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Application for International Postgraduate Research Scholarship (IPRS) and Curtin International Postgraduate Research Scholarship (CIPRS)


The information collected on this form will be used by Curtin University for the sole purpose of providing requested and related services. Full privacy statement available at

Part 1: To be completed by the Applicant

Student Number Family Name Address for Correspondence Facsimile E-Mail Address Prospective Supervisor





Given Names


Part 2: To be completed by the Referee

Please provide your assessment on the above applicant. Your response will be treated in the strictest confidence by the University selection committee and officers of the University who are required to handle such documents. Name of Referee Educational Institution Position held at the Educational Institution Telephone Number
Include area codes

Email Address Yes No

Is this applicants known to you personally?

Where would you rank this person in potential to undertake the proposed degree in comparison with all the graduates you have know in this discipline? In the top 2% 5% 10% 25% 50% In the bottom 50%

Based on the applicants overall academic performance and potential for the proposed course, the degree of support you give the applicant is Unreserved Strong Fairly Strong Moderate Nil

Part 3: To be completed by the Referee

Please rate the applicant under the following headings (a) to (g) by placing a number in the range of 1 to 5 in the appropriate box. Please use your present knowledge of the applicants in relation to all students you have know. A score of 1 indicates that a candidates performance is not acceptable and a score of 5 indicates outstanding potential. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (d) (g) Academic Potential: Research Potential Creative Ability Initiative Perseverance Critical Ability Ability to Communicate Intrinsic potential as well as excellent examination results.
Potential to undertake research successfully at a Doctoral level Ability to develop original ideas or approaches independently Ability to develop and use new ideas or approaches independently Ability to pursue research when the work is complex and difficulties arise. Ability to reason critically and to evaluate research literature effectively. Can communicate effectively in both written and spoken English

All referees are also requested to provide comments on the applicants qualities. These might include leadership potential, capacity to work week with colleagues and future potential for research contribution to the field of knowledge. Please include comments on particular aspects of the applicants performance that have impressed you with regard to the applicants potential.

The referee is requested to forward this report by mail to: Scholarships, Office of Research and Development Curtin University GPO Box 1987 PERTH WA 6845 OR

by email to:

Reports must reach the Office of Research and Development no later than last mail 31st August 2011.

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