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NIIT -KACHIGUDA C#.NET PRACTICE QUESTIONS. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Write a program to check the inputed number even or odd.

Print the result. 2. WAP to print multiples of 5 upto 100 by using any loop. 3. WAP to read and display data from a single dimensional array. 4. WAP to read and display data from a multi dimensional array. 5. A student attended exams in 6 subjects. create an array to hold marks of each subject. calculate total, average marks of the student and print subject wise marks, total marks and average marks of the student. 6. What is the importance of the 'this' key word in and write a program t o display how to use this key word . 7. create an integer array with size 10. Accept data into the array at run time. Print the array elements by using the for each loop. 8. what is the importance of param key word and write a program by using param k ey word. 9. What is static variable ? WAP by using static and normal variables. 10.Describe compiler and what is name of C# language compiler? 11.What are the rules for naming classes in C#.Net ? 12.What are the characteristrics of an Object? 13.What are the features of Object Oriented Approach ? 14.Compare valye types and Reference types in C#.Net. 15.WAP to accept a students marks in 3 subjects. print marks in 3 subjects , Make a decision whether student Pass/ fail base d upon following conditions by using appropriate selection constructors. To pass --> Student Must get >=50 in each subject Print total , average marks obtained by the student. Print division obtained by the student based upon the average marks. average marks >=80 distinction\ average marks >=60 good average marks >=50 Normal average marks <50 poor. 16. WAP to print Uppercase characters from A-Z by using for loop.

17. What are the diffrences between do - while and while loops? 18. What is an access specifier? State diffrent key words used for access specif iers. 19. Diffrentiate scope of public and private acces specifiers. 20. What is the scope of Internal acces specifier ?

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