MTL Major Event

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Our Major Department Events in 2011:S/ N Title of events/ project / programm es 1 Chinese . New Year Celebration 2 Outdoor .

Learning Nature of event/ project/programm e A 1 -hour programme to celebrate the Chinese New Year. A multi-disciplinary project with the Humanities Department A comprehensive revision programme to address the graduating students areas of concern in MT learning. A MTL project to enhance the understanding and appreciation of the ML and CL culture and racial harmony for students and teachers from all races. A programme for non-Malay and nonChinese native speakers to learn conversational CL and ML respectively. To be held outside curriculum time (once a wk) A reading programme with a structure that hopes to instill the love of reading MT reading materials amongst students Date of Complet ion T1 Wk 6 T1 - T4 Target audience Duration of event/ project/ programme 1 -hour on 2 Feb 2011 1 day

Sec 1-5

Sec 1-3

3 Intensive MT . revision programme for graduating students 4 Mother . Tongue Week cum Racial Harmony Celebration (* Racial Harmony Day 21 Jul 2011) 5 Conversatio . nal Chinese / Malay Programme


Graduatin g Students (Sec 4N, 4E, 5N) Sec 1-3

Term 2 Wk 10 22-27 May 2011 (4E & 5N) Term 4 (4N, 4E & 5N) 1 week 25-28 July 2011



Sec 1 students

20-hour module

6 Extensive . Reading Programme


Sec 1-3

Whole year

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