The Call Squad Listener Responses To The Knowledge Co-Op

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Some responses, from you, our loyal listeners, from just the first 15 minutes after we made our

announcement to begin polling a new concept; forming a Knowledge Co-op in addition to our free info sharing we do each week from !

Yep, I'm committed to support your research and time. You have given soooo much for free, the cost that you are asking for is very reasonable. In gratitude, Carolyn I would love to be a part of what you all are proposing and I have NO problem paying for a membership to your site. The Squad is great and I have learned so much from listening to you and look forward to a continued relationship. The Call Squad Rocks!!! God Bless! CH Dear Squad - I am TOTALLY interested in the Knowledge Co-op, and will be gratefully delighted to participate. Thanks SO much for your willingness to contribute in this way. -Chris

Dear Call Squad, I have been wondering when you would come to this conclusion. If I paid you $ per month starting this month and you closed your doors, I would need to pay you for years for what you have already done for me. I am in, let me know what I need to do to help you get this wonderful thing up and running. GOD Bless you all MV

I would love to learn and understand the side that the rich knew all along and learn how to use my knowledge to run my business more wisely. thank you for your time and efforts for what you will be doing! The cost will be worth it!-M
I am in favor of your idea to expand the knowledge available to dinar holders. Great idea, thank you! -Paula

I wish it was already going on, I could use this information right now! -Jason
Hey Guys, AWESOME idea. I can spend approximately $250 to $360 per year for info that would cost me 10 to 100 times that much if I had to contract with individuals offering all these services mentioned in your planned modules! Are you kidding.....I'M IN GUYS!! Thanks and blessings-Beverly

Hi Everybody! I am learning to "fish". Along those thought lines, I don't want to be a "fish out of water" when it comes to the responsibilities that come with this generous blessing. Thank you for this...I will be looking forward to the "lessons".-Sue Count me in. This sounds great. I need this help. Thank you -Dean
Dear Call Squad,

I certainly wish to financially the support your role in educating me and the many thousands of people that so sorely need the information you propose to share So, I say GO FOR IT and count on our financial commitment. To many, FREE has no value, meaning that all the information that you have shared without cost to us, often is not taken as seriously as if we

had paid for it.thank you for all that you have done out of the goodness of your hearts. I look forward to plugging in to The Squad for a long time. I need the information.-Allan

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