Daily Report

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DAILY REPORT OBJECTIVES: >To be able to established rapport to the student nurses of the different schools and with

the residents of Pavillion IV. >To be able to enhance students communication and leadership skills. >To be able to apply our knowledge skills and attitude on psychiatric nursing towards our mentally ill patient.

May 20, 2011, Friday, was our last day of duty at national Center for Mental health. As a part of the termination phase, we conducted a socialization therapy with ththeme HAWAK KAMAY TUNGO SA PAGKAKAISA in participation of 5 other schools namely: Butuan Doctors College, College of Immaculate Concep[tion,Immaculate Conception College,University of Luzon, saint Ferdinand college and University of Perpetual help system, cauyan campus. To make the program more organize each schools decided to to have team color which represents the school and the resident membersand also divided the tasks. It was indeed a successful plan. Just like any other program, we started it with a prayer headedby the Butuan Doctors college throu a form of Doxology, next in line was singing of the national anthem headedby college of immaculate conception and immaculate conception College representative then an inspirational opening remarks from one of the staff. After that noise begun to heard all over the vicinity of pavilion IV as each schools are presenting their yells.Next, the presentation of the intermission number. We felt anxious because the presentation of other schools are really impressive, but it doesnt turn as down, we took it as a challenge an d just enjoyed. Then we come to the climax and the most awaited part of the residents during socialization games, residents started to play with the support of their student nurses. After that residents take their snack and had our last bondingmoment. It feels so good to see people happy with the simple things you do. It means a lot to them. Even though at first we are hesitants talk or to mingle to those mentally ill patient, we realize that they dont need our pity, all they need is our love and care, the acceptance and respect to their condition. Socialization Day wes indeed successful, we had so much fun and able to achieve our objectives.

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