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Pre Calculus Conic sections formula sheet:

Parabola Information Vertical Axis equation Axis of symmetry Vertex Focus Directrix Direction of opening Ellipse Information Vertical Major Axis equation center Vertices Foci Major axis equation Minor axis equation Equation that relates a, b, and c Eccentricity of an ellipse Hyperbola Information Vertical Transverse Axis equation center Vertices Foci Assymptote equation Equation relating a, b, and c Line Information equation slope Angle between two lines Distance between a point and a line Horizontal axis

(x-h) =4p(y-k) x=h (h,k) (h,k+p) y=k-p

p>0 then up; p<0 then down

(y-k)2=4p(x-h) y=k (h,k) (h+p,k) x=h-p

p>0 then rignt; p<0 then left

( x h)

( y k)

Horizontal Major axis



( x h) 2 + ( y k ) 2
a2 b2


(h,k) (h,ka) (h,kc)

2a=length of major axis 2b=length of minor axis a2=b2+c2 e=(c/a)

(h,k) (ha,k) (hc,k)

( y k)

( x h)

Horizontal Transverse axis


( x h) 2 ( y k ) 2
a2 b2


(h,k) (h,ka) (h,kc)

y =k

(h,k) (ha,k) (hc,k)

y =k b ( x h) a

a ( x h) b

y=mx+b or Ax+By+C=0 m=tan

tan = m2 m1 1 + m1 m2

d =

Ax 1 + By 1 + C A2 + B 2

Classifying conic sections


Circles A=C

Parabola AC=0, Both are not 0

Ellipse AC>0

Hyperbola AC<0

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