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Examination for the PRELIMINARY

Certificate of TEST
Proficiency in
English 2007
Keep your eyes on your own test. Examinees giving or receiving
The example below shows the correct way for Joao Costa
answers or using notes or other aids will be disqualified, and
Almeida dos Santos, born April 3, 1978, tested at center no.
they will fail. Examination fees will not be refunded. Examinees
001, and whose personal registration number is 100265, to
with cell phones, pagers, or other electronic devices should
fill out the information section.
check them in with the proctor now.
Look at the TOP RIGHT of your answer sheet. Fill in the following
information on the lines:
• full name: print your full name in this order: family name,
then first name, then middle initial (MI). Use all capital letters.
• your signature: sign your name.
• test center: print the name of the test center.
• native language: print your native language.
• today’s date: print the month, day, and year.
Look at the TOP LEFT of your answer sheet. Use capital letters
to fill in the following information in the blocks. Use the same
spelling you used on your registration form:
• last name: print your main family name in the blocks,
one letter per block. There are 12 blocks. If your last name is
longer than 12 letters, print only the first 12 letters.
• first Name: print the first 7 letters of your first name.
• mi: print the initial of your middle name.
Look at the columns of CIRCLES BELOW THE BLOCKS:
• Find the letter that is the same as the letter you have printed
in the block above.
• Darken the circle completely so that you cannot see the
letter inside.
• Do this for all the letters of your last name, first name, and
your middle initial.
• Darken only one circle in each of the columns.
Look at the BOTTOM LEFT of your answer sheet.
• birthdate: find the month you were born and darken the This test may be machine scored, so you must follow
circle next to it. instructions carefully:
• day: print the day you were born. If it is a one-digit day, • Do not bend or fold your answer sheet.
write zero first. Darken the circles underneath these • Mark all your answers on the separate answer sheet, not in
numbers. the test booklet.
• year: print the last two digits of the year you were born. • Use a number 2 (soft) pencil.
Darken the circles underneath these numbers. • Your mark must be dark enough to be picked up by the
• sex: darken the circle “M” (male) or “F” (female). scanning machine. The scanner cannot see very light marks.
• lang (language): print the 2-digit code number for • Do not make any other marks on your answer sheet.
your native language (the examiner will tell you the number). • If you change your mind about an answer, erase your first
Darken the circles. mark completely.
• center no.: print the 3-digit test center number (the • Fill in only one circle for each problem.
examiner will tell you the number). Darken the circles.
• Any problem with more than one answer marked will be
• reg. no.: print your 6-digit personal registration number. counted wrong.
Include all zeros, including those at the beginning of the
• If you are not sure about an answer, you may guess.
number. Darken the circles.
• form: Do not fill in this space. When instructed to, open your test booklet and check to see
that it is complete. Check the pages quickly. You should have
5 numbered pages in your test booklet. If there are pages
missing from your booklet, raise your hand and a proctor will
give you a replacement.
This preliminary test was designed by the English Language Institute, University of Michigan. It contains examples of the grammar, cloze, vocabulary, and reading
comprehension sections of the ECPE. It does not contain examples of the writing, listening, or interactive oral communication sections of the ECPE.
© Copyright 2007 by the Testing and Certification Division, English Language Institute, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan U.S.A.
Prepared by: S. Briggs, B. Dobson, F. Fleurquin, S. Goodwin, J. Johnson, T. Koehler, E. Lagergren, C. Leo, G. Lim, M. Matice, A. Ohlrogge, I. Plough, K. Ragsdale,
T. Rohlck, S. Van Bonn, B. Wood.
The Regents of the University of Michigan: Julia Donovan Darlow, Laurence B. Deitch, Olivia P. Maynard, Rebecca McGowan, Andrea Fischer Newman,
Andrew C. Richner, S. Martin Taylor, Katherine E. White, Mary Sue Coleman (ex officio)


Indicates that the product contains recycled Certification from the Environmental Choice Gas generated from the decomposition of waste buried
materials that have been consumed and Program of Environment Canada that identifies in a landfill and transported through a 13-km pipeline.
decontaminated to be reintroduced in the ecological products. Considered criteria are the At the mill, the captured biogas produces a good
manufacturing process. level of greenhouse gas emissions, water and portion of the energy needed to power the paper
energy consumption and the use of recycled fiber. production equipment. This green energy helps to
reduce considerably greenhouse gas emissions.
There are 35 multiple-choice problems in this test: 10 grammar, 10 cloze, 10 vocabulary, and 5
questions about a reading passage. You will have 30 minutes to answer all 35 problems. Do not begin
this test until you have read the instructions and examples below and the test administrator has
answered any questions you may have.
In each example below, the correct answer is underlined. For the actual problems, fill in the circle on
your answer sheet that corresponds to your answer choice. For each problem, there are four possible
answer choices. Only one is correct. Fill in only ONE circle for each problem. Any problem with more
than one answer marked will be counted wrong. If you are not sure about an answer, you may guess.
Answer all problems. Unanswered problems will be counted wrong. Completely fill in the circle that
corresponds to the answer you have chosen. If you change your mind about an answer, erase your
first mark completely. Do NOT mark your answers in this test booklet. Do not make any stray marks
on your answer sheet.

Choose the word or phrase that best completes the conversation or sentence.
“What is that thing?”
“That _____ a spider.”
a. to call
b. for calling
c. be called
d. is called
Read the passage, then select the word or phrase that fills the blank in both meaning and grammar.
Long ago roads were only trails for people 1. a. way c. travel
b. road d. walk
and animals to walk on, but today roads must
be made for cars, trucks, and buses. The most
modern (1) is often called a superhighway.

Choose the word or phrase that most appropriately completes the sentence.
The first things we study in school are very _____.
a. sturdy
b. shifty
c. trusty
d. elementary

Read the passage, then answer the questions following it according to the information given in
the passage.
Viruses may be considered as regular The writer says that viruses are alive
chemical molecules, since they have a strictly because they…
defined atomic structure, but on the other hand a. have a complex atomic structure.
we must also consider them as being alive, since b. move.
they are able to multiply in unlimited quantities. c. multiply.
d. have a regular molecular structure.
ECPE 2007 Preliminary Test  ✦  1
1. He wanted to be a pilot _______ as a young boy. 6. _______ for the special computer class should sign
a. although up by tomorrow.
b. even a. Those register
c. still b. They are registered
d. yet c. Those registering
d. They are registering
2. I am a self-proclaimed chocolate _______. I can eat
it nonstop. 7. Many people are strongly _______ the death penalty.
a. addictive a. opposing by
b. addict b. in opposition
c. addicted c. opposed against
d. addiction d. opposed to

3. The freezing temperatures this year are _______ 8. _______ she couldn’t win, she gave up on the
those of last year. contest.
a. as nearly low as a. Realizes
b. nearly as low as b. Realizing
c. nearly low as c. To realize
d. as lower than d. Has realized

4. _______ of students came to class. 9. “Sue is very talented, isn’t she?”

a. The number “Yes, _______ paint, but she can sculpt, too.”
b. A number a. she can only not
c. Number b. not only can she
d. Large number c. not only she can
d. she only can not
5. _______ I known Sue was coming, I would have
picked her up. 10. In addition _______ beautiful, Sandra is also a good
a. Have athlete.
b. If a. to being
c. Had b. as being
d. Would c. being
d. to be

2  ✦  ECPE 2007 Preliminary Test

Fallingwater is recognized as one of the most unique 11. a. spotted c. directed
b. viewed d. placed
and innovative works of American architecture of the 20th
century. Designed in 1935 by architect Frank Lloyd Wright, 12. a. holding c. establishing
b. supporting d. anchoring
this beautiful house in western Pennsylvania is actually
built over a waterfall. Wright (11) the house above the 13. a. arrange c. appear
b. contain d. mimic
waterfall by (12) it to the rock next to the falls with
concrete “trays,” which (13) the natural shape of rock 14. a. underneath c. into
b. over d. across
ledges. As a result, the house appears to be suspended
above the waterfall, which cascades (14) it. 15. a. preserving c. remaining
b. keeping d. maintaining
Wright took much care in (15) Fallingwater as
16. a. other c. only
harmonious with nature as possible by linking the house b. open d. opposite
to its natural surroundings. He placed large windows 17. a. place c. attempt
on (16) sides of the main rooms so that the breeze and b. that d. order
sound of the water could flow through the house without 18. a. thereby c. minutely
hindrance. Wright also proposed covering the building b. not d. still
in gold leaf in (17) to imitate the color of dying plants, 19. a. passage c. variation
and (18) connect the house to the change of seasons b. portrayal d. changing
and the (19) of time. Furthermore, he added a (20) of 20. a. kind c. covering
outdoor terraces where people could enjoy the cool air of b. balance d. number

the wooded valley.

Today, Fallingwater is open to the public with its

original setting, furnishings, and artwork intact.

ECPE 2007 Preliminary Test  ✦  3

21. After the customers left, the waitress _______ the 26. The atmosphere of the banquet was greatly
table. enhanced by _______ floral displays.
a. mopped a. imminent
b. laundered b. prevailing
c. steamed c. superflous
d. wiped d. elegant

22. _______ resources kept the team from completing 27. The child tightly _______ the balloon’s string in her
the project. hand.
a. Shortened a. grappled
b. Restrictive b. grasped
c. Inadequate c. fingered
d. Outstretched d. adhered

23. She is a great employee because she _______ many 28. Good times are just _______.
creative projects. a. over the edge
a. derives b. at the limit
b. evokes c. under the wire
c. initiates d. around the corner
d. embarks
29. I am _______ that Jane will arrive today and not
24. Due to an accident, traffic had to be _______ from tomorrow.
the main road to a side street. a. positive
a. evaded b. accurate
b. emerged c. decided
c. distracted d. firm
d. diverted
30. She _______ down the road going 120 miles per
25. The engineers added additional supports to prevent hour in her new Porsche.
the bridge from _______. a. swaggered
a. dispatching b. spun
b. sprawling c. sprawled
c. suspending d. sped
d. collapsing

4  ✦  ECPE 2007 Preliminary Test

This passage is about an early map of the world. 31. What is remarkable about the measurement
accuracy of the map?

A map created by Martin Waldseemüller in 1507 and a. It accurately measures the width of the
acquired by the United States Library of Congress for ten American continents.
million dollars is the most expensive one in its collection. b. It distorts the width of the American
Out of the one thousand copies originally produced, it is continents.
the only copy of this twelve-panel woodcut map known c. It is more accurate than the maps
to exist. Its rarity is a significant factor contributing to constructed today.
its value. More important though, the map is special d. There is nothing remarkable about the
because it is the first to depict the Pacific Ocean as a measurement accuracy.
separate body of water, the first to depict a separate
Western Hemisphere, and the first to name that mass of
32. According to the passage, how did Waldseemüller
land “America.” Waldseemüller christened the new lands
get the information to accurately depict important
America in recognition of the explorer Amerigo Vespucci,
geographic discoveries in his map?
who was the first to identify the New World of North and
South America as separate from Asia. a. He studied other maps.
b. He was visited by Amerigo Vespucci at his
More than naming the continents, the map challenges
established beliefs. In the map, America is represented
as a long and slender piece of land. This appears to c. No one knows.
support the contention that the western edge of the d. He corresponded with the explorers.
continents had not been explored until after 1507.
However, the Americas only appear to be narrow because 33. How does the map contribute to our understanding
the mapmaker used a technique that visually distorted of world exploration?
the Earth’s surface on the edges of the map. Moreover,
a. Amerigo Vespucci must have gone to Asia.
using the longitude and latitude lines on the map to
measure the width of the continents, one comes up with b. The American continent used to be a
measurements that match those done by satellite today. different shape.
Thus, the western edges of the Americas must have been c. It confirms that the Pacific was not explored
reached earlier than presently thought. until after 1507.
d. Western America must have been explored
Another mystery associated with the map is how
before 1507.
Waldseemüller received the knowledge that he needed to
make the map. Waldseemüller was the canon, a high-
ranking priest, of a monastery in the mountains of France, 34. What do measurement calculations suggest about
and to this day scholars have no idea how discoveries an the mapmaker?
ocean away found their way to this legendary mapmaker. a. He knew the size of the American continent.
b. He would have done better with a satellite.
c. He did not understand latitudes and
d. He thought the Americas were long and

35. What is the main purpose of this passage?

a. to explain the characteristics of a valuable map
b. to show how to create an accurate map
c. to discuss early explorers
d. to discuss the significance of a particular map

ECPE 2007 Preliminary Test  ✦  5

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