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USA State Department official: ANITA F.

Anita Faul Funcke American Citizens Services Consular Section U.S. Embassy Copenhagen TEL: +45-3341 7370 FAX: +45-3538 9616 Email:


THIS IS THE FACE OF ANITA F. FUNCKE THAT DISCRIMINATE ME INSIDE THE USA EMBASSY IN COPENHAGEN. DENMARK COOPERATING WITH DANISH POLICE ON TORTURE, KIDNAPPING AND HIDDEN EVIDENCES IN COURT AGAINST USA CITIZEN MARIO HERRERA. This is the USA State Department official inside the USA embassy in Copenhagen, Denmark that together with the former consul Marylinn W. Rowdybush, former ambassador James P. Cain and still security officer Jeff Howard conspired agaisnt my rights and deprived me of my rights under the color of law, violations of Civil Rights Statutes that carrying each of them up to 10 years in prison. These USA State Department officials conspired to silence, hide and protest in front Danish authorities over torture from Danish policemen Nicolai Cedesrkjold and Anders Bitsch, as well as cooparate with hidden evidences from Danish Crown prosecutor Jens Rasmussen. See the hidden evidence in two court process delivered to Anita F. Funcke.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Robert S. Mueller III, the USA attorney generals Mickey

Muckasey and Eric Holder, as well as Florida senators Mel Martinez, George Lemieux, Bill Nelson and Marco Rubio, as well as USA congressman brothers from Florida Lincoln and Mario Diaz Balart. USA Secretaries of State Condoleezza Rice and Hillary Clinton and USA presidents George W. Bush and Barack Hussein Obama. All of them have been widely informed of this USA State Department official that is the main figure to contribute This is the indictment in hands of USA attorney general Eric Holder and Florida attorney generals Bill McCollum and Pam Bondi, and Arizona senator John McCain, since March 2010. All this documentation has been delivered both USA president BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA as well as Queen of Denmark MARGRETHE II. CLICK HERE TO SEE INDICTMENT AGAINST ANITA F. FUNCKE. MARIO HERRERA.

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