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PART A (2 marks)

1. What is Ethernet? 2. What is Fast Ethernet? 3. Write notes on FDDI? 4. Frame Relay? 5. Mention the principal of ISDN? 6. Write down the Evolution of ISDNs? 7. Note down the Benefits of ISDN? 8. Write notes on B,D,H channel? And Compare B & H? 9. Define the term Basic & Primary Access?
10. What is BISDN?

11.Define duplex 12.What are the features of physical layer? 13.Define LAPF 14.Draw the physical configuration of SONET 15.Define SONET payload 16.What is VCI? 17.What is hop-by-hop flow control? 18. Write the function of NT1 ,NT2,TE an ISDN? 19.Define the term contention Resolution ? 20.

PART II 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Define in detail frame Relay protocol Architecture? Explain in detail about SONET/SDH? Illustrate in detail about FDDI? Explain in detail Frame Relay Congestion Control? Explain in detail about the architecture of ISDN? Explain in detail ISDN Standard?

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