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Patrick Martin



1. What is a phobia? The irrational fear of a specific object or situation that interferes with the individual s ability to function. 2. The three main types of phobias: Specific Phobia, Social Phobia, and Agoraphobia. 3. Specific Phobia - The intense, irrational fear of objects and situations that cause terror. 4. Social Phobia -The intense fear of becoming humiliated in front of others. 5. Agoraphobia - the fear of being in a situation that will make you have a panic attack or if escape would be difficult in a situation. 6. The #1 phobia in the nation is arachnophobia. 7. Aerophobia the fear of flying 8. Claustrophobia fear of being in small places 9. Acrophobia the fear of heights 10. Brontophobia The fear of thunder storms.

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