DNAinfo - Thursday Midtown Gridlock

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Gridlock of Presidential Proportions Likely in Midtown Today President Barack Obamas Visit to Midtown will likely collide with

Pop Sensation Justin Biebers visit to Macys By Kareem Johnson DNAInfo Reporter/Producer MANHATTAN A teen idol and a presidential will test commuters resolve as President Obama makes several stops in Midtown this evening and Justin Biebers visit to Macys in Herald Square. "I can't recall another time when I thought the President's motorcade might be upstaged. But Bieber will be at Herald Square, the crossroads, literally, of NY, where east meets west and north crosses south, said Sam Gridlock Sam Schwartz. The presidents is expected to helicopter in from JFK to Wall street, weather permitting. All avenues will be subject to freezes as the president moves from east and west sides. All avenues east of 7 are frozen. NYPD is saying no schedule closures, but will have an adequate detail in place to deal with fans. If things get out of hand, as they did at the Roosevelt Field Mall on Long Island in November 2009, we will have gridlock of presidential proportions, Schwartz added.

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