10,000 -1st Year15 % Commission alone only= 15% Spot Commission. (2)Development Manager - (DM) 2nd Year - Target - Rs75,000. For self collections 15% Spot commission + 5 % Voucher Commissions for Team collections= 20%

(3) Area Development Manager - (ADM) 3rd Year- Target- Rs 2,00,000. For self collections 20%+Team Collection 4% Voucher Commission =24%, (ie 15%+5%+4%)= 24% (4) Regional Development Manager - (RDM) 4th Year -Target - 4,50,000.. For self collections 24%+ Team Collection 3%VoucherCommission = 27% (5) Zonal Manager Development - (ZM) 5th Year -Target-10,00,000. For self collections 27% +2%= 29%

Like That from ZM,DA,DA1,DA2,DA3 to top C.E/D rank Team collection Commissions remain the same 2 % only. From DM to DA aditional benefit of (MFA) ie Monthly Field Allowance according to the voucher amount,ie (ORC) over all riding commissions you will get. For this a DM should get minimum (ORC Rs375),then minimum 45% (MFA) maximum Rs1500. For ADM (ORC Rs 925), then minimum 40% (MFA) maximum Rs2000. For RDM (ORC RS 1530),then minimum 35% (MFA) maximum Rs3000. For ZM (ORC Rs2570),then minimum 30% (MFA) maximum Rs3500. For DA (ORC Rs3750),then minimum 25%(MFA) minimum Rs4000. Earning potential is very much here. Its all within your hand ,no body can stop your growth in this career for ever. Sky is the limit of earning here in this career. PROCEDURES TO JOIN : To join in this career you should need 2 Colour Photographs of yourself, one in Passport size and other in stamp size. Then as per our Company rules, you have to get 2 RD policies in any value as per the table mentioned in the RD Tabular chart in the company,either in your name itself or from any one of your family friends & relatives.You should be in the age group of above 18 yrs to join in this career.Even Retired persons, House wifes,Students who need part time work also can join in this career can approch me. We have our Branches all over India. Hope this much information is enough for you friends to really build a (Good & Potential career) with HBN for ever in your Life. For any clarification regarding this career contact me 9344247013 (TamilNadu)

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