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we G Gd kvnxb KjR KzwgUvjv wkK/wkwKv wbqvM cixv - 2011 c`i bvg t wmwbqi/mnKvix wkK (MwYZ) c~bgvb t 100, mgq t 2 NUv
mKj cki Di w`Z ne|

6X 10=60 1| cgvY Kib 1+2+3+4+ ........................................ Ab avivi Kvb mgw bB| 2| 3| 4| eve msLvi 5wU ewk wjLyb| Ag~j` msLv wK ? cgvY Kib 2 GKwU Ag~j` msLv| mgvavb Kib t
1 x x2 1 a a2 1 b b2 =0

6| 7| 8|

mUi w` giMvb m~mg~n wjLyb Ges h Kvb GKwU m~ cgvY Kib iwWqvb GKwU ae KvY| RvwgwZK Dcvq cgvY Kib, Sin2+ Cos2=1 | x3 x2-9 K AvswkK fMvsk cKvk Kib |

cgvY Kib|

9| 50 Rb jvKi ga 35 Rb BsiwR ejZ cvi, 25 Rb BsiwR I evsjv ejZ cvi Ges cZKB `yBwU fvlvi h Kvb GKwU ejZ cvi| evsjv ejZ cvi KZ Rb ? Kejgv evsjv ejZ cvi KZ Rb ?

10| RvwgwZK Dcvq (900-) KvYi wKvYwgwZK AbcvZ wbYq Kib| hLvb 00 <<900|

1| GK K_vq cKvk Kib t 05 hvnv avbi hvM, mgvb eqm hvnv`i, mvvr `v, hvi esk cwiPq Ges ^fve KDB Rvbbv, hvi Kvb k bvB| 3| 4| mw weQ` Kib t ceb, zavZ, AZy, gnwl, h_vwPZ| 05 fve mcmviY Kib t 10 cyY cvc `ytL myL cZb Dvb gvbyl nBZ `vI Zvgvi mvb

Aci cvq `Lyb

1. Change the following sentences as directed in the bracket : a. b. c. d. e. 2. Honesty is the best policy. (Negative) He was praised as he was honest. (Simple) What a fool your neighbor is! (Assertive) Take medicine and be cure. (Complex) Dhaka is the most densely populated city. (Positive) 05 05

Make meaningful sentences with the following: a. c. e. A red letter day Blue blood Hue and cry b. d. Short cut By any means


Write a paragraph on Victory Day.



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