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me iKgi gvwUZ eb Pvl Kiv hvq
Ze cvwb wbvkbi myeev _vKv Avek
ej `vAvuk ev `vuAvk gvwUB Gi Pvli Rb
Rb mevrK|

kxZKvjB eb Pvli Dchy mgq|
15 _K 20 m. Zvcgvv mePq DchvMx|
DP Zvcgvvq ebi dzj I dj Drcv`b wewNZ nq Ges Gmgq
AwbKvix cvKvi Avgb ekx nq|
m Rb
Rb Mx
I elv gmyg Gi Drcv`b ZZ fvj nq bv|
Ze wKQy wKQy DP Zvcgvv mwnzRvZ MxKvj fvj djb w`q

eb evsjv`ki vbxq dmj wnmve `ki wewfb Aj wewfb
RvZi Pvl nq|

vbxq RvZi ga
ga wksbv_, Bmjvgc~ix, LULwUqv, Cki`x
`x--1, `vnvRvix BZ
BZvw` Ab

evsjv`k Kwl MelYv Bbw

BbwwUDU `yBwU msKi RvZmn 8 wU DP
djbkxj RvZ Dveb KiQ| RvZwj njnjDiv, Zvivcyix (msKi), KZviv (msKi), KvRjv, bqbZviv, evwi
eb--6, evwi ebeb
eb-7 Ges evwi ebeb-8|

evwi eb-2 (Zvivcyix)

DPP djbkxj msKiRvZ|
dji AvKvi gvSvwi j^vKwZ, is
KvjP ebx I PKPK|
MvQ cwZ dji msLvv 30-35wU|
cwZwU dji IRb 125-150
nicwZ djb 50-55 Ub

evwi eb-4 (KvRjv)

DPP djbkxj G RvZwUi dji
AvKvi gvSvwi j^vKwZ, is KvjP
ebx I PKPK|
MvQ cwZ dji msLvv 30-35 wU|
cwZ dji IRb 55-60 Mvg|
nicwZ djb 50-55 Ub

evwi eb-5 (bqbZviv)

dj MvjvKvi is Dj KvjP
MvQ cwZ dji msLv 10-15 wU|
cwZ dji IRb 120-150 Mvg|
G RvZwU Abvvb RvZi Zzjbvq
AvMvg djb `q|
nicwZ djb 40-50 Ub

evwi eb-6
DPP djbkxj Ges eevKUwiqvj
DB, dj I Kv wQ`Kvix cvKv,
RwmW Ges bgvUvW ivM cwZivax|
dj wW^vKwZ, is nvjKv meyR|
MvQcwZ dji msL
msLv 1515-17 wU
225--250 Mvg|
cwZwU dji IRb 225
AvMvg djb `q|
nicwZ djb 45
45--50 Ub

evwi eb-7
dj j^v, wPKb Ges is Dj
KvjP ewb|
MvQcwZ dji msL
msLv 3030-35 wU
cwZwU dji IRb 80
80--90 Mvg|
nicwZ djb 35
35--40 Ub|
evKUwiqvj DB Ges dj I
Kv wQ`Kvix cvKv cwZivax|

evwi eb-8
G RvZwU' g~jZt Mx
Pvlvev`i Rb
dj j^v, is Dj KvjP ewb|
MvQcwZ dji msL
msLv 2020-25 wU
70--80 Mvg|
cwZwU dji IRb 70
Kvj n
nicwZ djb 2020-25
evKUwiqvj DB Ges dj
RvZwU e
I Kv wQ`Kvix cvKv cwZivax|

RxebKvj t 180 w`b

Pviv Drcv`b
Pviv Drcv`b GKwU iZc~Y KvR|
kxZKvjxb Pvli Rb
RbkveYi gvSvgvwS _K Avwkb gvm ch Pviv Drcv`bi Rb
Rb exRZjvq exR
ecb Kiv hvq|
Avgv`i `k Pvlx fvqiv mv_viYZt exR mivmwi exRZjvq ecb Kib,
wZxq exRZjvq vbv
bvi Kib bv|
GZ exRi cwigvY ekx jvM Dci Pvivi ^v fvj nq bv|
c_g exRZjvq Nb Ki exR djZ nq|
exR MRvbvi 10
10--12 w`b ci MRvbv Pviv wZxq exRZjvq vbv
bvi KiZ
GZ Pviv my I mej nq Ges djb fvj nq|
exRZjvq gvwU mgcwigvY evwj, Kgcv
Kgcv I gvwU wgwkq Szi Szi Ki Zix
KiZ nq|

cwZ n
nii Rb
Rb 100
100--135 Mvg exRi cqvRb nq|

Rwg Zix
eWi AvKvi c t
`N t
`~iZ t
bvjvi AvKvi
c t
MfxiZv t

70 mtwgt
Rwgi `Ni Dci wbfi Kie
75 mtwgt
30 mtwgt
20 mtwgt

75 mwg

30 mwg
70 mwg

Rwg Zwii bKkv

20 mwg

mvii cwigvY I cqvM (KwR/nt)

eb Ggb GKwU dmj mvi cqvM eeZxZ hvi m
mvlRbK Drcv`b wP
Kiv hvq bv|
Lv`vcv`vb kvlY Ki|
gvwU _K Bnv cPzi cwigvY Lv`
ewi cv_wgK chvq Lv`
Lv`i Afve nj MvQ `Z evo bv Ges cieZx
chvq Lv`
Lv`i ^Zv djbi Dci weic cwZwqv mw Ki|
ZvB eb Pvli Rb
Rb n
ni cwZ wbbv cwigvY mvi eeenvii mycvwik
Kiv nq|




40 KwR

cvw wiwdDR

20 KwR

(ev mwilvi Lj)

1 KwR


1.2 KwR
400 Mvg
800 Mvg

kl Pvli Pviv jvMvbv dj aiv dj AvniYi

10-15 w`b Avi gvSvgvwS mgq


400 Mvg

400 Mvg

400 Mvg

Pviv ivcb

exR ecbi 30-35 w`b ci Pviv ivcYi DchvMx nq|

G mgq cwZwU Pvivi 5-6 wU cvZv nq _vK|
Awbevh KviY ebi Pviv `yB gvm eqm ch ivcY Kiv Pj|
ivcYi `~iZ wbfi Ki RvZ I gvwUi DeiZvi Dci|
mvavibZt 70 m.wg. ck eW GK mvwiZ Pviv ivcb Kiv nq|
`yBwU eWi gvS 30 m.wg. ck bvjv _vK|
mvwiZ MvQ _K MvQi `~iZ 45-50 m.wg. nq _vK|

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The image cannot be displayed. Your computer may not hav e enough memory to open the image, or the image may hav e been corrupted. Restart your computer, and then open the file again. If the red x still appears, y ou may hav e to delete the image and then insert it again.

Rvo Kjg cwZZ

eb Pvl

KvuUv ebi MvQ

Kjg DchvMx KvuUv ebi MvQ

The image cannot be displayed. Your computer may not hav e enough memory to open the image, or the image may hav e been corrupted. Restart your computer, and then open the file again. If the red x still appears, y ou may hav e to delete the image and then insert it again.

Kjg DchvMx eb I UgUvi (DcRvo) Pviv

The image cannot be displayed. Your computer may not hav e enough memory to open the image, or the image may hav e been corrupted. Restart your computer, and then open the file again. If the red x still appears, y ou may hav e to delete the image and then insert it again.

Avw` Rvoi Dci DcRvo vcb

The image cannot be displayed. Your computer may not hav e enough memory to open the image, or the image may hav e been corrupted. Restart your computer, and then open the file again. If the red x still appears, y ou may hav e to delete the image and then insert it again.

Avw` Rvo I DcRvoi RvovjvMv vb

The image cannot be displayed. Your computer may not hav e enough memory to open the image, or the image may hav e been corrupted. Restart your computer, and then open the file again. If the red x still appears, y ou may hav e to delete the image and then insert it again.

The image cannot be displayed. Your computer may not hav e enough memory to open the image, or the image may hav e been corrupted. Restart your computer, and then open the file again. If the red x still appears, you may hav e to delete the image
and then insert it again.

Rvo Kjg cwZZ eb Pvl -K

KlK gvV

Kjg Qvov eb Pvl -K

KlK gvV

Avv WMv msMn Ki asm Kiv


m divgb dvu`i eeenvi

mP eeev

eWi `ycvki bvjv w`q RwgZ mP `qv myweavRbK|

bvjvq mPi cvwb ekxb ai ivLv hve bv, MvQi Mvov ch

gvwU wfR Mj bvjvi cvwb Qo w`Z ne|

Lwic gmyg RwgZ cvwb hvZ bv Rg mRb

mRb cvwb wbvkbi Rb
Rwgi Pvicvk bvjv ivLZ ne|

dmj msMn
Pviv jvMvbvi 2-3 gvm ciB dmj KvUvi mgq nq|
7-10w`b cici MvQ _K avivj Qywii mvnvh eb KvUzb|

djb (cwZ ni): 30-70 Ub

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