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The secret garden

Is a hidden, magical and amazing place inside the Palermo Real Casa dei Matti

The madhouse to Palermo Edgar Allan Poe

We jumped into one of the rattling calesini standing in the handsome Corso of Palermo, and fifteen minutes beyond the gates brought us to the Casa del Pazzi. My friend's uniform and profession were an immediate passport, and we were introduced into a handsome court, surrounded by a colonnade, and cooled by a fountain, in which were walking several wellwell-dressed people, with books, drawing-boards, battledores, and other means of drawingamusement. They all bowed politely as we passed, and at the door of the interior we were met by the Count.

La Vignicella main building of the madhouse

Gebbia water tank

La meridiana the sundial

Piante Palm trees

Vivaio the garden

Sotterraneo Underground passage

Cunicoli underground passages

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