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1. Agricultural Agricultural activities are one of the economy sources of our country. But, they may affect the balancing the nutrient in the soil. This is because many of our cultivator/farmer used inorganic fertilizers such pesticides and insecticides. Nowadays, there are persistent organic insecticides that used by the farmers around the world. This pesticide is known as Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs). This organic compound has long life and cannot degradable easier, either chemically, physically or biology. Besides, it can harm people and our ecosystem. This toxic compound could damage and disturb humans nervous system. Some of POPs may destruct our endocrine system by changing our hormone and give carcinogenic effect. 2. Domestic Waste

Every day, we produced about 22 000 tan domestic waste and this statistic will increase with the rising of the number of citizens. This domestic waste will cause to air pollution. This is because this waste can release the carbon dioxide and metane gas to the air when this waste is burned. Beside, the waste also contains toxic that can absorb into the soil. Thus, this can caused to soil pollution and water pollution when the rain fall and flowed the water to the river. The pollutant may harm people who used the water.



Factories activity may cause bad effect to us. These factories will release dangerous gaseous such as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and many more. These toxic gases may lead to the acid rain when the water molecules combined with these gases compound. Acid rain may bring bad effect to the human, plants, animals and building. The living things may die if they drink the rain water. Besides, the rain may destruct the building, cars and other metal products such as bridge.

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