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As nobody can destroy its shadow, nobody can destroy the nation and sometimes national feelings of men

and women ...What we have to take care of on the other hand is to avoid that the shadow will start to control the men or the women, that the shadow becomes more important than the men or women themselves that it starts to determine their behavior. (Fleiner, 1995, p. 91)

To what extent do you think multinational federations are viable?

Sebastiaan Debrouwere

Paper written for the the London School of Economics and Political Science International Politics: Building Democracies from Conict. August 2011. Under the auspices of: Dr Paul Mitchell,Dr Vesselin Dimitrov Professor George Philip & Dr Neboja Vladisavljevi

In the latter half of the twentieth century, ethnic violence has become pervasive

In an era where ethnic violence has become more common and more lethal in absolute numbers

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