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5 Impulse
The impulse of the force F equals the change in the momentum of the particles

When a baseball hits a bat

or when two billiard balls collide , they exert forces on each other over a very short time interval. Forces of this type , which exist only over short time , are often called impulsive forces. According Newtons second law F= (mv) = p t t

where F is the net force applied to an object and p is its change in momentum during a time t F t= p The quantity F t is called the impulse . It is the product of the force and the time interval t over which the force acts.

Graph of force vs time

Average and instantaneous force during a typical brief collision between two moving bodies.

The area under the curve of force versus time is equal to the impulse. impulse.
since the area of the rectangle whose height is the average force equals the area under the curve , we can replace the instantaneous force by the average force to obtain the impulse.

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