Graffiti On A Corner by Dermot Bolger

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Grafti on a Corner

Each time I pause at this corner It unlocks a private code: Myriad labyrinths of memories Flash past along the road. The thrill of being chased, rst kiss, First time to encounter love: You may see a bare street corner, I glimpse a treasure trove. - Dermot Bolger

The Clondalkin Suite, a sequence of poems by Dermot Bolger, from part of his work in progress entitled County Lives. Commissioned by South Dublin County Council through In Context 3 and funded under the Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Governments Per Cent for Art Scheme, The Clondalkin Suite is being displayed across Clondalkin. Their texts can be downloaded at where comments may also be left for the author. Between the January 1st and March 30th 2008, people who live or work in South Dublin County are invited to submit to the author, via this website, up to three original poems that reect some aspect of their lives within the county. In September 2008, the full text of County Lives will be published, consisting of Dermot Bolgers original sequence interlinked with a representative cross section of submitted poems by other authors. Photograph by Fiona Delaney. Designed and produced by Yellowstone Communications Design 670 4200.

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