James wk7

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Seeking to Understand How to Deal With the Challenges of Life through the Lens of Faith.

Misuse of Riches; Imminent coming of Christ

James 5 1. How should we view our riches according to James? 2. Why does James say the pay of the labors cries out against you? 3. Explain the growing problem of sin as shown here. 4. What is the end result of careless use of riches? 5. Explain the reason for the therefore in verse 7. 6. How are we to be patient? Why?

7. What example does James give us of patience? Why? 8. What is the consequence of being impatience? Who is the Judge? 9. Why would those who endure be considered blessed? 10. What must be considered above all mentioned? 11. List the condition and what our response should be to this condition? 12. What is a person to do who is sick? What kind of sickness? 13. Explain what it means to confess our sins one to another? 14. Whose prayers are effective? What example is given? 15. What are we to do with someone who strays?

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