Ug Cable

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NetworkOperationSectioo _," ''ftoor, Bharat Sanchar Bhawan, Janpath, NewDethi_11OOO1

01 | -23734345,F _23?34366(email: M

No.7 - t2 / 2OO4-PHM (pt-1)

Dated: 17th June,2o11

A[ CGMS, Telecom Circtes / Districts Subject:- Creationof Task Forcefor repair of underground Cables. ft has come to the notice of this office that in several cases, the underground cables are not being repaired to rectify tetephone faults due to cable fautt, Instad avaitabiegooC caOte;;irs are oeing used and the faulty cabte pairs are abando;ed, This is resulting into sinking of undergroundcable system. The above problem has been taken seriously by BSNL Management and it has been decidedthat a[ such cabls;ho;ld be identified and extensive rist be prepared and speciar task force shourd be created in each ssA for repairing at such cabres,rt shoutd be ensured that 95o/oof th faulty cables are repaired in tfre next OOOaVs. Feed back on any special effort done by any Circle .. / SSA in this direction may also be sent to this office so that same can be circulated for guidance and necessary action. a loiptete anO cornprehensivereport on the above subject be sent to this office by 1 8 " J u l y ,2 0 1 1 . The above may b treated as Most Urgent



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