Yost Evals

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University of Utah
Course and Instructor Evaluation Report
Fall 2007
Group Decision-Making
College of Humanities
UU Standard Course Items
1. The course objectives were
2. The course objectives were
3. The course content was well
clearly stated.
4. The course materials were helpful in meeting course objectives.
5. Assignments and exams reflected what was covered in the course.
6. I learned a great deal in this course.
7. Overall, this was an effective course.
Composite score: 5.34 Subject composite score: 5.07
UU Standard Instructor Items Arnell,Aubrey K
1. The instructor was organized.
2. The instructor demonstrated thorough knowledge of the subject.
3. The instructor presented course content effectively.
4. The instructor created/supported a classroom environment that was
5. As appropriate, the instructor encouraged questions and opinions.
6. The instructor was available for consultation with students.
7. Overall, this was an effective instructor.
Composite score: 5.56 Subject composite score: 5.29
N = number of responses
SD = Strongly Disagree (response value 1)
D = Disagree (response value 2)
MD Mildly Disagree (response value 3)
MA Mildly Agree (response value 4)
A = Agree (response value 5)
SA = Strongly Agree (response value 6)
S.Avg = Subject-wide Average for this item
11 O.O't O.O't
11 0.0% 0.0%
11 0.0% 0.0%
11 0.0% 0.0%
11 0.0% 0.0%
11 0.0% 0.0%
11 0.0% O.O't
11 0 .0% 0.0%
11 0.0% 0.0%
11 0.0% 0.0%
11 0.0% 0.0%
11 0.0% 0.0%
11 0.0% 0.0%
11 0.0% 0.0%
Print Date:02-Jan-08
Evaluations processed:ll
MD MA A SA Avg S.Avg
9.1% 9.H 36.4% 45.5'< 5.18 5.15
0.0% 9.1% 45.5% 45.5% 5.36 5.15
9.H 9.1% 27.3% 54.5% 5.27 5.04
0.0% 9.1% 45.5% 45.5% 5.36 5.00
0.0% 0.0% 54.5% 45.5% 5.45 5.10
0.0% 18.2% 27.3% 54.5% 5.36 5.00
O.O't 18.2% 27.3% 54.5% 5.36 5.02
MD MA A SA Avg S.Avg
0.0% 9.1% 27.3% 63.6% 5.55 5.19
0.0% 9.1% 36.4% 54.5% 5. 45 5.43
0.0% 27.3% :i8.2% 54.5% 5 .27 5.09
0.0% 9.1% 18.2% 72.7% 5.64 5. 36
0.0% 0.0% 18.2% 81.8% 5.82 5.41
0.0% 0.0% 45.5% 54.5% 5.55 5.33
0.0% 0.0% 36.4% 63.6% 5.64 5.23
DISCLAIMER:Subject composite scores are current as of the date of this report, but may
be revised if additional evaluations are processed.
List two things about the course content, materials or design that were effective for your learning, or make constructive
The book was kind of dry. But I did enjoy the episode of the Office. It really was benificial to help understand the conflict
1. The book is really clear and facilitative to the course content.
2 . The course is designed in a great way that really allows us to track our improvement in group work.
good class
something everyone should take
Everything in the professional world is team based. This class would benefit almost everybody who plans to have a job after
could be taught graphically.
this instructor that were effective suggestions
She was positive and happy. This created a good atmosphere in the classroom. Also, she always tried to explain questions we
My comments are concerning Rebecca Yost.
1. Rebecca did a great job with this class, even though she was thrown into the mix unexpectedly. She really demonstrated a
knowledge of the material and I truly feel like I learned a lot from her.
2. Rebecca was very helpful to me when I sought her help outside of class. She was willing to explain things outside of class,
help me with other matters regarding my major, and help me understand criteria.
rebecca did really good coming in and taking over for some one else
Very willing to help, a fun teacher
Obviously, this is not an evaluation of Arnell, but Yost.
1010- 006
University of Utah
Course and Instructor Evaluation Report
Spring 2008
Elements Spch Comm
College of Humanities
U1J Standa1d Course Items
1. The course objectives were
2 The course objectives were
3. The course content was well
clea11y stated.
4 . The course materials were helpful in meeting course objectives .
5. Assignments and exams reflected what was covered in the course.
6. I learned a great deal in this course.
7. Overall, this was an effective course.
Composote score: 4.58 Subject composite score: 5.16
UU Standard InstnJ.Ctor Items Yost,Rebecca A
1. The instructor was organized.
2. The instructor demonstrated thorough knowledge of the subject.
3. The instructor presented course content effectively.
4. The instructor created/supported a classroom environment that was
5. As appropriate, the instructor encouraged questions and opinions.
6. The instructor was available for consultation with students.
7. Overall, this was an effective instructor.
Composite score: 4.86 Subject composite score: 5.36
N = number of responses
SD = Strongly Disagree (response value 1)
D = Disagree (response value 2)
MD Mildly Disagree (response value 3)
MA Mildly Agree (response value 4)
A = Agree (response value 5)
SA = Strongly Agree (response value 6)
S.Avg = Subject-wide Average for this item
11 9.1%
11 9.1%
11 9.1%
11 0 . 0%
11 0.0%
11 0.0%
11 0.0%
11 9.1%
11 0.0%
10 0.0%
11 0.0%
11 0.0%
11 0.0%
11 9.1%
0 . 0%
Print Date:13-May-08
Evaluations processed:ll
MD MA A SA Avg S.Avg
0.0% 18.2% 54.5% 18.2% 4.64 5.24
9.1% 18.2% 45.5% 18.2% 4.45 5.22
9.1% 18.2% 45.5% 18.2% 4.45 5.15
9.1% 27.3\ 36.4% 27.3% 4.82 5. 0
0.0% 9.1% 54.5% 27.3% 4.91 5.20
18.2% 9.1% 0.0% 63.6% 9 . 1% 4.36 5. 9
9.1% 9.1% 18.2% 54.5% 9.1% 4.45 5.:o
D MD MA A SA Avg S.Avg
0 .0% 0.0% 27 . 3% 36 .4% 27.3% 4.64 5. 30
0 .0% 0.0% 36 .4% 45 . 5% 18 . 2% 4 . 82 5.47
10.0% 10.0% 30.0% 30.0% 20.0% 4.40 5.20
0.0% 0.0% 9.1% 54.5% 36.4% 5.27 5.'10
0.0% 0.0% 9.1% 63.6% 27.3% 5.18 5.43
0 .0% 0 . 0% 18.2% 54.5% 27.3% 5.09 5.43
0 .0% 9.1% 9.1% 45.5% 27.3% 4.64 5.31
DISCLAIMER:Subject composite scores are current as of the date of this report, but may
be revised if additional evaluations are processed.
List two things about the cou1se content, materials or design that were effective for you1: learning, or make constructive
suggestions for improvement.
I really liked watching video clips, such as clips from the office, and discussing them because they are entertaining and make
the material relate to my life.
I think the class could be improved by switching up groups and teams through the semester to everyone gets to know each other.
Group Presentations and individual presentations
the book and teacher were both very helpful in complet1ng the course contect
The book was helpful.
Games and presentations were very effective.
I liked the book. It was interesting and easy to read. I liked the way that it presented the course material
YOST, REBECCA A: List two things about this instructor that were effective for your learning, or make constructive suggestions
for improvement.
Using mediated sources with lecturing was more interesting than delivering the material orally alone.
Explain requirement of the paper more thoroughly so a student understands what the goal of the paper is and what will be looked
for. Possibly giving out a specific grading sheet with a break down of points would be helpful.
Great student interactiona and participation.
Educated on the topic at hand.
Rebecca cares about her students.
She kept us excited to come to class.
Great job, keep up the good teaching.
I liked the way that she set the course up. it was always fun and interesting. It was nice to have a variety of different
activities that we did instead of just always having a lecture and taking notes. It made the class more innovative and fun
1010 - 003
University of Utah
Course and Instructor Evaluation Report
Fall 2008
Elements Spch Comm
College of Humanities
UU Standard Course Items
1. The course objectives were
2. The course ObJeCtives were
3. The course content was well
clearly stated.
4. The course materials were helpful in meeting course objectives.
5. Assignments and exams reflected what was covered in the course.
6. I learned a great deal in this course.
7 . Overall, this was an effective course.
Composite score; 5.43 Subject composite score: 5.22
UU Standard Instructor Items Yost , Rebecca A
l. The instructor was organized.
2. The instructor demonstrated thorough knowledge of the subject.
3. The instructor presented course content effectively.
4. The instructor created/supported a classroom environment that was
5. As appropriate, the instructor encouraged questions and opinions.
6. The instructor was available for consultation with students.
7. Overall, this was an effective instructor.
Composite score: 5.47 Subject composite score: 5.38
N = number of responses
SD = Strongly Disagree (response value 1)
D = Disagree (response value 2)
MD Mildly Disagree (response value 3)
MA Mildly Agree (response value 4)
A = Agree (response value 5)
SA = Strongly Agree (response value 6)
S.Avg = SubJect-wide Average for this item
16 0 . 0% 0.0%
16 0.0% 0.0%
16 0.0% 0.0%
16 0.0% 0.0%
16 0.0% 0.0%
16 0.0% 0.0%
15 0 . 0% 0.0%
15 0 . 0% 0 .0%
15 0.0% 0 . 0%
15 0.0% 0 . 0%
15 0.0% 0 . 0%
15 0.0% 0.0%
15 0 . 0% 0.0%
15 0.0% 0.0%
Print Date: OS-Jan-09
Enrollment: 25
Evaluations processed:l 6
!40 MA A SA Avg S . Avg
0.0% 12.5 31.2% 56.2\ 5.44 5.29
0.0% 12.5% 31.2\ 56.2\ 5.44 5.27
6 . 2% 0.0% 37.5% 56.2% 5.44 5.21
0.0% 6 . 2% 37.5% 56.2% 5.50 5.15
0 . 0% 12.5% 25.0% 62.5% 5.50 5.27
6. 2\ 12 . 5% 31.2\ 50.0% 5.25 5.15
0 . 0% 6. 7% 40.0% 53.3% 5.47 5.16
MD MA A SA Avg S.Avg
6.7% 6 . 7% 26.7% 60 . 0% 5.40 5 . 28
0.0% 13.3% 26.7% 60 . 0% 5. 47 5 .52
6. 7% 6.7% 26.7% 60. 0% 5.40 5. 22
6. 7% 6. 7% 26.7% 60. 0% 5.40 5.41
0.0% 0.0% 33 . 3% 66.7% 5.67 5.48
0 . 0% 13.3% 33 . 3% 53.3% 5. 40 5.43
0.0% 13.3% 20.0% 66.7% 5.53 5. 31
DISCLAIMER: Subj ect compos i te scores are current as of the date of t h i s report, but may
be revised if additional evaluations are processed.
List two things about the course content, materials or design that were effective for your learning , or make constructive
for imProvement.
She made the class very easy to follow and understand and used good visuals.
Excellent Instructor. The Classroom environment was conducive to learning.
the book was helpful and so was the teacher.
reading assignments were minimal and didn't overwhelm.
videos and powerpoints
The course material was the best I have ever learned.
YOST, A: List two things about
that were effective learning, make constructive suggestions
for improvement.
Really liked us teaching the classes.
Knowledgeable, Effective communicator and teacher.
She was very helpful and i think she should teach all of my other teachers how to teach. too many forget that they are to help
us learn, but Rebecca didn't forget.
I learned a great deal in her class and am thankful for taking it.
the only suggestion i have is creating an environment that is respectful. Some students took advantage of her because she lS
on our level. other than that GREAT TEACHER!!!
upbeat and fun
I don't think we should change anything about this class. It was awesome.
1020 - 001
University of Utah
Course and Instructor Evaluation Report
Spring 2009
Princ Public Speaking Print Date:20-May-09
Communication Enrollment:24
College of Humanities Evaluations processed:19
UU Standard Course Items N SD D MD MA A SA Avg S.Avg
1. The course objectives were clearly stated. 19 0.0% 5.3% 5.3% 0.0% 36.8% 52.6% 5.26 5.25
2. The course objectives were met. 19 0.0% 0.0% 5.3% 10.5% 31.6% 52.6% 5.32 5.25
3. The course content was well organized. 19 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 10.5% 31.6% 57.9% 5.47 5.18
4. The course materials were helpful in meeting course objectives. 19 21.1% 5.3% 5.3% 5.3% 10.5% 52.6% 4.37 5.12
5. Assignments and exams reflected what was covered in the course. 19 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 10.5% 21.1% 68.4% 5.58 5.26
6. I learned a great deal in this course. 19 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 26.3% 15.8% 57.9% 5.32 5.12
7. Overall, this was an effective course. 19 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 15.8% 26.3% 57.9% 5.42 5.14
Composite score: 5.25 Subject composite score: 5.19
UU Standard Instructor Items Yost,Rebecca A N SD D MD MA A SA Avg S.Avg
1. The instructor was organized. 16 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 6.2% 31.2% 62.5% 5.56 5.26
2. The instructor demonstrated thorough knowledge of the subject. 16 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 18.8% 18.8% 62.5% 5.44 5.49
3. The instructor presented course content effectively. 16 0.0% 0.0% 6.2% 6.2% 18.8% 68.8% 5.50 5.17
4. The instructor created/supported a classroom environment that was
16 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 18.8% 81.2% 5.81 5.37
5. As appropriate, the instructor encouraged questions and opinions. 16 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 12.5% 87.5% 5.88 5.44
6. The instructor was available for consultation with students. 16 6.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 18.8% 75.0% 5.50 5.40
7. Overall, this was an effective instructor. 16 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 12.5% 12.5% 75.0% 5.62 5.29
Composite score: 5.62 Subject composite score: 5.35

N = number of responses
SD = Strongly Disagree (response value 1)
D = Disagree (response value 2)
MD = Mildly Disagree (response value 3)
MA = Mildly Agree (response value 4)
A = Agree (response value 5)
SA = Strongly Agree (response value 6)
S.Avg = Subject-wide Average for this item

DISCLAIMER:Subject composite scores are current as of the date of this report, but may
be revised if additional evaluations are processed.
List two things about the course content, materials or design that were effective for your learning, or make constructive
suggestions for improvement.
She was very well versed in the topic, she knew a lot about speaking and helped me make sure my speeches were well done. She
followed the book very well which was good because it was easy to study, but it also made me feel like i bought the book for a
reason. I really enjoyed this class and i feel it effectivly taugh me how to speak.
I found the lab day to be particularly helpful. I liked to be able to watch the video of my speeches afterward.
we didn't need the book. the powerpoints were effective. But overall i think that we needed to speak more and give more
speeches so we could get better.
Good class I felt i learned a lot and can use all the material in the future. The book on the other hand waste of money and
didnt get to sell it back
I really enjoyed this class. I felt that I learned a ton, and what I really liked was being able to practice those things we
learned in class. I really liked how the class was liaed out and the things that we covered. For me if there was not to much
you could improve on for this class.
The only suggestion I would give is do a little more with dilivery stuff. Over all it was a good course and I thought that it
was taught well and in a way that I will remember in use in my life.
1) The speaking workshops were excellent. 2) I think it was a real learning opportunity to see our speeches online from the
class-recording--the all important self critique.
Good class, we did what I tohught what neccesary
- a lot of practice with concrete speeches
- knowing the class and learn how to take the audience in account
When the department tells a teacher that they have to include a certain text is somewhat ridiculous. I realize that there are
certain criteria that they want to be met, but making students pay for a $90 book that never got used, and only ended up being
scrapped by the department (significantly reducing the 'buyback' price) anyway, is a waste of student resources.
Micromanagement needs to come to an end.
1- Peer feedback and feedback given from intructor was extremely helpful.
2- Content was very well-organized, and instructor was very fair-minded and worked well with students.
The book is not ever needed.
Attendance policy too strict.
YOST,REBECCA A: List two things about this instructor that were effective for your learning, or make constructive suggestions
for improvement.
Rebecca is a very nice person and i like her a lot. I never really knew what she was looking for as far as grades. i asked once
and i didnt get a response untill after my next speech but i really enjoyed her and her class
She was a good teacher and had a good teaching technique, the class felt very comfortable with her as a professor
I think you did a good job at persenting the material very well. I really liked how you allowed each person to express there
personality in the class. It was a fun class and a very useful class. I think the biggest complement I can give is that this
class was taught it a way where I will take the things that I learned in class and apply them in every speech I now do. Over
all it was a great class and I would take it again.
1) Rebecca had great candor and humor--really engaged the students in the material. 2) She was able to keep a level focus on
the material while exploring student's specific interests and questions.
good at getting students involved, and at making us feel like our opinions counted for something. Cut down on lectures and have
us practice speaking. Or when she teaches a certain topic have us practice what she teaches.
- very efficient to make the students feel good and confident
- She was alweays listening to our needs, our suggestions and our suggestions to improve this class.
- I would just suggest to speak louder and also to be more confident about her work. Sometimes it seems that she is a little
bit "controled" by the students (in the sens that sometimes she is listening TOO MUCH to the student's demands such as "oh no,
it would be cool not to come to class", "we should have more points for that and that" ...bla bla ..). SHE is the teacher !
- But overall this class was really good and i've learnt so much ! thank you so much Rebecca for this great experience ! I
will never forget all the hints and advices that you taught me for my speeches in my entire life !!
1- The instructor was created a very supportive learning environment that was helpful especially in the context of a public
speaking course.
2- The instructor was easy to work with and very understanding.
Rebecca was one of my favorite teachers so far at the U. She is easy going and easy to talk to. She replies quickly to emails
and is available in her office when needed.
She was a really good instructor, i have nothing bad to say about her.
Rebecca was always willing to help, and trying to make things useful and applicable both on a class and individual level.

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