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News Release

August 10, 2011 City Issues RFQ for Contracting out Garbage Collection Taxpayers to Save Additional $3 million Councillor Denzil Minnan-Wong, Chair of the Public Works and Infrastructure Committee is pleased to announce that the RFQ for daytime residential curbside collection for District 2 will be issued today. The RFQ will close on September 27, 2011, with a report on the successful bidder going to the October 24/25, 2011 City Council meeting for approval. The issuance of the RFQ is the next step in the process of moving towards the contracting out of residential curbside solid waste collection west of Yonge St. to the Etobicoke border. The additional contracting out west of Yonge St. will create an almost 50-50 split, private vs. in-house, and allow the city to do a side-by-side analysis, comparing the area contracted out with the area retaining in-house collection. This will help inform future decision making regarding the contracting out of city services. The contracting out of residential curbside collection in District 2 is expected to save the city $6 million per year while maintaining current service levels. Implementation is ahead of schedule. An anticipated 6 month delay in commencement of the contract, which would have pushed the start date to February 2013, has been avoided and an extra $3 million in potential savings will be realized. The successful contractor should be rolling out their trucks as early as July or August 2012. This move is but one part of fulfilling the Mayor's mandate to reduce the cost and size of government.

Media contact: Councillor Denzil Minnan-Wong, Chair, Public Works and Infrastructure Committee, 416-397-9256, councilor_minnan-wong@toronto.ca Media Availability: 12:30 p.m. outside Suite C55, 2nd Floor, Toronto City Hall.

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