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Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission

1450 1 Sweilzer Lane Laurel , Maryland 20707590 1

COMMISS IONERS Dr Roscoe M Moo~ , Jr Chair Cnris Lawson Vice Chair Gene W Counihan Melanie Hartwig-DaVIS Antonio L Jones Han Adnenne A Mandel


August S. 20 J I

TO :


On behalf of the WSSC, I would like to invite each member of the legislative delegations to o ur pub lic hearings on WSSC's Proposed FY 2013-20 18 Capita l Improvements Program. Two hearings are sched uled, one in Montgomery County and one in Pri nce George's County. The Montgomery Co unty hearing wi ll be held on h Wednesday, September 14,20 I I, at 7:30 p.m. in Montgomery Cou nty's Stella B . Werner Bui ldi ng, i Floor Hearing Room at 100 Mary land Avenue, Rockville, Maryland. The Pri nce George ' s County h aring wi ll be h ld n Th ur day. September 15,20 11, at 7:3 0 p.m. in Prince George's C unty's RMS Bui ldi ng, Room 3 08 at 1400 McConni k Drive, Largo, Maryland. Attached is a copy of the pu blic hearing not ice card whic h is sent to every customer in their ate r bill. These heari ngs are a cont inuation of our pledge to you to expand public outreach, to be more re p nsive to C Islomers and elected officials. and stimu late consum r interest in al l things that afrect their bills. Commiss ioners have worked w ith staff to review a draft o f the Proposed FYs 20 13-20 18 Capital Improve ments Program. Ou r obj ecti ve is to involve our customers on Septemb er 14 th and 15th and to transmit our recommendati ons to both County govern m nts by October 1, 20 I I. I hav asked starr to send a1l delegation members a reminder notice by Septem be r l. 20 11. participation and look forward to seeing YOli on Septem ber 14th or 151h.

r encourag.e your


Dr. Roscoe M . M oore, Jr. Chair Enc losure

301 -206-WSSC (9772)



TIY. 30 1-206-8345


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