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Part I: In-text Citations According to Ingrid Newkirk, The single most important thing that we can do to save cats

and dogs from all the suffering and death that their overpopulation causes is to spay and neuter them (55). A representative from the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals stated, Spaying and neutering are routine, affordable surgeries that can prevent thousands of animals from being born, only to suffer and struggle to survive on the streets, be abused by cruel or neglectful people, or be euthanized in animal shelters for lack of a loving home (Nephron). According to recent research, spaying and neutering makes a big difference: Just one unaltered female dog and her offspring can produce 67,000 puppies in only six years. In seven years, one female cat and her offspring can produce an incredible 420,000 kittens (Spay Neuter Impact).

Works Cited Adams, Carol. "The Duty to Aid Nonhuman Animals in Need." Opposing Viewpoints: Animal Rights. 2010 ed. John Woodward. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Web. 11 Jan 2011. "The Inhumane Society." Princeton University. 21 Mar 2009. Web. 26 Apr 2010. Regan, Tom. "The Case for Animal Rights." Animal Science 40.13 (2009): 64-77. First Search. Web. 12 Feb 2010. Singer, Peter. In Defense of Animals. New York, NY: Wiley, 2005. Print.

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