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GIiNERAL INFORMATIOI\ Full name: Do Van Son , Gender: Female Date of birth: August lh tggl Placeof birth: Vinh Phuc Mobile phone: 01273780862 81987 E-mail address: dovansonT Marital Status: Single

OBJECTIVE r To take a challengingposition in a professionalenvironment o To improve technical knowledgeand communication EDTJCATIOI\I Hanoi Unlvercfi of Scienes and Tecfinology, Hanoi in Bachelor Science Mechantronics of From2006to 2011 r r I Gained Ure second prize in sfudent rcsealdr onferene (6/2O11) ObtainedITOCHU corporation scholarship e/2011) PublishedArticle in The 4m conference on MechantronicsBook ( Publishedin 2008 by DanangPublisher) PublishedArticle in Automation Today (Published6120ll) ReceivedConstantlyEncouraging ScholarshipFrom 2008 to 20ll ScoredIELTS 6.0

I I I British Council Preparefor IELTS From 8 /2010 to 3l20ll Hlgh school for the Glfted Students, Viefrram I llaUonal Univercity, Hanol From2001to 2005

with excellentcertificate Graduated

EXPERTENCE FPT mobile Retail sales From 6/2010 to 8/2010 Rang Dong mechanical Factory ' Staff From 4/20rc to 5/2010 I | I . Took part in delivering fresh bran mobile to rural area Contactedto retail stores Be responsible of controlling machines Took role as a supervisor CNC

PLTRSONAI. SKILI-S r r Language:English-fluent, Good communicatingskill with foreign Computer literacy: Good knowledge of MS Word, MS Excel, PowerPoint, Photoshop,Solidwork, Cad, Catia.. .etc

r Internet: Good command in searching, analyzing information r Ability to team-work and to adapt high pressurein working L,XT'RA.CLi ICULLJ AC'IIVITIT'S RR M

r Studentvoluntary activities Such as supportingStudentsin entrance rxams to GreenSummer...etc University, . Be a member FootballClub,Championed university the footbrf, competition of . Involvedin FinalroundManagement which conducted PEPSICCO. Trainee by ITEFERENCE
IyITPHAM VAN HUNG Vice-President of Mechanical School, Hanoi University of Sciences and Technology

r 335908 091

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