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Patrologiae Graecae vol.

27: Athanasius

Patrologiae Graecae vol. 27: Athanasius

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J.-P. Migne Patrologiae Graecae vol. 27: Athanasius

Imprint: Paris:J.-P. Migne, 1857 Return to List of Titles

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Title Page -- col. 5 Elenchus -- col. 7 Epistola ad Marcellinum -- col. 11 Admonitio in Expositiones Psalmorum -- col. 45 Admonitio -- col. 53 Expositiones in Psalmos -- col. 59 Fragmenta Commentariorum d. Athanasii -- col. 547 De titulis Psalmorum -- col. 591 Antonelli Praefatio -- col. 591 De Titulis Psalmorum -- col. 649 In excerpta in Job Admonitio -- col. 1343 Admonitio in Fragmenta Subsequentia in Canticum -- col. 1347 Appendix ad Fragmenta in Cantica. -- col. 1349 Monitum in Sermones sive Commentarios in Matthaeum -- col. 1361 Ex Sermonibus sive Commentarii in Evangelium Matthaei -- col. 1363 Monitum in Excerpta Commentariorum in Lucam -- col. 1389 Ex Commentariis S. Athanasii in Lucam -- col. 1392 Fragmentum in Epistolam I ad Corinthios -- col. 1403 Index Graecitatis -- col. 1409 Ordo Rerum -- col. 1411

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Patrologiae Graecae vol. 27: Athanasius

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