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NBPTS Standards - Proposition 4 Artifact 4b: Behavioral Issues Standard: Teachers Think Systematically About Their Practice and

Learn From It Rationale: The ability to effectively manage a classroom while providing instruction is a key element of teaching. Educators who are able to do so successfully are viewed as respectful, assertive, compassionate and fair. They earn the trust and respect of their students by establishing clear boundaries and setting realistic goals for themselves as well as their students. Reection: When comparing my current classroom management skills with those at the beginning of my career I have to laugh. While, I was never a pushover I do remember silently begging my students to behave so that I wouldnt have to reprimand them. After all, I was young - not that much older than they were - why would they listen to me? Now after eleven years I have learned a great deal about both the art of teaching and myself. Over the years I have tried on many hats with regard to specic teaching styles and after more than a decade I feel more condent and secure in my ability to effectively manage a classroom where students behaviors and attitudes are often volatile and uncertain. And while there are some individuals who are born with such skills right out of the gate, I was not one of them. For me, experience has been the best teacher. During my career I have been the good cop, the bad cop and everything in between and what Ive found is that students respond to individuals (teachers) who are genuine, honest, respectful and compassionate. When I rst started teaching the principal said to me with a smile, Dont be timid or fearful...they (the students) can smell it on you a mile away and they will attack! This pep talk did little to calm my nerves. Although I survived that day and each day afterwards I was (and still am) a work in progress. I have learned to trust in myself and listen to my students - to never judge a situation until I have all of the facts - to treat students with respect and fairness and in turn demand the same from them. I look to turn situations into teachable moments where students can learn from their mistakes instead of being judged and dismissed. I expect students to work hard to change their behaviors and attitudes by modeling such change within myself. I expect more of my students so that they will, in turn, expect more of themselves! Does this always work? Of course not, but I have seen a decline in student aggression and an increase in self-efcacy and motivation when students are treated with respect and understanding, which is what I strive to do each day.

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