Experiment 1 Schematic Diagram

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1 Characteristics of Matter

Weigh 0.2 grams of iron (Fe)

Weigh 0.2 grams of moth balls

Weigh 0.2 grams of table salt (NaCl)

Take note of physical properties

Mix in an evaporating dish

Add 2 strips of magnesium (Mg) ribbon

Add a pinch of food coloring

Scatter mixture thinly on a piece of paper

Pass magnet underneath paper (separate)

Save component separated by magnet

Pour rest of mixture in a 50 ml beaker

Add 30 ml of water

Stir well using glass rod for 1 minute

Filter mixture Transfer residue (substance remaining in the filter paper) to an evaporating dish

Save filtrate (liquid mixture in flask)

Put piece of perforated filter paper on top of evaporating dish Place inverted funnel with a cotton plug on its tip on to of perforated filter paper

Heat evaporating dish gently until some solids deposit on the walls of funnel

Save the deposit on funnel

Save residue on e. dish Identify residue

Boil filtrate

Add pinch of activated charcoal

Continue boiling until mixture is about 20 ml

Filter mixture Which substance was separated?

Measure 2 ml of filtrate inside a test tube

Save the rest of the filtrate for PART C

Add crystal of iodine

Shake well

Add 1 ml of hexane Record observations. What is the color of hexane layer? Aqueous layer?

Separate 2 layers by means of medicine dropper What method of separation is employed here? What properties of the components of the mixture must be considered in this method of separation?

Evaporate hexane layer slowly in a hood Identify the residue

Evaporate aqueous layer to dryness Identify the residue

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