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Healthy Mature Rhythm and Form Quality. Notice the well-balanced height width, pressure, and spacing. This poised, relaxed, and smoothly written character reflects the writers inner harmony.

Unrhythmic Writing with Poor Letter Form Quality. In the three samples below observe the unstable slant and spacing, the combination of stunted and exaggerated letter sizes, erratic baselines, uneven pressure and the disintegrated or overly-slow and elaborated letter forms. All samples show signs of neurotic immaturity, inner personality disorganization, and a lack of self-awareness and discipline.

Ornamentation and Neglect. As the writing style matures and develops away from the standard forms it can take two opposite directions, toward simplification or toward elaboration. A writer who values speed and economy of motion may streamline the letter form to its essential skeleton, a time-saving simplicity. If richness is valued, the writer will unconsciously add extra strokes to the letters, for garnish. Creative qualities are judged by how successfully the writer improves yet simplifiesthe script. As long as the writing is natural and spontaneous, smooth, unforced and unselfconscious, it will exhibit a good rhythm and form level.

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