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Client Name:

SE Assigned:

For Demos

Demonstration & POC Preparation Sheet

1. What issues/problems are they hoping our solution will solve? Is this Monitoring, Administration, other?

2. What is their current environment and is this a new product or displacement opportunity?

3. Is there an implementation initiative within the next 6 months? Is there budget; whats the process for $?

4. What role/title does our contact have? Who really has the authority and who eventually makes decision?

5. *What are the HOT buttons to touch upon during demo? What needs to be really be shown?

For POCs
1. Confirm environment being installed on and any outside applications to be integrated, if any.

2. Who will be assigned to work with us from their end? Name, Title, Phone, e-Mail

3. What do we have to clearly demonstrate in order to have a successful POC? Please elaborate..

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