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arjuna uvca | dvema svajana ka yuyutsu samupasthitam | sdanti mama gtri mukha ca pariuyati ||

arjuna arjuna abda rpa abda is arjun.a meaning the warrior Arjuna asculine singular meaning Arjuna

uvca dhtu rpa of vac to speak third singular - parasmaipada perfect past active meaning "he/she/it said "

dvemam = dv + imam

dv - avyaya-rpa meaning

"having seen"


- abda rpa of masucline second singular abda idam meaning "this"

abda rpa - abda is sva-jan.a meaning kinsmen masculine second singular form of abda - sva-jana - meaning - kinsmen

abda rpa - masculine eight singular form of abda ka meaing O! ka

abda rpa - masucline second singular from of the abda yuyuts.u- meanng " desirng to fight"

abda rupa - masculine second singular form of the abda samupasthit.ameaning assembled


dhtu rpa- third plural present active parasmaipada of root sad - meaning 'be weary" - they are veary

abd rpa - 6th singular form of abda asmad- "I/We" meaning " my/mine"


abda rpa- neuter first plural form of abda gtr.a - limb meaning "limbs"


abda rpa- neuter first singular form of abda mukh.a meaning " mouth "


avyaya rpa meanin And

dhatu rpa

dhtu is pari-u meaning totally or extremely dry-up dhtu rpa is active voice present tense third person singular meaning he/ she/ it totally dried up

vkya yojan
uvca- he spoke - who spoke -arjuna - to whom- to ka as o ka sidanti - they are veary- what - gtri- limbs- whose limbs- mama - my limbs| why are the limbs weary- dtv- having seen- what - sva -janam-my kins folk - whic kinsmen- imam- these kinsmen- that are assembled here - samupasthitamassembled with what purpose-- yuyutsum- desirious of fighting ca- and - what else happens- my mouth -mukham -what happened to mouthpariuyati- it is totally dried up

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