Rubric For Sport Skills: Points

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1/10/08 7:45 PM


Advanced Always demonstrates the following: Performance Comes prepared and is properly dressed. 100% = 10 Stays on task and uses time effectively in classs to complete 95% = 9.5 class objectives. 90% = 9 Follows class rules and etiquette during class. Works well with teacher and claasmates (is a team player). Extensive knowledge base and understanding of the activity. Proficient Sometimes demonstrates the following: Performance Comes prepared and is properly dressed. 85% = 8.5 Stays on task and uses time effectively in class to complete 80% = 8 class objectives. 75% = 7.5 Follows class rules and etiquette during class. 70% = 7 Works well with teacher and classmates (is a team player). Extensive knowledge base and understanding of the activity. Partially Rarely demonstrates the folowing: Proficient Comes prepared and is properly dressed. 65% = 6.5 Stays on task and uses time effectively in class to complete 60% = 6 class objectives. 55% = 5.5 Follows class rules and etiquette during class. 50% = 30 Works well with teacher and classmates (is a team player). Extensive knowledge base and understanding of the activity.


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