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Psychology In Advertising Running head: PSYCHOLOGY IN ADVERTISING

Psychology In Ad e!"ising: Ho# G!a$hic Design E%e!ges In"o A &ig Indus"!y Such As In"e!ac"i e 'edia And (e)si"e Design Hieu Nguyen Adi!ondac* Co%%uni"y College

Psychology In Advertising A)s"!ac"

G!a$hic design s*ills a!e an i%$o!"an" $a!" o+ )eing a #e)si"e designe!, The designe!-s "as* is "o c!ea"e an in"e!ac"i e #e)si"e and *no# i+ )ac*g!ound %usic is i%$o!"an" "o a ie#ing audience, The s"!eng"hs o+ "his .o) include "he +!eedo% o+ c!ea"i i"y/ and "he #ea*nesses include long hou!s and deadlines "ha" %us" )e %e", This $a$e! !esea!ches "he !e0ui!e%en"s "ha" %us" )e %e" in o!de! "o a )eco%e a #ell in+o!%ed #e)si"e designe!,

Psychology In Advertising Ho# G!a$hic Design E%e!ges In"o A &ig Indus"!y Such As In"e!ac"i e 'edia And (e)si"e Design,

Co%$u"e! "echnology is one o+ %y +a o!i"e $as"i%es1 I ha e al#ays #an"ed "o )e a #e) designe!, I #ill #o!* "o#a!d %y %a.o! deg!ee/ Co%%unica"ion and 'edia A!"s/ a+"e! I ge" %y associa"e-s deg!ee, I "oo* a co%$u"e! g!a$hic design cou!se a" Adi!ondac* Co%%uni"y College 2ACC3 in "he +all o+ 4556, I lea!ned "he +unda%en"al as$ec"s o+ g!a$hic design #hile #o!*ing +o! "he T!uc* 7 Au"o (a!es g!a$hic de$a!"%en" in Sa!a"oga S$!ings/ Ne# Yo!*, I gained e8$e!ience +!o% hands on $!in"ing e0ui$%en" "o ho# "o deal #i"h clien"s, Las" se%es"e!/ I designed )o"h a $e!sonal and a )usiness logo +o! %y g!a$hic design class1 i" #as a challenging .o), As a designe!/ I ha e "o c!ea"e an i%age "ha" is )eau"i+ul in e e!yone-s eyes, I go" a lo" o+ +eed)ac* +!o% %y class%a"es and %y "eache! )e+o!e %y $!" #as g!aded, I +eel i" is necessa!y "o ha e a $sychology )ac*g!ound in e e!y as$ec" o+ a #e) design ca!ee!, The!e a!e "h!ee a!eas in $sychology "ha" I a% in"e!es"ed in, They a!e social $sychology/ indus"!ial9o!gani:a"ion $sychology/ and consu%e! $sychology, Social $sychology is "he s"udy o+ #ha" $eo$le "hin* and ho# "hey !eac" in social en i!on%en"s 2Ne id/ 4556/ $,;63, This *no#ledge #ill allo# %e "o co%%unica"e e++ec"i ely #i"h cus"o%e!s, I can c!ea"e $!"s "ha" sui" "hei! s"yle, Indus"!ial9o!gani:a"ion $sychology is "he s"udy o+ $eo$le and ho# "hey in"e!ac" in "hei! #o!* en i!on%en", This *no#ledge #ill allo# %e "o unde!s"and #ha" #o!* en i!on%en" is e++ec"i e "o inc!ease %y $!oduc"i i"y, Consu%e! $sychology is "he o+ s"udy ho# "he consu%e! decide "o )uy $!oduc"s, This *no#ledge #ill allo# %e "o unde!s"and a!ious $e!s$ec"i es/ so I can %a*e e++ec"i e and $osi"i e $!esen"a"ion "o a clien" 2Ne id/ 4556/ $,;63,

Psychology In Advertising &ased on &u!eau o+ La)o! S"a"is"ics 245563/ one needs a )achelo!-s deg!ee "o )eco%e a g!a$hic designe!, The cu!!iculu% +o! a )achelo!-s includes #e)si"e design/ s"udio a!"/ and co%%e!cial g!a$hics $!oduc"ion 2$,;3, The cou!ses include %a!*e"ing/ $sychology/ #!i"ing/ a!" his"o!y/ and cul"u!al s"udies "o hel$ designe!s "o )e #ell< in+o!%ed in "hei! #o!*, The "as*s a!e unli%i"ed and include .o)s such as c!ea"ing %aga:ine co e!s/ #e) si"e ani%a"ion/ and sho!" ideo cli$s such as co%%e!cials 2$,;3, =us" li*e e e!y .o)/ a #e) designe! has his o! he! o#n s"!eng"hs and

#ea*nesses, The #e) designe!-s s"!eng"h is "ha" he o! she can i!"ually #o!* in di++e!en" +ields such as a $u)lishing and sound enginee!ing 2G!a$hic Designe!s/ 455>/ $,>4?3, (e)si"e designe!s ha e "he o$$o!"uni"y "o #o!* in la!ge ad e!"ising +i!%s #he!e g!a$hic designe!s ha e %o!e $!"s "o #o!* on "han a" s%alle! +i!%s 2Ad e!"ising and 'a!*e"ing 'anage!/ 455>/ $,@?3, Ha ing a )achelo!-s deg!ee #i"h co%$u"e! so+"#a!e design/ #e)si"e design and ani%a"ion *no#ledge is "he )es" +o! ge""ing a .o) 2&u!eau o+ La)o! S"a"is"ic3, Disad an"ages include "he +!us"!a"ion "ha" a!ises #hen "he designe!-s $!" is !"ed )y clien"s )ecause "he $!" is no" c!ea"i e enough, Long hou!s and con"inual s"!ess a!e a $a!" o+ "his .o) )ecause "he deadlines and goals %us" )e %e", The designe! so%e"i%es has "o #o!* unde! $!essu!e "o $lease "he clien", One %us" co%$le"e )asic a!"s +o! a yea! )e+o!e he o! she can )e acce$"ed in uni e!si"y 2&u!eau o+ La)o! S"a"is"ic/ 45563, Ao! ins"ance/ I only $!e+e! "a*ing co%$u"e! g!a$hics classes/ )u" %y counselo! !e0ui!es %e "o "a*e )asic a!" classes +o! one yea!, A 4556 s"udy loo*s a" ho# B"he slo#<"e%$o %usic "!ea"%en" $!oduced signi+ican"ly highe! le els o+ ad con"en" !ecall co%$a!ed "o "he +as"<"e%$o %usic "!ea"%en"C 2Oa*es3, This schola!ly !esea!ch is !ela"ed "o %y +u"u!e ca!ee!/ #hich

Psychology In Advertising !e0ui!es %e "o #o!* in an in"e!ac"i e %edia li*e #e) ani%a"ion, I need "o *no# ho# )ac*g!ound %usic is !ela"ed "o "he ie#ing audience, &ased on $sychology and

unde!s"anding in !adio ads/ Oa*es +ound ou" "ha" "he %usic a++ec"s ho# o! i+ consu%e!s !ecall "he !adio ads, The sho!"e! "he du!a"ion/ "he )e""e! "he consu%e! #ill !e%e%)e! "he $!oduc", In"e!es"ingly/ consu%e!s said "hey did no" )eco%e )o!ed 24556/ $,>5>3, I had a #onde!+ul e8$e!ience in !esea!ching %y +u"u!e ca!ee! as a #e)si"e designe!, I #ould de+ini"ely choose "his .o)/ )ecause i" is in ol ed in "he en"e!"ain%en" indus"!y, The!e a!e "h!ee !easons #hy I chose %y +u"u!e ca!ee!, Ai!s"/ #e)si"e design is easy %oney/ #hich #ill %o"i a"e %e "o ha e a $!" done #ell +o! a clien", Second/ I ha e %y o#n $e!sonal dancing #e)si"e/ do$e%o es,co%1 I co%)ine %y g!a$hic and #e)si"e design s*ills "o a$$ly %y si"e "o an in"e!ac"i e %e!chan" #e)si"e, Thi!d/ I a% a)le "o s#i"ch a ne# .o) e e!y season1 I #o!* in di++e!en" +ields in di++e!en" seasons, I do #e)si"e design +o! #in"e! and I do ca! g!a$hic design in su%%e!, A+"e! I ge" %y associa"e-s deg!ee in co%$u"e! ne"#o!*ing/ I #ill "!ans+e! "o Roches"e! Ins"i"u"e o+ Technology 2RIT3 "o ge" %y )achelo!-s, Then I co%e )ac* "o ACC "o ge" %y Co%%unica"ion and 'edia A!"s associa"e-s deg!ee in less "han "#o yea!s/ since I ha e c!edi" hou!s +!o% ACC,

Psychology In Advertising Re+e!ences Adi!ondac* Co%%uni"y College, Visual communication and media arts, Re"!ie ed A$!il ;5/ 455?/ +!o% h""$:99###,sunyacc,edu9$age>? Ad e!"ising and 'a!*e"ing 'anage!, 2455>3, In Encyclopedia of careers and vocational guidance. 2;D"h Ed,3 Ne# Yo!*: Ae!guson Pu)lishing Co%$any, &u!eau o+ La)o! S"a"is"ics/ E,S, De$a!"%en" o+ La)o! 245563, Ad e!"ising/ 'a!*e"ing/ P!o%o"ions/ Pu)lic Rela"ions/ and Sales 'anage!s, Occupational outlook handbook 2006. Re"!ie ed 'a!ch 5F/ 455?/ +!o% h""$:99###,)ls,go 9oco9ocos545,h"% G!a$hic Designe!s, 2455>3, In Encyclopedia of careers and vocational guidance. 2;D"h Ed,3 Ne# Yo!*: Ae!guson Pu)lishing Co%$any, Ne id/ =, S, 245563, Essentials of psychology: Concepts and applications , Ne# Yo!*: Hough"on 'i++lin Co%$any, Oa*es S,/ 7 No!"h C, A, 245563, The i%$ac" o+ )ac*g!ound %usical "e%$o and "i%)!e cong!ui"y u$on ad con"en" !ecall and a++ec"i e !es$onse, pplied Cognitive !sychology, 20" >5>< >45, Re"!ie ed Ae)!ua!y F/ 455?/ +!o% "he E&SCO Da"a)ase,

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