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Patrologiae Graecae vol.

7a: Irenaeus

Patrologiae Graecae vol. 7a: Irenaeus

Author: Title:

J.-P. Migne Patrologiae Graecae vol. 7a: Irenaeus

Imprint: Paris:J.-P. Migne, 1857 Return to List of Titles

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Title Page -- col. 0005 Elenchus -- col. 0007 Praefatio -- col. 0009 Dissertationes Praeviae in Irenaei Libros: Dissertatio Prima -- col. 0023 Dissertatio Secunda -- col. 0173 Articulus Primus -- col. 0173 Articulus II -- col. 0215 Articulus III -- col. 0239 Articulus IV -- col. 0271 Articulus V -- col. 0293 Articulus VI -- col. 0313 Articulus VII -- col. 0321 Articulus VIII -- col. 0357 Articulus IX -- col. 0367 Articulus X -- col. 0377 Chr. Guil. Fr. Walchii - Commentatio -- col. 0381 Excerpta ex Prolegomenis -- col. 0405 Selecta Veterum Testimonia -- col. 0419 Adversus haereses libri quinque (NB: "Liber Quintus" is in volume 7b) -- col.

Liber Primus -- col. 0437 Analysis Libri Secundi -- col. 0707 Liber Secundus -- col. 0707

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Patrologiae Graecae vol. 7a: Irenaeus

Analysis Libri Tertii -- col. 0841 Liber Tertius -- col. 0843 Analysis Libri Quarti -- col. 0971 Liber Quartus -- col. 0973

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