Enterprise Management System

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Enterprise Management System/ Document Management System/ Project Planning System

INTRODUCTION 1. Document Management System (DMS) used to track and store electronic documents and/or images of paper documents 2. It is usually also capable of keeping track of the different revisions of document (history tracking) and always gives the latest revision of document on just one click (if any how authorised user want to see previous revision, can also see that). 3. This system manages any type of file format that could be stored on the network. Here all documents are saved Work Order wise on centralised location. 4. Document Management Systems have a rights management module that allows an administrator to give access to particular screen to only certain people. 5. Project Planning module is used to deal with the complexity of large projects by scheduling various tasks. 6. Using Task Manager an organization can manage tasks among its employees as a internal messaging system.

Reports 1. Quotation Document 2. PO Document 3. PO Received 4. Drawing History 5. Date Wise Upload 6. On Going Job List 7. Work Order Wise Completion 8. Date Wise Completion (Value) 9. Current Work Load 10. Forecast Work Load 11. Dispatch 12. Gantt Chart

System Requirement 1 2 3 4 Microsoft Windows Server 2005 or higher MS SQL Server 2005 or higher Internet Information Service (IIS) FTP Server

For any change and queries please contact on email: apoorvgupta29@yahoo.com

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