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Strategies for Part II Questions & Responses

STRATEGY #3: Get familiar with What and How questions. A. What questions ask about such things as: Actions, names, and ideas (What did she say about. . . .?) The time of day (What time does ... .?) The weather (What will it be like . . . ?) Problems (What's the matter/problem with ... ?) Types and kinds of things-classification (What kind of ... ?) Descriptions (What does he/she/it look like ... .?) A person's occupation and interests (What does he do . . . .?) - Make sure to be able to tell the difference between What does he like doing? (preferences), What does he look like? (physical description) and What is he like? (personality). - What is it/the weather/a place like? asks about the general condition of the weather/location. - When a noun is used after What, the focus of the question is on the noun, ex. What sports does he play? - Indefinite answers like I dont know., I have no idea. may also be the correct answer.
Exercise 1: WHAT 1.A



B. How questions ask about such things as: Age (How old ... ?) Frequency (How often ?) Duration (How long ?) Distance (How far ?) Size (How big ... ?) Cost (How much ?) Time (How late ?) Manner and method (How did ?) Health and well-being (How is ... (doing)?) Opinion (How does he like ... ?) How can also be used to make an offer or invitation (How about coming ... ?)

- What do you think about/of?, How do you like?, Whats your opinion about? & How do you feel about? all ask about someones opinion. - How come you are late = Why are you late? - How interesting the game was! = What an interesting film!. This is NOT a question.

Exercise 2: HOW 2.A



Exercise 3: Mini-Test

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