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begin IDC_MGR_Termination_Notf(12009 ,'19-JUL-15'); end; CALL fnd_global.apps_initialize(1856,56225,800); CALL mo_global.

init('HR'); --select * from USER_ERRORS WHERE NAME ='IDC_MGR_TERMINATION_NOTF' select * from per_all_people_f where full_name LIKE '%Wells%Michael%' select * from per_all_people_f where person_id =32871 and person_type_id =13 update per_all_people_f set attribute1 = '1' where person_id =32871 and person_type_id =13 create table idc_test (datax varchar2(2000)); select * from idc_test SELECT SELECT paf.full_name, TO_CHAR(paf.effective_end_date ,'DD-MON-YYYY') Termination_Date, hru.organization_id , (select HRF.job_id from per_all_assignments_f psf, PER_JOBS_TL hrf where person_id =PAF.PERSON_ID and psf.job_id= hrf.job_id AND (PSF.EFFECTIVE_END_DATE =:p_term_date) AND ROWNUM <2) job, (select from per_all_assignments_f psf, PER_JOBS_TL hrf where person_id =PAF.PERSON_ID and psf.job_id= hrf.job_id AND (PSF.EFFECTIVE_END_DATE =:p_term_date) AND ROWNUM <2) job_name, (SELECT WFU.NAME FROM per_all_people_f paf, WF_USERS WFU WHERE person_id = psf.supervisor_id AND wfu.description =PAF.full_name AND (paf.effective_end_date > sysdate OR paf.effective_end_date IS NULL) ) supervisor , hrl.location_code , hrl.location_id --INTO V_T_EMP,V_TERM_DATE, V_ORG_ID, V_JOB_ID ,V_JOB_NAME,V_MGR,V_LOC,V_LOC_I D FROM per_all_people_f paf , per_person_types pet , per_all_assignments_f psf , hr_locations_all hrl , hr_all_organization_units hru WHERE pet.person_type_id =paf.person_type_id AND paf.person_id =psf.person_id AND hrl.location_id = psf.location_id AND hru.business_group_id=paf.business_group_id --and psf.position_id = hrf.position_id and hru.organization_id= psf.organization_id

and paf.business_group_id = pet.business_group_id and pet.business_group_id =psf.business_group_id -- and paf.business_group_id=202 AND paf.person_id =:p_person_id AND (paf.effective_end_date=:p_term_date) AND (psf.effective_end_date =:p_term_date)

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