Wireless Crane

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Project Title:

Embedded Based Wireless Crane.

Project Defination:
Embedded based Wireless crane is basically a Wireless crane which can be used in industry to lift heavy weights. In this we are controlling the crane by RF data transfer to wirelessly control a crane arm by using RF module.

Here we are introducing Wireless crane which can be used in industry to lift heavy weights. In this we are controlling the crane by RF data transfer to wirelessly control a crane arm by using RF module. The Wireless crane is a powerful gadget and we wanted to build a new hack with it. Our crane is composed of three DC motors, one of which is connected to a gripper. The DCs are controlled by PWM signals sent by the 89S52 MCU, and these signals are generated from parsing the received RF data from a serial connection with a wirelessly connected through RF module to the PC. The cost of our crane is not so high. We are also having additional feature of controlling the crane through PC using keyboard or mouse. Currently in industries to control cranes we need a control panel or by buttons we control the movements of the crane. The Wireless crane can control the movements of crane by standing in front of the pc and just by pressing the buttons on the remote. Cranes are widely used in industries and at construction sites. As it is wirelessly controlled so it has a great future ahead at small scale as well as large scale level.

Design concept:
We needed to generate three PWM signals to control the three DC motors. Only two timers on the Microcontroller have PWM capabilities (Timer0/Timer2), so we had to manually generate a PWM signal. Our project uses the RF wireless protocol. In this the IR data is send by Wireless crane through RF to PC, then by parsing these signals are transferred to Microcontroller through RS232.

Block diagram:

Software requirement:
Visual basic (VB 6), Keil .

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