National Conference On Health Communication, Marketing, and Media - Twitter Transcript (#HCMMconf)

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#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

#hcmmconf transcript
Healthcare Social Media Transcript
From: To: Tue Aug 09 0:00:00 PDT 2011 Thu Aug 11 23:59:00 PDT 2011 change time period

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Workout done! Getting ready for #hcmmconf. My 1st session is at 8AM Social Media 101: An intro 2 social media for health comm & mrktng
Tue Aug 9 2:42:05 PDT 2011


Morning tweeps It's going to be a great day at #hcmmconf . Can't wait to meet all of my #bumshc rock stars. Woot!
Tue Aug 9 3:34:25 PDT 2011


Heading down to ATL today for the #hcmmconf w/ @caitdouglas @JenniferWayman and one of the @BonBonRoseGirls.
Tue Aug 9 3:38:47 PDT 2011

NCS_GCSC RobinPregnancy jaschin

@HealthTap How was #blogher? will you also be at #hcmmconf?

Tue Aug 9 3:42:10 PDT 2011

I'm registered and just waiting anxiously for sessions to start! #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 4:32:44 PDT 2011

It's conference time! Social media team is getting set up for our workshop. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 4:33:07 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

shanictaylor ampilsner

And so it begins. Good morning fellow #hcmmconf'ers!

Tue Aug 9 4:34:31 PDT 2011

#hcmmconf is off to a start! But first, getting my southern breakfast on with @shanictaylor at @RiasBluebird! Yum!
Tue Aug 9 5:04:23 PDT 2011

Meeghan JeriKirschner

@shanictaylor good morning ! #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 5:10:50 PDT 2011

Tweeting from Natl Conference on Health Communication, Marketing, and Media thru Thursday. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 5:11:21 PDT 2011


Arriving at #hcmmconf? Let us know what you learn & how it can help communicate importance of #behavioralhealth
Tue Aug 9 5:13:01 PDT 2011


Building up a community over time. Best social media strategy. #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 5:13:25 PDT 2011


Me too! @JeriKirschner: Tweeting from Natl Conference on Health Communication, Marketing, and Media thru Thursday. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 5:14:21 PDT 2011


#hcmmconf from workshop re: social media. Think movement, not campaigns.
Tue Aug 9 5:14:25 PDT 2011


What kind of live coverage do you want to see from the @CDCgov #hcmmconf? Follow our blog :
Tue Aug 9 5:15:02 PDT 2011


Technical difficulties in the social media workshop. We are getting audio from room next door. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 5:20:15 PDT 2011

marisamoore CoffeesCommutes

Who's going to @CDC 's #hcmmconf this week?

Tue Aug 9 5:23:03 PDT 2011

Email marketing: Take it from Us Social media: Get it from friends. Love that #hcmmconf[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

Tue Aug 9 5:24:21 PDT 2011


So often overlooked. @emanhaly: Building up a community over time. Best social media strategy. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 5:24:52 PDT 2011


Often overlooked: using social media to motivate content generation. I. #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 5:26:41 PDT 2011


RT @CoffeesCommutes: Often overlooked: using social media to motivate content generation. I. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 5:28:56 PDT 2011


The ROI of social media is your business will still exist in 5 years. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 5:28:59 PDT 2011


RT @FHI360: What kind of live coverage do you want to see from the @CDCgov #hcmmconf? Follow our blog :
Tue Aug 9 5:29:13 PDT 2011


RT @CAGolden: The ROI of social media is your business will still exist in 5 years. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 5:29:30 PDT 2011


RT @shanictaylor: And so it begins. Good morning fellow #hcmmconf'ers!

Tue Aug 9 5:29:55 PDT 2011


Make sure to catch @vet4health from @boozallen facilitating communitycampus partnerships for health panel 8/9 at 2PM! #hcmmconf #boozallen
Tue Aug 9 5:30:04 PDT 2011

HCAnnaTE BCollado

Tweeting live from #Hcmmconf. Follow me..

Tue Aug 9 5:31:40 PDT 2011

Wishing I could be with all of you at the CDC HCOM Conf this week! Have fun, learn lots, tweet often. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 5:33:27 PDT 2011


Good morning #hcmmconf'ers!! @SmokefreeWomen in the house!!

Tue Aug 9 5:35:07 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


@sm1guru - fantastic, thx. I get in today at 12p in time for the opening session #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 5:38:31 PDT 2011


#hcmmconf: evaluate your audience use of sm with ladder if engagement. .

Tue Aug 9 5:38:36 PDT 2011


@BreakingNews: Calls for BB to suspend messaging in attempt to stop rioters from communicating. Thoughts #hcmmconf?
Tue Aug 9 5:38:45 PDT 2011

RobinPregnancy seansimms

Just bought my @cnnlive tour here in #Atlanta for #hcmmconf - too fun!
Tue Aug 9 5:39:05 PDT 2011

RT @SmokefreeWomen: Good morning #hcmmconf'ers!! @SmokefreeWomen in the house!!

Tue Aug 9 5:39:47 PDT 2011


RT @CAGolden: The ROI of social media is your business will still exist in 5 years. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 5:40:46 PDT 2011


45 min in to session & still straight lecture. Interacting & getting participants to engage w/ one another is vital for learning. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 5:44:48 PDT 2011


RT @Meeghan: 45 min in to session & still straight lecture. Interacting & getting participants to engage w/ one another is vital for learning. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 5:48:06 PDT 2011


One workshop participant on social media: You are not ready until you are listening well > So well put! #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 5:48:50 PDT 2011


Grabbing some foooood at @RiasBluebird w/ @ampilsner before all the #hcmmconf fun starts.
Tue Aug 9 5:58:07 PDT 2011

emanhaly LegacyWayne

Google Plus not ready for organizations....I'm still not a fan #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 6:01:02 PDT 2011

Reviewing agenda for #HCMMconf So many choices! Starts @12:30.

Tue Aug 9 6:01:38 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


@CoffeesCommutes So true!!! Social Media is not just for broadcasting one's message #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 6:02:20 PDT 2011


Me neither, but I'm coming around slowly @emanhaly: Google Plus not ready for organizations....I'm still not a fan #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 6:02:43 PDT 2011


@CoffeesCommutes: One workshop participant on social media: You are not ready until you are listening well > So well put! #hcmmconf SO TRUE
Tue Aug 9 6:02:45 PDT 2011


@emanhaly Agree about Google+ not being org ready. I'm still trying to figure out how just find my friends on it #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 6:04:57 PDT 2011


What can you do w/ social media? Communicate, converse, connect, collaborate, consumer research, collect, categorize, customize #HCMMconf
Tue Aug 9 6:06:29 PDT 2011


RT @CoffeesCommutes: One workshop participant on social media: You are not ready until you are listening well > So well put! #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 6:06:41 PDT 2011


@pharoe I'm still not seeing why I should abandon Facebook, still haven't found the one thing that will bowl me over to google+ #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 6:07:01 PDT 2011


#hcmmconf can participants access speaker presentation slides online? Also is the conf attendee list available electronically? #paperless
Tue Aug 9 6:07:39 PDT 2011


What do you want to do with ? Listen, converse, tell your story, help supporters, generate buzz, build community, collaborate #HCMMconf
Tue Aug 9 6:09:22 PDT 2011

LegacyWayne CoffeesCommutes

@sm1guru good to see you're here. Let's catch up! #HCMMconf

Tue Aug 9 6:10:09 PDT 2011

Its much better to have a small number of engaged followers than a big number that isnt paying attention. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 6:13:45 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


RT @CoffeesCommutes: Its much better to have a small number of engaged followers than a big number that isnt paying attention. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 6:15:19 PDT 2011


RT @CoffeesCommutes: Its much better to have a small number of engaged followers than a big number that isnt paying attention. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 6:17:00 PDT 2011


Podcast wiki #HCMMconf

Tue Aug 9 6:17:43 PDT 2011


RT @CoffeesCommutes: Its much better to have a small number of engaged followers than a big number that isnt paying attention. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 6:18:10 PDT 2011


RT @CoffeesCommutes: Its much better to have a small number of engaged followers than a big number that isnt paying attention. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 6:18:25 PDT 2011


At the @cdcgov #hcmmconf & the theme is Listening for Change--so I ready a great article on #socialmedia monitoring
Tue Aug 9 6:27:59 PDT 2011


National Conference on Health Communication, Marketing, and Media starts today in Atlanta! or follow at #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 6:30:10 PDT 2011


@emanhaly the circles seem easier to manage but agree with you. Though competition is good. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 6:35:19 PDT 2011


web activity, social actions, mention ROI #HCMMconf

Tue Aug 9 6:38:36 PDT 2011


RT @CoffeesCommutes: Its much better to have a small number of engaged followers than a big number that isnt paying attention. #hcmmconf[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

Tue Aug 9 6:38:38 PDT 2011


RT @CoffeesCommutes: Its much better to have a small number of engaged followers than a big number that isnt paying attention. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 6:38:52 PDT 2011


RT @CoffeesCommutes: Its much better to have a small number of engaged followers than a big number that isnt paying attention. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 6:39:02 PDT 2011


Goodmorning loves. At the #HCMMCONF. I'm such a nerd. On another note, I'm loving ATL :).
Tue Aug 9 6:40:58 PDT 2011

TheGreatDanaJ Dakotapam

Great tweets coming from #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 6:47:29 PDT 2011

RT @CoffeesCommutes: Its much better to have a small number of engaged followers than a big number that isnt paying attention. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 6:54:50 PDT 2011


#hcmmconf check out for hands-on sm strategy

Tue Aug 9 6:55:07 PDT 2011


We want #NorthCarolina citizens to "listen for change." Come hear how #SYW started from @StacyShelp during Track IV on Wednesday. #HCMMConf
Tue Aug 9 6:57:01 PDT 2011


Quality v quantity cant b ignored 4 social media. RT @CoffeesCommutes Small# of engaged followers better than big# not paying attn #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 7:02:29 PDT 2011


RT @CoffeesCommutes: Its much better to have a small number of engaged followers than a big number that isnt paying attention. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 7:04:03 PDT 2011


Hands-on social media strategy, Resources; #HCMMConf

Tue Aug 9 7:06:38 PDT 2011

Day 1 of #hcmmconf. Lovin' my set up :) (@ Omni Hotel w/ 3 others)[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


Tue Aug 9 7:07:38 PDT 2011

CHI_Sandra KTExchange

@nedra giving great tips for setting up and managing a blog #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 7:07:44 PDT 2011

Oops, wrong hashtag! And it's off to the races at #hcmmconf Ran into @nedra last night. Looking forward to chatting further with her.
Tue Aug 9 7:12:30 PDT 2011


Hey @Nedra - how about a shoutout for @SAMHSAgov at your training this am :) #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 7:12:48 PDT 2011


Also a mistaken hashtag! Waiting for @researchimpact to arrive in Atlanta so we can strategize about our Thursday session at #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 7:14:20 PDT 2011


Off to Atlanta to join the #hcmmconf today. Looking forward to the private aquarium tour!
Tue Aug 9 7:17:38 PDT 2011


On my way to Atlanta and looking forward to the CDC Health Promotion conference #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 7:22:57 PDT 2011


RT @Informatics4CH: National Conference on Health Communication, Marketing, and Media starts today in Atlanta! or follow at #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 7:30:09 PDT 2011


Not attending #hcmmconf this year, but I look forward to getting great tidbits from all those that are. #fb
Tue Aug 9 7:30:55 PDT 2011


Just RSVP'd @ for #NCHCMM Happy Hour August 9th #hcmmconfmixer #hcmmconf. Look forward to seeing ya'll there!
Tue Aug 9 7:32:53 PDT 2011


Sample of WordPress based website for health comm project. Cost$1,000. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 7:35:24 PDT 2011


Just RSVP'd @ for #NCHCMM Happy Hour August 9th #hcmmconfmixer #hcmmconf. Please say hi to me, I'm shy.[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

Tue Aug 9 7:38:04 PDT 2011


RT @pharoe: Sample of WordPress based website for health comm project. Cost-$1,000. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 7:39:07 PDT 2011


RT @ckrobertson: #hcmmconf check out for hands-on sm strategy

Tue Aug 9 7:43:55 PDT 2011


RT @yoko_SETOYAMA: Hands-on social media strategy, Resources; #HCMMConf

Tue Aug 9 7:44:47 PDT 2011


@emanhaly Super - FYI may be of interest & hoping you can contribute (& spread the word) #opengov #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 7:46:08 PDT 2011


RT @AndrewPWilson: @emanhaly Super - FYI may be of interest & hoping you can contribute (spread) #opengov #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 7:48:41 PDT 2011


@marchofdimes you so need to be at #hcmmconf next year. You guys do this so well!
Tue Aug 9 7:49:25 PDT 2011


Just touched down in ATL to attend the CDC Conference on Health Communication, Marketing and Media. Looking fwd to a great event! #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 7:50:17 PDT 2011


For a health communications conference they picked the worst hashtag ever: #hcmmconf Really? What about HealthCom2011? #youdontgetit
Tue Aug 9 7:52:19 PDT 2011


RT @SYWNC: We want #NorthCarolina citizens to "listen for change." Come hear how #SYW started from @StacyShelp during Track IV on Wednesday. #HCMMConf
Tue Aug 9 7:52:19 PDT 2011


Coffee at 8 am would have been a nice touch - especially for those who attended pre-conf workshops #sigh #HCMMCONF
Tue Aug 9 7:53:23 PDT 2011


Attending the CDC Conference on Health Communication, Marketing and Media? Look for our contest flyer in your attendee bag #hcmmconf[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

Tue Aug 9 7:54:28 PDT 2011


RT @GoHealthyPeople: Attending #hcmmconf? Tag resources & conversations with the hashtag #HP2020 if you find it relevant to Healthy People 2020 (We may RT you!)
Tue Aug 9 8:00:08 PDT 2011


Nice alcohol ed! RT@pharoe Sample of WordPress based website for health communication project. Cost $1,000. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 8:00:53 PDT 2011


Enjoying the National Conference on Health Communication, Marketing, and Media! Learning about social media and stuff. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 8:01:29 PDT 2011


We are holding a contest for free PSA distribution. Check out the flyer inside the attendee bag for details! #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 8:05:03 PDT 2011


#hcmmconf Learning about twitter, blogs, et al from other attendees. Thanks.

Tue Aug 9 8:06:09 PDT 2011


5 social media sins to avoid #HCMMCONF #socialmedia

Tue Aug 9 8:07:18 PDT 2011


RT @Jen_Modica: 5 social media sins to avoid #HCMMCONF #socialmedia

Tue Aug 9 8:09:15 PDT 2011


RT @Jen_Modica: very helpful. 5 social media sins to avoid #HCMMCONF #socialmedia
Tue Aug 9 8:10:44 PDT 2011


@ckrobertson Thanks! Learning a lot this am! #HCMMCONF #socialmedia

Tue Aug 9 8:11:19 PDT 2011


excited to see @AliceatColumbia at #hcmmconf. columbia represent! #mailmanschoolofpublichealth

Tue Aug 9 8:15:08 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


Hope everyone is having fun and learning lots at #NCHCMM #HCMMConf ! Le us know how we can help put what you learn to use!
Tue Aug 9 8:15:46 PDT 2011


RT @MediaForcePR: We are holding a contest for free PSA distribution. Check out the flyer inside the attendee bag for details! #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 8:17:55 PDT 2011


Following the #hcmmconf #hcmm11 tweets from 30,000 feet after @Delta delay. Thank god for @Gogo #in #fb
Tue Aug 9 8:20:10 PDT 2011

MediaForcePR LegacyWayne

Tue Aug 9 8:20:25 PDT 2011

Double-barreled plenary session coming up. A public engagement expert and a consumer trend expert. #HCMMconf
Tue Aug 9 8:23:23 PDT 2011

researchimpact KTExchange ronneostby

@KTExchange #hcmmconf just landed in ATL. See you at the plenary!

Tue Aug 9 8:25:47 PDT 2011

@researchimpact. Rock on! #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 8:26:58 PDT 2011

The @ICFhealth booth us up! Phew! This baby is big. Come see us at #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 8:26:59 PDT 2011


Excited to be @ #hcmmconf! We're a new #smokefree kid on the block follow 4 tips & #support 2 #quitsmoking for good. It's never too late!
Tue Aug 9 8:28:24 PDT 2011


just what I expected...too many interesting sessions to pick from...#hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 8:37:17 PDT 2011


Hey #hcmmconf Visit Florida this Feb 15-17 for the Digital Health Communication Extravaganza! #dhcx See
Tue Aug 9 8:39:07 PDT 2011


RT @jaybernhardt: Hey #hcmmconf Visit Florida this Feb 15-17 for the Digital Health Communication Extravaganza! #dhcx See
Tue Aug 9 8:41:11 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


Headed downtown to #hcmmconf. Should be great but I admit that conferences are a lot more fun when I don't have to drive myself to them
Tue Aug 9 8:41:57 PDT 2011


Where is everyone having lunch? #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 8:48:11 PDT 2011

RT @jaybernhardt: Hey #hcmmconf Visit Florida this Feb 15-17 for the Digital Health Communication Extravaganza! #dhcx See
Tue Aug 9 8:49:04 PDT 2011


Submit your business card at the speaker registration stand to enter our PSA distribution conference #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 8:50:03 PDT 2011

elanghans wendyr13

Room with a view! #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 8:51:50 PDT 2011

#hcmmconf presentation at 2 in ballroom F on healthy relationships & marriage--ck it out

Tue Aug 9 8:52:25 PDT 2011

yoko_SETOYAMA realwarriors

Now lunch break! Going to the food court at CNN center. #HCMMConf
Tue Aug 9 8:53:12 PDT 2011

#HCMMConf attendees: Catch the @realwarriors presentation TODAY @ 3:45pm in Grand Ballroom D/E on #socialmarketing #hcsm
Tue Aug 9 8:57:08 PDT 2011


RT @CoffeesCommutes: Its much better to have a small number of engaged followers than a big number that isnt paying attention. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 8:58:12 PDT 2011


Great morn. #hcmmconf workshop: we all face similar challenges of how meet audiences in way that makes sense to them with limited resources
Tue Aug 9 9:02:32 PDT 2011


Ask: What do you want the reader to do (not know), design messaging to support an action or behavior #hcmmconf #healthlit
Tue Aug 9 9:03:45 PDT 2011


RT @realwarriors: #HCMMConf attendees: Catch the @realwarriors presentation TODAY @ 3:45pm in Grand Ballroom D/E on #socialmarketing #hcsm[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

Tue Aug 9 9:05:01 PDT 2011

HealthLitMO HealthLitMO

Text messaging useful when provides actionable information #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 9:05:36 PDT 2011

#healthlit principles w/ sm: focus on specific behavior/action, communicate succinctly, create interaction, get immediate info #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 9:09:24 PDT 2011


Hope you guys are enjoying the conference & Atlanta! Looking forward to hearing more! RT @HealthLitMO Great morn. #hcmmconf workshop....
Tue Aug 9 9:09:45 PDT 2011


RT @CoffeesCommutes: Its much better to have a small number of engaged followers than a big number that isnt paying attention. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 9:15:44 PDT 2011


Ack! I'd need 3 of me to cover all the great sessions at this national health comm conference. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 9:17:59 PDT 2011


RT @HealthLitMO: Ask: What do you want the reader to do (not know), design messaging to support an action or behavior #hcmmconf #healthlit
Tue Aug 9 9:20:45 PDT 2011


Getting ready for the opening plenary session at #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 9:29:29 PDT 2011


RT @AndrewPWilson: Hey @Nedra - how about a shoutout for @SAMHSAgov at your training this am :) #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 9:29:30 PDT 2011


We are excited to introduce our PSA distribution services at this event which will shape the future of health communication #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 9:30:05 PDT 2011


First time in Atlanta since I competed in the 1996 Olympics in Judo. Exciting to see again but bittersweet since I finished 13th. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 9:30:26 PDT 2011


#hcmmconf Plenary about to begin. Room filling up. Looking forward to meeting @KTExchange #KMb
Tue Aug 9 9:30:50 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


RT @jaybernhardt: Hey #hcmmconf Visit Florida this Feb 15-17 for the Digital Health Communication Extravaganza! #dhcx See
Tue Aug 9 9:31:10 PDT 2011


RT @samhsagov: Behavioral Health @ National Conference on Health Communications, Marketing and Media #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 9:31:12 PDT 2011


The #hcmmconf program is now available online: So much to choose from... What are your 'not to miss' sessions?
Tue Aug 9 9:32:38 PDT 2011


RT @jaybernhardt: Hey #hcmmconf Visit Florida this Feb 15-17 for the Digital Health Communication Extravaganza! #dhcx See
Tue Aug 9 9:33:09 PDT 2011


Great group of participants at my Hands-On Social Media Strategy workshop at #hcmmconf! My next preso is on youth social networks this pm.
Tue Aug 9 9:33:22 PDT 2011


@realwarriors Do you have time in your #hcmmconf presentation to adress sudden deaths of 250+ veterans due to psych med interactions?
Tue Aug 9 9:33:40 PDT 2011


At #hcmmconf ready for plenary to begin. Looking fwd to @AndrewPWilson panel on open data later.
Tue Aug 9 9:33:57 PDT 2011


We are ready for the biggest #hcmmconf to date! It's an honor to huddle with the nations top health communication innovators and designers.
Tue Aug 9 9:35:17 PDT 2011


Getting ready for plenary session at CDC #hcmmconf in Atlanta.

Tue Aug 9 9:35:30 PDT 2011

RT @samhsagov: Behavioral Health @ National Conference on Health Communications, Marketing and Media #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 9:36:07 PDT 2011


I'm attending the #CDC's National Conference on Health Communication, Marketing and Media #hcmmconf.
Tue Aug 9 9:36:34 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


NTCC using a consumer report style to encourage smoking cessation! Why Stop? #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 9:37:22 PDT 2011


RT @IQSolutions: The #hcmmconf program is now available online: So much to choose from... What are your 'not to miss' sessions?
Tue Aug 9 9:37:30 PDT 2011


RT @jaybernhardt: Hey #hcmmconf Visit Florida this Feb 15-17 for the Digital Health Communication Extravaganza! #dhcx See
Tue Aug 9 9:37:54 PDT 2011


RT @HealthLitMO: #healthlit principles w/ sm: focus on specific behavior/action, communicate succinctly, create interaction, get immediate info #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 9:37:54 PDT 2011


Hey #hcmmconf what blogs do you follow? My favorite health blog is
Tue Aug 9 9:38:12 PDT 2011

WandaGamble shanictaylor jaybernhardt

#hcmmconf. Donna Garland opens the NHCMM Conference

Tue Aug 9 9:38:17 PDT 2011

Finally kicking off the 5th annual #hcmmconf with opening remarks.
Tue Aug 9 9:38:31 PDT 2011

Donna Garland from CDC at the #hcmmconf opening session

Tue Aug 9 9:39:25 PDT 2011


Listening for change: listening is difficult and changing are things that we have to do but it's hard. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 9:39:47 PDT 2011


Here's the digital handout from my Hands-On Social Media Strategy workshop: #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 9:39:51 PDT 2011


Sitting with my Booz Allen peeps at the plenary! Stop by our booth in the exhibit hall on break and say hello #hcmmconf #boozallen
Tue Aug 9 9:39:58 PDT 2011


The opposite of listening is NOT talking, it's waiting. #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 9:40:11 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


RT @RobinPregnancy: The opposite of listening is NOT talking, it's waiting. #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 9:41:02 PDT 2011


@Meeghan Hi! @mindofandre has a good starter list on his blog: #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 9:41:20 PDT 2011

pharoe Meeghan HCAnnaTE

Only at a public health conference #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 9:41:24 PDT 2011

Thundering herd or whisper. The many sounds of change #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 9:41:30 PDT 2011

RT @RobinPregnancy: The opposite of listening is NOT talking, it's waiting. #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 9:41:37 PDT 2011

RobinPregnancy DBHDD

Are we ready to change based on what we're hearing? #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 9:41:41 PDT 2011

Thanks to our partners @samhsagov for inviting us to attend the National Conference on Health Communication, Marketing, and Media #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 9:42:05 PDT 2011

DOUGweinbrenner AndrewPWilson

reporting for duty. #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 9:42:09 PDT 2011

RT @Nedra: Here's the digital handout from my Hands-On Social Media Strategy workshop: #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 9:42:23 PDT 2011


Opening plenary kicks off at #hcmmconf! Here with my MMG, Inc & @SmokefreeWomen peeps! (@shanictaylor @KScherm)
Tue Aug 9 9:42:32 PDT 2011


Are we flexible enough to keep changing with the conversation? > Good question #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 9:42:57 PDT 2011


Drinking sweet tea and getting inspired at the #hcmmconf keynote.

Tue Aug 9 9:43:31 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

ampilsner oleandros

No wifi @ #hcmmconf? Really?? #fail

Tue Aug 9 9:44:08 PDT 2011

RT @realwarriors: #HCMMConf attendees: Catch the @realwarriors presentation TODAY @ 3:45pm in Grand Ballroom D/E on #socialmarketing #hcsm
Tue Aug 9 9:44:11 PDT 2011


RT @wendyr13: #hcmmconf presentation at 2 in ballroom F on healthy relationships & marriage--ck it out

Tue Aug 9 9:44:17 PDT 2011


The conference is underway and we're looking forward to learning, listening, and sharing. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 9:44:17 PDT 2011


RT @RobinPregnancy: RT @IQSolutions: #hcmmconf prgrm at There must be a better way to present the schedule. An app?
Tue Aug 9 9:44:28 PDT 2011


Listening must be done w/ a purpose. Whats the point of listening 2 ur audience if you won't learn 4rm what they are saying. #Hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 9:44:52 PDT 2011


Up now Mark Weber communication director from @samhsagov #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 9:45:09 PDT 2011


When others are speaking are you listening or are waiting for a pause to say what you want to say next? Listening for Change #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 9:45:15 PDT 2011


RT @RobinPregnancy: Are we ready to change based on what we're hearing? #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 9:45:15 PDT 2011


RT @Meeghan: Thundering herd or whisper. The many sounds of change #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 9:45:31 PDT 2011


@ampilsner There is wifi: username HCMM1, password HCMM1. #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 9:45:38 PDT 2011

@HealthLitMO. I'm sitting in the #hcmmconf plenary. Like to meet up[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


and say hi afterwards! - Rupal

Tue Aug 9 9:45:38 PDT 2011


Paper one isn't any better. @ckrobertson: RT @IQSolutions: #hcmmconf prgrm There must be a better way to present the schedule. An app?
Tue Aug 9 9:46:09 PDT 2011


Donna Garland, CDC Communications lead emphasizing importance of listening in social media #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 9:46:15 PDT 2011


RT @Meeghan: Thundering herd or whisper. The many sounds of change #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 9:46:18 PDT 2011


We need to be--as individuals and orgs. RT @CoffeesCommutes: Are we flexible enough to keep changing with the conversation? #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 9:46:22 PDT 2011


RT @HealthLitMO: Ask: What do you want the reader to do (not know), design messaging to support an action or behavior #hcmmconf #healthlit
Tue Aug 9 9:46:34 PDT 2011


RT @LaurenR29: @ampilsner There is wifi: username HCMM1, password HCMM1. #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 9:46:40 PDT 2011


RT @CatherineJamal: Donna Garland, CDC Communications lead emphasizing importance of listening in social media #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 9:47:04 PDT 2011


MT @Meeghan: Thundering herd or whisper. The many sounds of change #hcmmconf by Donna garland of @CDCgov - we have to pay Attn to both
Tue Aug 9 9:47:31 PDT 2011


Not working :( thx tho! RT @LaurenR29: @ampilsner There is wifi: username HCMM1, password HCMM1. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 9:48:03 PDT 2011


APHA @publichealth is happy to be at #hcmmconf. Stop by the APHA booth after the opening
Tue Aug 9 9:48:15 PDT 2011


#hcmmconf @samhsagov comm director, Mark Weber: listening to each[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

other= can make change.

Tue Aug 9 9:48:17 PDT 2011


FYI. Thank you organizers! RT @LaurenR29: There is wifi: username HCMM1, password HCMM1. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 9:48:22 PDT 2011

wendyr13 TreatTexas

#hcmmconf by 2020 mental health will lead causes of disability in US

Tue Aug 9 9:48:55 PDT 2011

Tweeting live from #hcmmconf where @SAMHSA is the co-sponsor this year! Talk about real integration!
Tue Aug 9 9:48:55 PDT 2011


RT @CatherineJamal: Donna Garland, CDC Communications lead emphasizing importance of listening in social media #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 9:48:57 PDT 2011


The quality & cost saving goals of healthcare r hinged on integrating behavioral health & healthcare system says Weber @samhsa_gov #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 9:49:08 PDT 2011


By 2020 mental and substance abuse will surpass physical causes as the main cause of disability. #samhsa #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 9:49:10 PDT 2011


Are you a Rebel Rouser? Be a champion to advance the health and well being of our citizens. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 9:49:15 PDT 2011


By 2012 behavioral health disorders will be the leading cause of disability in the U.S. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 9:49:21 PDT 2011


RT @RobinPregnancy: Paper one isn't any better. @ckrobertson: RT @IQSolutions: #hcmmconf prgrm There must be a better way to present the schedule. An app?
Tue Aug 9 9:49:31 PDT 2011

TobaccoPrev nationalcouncil

@ampilsner Would love to hear any info on tobacco from #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 9:49:42 PDT 2011

RT @wendyr13: #hcmmconf by 2020 mental health will lead causes of disability in US #mentalillness #mentalhealth #hcmmconf[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

Tue Aug 9 9:49:46 PDT 2011


RT @nationalcouncil: The conference is underway and we're looking forward to learning, listening, and sharing. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 9:49:50 PDT 2011


SAMHSA plenary speakers at #hcmmconf and @CSTEConference meetings - indicative of how public health is shifting.
Tue Aug 9 9:49:57 PDT 2011


RT @nationalcouncil: The quality & cost saving goals of healthcare r hinged on integrating behavioral health & healthcare system says Weber @samhsa_gov #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 9:49:57 PDT 2011


Mark Weber from @samhsagov communications is key to success of improving public health. Up now AmericaSpeaks Mattice Haynes #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 9:50:02 PDT 2011


RT @wendyr13: #hcmmconf by 2020 mental health will lead causes of disability in US

Tue Aug 9 9:50:12 PDT 2011


@matticeh of @AmericaSpeaks beginning opening plenary presentation #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 9:50:25 PDT 2011


RT @oleandros: By 2020 mental and substance abuse will surpass physical causes as the main cause of disability. #samhsa #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 9:50:25 PDT 2011


Geeking out with @stidnabxr at the opening session of #hcmmconf #publichealthnerdsunite

Tue Aug 9 9:50:40 PDT 2011

marisamoore emanhaly

Are you a good listener? How do you know? #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 9:50:54 PDT 2011

@RobinPregnancy @ckrobertson @IQSolutions an app is a Great idea went to national rest assoc. And they had an amazing app. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 9:51:30 PDT 2011


Across diciplines, across agencies! Working together for social change! @samhsagov #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 9:51:56 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


RT @CoffeesCommutes: RT @oleandros: By 2020 mental and substance abuse will surpass physical causes as the main cause of disability. #samhsa #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 9:52:12 PDT 2011


Keynote at #hcmmconf: Listening for Change, understanding the importance & value of listening.
Tue Aug 9 9:52:39 PDT 2011


U got it! I'll b live tweeting. RT @TobaccoPrev: @ampilsner Would love to hear any info on #tobacco from #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 9:52:51 PDT 2011


RT @CatherineJamal: Donna Garland, CDC Communications lead emphasizing importance of listening in social media #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 9:53:10 PDT 2011


RT @CHBridge: Across diciplines, across agencies! Public/private prtnrshps Working together for social change! @samhsagov #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 9:53:49 PDT 2011


Thanks @lbelsberry @socialbttrfly @iqsolutions @hcannate @chosplace for the #DHCX RT #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 9:53:56 PDT 2011


Mattice Hayens- how do we engage a community in a way that actually changes behavior? Same passion brings me here! #hcmmconf #hp2020 #bumhc
Tue Aug 9 9:54:08 PDT 2011


RT @CHBridge: Across diciplines, across agencies! Working together for social change! @samhsagov #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 9:54:16 PDT 2011


"@wendyr13: #hcmmconf by 2020 mental health will lead causes of disability in US" Shocking! Time to reverse the trend.
Tue Aug 9 9:54:25 PDT 2011

WiFiFAIL Meeghan

New Fail: No wifi @ #hcmmconf? Really?? #fail

Tue Aug 9 9:54:43 PDT 2011

RT @alanebearder: Mattice Hayens- how do we engage a community in a way that actually changes behavior? Same passion brings me here! #hcmmconf #hp2020 #bumhc
Tue Aug 9 9:54:54 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


best crew (and abstracts) a person could ask for [@chosplace @Nedra @mindofandre @WorkSteven et al...] #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 9:55:10 PDT 2011


Hanging w @cdcnpin and friends at #hcmmconf listening to AmericaSpeaks staffer

Tue Aug 9 9:55:35 PDT 2011


RT @CHBridge: Across diciplines, across agencies! Working together for social change! @samhsagov #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 9:56:04 PDT 2011


RT @oleandros: By 2020 mental and substance abuse will surpass physical causes as the main cause of disability. #samhsa #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 9:56:42 PDT 2011

emanhaly MuseHill

PDF Conf program #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 9:56:49 PDT 2011

RT @oleandros: By 2020 mental and substance abuse will surpass physical causes as the main cause of disability. #samhsa #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 9:57:32 PDT 2011

behavenet lbelsberry

RT @emanhaly: PDF Conf program #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 9:57:57 PDT 2011

RT @HCAnnaTE: Listening must be done w/ a purpose. Whats the point of listening 2 ur audience if you won't learn 4rm what they are saying. #Hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 9:58:01 PDT 2011


Reminding everyone that @WorkSteven from @samhsagov speaking on #opengov panel in Redwood at 2 pm #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 9:58:05 PDT 2011


RT @behavenet: RT @oleandros: By 2020 mental and substance abuse will surpass physical causes as the main cause of disability. #samhsa #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 9:58:14 PDT 2011


RT @jaybernhardt: Hey #hcmmconf Visit Florida this Feb 15-17 for the Digital Health Communication Extravaganza! #dhcx See
Tue Aug 9 9:58:18 PDT 2011


21st century townhall meetings, coming together using technology to discuss concerns! #ilovetechnology #bridgingdivides #hcmmconf[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

Tue Aug 9 9:58:41 PDT 2011


RT @CoffeesCommutes: RT @wendyr13: #hcmmconf by 2020 mental health will lead causes of disability in US
Tue Aug 9 9:58:43 PDT 2011


RT @CoffeesCommutes: Its much better to have a small number of engaged followers than a big number that isnt paying attention. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 9:58:53 PDT 2011


Thanks - enjoy #hcmmconf! RT @SocialBttrfly @Meeghan One of my personal favorites though is @RWJF_PubHealth's blog,
Tue Aug 9 9:59:39 PDT 2011

wendyr13 MediaForcePR

#hcmmconf AmericaSpeaks: it's not I the people, but WE

Tue Aug 9 10:00:06 PDT 2011

Want to win free PSA distribution? Enter our contest by dropping your business card at the registration area #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:00:08 PDT 2011


RT @samhsagov: Reminding everyone that @WorkSteven from @samhsagov speaking on #opengov panel in Redwood at 2 pm #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:00:19 PDT 2011


RT @HCAnnaTE: Listening must be done w/ purpose. Whats the point of listening 2 ur audience if you won't learn 4rm what they say. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:00:29 PDT 2011


Mattice Hayes from AmericaSpeaks. How can we bring people together to engage in productive discussions that can affect change? #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:00:35 PDT 2011


RT @nationalcouncil: RT @wendyr13: #hcmmconf by 2020 mental health will lead causes of disability in US #mentalillness #mentalhealth #hc ...
Tue Aug 9 10:00:44 PDT 2011


#sxswi - best conference app I've seen yet: @emanhaly @RobinPregnancy @ckrobertson @IQSolutions #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:00:48 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


AmericaSpeaks: 84% of participants said they were influenced by the opinions of others in their group #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:01:05 PDT 2011


Listening must be done purpose. Whats the point of listening 2 ur audience if you won't learn 4rm what they are saying. #Hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:01:22 PDT 2011


Kimber Wukitch from @GoHealthyPeople speaking at 2 pm in Redwood on #opengov panel about use of #LinkedIn #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:01:40 PDT 2011

HCAnnaTE oleandros

Yes for Wifi! #Hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 10:01:47 PDT 2011

RT @RWJF_PubHealth: Thanks - enjoy #hcmmconf! RT @SocialBttrfly @Meeghan One of my personal favorites though is @RWJF_PubHealth's blog,
Tue Aug 9 10:01:48 PDT 2011


Day 1 of #hcmmconf: So far, so good! ICF's @wendyr13 kicks things off today at 2, Ballroom F on healthy relationships
Tue Aug 9 10:02:12 PDT 2011


RT @ampilsner: Not working :( thx tho! RT @LaurenR29: @ampilsner There is wifi: username HCMM1, password HCMM1. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:02:22 PDT 2011


RT @KTExchange: AmericaSpeaks: 84% of participants said they were influenced by the opinions of others in their group #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:02:26 PDT 2011


RT @nationalcouncil: RT @wendyr13: #hcmmconf by 2020 mental health will lead causes of disability in US #mentalillness #mentalhealth #hc ...
Tue Aug 9 10:02:26 PDT 2011


RT @LaurenR29: @ampilsner There is wifi: username HCMM1, password HCMM1. #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 10:02:47 PDT 2011


RT @samhsagov: Kimber Wukitch from @GoHealthyPeople speaking at 2 pm in Redwood on #opengov panel about use of #LinkedIn #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:03:04 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


RT @wendyr13: #hcmmconf by 2020 mental health will lead causes of disability in US

Tue Aug 9 10:03:04 PDT 2011


RT @samhsagov: Kimber Wukitch from @GoHealthyPeople speaking at 2 pm in Redwood on #opengov panel about use of #LinkedIn #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:03:37 PDT 2011


RT @samhsagov: Reminding everyone that @WorkSteven from @samhsagov speaking on #opengov panel in Redwood at 2 pm #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:03:56 PDT 2011


CDC will miss Donna Garland and what she had done for this conference. #salute #Hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:04:00 PDT 2011


How does America Speaks recruit/invite people to participate in these mtgs? #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:04:21 PDT 2011


@samhsagov: Reminding everyone that @WorkSteven from @samhsagov speaking on #opengov panel in Redwood at 2 pm #hcmmconf plan to be there!
Tue Aug 9 10:04:23 PDT 2011

emanhaly HCAnnaTE

@danamlewis doesn't seem like you're going to be at #hcmmconf :(

Tue Aug 9 10:04:56 PDT 2011

The lactation room saved my life lady year... Lol RT @pharoe Only at a public health conference #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:04:58 PDT 2011

jgarrow creativeDIVAnt

RT @emanhaly: PDF Conf program #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 10:06:41 PDT 2011

Thanks! RT @Nedra: Here's the digital handout from my Hands-On Social Media Strategy workshop: #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:06:57 PDT 2011


RT @samhsagov: Kimber Wukitch from @GoHealthyPeople speaking at 2 pm in Redwood on #opengov panel about use of #LinkedIn #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:07:11 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


I'll be there! @mpbeau: Reminding everyone that @WorkSteven from @samhsagov speaking on #opengov panel in Redwood at 2 pm #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:07:11 PDT 2011


@ampilsner: #sxswi - best conference app I've seen yet: #hcmmconf I agree I hope they of SXSW health this year.
Tue Aug 9 10:07:40 PDT 2011

RJB99 KTExchange

#hcmmconf - Great inspiring work by America Speaks.

Tue Aug 9 10:07:44 PDT 2011

Mattice Haynes of AmericeSpeaks: Politicians from across the spectrum said that they were listening #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:08:08 PDT 2011


RT @jaybernhardt: Hey #hcmmconf Visit Florida this Feb 15-17 for the Digital Health Communication Extravaganza! #dhcx See
Tue Aug 9 10:08:42 PDT 2011


#HCmmconf Keynote: Listening for Change, Understanding the importance & value of listening. @hbrink1 Program: @emanhaly
Tue Aug 9 10:08:49 PDT 2011


#Childbirth & #breastfeeding confs too! So happy. @HCAnnaTE: @pharoe Only at a public health conference #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:08:56 PDT 2011


Really? Aren't they listening more closely to the sources of their money? #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:09:02 PDT 2011

SimplyRupee CorinnaWest

RT @RJB99: #hcmmconf - Great inspiring work by America Speaks.

Tue Aug 9 10:09:03 PDT 2011

Mark Weber of @samhsagov says we should call this conference "Listening for (a) Change." #hcmmconf @mindfreedom
Tue Aug 9 10:09:28 PDT 2011


Mattice Haynes of @AmericaSpeaks notes that by listening we can all b more effective in shaping solutions that work for the whole. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:09:49 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


In listening we can all be more effective in creating solutions for the whole... #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:09:54 PDT 2011

jgarrow shanictaylor

Full house at #hcmmconf opening session!

Tue Aug 9 10:10:15 PDT 2011

One of take away points: it's important to incorporate the voice of your audience in your programs, tactics, strategies. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:10:25 PDT 2011


No better time than now for #AmericaSpeaks. Engagement + democracy= change! #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:10:29 PDT 2011


There is a lactation room here at #hcmmconf #bfing Happy #breastfeeding month!
Tue Aug 9 10:10:45 PDT 2011


Poor Doctor-Patient Communication Is Closely Linked To NonAdherence - Inforgraphic - #hcmmconf #primarycare #MDchat
Tue Aug 9 10:10:48 PDT 2011


RT @Nedra: Here's the digital handout from my Hands-On Social Media Strategy workshop: #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:10:54 PDT 2011


The public is fickle. Listening is apart of process. Can messages be driven by thoughts of today that may not consider tomorrow? #Hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:10:55 PDT 2011


Mattice Haynes/America Speaks via #hcmmconf: Its powerful when you involve people in being part of the solutions #hp2020 #bumhc
Tue Aug 9 10:11:08 PDT 2011

RobinPregnancy ckrobertson ampilsner

Walker Smith up next at #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 10:11:44 PDT 2011

@Meeghan #hcmmconf that's Austin for you. ACL also has a great app.
Tue Aug 9 10:11:52 PDT 2011

Lactation room at #hcmmconf #bfing Happy #breastfeeding month! (via @RobinPregnancy)
Tue Aug 9 10:12:07 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


RT @Healthmessaging: Poor Doctor-Patient Communication Is Closely Linked To Non-Adherence - Inforgraphic - #hcmmconf #primarycare #MDchat
Tue Aug 9 10:12:18 PDT 2011


RT @corinnawest: Mark Weber of @samhsagov says we should call #hcmmconf conference "Listening for (a) Change." @mindfreedom
Tue Aug 9 10:12:44 PDT 2011


J. Walker Smith, The Futures Company: You must understand what "real" people care about when messaging to the. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:13:06 PDT 2011


Now J. Walker Smith on "The Culture of Contentment" we must first get in the minds of real people and how we can connect with them #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:13:10 PDT 2011


@aphlkim @Morgan_Rhiannon are two young female leaders in the area of health communication! A must follow! #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:13:12 PDT 2011


J. Walker-Smith of the Futures Company talking about the culture of contentment. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:13:21 PDT 2011


RT @ICFhealth: RT @corinnawest: Mark Weber of @samhsagov says we should call #hcmmconf conference "Listening for (a) Change." @mindfreedom
Tue Aug 9 10:13:24 PDT 2011


Listening to @jwalkersmith of The Futures Company talk about the consumers and the culture of contentment. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:13:25 PDT 2011


Up now @jwalkersmith from The Futures Company - already very dynamic! #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:13:31 PDT 2011


The last speaker on the #opengov panel at 2 is the super dynamic @GHideas speaking on the HHS Health Data Initiative #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:13:31 PDT 2011


Welcome @jwalkersmith! #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 10:13:37 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

HCAnnaTE jgarrow

Up next J. Walker Smith of The Futures Company #Hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 10:13:48 PDT 2011

RT @HCAnnaTE: The public is fickle. Listening is apart of process. Can messages be driven by thoughts of today that may not consider tomorrow? #Hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:14:04 PDT 2011


#hcmmconf @jwalkersmith speaking on culture of contentment.. what's going on in consumer mktplace.

Tue Aug 9 10:14:21 PDT 2011


Causation-curation-contentment...three takeaways by Dr. J W Smith #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 10:14:34 PDT 2011

RobinPregnancy jaybernhardt

3 things to also listen for caution, curation, contentment #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 10:14:43 PDT 2011

Listening to @jwalkersmith at #hcmmconf about Caution, Curation, Contentment in the marketplace

Tue Aug 9 10:14:50 PDT 2011


RT @ampilsner: Lactation room at #hcmmconf #bfing Happy #breastfeeding month! (via @RobinPregnancy)
Tue Aug 9 10:14:51 PDT 2011


Walker Smith, The Futures Co.: three takeaways about consumers caution, curation & contentment #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:14:52 PDT 2011

oleandros shanictaylor

Three ideas: caution, curation, contentment #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 10:15:04 PDT 2011

Three take aways to consider as you listen for change: caution, curation, contentment #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:15:25 PDT 2011


Caution-curation-contentment...three takeaways by Dr. J W Smith #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 10:15:28 PDT 2011


@jwalkersmith Caution, curation, and contentment - what people are 'listening' for. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:15:29 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


RT @Healthmessaging: Poor Doctor-Patient Communication Is Closely Linked To Non-Adherence - Inforgraphic - #hcmmconf #primarycare #MDchat
Tue Aug 9 10:15:42 PDT 2011


@jwalkersmith: Getting your msg to have impact depends on knowing the needs of "real people" #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:15:44 PDT 2011

wendyr13 apianalto

#hcmmconf Each of us curates context via social media

Tue Aug 9 10:16:06 PDT 2011

Looking forward to connecting with clients and colleagues here at #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 10:16:06 PDT 2011


Have no clue about #opengov Check out the panel at 2pm in in the redwood room and find out what the big deal is. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:16:26 PDT 2011


@jwalkersmith 3 takeaways - caution, curation, contentment. Social media is more about Curation #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:16:27 PDT 2011


People put themselves in the middle of networks they are comfortable. How do we reach them if they don't trust institutions? #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:16:35 PDT 2011


Circle of Influence - curating content, building relationships, leading to contentment. #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 10:16:39 PDT 2011


Social Media is really about curation & people putting themselves into networks that r important to them says @jwalkersmith #mhsm #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:16:47 PDT 2011

thejillbee hbrink1

Digging the very lively presentation by @jwalkersmith at #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 10:16:58 PDT 2011

Social media about "curation," putting yourself in networks that matter to you. via @jwalkersmith #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:17:07 PDT 2011

+1 RT @davidfouse: @jwalkersmith: Getting your msg to have impact[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


depends on knowing the needs of "real people" #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 10:17:09 PDT 2011

KTExchange ampilsner

Smith: "the new normal" is never true! #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 10:17:13 PDT 2011

Idea for next year's #hcmmconf: list speaker's twitter handles in the program. #justsayin
Tue Aug 9 10:17:23 PDT 2011


Caution. Curation. Contentment. Sounds like the recipe for marriage. #Hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:17:25 PDT 2011


@jwalkersmith There is no such thing as a new normal that ever comes true. It's a coping mechanism. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:17:27 PDT 2011


People don't want to talk to companies/organizations, they want to talk to other people - @jwalkersmith, Futures Co #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:17:28 PDT 2011


RT @davidfouse: @jwalkersmith: Getting your msg to have impact depends on knowing the needs of "real people" #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:17:35 PDT 2011


RT @JeriKirschner: @jwalkersmith Caution, curation, and contentment what people are 'listening' for. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:17:45 PDT 2011


Frugality is NOT a lifestyle aspiration. @jwalkersmith presentation at #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 10:17:55 PDT 2011


RT @shanictaylor: Three take aways to consider as you listen for change: caution, curation, contentment #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:17:58 PDT 2011

KTExchange RobinPregnancy

Smith: Frugality is not a lifestyle aspiration #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 10:17:59 PDT 2011

I like that @jwalkersmith has a follow me badge on his slides! #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 10:18:16 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

ronneostby kimmytweets

Love @jwalkersmith enthusiasm when he speaks. Powerful. #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 10:18:21 PDT 2011

"@CHBridge: thx new friend! @aphlkim @Morgan_Rhiannon are two young female leaders in health communication! A must follow! #hcmmconf"
Tue Aug 9 10:18:22 PDT 2011


If you're interested in following the Natl Conf on Health Comm, Mktg & Media, lots of great livetweeting @ #hcmmconf. Not me so much.
Tue Aug 9 10:18:31 PDT 2011


#jwalkersmith: frugality is a coping mechanism, not an aspiration. #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 10:18:39 PDT 2011

behavenet Premier_Studios

@ampilsner better yet the speaker should tweet&speak. #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 10:18:44 PDT 2011

@jwalkersmith, Exec Chairman of The Future Companies, kicking off Opening Plenary w/consumer-centric models (@AmericaSpeaks, etc) #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:18:56 PDT 2011


Social media about curation: putting yourself in networks that matter to you. via @jwalkersmith #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:19:09 PDT 2011


@ampilsner: Idea for next year's #hcmmconf: list speaker's twitter handles in the program. #justsayin and on attendee name badges!
Tue Aug 9 10:19:46 PDT 2011


3/4ths of Americans feel the American Dream is more of a dream than a reality, according to 2010 survey. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:19:59 PDT 2011


Good idea! @ampilsner: Idea for next year's #hcmmconf: list speaker's twitter handles in the program. #justsayin
Tue Aug 9 10:20:03 PDT 2011


@jwalkersmith It all starts w caution - last 10 yrs have seen 2 economic turndowns & war, now ppl feel Am Dream is just a dream #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:20:15 PDT 2011


RT @CoffeesCommutes: Social media about curation: putting yourself in networks that matter to you. via @jwalkersmith #hcmmconf[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

Tue Aug 9 10:20:30 PDT 2011


Across disciplines; Across agencies: Working together for social change. mt @CHBridge @samhsagov #hcmmconf #hcsm #PublicHealth
Tue Aug 9 10:20:31 PDT 2011


Little known fact The Jetsons take place in 2062. Are we almost there? #Hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:20:37 PDT 2011


Frugality is not a lifestyle aspiration for Americans- J. Walker Smith #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 10:20:42 PDT 2011


All conferences. RT @ampilsner: Idea for next year's #hcmmconf: list speaker's twitter handles in the program. #justsayin
Tue Aug 9 10:20:44 PDT 2011


Follow the conversation around the @CDCgov Health Comm, Marketing, & Media Conf. #hcmmconf Live at
Tue Aug 9 10:21:07 PDT 2011


@Meeghan @ampilsner Agree about including the Twitter handles. That kind of thing is so helpful. Put it on the slides too! #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:21:17 PDT 2011


Seems simple, no? RT @CatherineJamal: People don't want to talk to companies/orgs, they want to talk to other people @jwalkersmith #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:21:32 PDT 2011


RT @KTExchange: Walker Smith, The Futures Co.: three takeaways about consumers - caution, curation & contentment #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:21:40 PDT 2011


RT @ampilsner: Idea for next year's #hcmmconf: list speaker's twitter handles in the program. #justsayin
Tue Aug 9 10:21:44 PDT 2011


People are much more risk averse than before, much more cautious esp with money #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:21:46 PDT 2011


RT @thejillbee: Frugality is NOT a lifestyle aspiration. @jwalkersmith[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

presentation at #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:22:04 PDT 2011


It's my 1st public health conf but I prob should've figured foot-deforming high heels were not the norm here. #hcmmconf #overdressed
Tue Aug 9 10:22:19 PDT 2011


Agreed! @Hashable app should be more widely used at #hcmmconf RT @Meeghan: and on attendee name badges!
Tue Aug 9 10:22:22 PDT 2011

StacyShelp ElizabethCohen

We are living in a time of much more caution- @jwalkersmith #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 10:22:32 PDT 2011

It's my 1st public health conf but I prob should've figured foot-deforming high heels were not the norm here. #hcmmconf #overdressed
Tue Aug 9 10:22:32 PDT 2011


RT @healthpolicygrp: Across disciplines; Across agencies: Working together for social change. mt @CHBridge @samhsagov #hcmmconf #hcsm #P ...
Tue Aug 9 10:22:38 PDT 2011


RT @jgarrow: 3/4ths of Americans feel the American Dream is more of a dream than a reality, according to 2010 survey. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:22:40 PDT 2011


RT @RobinPregnancy: Good idea! @ampilsner: Idea for next year's #hcmmconf: list speaker's twitter handles in the program. #justsayin
Tue Aug 9 10:22:45 PDT 2011


If you want to soak in info about #healthcare and communications follow #hcmmconf for some smart tweeting and lots of resources. Tues-Thurs.
Tue Aug 9 10:22:58 PDT 2011


RT @Carol_Schechter: Frugality is not a lifestyle aspiration for Americans- J. Walker Smith #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:23:01 PDT 2011


The Crisis Fatigue list from Calculated Risk looks like it could have been written 5 or 10 years ago. #Hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:23:50 PDT 2011


RT @CoffeesCommutes: Social media about curation: putting yourself in networks that matter to you. via @jwalkersmith #hcmmconf[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

Tue Aug 9 10:23:56 PDT 2011


Are people more risk averse/cautious when it comes to health? #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 10:23:56 PDT 2011


RT @Meeghan: @ampilsner: Idea for next #hcmmconf: speaker's twitter handles in program & on attendee name badges! Don't forget qr codes.
Tue Aug 9 10:24:00 PDT 2011


@thejillbee: Frugality is NOT a lifestyle aspiration. @jwalkersmith presentation at #hcmmconf #faveconfquotesofar

Tue Aug 9 10:24:10 PDT 2011


@RobinPregnancy: I like that @jwalkersmith has a follow me badge on his slides! #hcmmconf and not just on title one - yeah!
Tue Aug 9 10:24:58 PDT 2011


Crisis Fatigue List (all crises/issues in world at pt in time) <-- context 4 why people change spend habits (not fear of job loss) #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:25:00 PDT 2011


Many companies now market on the reduction of risk. Hyundai Assurance program as example #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:25:08 PDT 2011


New refund policies (season tickets, cars, plan tickets) removing risk from marketplace #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:25:47 PDT 2011


RT @mpbeau: @thejillbee: Frugality is NOT a lifestyle aspiration. @jwalkersmith presentation at #hcmmconf #faveconfquotesofar
Tue Aug 9 10:25:53 PDT 2011


Follow @Maggie_Silver @CatherineJamal They are masterminds of CDC zombie apocalypse blog. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:26:04 PDT 2011


Interesting presentation about how companies now market on the reduction of risk. Hyundai Assurance program as example #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:26:12 PDT 2011


RT @jgarrow: All conferences. RT @ampilsner: Idea for next year's #hcmmconf: list speaker's twitter handles in the program. #justsayin
Tue Aug 9 10:26:14 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


RT @McJourno: Follow @Maggie_Silver @CatherineJamal They are masterminds of CDC zombie apocalypse blog. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:26:27 PDT 2011


@ampilsner: Idea for next year's #hcmmconf: list speaker's twitter handles in the program. #justsayin Amen to that!
Tue Aug 9 10:26:34 PDT 2011


Speaking of bout a FourSquare app that let's u know where all the #smokefree spots r in ur 'hood? #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:27:06 PDT 2011


RT @oleandros: Many companies now market on the reduction of risk. Hyundai Assurance program as example #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:27:27 PDT 2011


Superb enthusiastic brilliant insightful: "Caution, Curation, Contentment" @jwalkersmith at #hcmmconf.

Tue Aug 9 10:27:29 PDT 2011


There's a Four Square app that lists food safety hazards for NYC restaurants. When does DC get one? #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:27:44 PDT 2011


@jwalkersmith's talk is making me wonder if we are monitoring/cautioning too much. #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 10:27:45 PDT 2011

epsandler oleandros

Behavioral economics all over the place at #hcmmconf - love it!

Tue Aug 9 10:27:58 PDT 2011

RT @4tuckertalk: Superb enthusiastic brilliant insightful: "Caution, Curation, Contentment" @jwalkersmith at #hcmmconf.
Tue Aug 9 10:28:04 PDT 2011


Who knew? Monitors to test wait staff hygiene. Wow. Risk detection at a new level. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:28:09 PDT 2011

HCAnnaTE oleandros

This consumer is positive about the future. #Hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 10:28:11 PDT 2011

RT @shanictaylor: @jwalkersmith's talk is making me wonder if we are monitoring/cautioning too much. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:28:12 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


Gotta get the portion control canister of blue diamond almonds for snacks during this conference! #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:28:14 PDT 2011


Smith: Marketers across the board are playing to our desire to manage risk. Hyundai, Virgin Mobile, MasterCard #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:28:40 PDT 2011


RT @CatherineJamal: New refund policies (season tickets, cars, plan tickets) removing risk from marketplace #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:28:42 PDT 2011

Nedra oleandros

@jgarrow Never seen this room so packed! #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 10:29:01 PDT 2011

Happiness though is a consistent trend even in the context of caution #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 10:29:38 PDT 2011


@jwalkersmith confirming my assumption that CocaCola is the smartest company in the world at #hcmmconf.
Tue Aug 9 10:29:56 PDT 2011


Totally agree! RT @ronneostby: Love @jwalkersmith enthusiasm when he speaks. Powerful. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:29:59 PDT 2011


Paging through the #hcmmconf booklet to plot my course the next few days!
Tue Aug 9 10:30:01 PDT 2011


RT @oleandros: Now J. Walker Smith on "The Culture of Contentment" we must first get in the minds of real people and how we can connect with them #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:30:03 PDT 2011


Attending the conference? Enter our PSA distribution contest to win a PSN In-Store campaign. Winner will be announced Aug 11 #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:30:05 PDT 2011


Whenever you want to display a champion foyer social media influence and ROI, Zappos is the way to go. #Hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:30:05 PDT 2011

Happiness as trend in time of caution. @jwalkersmith. @ASmithConsult[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


will like this #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 10:30:29 PDT 2011


@jwalkersmith Social networks garner the largest share of Internet time. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:30:36 PDT 2011


Smith: 43% increase in time spent on social networks over the last year #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:30:43 PDT 2011


@jwalkersmith: we live in a time of more caution (not just financial) and crisis fatigue... people embedding in online communities #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:30:54 PDT 2011


Very true RT ppl don't want to talk to co's/orgs, they want to talk to other ppl (via @catherinejamal @jwalkersmith) #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:30:58 PDT 2011


Shame that #hcmmconf organizers didn't have zombie apocalypse creators @CatherineJamal @Maggie_Silver address group about a PR success.
Tue Aug 9 10:31:09 PDT 2011


The #1 change of how people spend their time online is that people spend 43% MORE time on social networks says @jwalkersmith #mhsm #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:31:20 PDT 2011


Ditto! Great way 2 start conference! RT @shellyspoeth Totally agree! RT @ronneostby Love @jwalkersmith enthusiasm when he speaks #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:31:22 PDT 2011


@jwalkersmith: people want better guidance in this era of caution and they turn to social networks for it. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:31:27 PDT 2011


But, @jwalkersmith, shoes and Coke (the Atlanta-Pemberton kind!) ARE happiness... Ok, ok loyal friends & good neighbors are, too. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:31:27 PDT 2011


I like the msg of #happiness from @jwalkersmith #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 10:31:46 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


"The reason Facebook took off is because we were ready for it; technology doesn't have it's own momentum" #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:31:50 PDT 2011


Technology is driven by the people. It becomes popular when the people are ready for it. #Hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:32:00 PDT 2011


Such an inspiration to see successful Black professionals at #HCMMCONF

Tue Aug 9 10:32:05 PDT 2011


RT @jgarrow: 3/4ths of Americans feel the American Dream is more of a dream than a reality, according to 2010 survey. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:32:06 PDT 2011


RT @thejillbee: @jwalkersmith: people want better guidance in this era of caution and they turn to social networks for it. #mhsm #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:32:07 PDT 2011


Love this by @jwalkersmith : Social media has only taken off because we were ready for it, for connection #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:32:10 PDT 2011


RT @shanictaylor "The reason Facebook took off is because we were ready for it; technology doesn't have it's own momentum" #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:32:17 PDT 2011


RT @HCAnnaTE: Technology is driven by the people. It becomes popular when the people are ready for it. #Hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:32:27 PDT 2011


Intimate networks endure even when general trust declines. @jwalkersmith #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:32:36 PDT 2011


Technology is adopted when we are ready for it. Today we seek trustworthy networks of people we know while trust others less #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:32:40 PDT 2011


Ugh, risk aversion and happiness seeking are key tenets of the public. Difficult for emergency comms. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:32:50 PDT 2011


@jwalkersmith: Social media took off because we were ready for it -[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

intimate networks endure while trust in everyone else declines #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 10:33:00 PDT 2011


Intimate networks endure, while trust in everything else declines, why Facebook works @jwalkersmith #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:33:07 PDT 2011


RT @nationalcouncil: The #1 change of how people spend their time online is that people spend 43% MORE time on social networks says @jwalkersmith #mhsm #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:33:08 PDT 2011


Intimate networks endure! Ppl trust info & recos from ppl they know! #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:33:19 PDT 2011


RT @jessicamarkdc: @jwalkersmith: Social media took off because we were ready for it - intimate networks endure while trust in everyone else declines #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:33:20 PDT 2011


@samhsagov @GoHealthyPeople I recognize Kimber's name from the Healthy People 2020 #LinkedIn group - looking forward to pres! #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:33:25 PDT 2011


Intimate networks pinnacle of social network (interact with avg 15 friends of 500.) #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:33:29 PDT 2011

ampilsner CAGolden

Intimate networks matter according to @jwalkersmith. #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 10:33:44 PDT 2011

@jwalkersmith: "Intimate networks endure while trust in everyone else declines." #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:33:46 PDT 2011


Very thought provoking plenary! Looking forward to visiting the exhibit hall and attending a couple track sessions #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:33:51 PDT 2011


@jgarrow: 3/4ths of Americans feel the American Dream is more of a dream than a reality, according to 2010 survey. #hcmmconf // Sad!
Tue Aug 9 10:33:53 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


RT @KTExchange: Walker Smith, The Futures Co.: three takeaways about consumers - caution, curation & contentment #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:34:16 PDT 2011


RT @KTExchange: Smith: Marketers across the board are playing to our desire to manage risk. Hyundai, Virgin Mobile, MasterCard #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:34:20 PDT 2011

HCAnnaTE jgarrow

Going to lookup Like Facebook but more intimate #Hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 10:34:23 PDT 2011

Be in your commty. RT @shellyspoeth: Intimate networks endure, while trust in everything else declines, why FB works @jwalkersmith #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:34:29 PDT 2011


The trend is intimate networks that curate choices and decisions #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:34:32 PDT 2011


@jwalkersmith People w/ more than 500 Facebook friends typically have 2-way convos with 10-15 of them. Intimate networks endure. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:34:39 PDT 2011


@jwalkersmith says those w >500 FB friends have regular contact w just 10-15. Sociologically fascinating. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:34:44 PDT 2011


New trends to limit social friend networks to make them more intimate. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:34:58 PDT 2011


@jwalkersmith: while social trust has declined over decades, trust has exponentially increased within intimate networks. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:34:58 PDT 2011


Very thought provoking plenary! Looking forward to visiting the exhibit hall and attending a couple track sessions #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:35:03 PDT 2011


RT @CoffeesCommutes: Love this by @jwalkersmith : Social media has only taken off because we were ready for it, for connection #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:35:13 PDT 2011


RT @shellyspoeth: Intimate networks endure, while trust in everything else declines, why Facebook works @jwalkersmith #hcmmconf[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

Tue Aug 9 10:35:17 PDT 2011


can't wait to read OMG what happened and what should I do? #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:35:23 PDT 2011


Financial fatigue is the context of life for our audience. We have to find ways to minimize their risk. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:35:30 PDT 2011


RT @Nedra: If you're interested in following the Natl Conf on Health Comm, Mktg & Media, lots of great livetweeting @ #hcmmconf. Not me so much.
Tue Aug 9 10:35:33 PDT 2011


"Intimate networks" pinnacle of social network (people interact w/ avg 15 friends of 500 on Facebook) #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:35:39 PDT 2011

wendyr13 HCAnnaTE CatherineJamal

#hcmmconf Rise of de-friending and increase of intimate, small networks

Tue Aug 9 10:35:41 PDT 2011

I must admit. I have defriended many Facebook "friends." #Hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 10:35:42 PDT 2011

RT @CAGolden: @jwalkersmith: "Intimate networks endure while trust in everyone else declines." #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:35:54 PDT 2011


RT @CatherineJamal: "Intimate networks" pinnacle of social network (people interact w/ avg 15 friends of 500 on Facebook) #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:36:00 PDT 2011


It's quite good! RT @epsandler: can't wait to read OMG what happened and what should I do? #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:36:32 PDT 2011


RT @LaurenR29: @jwalkersmith says those w >500 FB friends have regular contact w just 10-15. Sociologically fascinating. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:36:36 PDT 2011


Not convinced that NYTimes articles indicate SNS trends like unfriending as much as they pick up on quirky exceptions to the rules #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:36:36 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

ampilsner MoDBev

Social currency huh... One example here: #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 10:36:48 PDT 2011

RT @RobinPregnancy: Intimate networks endure even when general trust declines. @jwalkersmith #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:36:49 PDT 2011


RT @Premier_Studios: @jwalkersmith: while social trust has declined over decades, trust has exponentially increased within intimate networks. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:36:50 PDT 2011


Hmmmm, can I still buy " Oh My God What Happened And What Should I Do?" with a tweet? #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:36:51 PDT 2011


Smith: intimate networks, curation, social currency. This is how we're managing risk. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:37:14 PDT 2011


RT @ampilsner: Social currency huh... One example here: #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 10:37:24 PDT 2011


Thoughts on #socialcurrency? Pay by tweeting! @jwalkersmith #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 10:37:24 PDT 2011

CatherineJamal HCAnnaTE jgarrow

#WhyAreYou at #hcmmconf? What are your goals for the week?

Tue Aug 9 10:37:26 PDT 2011

Materialism: You are what you buy? #Hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 10:37:58 PDT 2011

We're experiencing a shift from an accumulation culture to a culture of contentment, sez @jwalkersmith #hcmmconf #genY
Tue Aug 9 10:38:06 PDT 2011


RT @shellyspoeth: Intimate networks endure, while trust in everything else declines, why Facebook works @jwalkersmith #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:38:22 PDT 2011


Shift from meaning within materialism to materialism in context of meaning #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 10:38:33 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


RT @samhsagov: Kimber Wukitch from @GoHealthyPeople speaking at 2 pm in Redwood on #opengov panel about use of #LinkedIn #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:38:44 PDT 2011


@jwalkersmith There is a shift to an internally directed contentment culture. It's not a rejection of materialism. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:38:44 PDT 2011


Smith: Meaning will grow past materialism as the driver in the future. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:38:45 PDT 2011


Contentment will be/is more of a motivator for spending money rather than consumption of goods #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:38:45 PDT 2011

ampilsner oleandros

I just paid with a tweet! #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 10:38:47 PDT 2011

RT @jgarrow: We're experiencing a shift from an accumulation culture to a culture of contentment, sez @jwalkersmith #hcmmconf #genY
Tue Aug 9 10:39:10 PDT 2011


RT @wendyr13: #hcmmconf Rise of de-friending and increase of intimate, small networks

Tue Aug 9 10:39:16 PDT 2011


just did it! @shanictaylor: Hmmmm, can I still buy " Oh My God What Happened And What Should I Do?" with a tweet? #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:39:18 PDT 2011


RT @shanitaylor "The reason Facebook took off is because we were ready for it; technology doesn't have it's own momentum" #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:39:21 PDT 2011


RT @oleandros: The trend is intimate networks that curate choices and decisions #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:39:35 PDT 2011


RT @wendyr13: #hcmmconf Rise of de-friending and increase of intimate, small networks

Tue Aug 9 10:39:42 PDT 2011


We are moving from an external accumulation culture to an internal[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

contentment culture. @jwalkersmith #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 10:39:44 PDT 2011


The reason people are increasingly tired of doing without as time lengthens advertising based on image/materialism?? #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:39:59 PDT 2011


@jwalkersmith makes his point: people r tired of risk and caution and r seeking comfort in social networks-meet them there. #mhsm #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:40:18 PDT 2011


@jwalkersmith: Materialism isn't going anywhere. It's just going to be around in a different context: happiness, relationships #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:40:26 PDT 2011


Yep! Just did. RT @shanictaylor: Hmmmm, can I still buy " Oh My God What Happened And What..." with a tweet? #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:40:29 PDT 2011


RT @CAGolden: We are moving from an external accumulation culture to an internal contentment culture. @jwalkersmith #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:40:34 PDT 2011


Acording to MetLife survey, "meaning" is the most important for a "good life" #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:40:35 PDT 2011


RT @CoffeesCommutes: RT @CAGolden: We are moving from an external accumulation culture to an internal contentment culture. @jwalkersmith #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:41:34 PDT 2011


Curious how online communities can promote health? See how were using LinkedIn to do just that at #hcmmconf, 2pm in the Redwood room.
Tue Aug 9 10:42:01 PDT 2011


Today, & yesterday MT @oleandros Technology is adopted when we are ready for it. Today we seek networks of people we know/trust #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:42:40 PDT 2011


I'd be happy too if my name was Oprah. #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 10:42:54 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


#hcmmconf Lift Off - Openg plenaries emphaszd listeng 2 citizens, supprtng person2persn engagemnt, & understndng what drives ppl (happiness)
Tue Aug 9 10:42:56 PDT 2011


Did the recession increase your happiness because you had to redefine what it means to be happy? #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:43:02 PDT 2011


RT @jgarrow: We're experiencing a shift from an accumulation culture to a culture of contentment, sez @jwalkersmith /on my way to #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:43:04 PDT 2011

ckrobertson HCAnnaTE

#hcmmconf The happiness project is on the top 10 NYTimes book list.

Tue Aug 9 10:43:21 PDT 2011

I think the decrease of "get rich quick" has a lot to do with people realizing there is no such thing. #Hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:43:46 PDT 2011


Lots of good stuff coming out of the #hcmmconf hashtag today -- thanks for the tweets, keep them coming guys!! #hcsm
Tue Aug 9 10:44:05 PDT 2011


Smith: We know happiness is the latest craze, because last year, Oprah introduced Oprah's Big Book of Happiness #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:44:11 PDT 2011


According to #hcmmconf this Book helps you to move into the Digital era of awesomeness. Download it for free:
Tue Aug 9 10:44:18 PDT 2011


Enjoy @jwalkersmith presentation @ CDC's #hcmmconf. Takeaway: risk avoidance key; intimate social circles rising; pursuit of happiness goal
Tue Aug 9 10:44:23 PDT 2011


We've forgotten to have fun and are now seeking happiness, as a GenXer, totally get that, and need that! #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:44:28 PDT 2011


In the US on a scale of 1-10 Wealth gets a 6.7, Health a 7.6, and Happiness a 8.1 #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:44:42 PDT 2011


Just bought "OH MY GOD WHAT HAPPENED AND WHAT SHOULD I DO?" by tweepurchase: #hcmmconf[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

Tue Aug 9 10:44:42 PDT 2011


RT @nationalcouncil: In the US on a scale of 1-10 Wealth gets a 6.7, Health a 7.6, and Happiness a 8.1 #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:44:54 PDT 2011


@jwalkersmith culture of contentment? Is that another "gen Y" or "millenial" thing? I will curbstomp you, you ageist piece of shit #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:44:57 PDT 2011


RT @TaWannaBerry: Enjoy @jwalkersmith presentation @ CDC's #hcmmconf. Takeaway: risk avoidance key; intimate social circles rising; pursuit of happiness goal
Tue Aug 9 10:45:13 PDT 2011


.@jwalkersmith is starting to underscore need to understand principles of positive psychology to positively influence ppl's bhvr #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:45:24 PDT 2011


RT @GoHealthyPeople: Curious how online communities can promote health? See how were using LinkedIn to do just that at #hcmmconf, 2pm i ...
Tue Aug 9 10:46:00 PDT 2011


@emanhaly I agree, not a big fan of Google+ especially since I haven't figured out how to make it work for health comm #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:46:16 PDT 2011


RT @jaybernhardt: Hey #hcmmconf Visit Florida this Feb 15-17 for the Digital Health Communication Extravaganza! #dhcx See
Tue Aug 9 10:46:22 PDT 2011


RT @jessicamarkdc: @jwalkersmith: Materialism isn't going anywhere. It's just going to be around in a different context: happiness, relationships #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:46:45 PDT 2011


Car companies now selling "health and happiness" instead of "cars." All because it's a new context for this new marketplace. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:46:48 PDT 2011


RT @jessicamarkdc: RT @TaWannaBerry: Takeaway: risk avoidance key; intimate social circles rising; pursuit of happiness goal #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:46:51 PDT 2011

Smith: Nissan is currently in the mobile health spa business #hcmmconf[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

KTExchange ampilsner

Tue Aug 9 10:46:59 PDT 2011

Shifting geometry of desire by marketers says @jwalkersmith #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 10:47:00 PDT 2011


RT @TaWannaBerry: Enjoy @jwalkersmith presentation @ CDC's #hcmmconf. Takeaway: risk avoidance key; intimate social circles rising; pursuit of happiness goal
Tue Aug 9 10:47:16 PDT 2011


@jwalkersmith: Circle of contentment = me in the intimate circles that matter to me. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:47:24 PDT 2011

JaviervW ckrobertson jessicamarkdc

#hcmmconf Meaning = family, friends, community

Tue Aug 9 10:47:39 PDT 2011

#hcmmconf Selling meaning. We are all in this together.

Tue Aug 9 10:47:56 PDT 2011

Just "bought" this book on the Digital era of awesomeness. Price: One tweet. Thanks #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:48:11 PDT 2011


@jwalkersmith Meaning remains the most important factor for a good life = intimate relationships, family, friendship, community #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:48:18 PDT 2011


RT @FHI360: Follow the conversation around the @CDCgov Health Comm, Marketing, & Media Conf. #hcmmconf Live at
Tue Aug 9 10:48:31 PDT 2011


JWalterSmith via #hcmmconf: meaning today: family, friendship, community. Connection: we're all in this together #bumhc
Tue Aug 9 10:48:33 PDT 2011


@jwalkersmith: social currency is more valued [exp] @paywithatweet is a payment system paid w/ the value of their social network. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:48:47 PDT 2011


Prefer to spend money on experiences I can share with others. 75% agree. I do, too. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:48:52 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


RT @DoctorT: @jwalkersmith Meaning remains the most important factor for a good life = intimate relationships, family, friendship, community #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:49:00 PDT 2011


Smith: 76% of us prefer to spend money on experiences we can share with others #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:49:04 PDT 2011


RT @thejillbee: @jwalkersmith: Circle of contentment = me in the intimate circles that matter to me. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:49:14 PDT 2011

marisamoore HCAnnaTE

@jwalkersmith Awesome presentation! Thank you. #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 10:49:18 PDT 2011

@jwalkersmith presentation had energized me for the rest of the day. Been up since 5 AM and still kicking. #Hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:49:23 PDT 2011

alanebearder jamierauscher

J. Walker Smith: what a great speaker!!! #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 10:49:38 PDT 2011

It's all about caution, citation,contentment: it's what people want today @jwalkersmith #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:49:39 PDT 2011


Fantastic, energetic and meaningful presentation by @jwalkersmith. My use "meaningful" was both true and intentional ;-) #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:49:52 PDT 2011

JaviervW MediaForcePR

#hcmmconf 76% of like to spend in experience vs material things.

Tue Aug 9 10:50:06 PDT 2011

RT @jessicamarkdc: Just "bought" this book on the Digital era of awesomeness. Price: One tweet. Thanks #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:50:19 PDT 2011


RT @FHI360: Follow the conversation around the @CDCgov Health Comm, Marketing, & Media Conf. #hcmmconf Live at
Tue Aug 9 10:50:33 PDT 2011


RT @jgarrow: Prefer to spend money on experiences I can share with others. 75% agree. I do, too. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:50:54 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


Focus on the backchannel. Thanks #hcmmconf for showing the twitter feed!
Tue Aug 9 10:51:23 PDT 2011


Hello conference attendees who are reading my tweet on the screen at #hcmmconf.
Tue Aug 9 10:51:47 PDT 2011


Fantastic presentation! Makes me reflect on my own life as well as my work with health comms #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:52:12 PDT 2011


Didn't better health equal happiness? So why aren't public health messages easier to sale. Is it the message our the vehicle? #Hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:52:25 PDT 2011

DrDCH2012 researchmatters

Jwalkersmith was awesome! #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 10:52:35 PDT 2011

#hcmmconf purchasing books via tweets, spreading kindness--new trends in era of curation and contentment @jwalkersmith
Tue Aug 9 10:52:39 PDT 2011


RT @DoctorT: @jwalkersmith Meaning remains the most important factor for a good life = intimate relationships, family, friendship, community #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:52:42 PDT 2011

marcusb247 HCAnnaTE

That was a great conversation #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 10:52:47 PDT 2011

Doesn't better health equal happiness? So why aren't public health messages easier to sale. Is it the message our the vehicle? #Hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:52:47 PDT 2011


Americans have a deep desire for connection and community. #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 10:52:50 PDT 2011


Listening to @jwalkersmith; people are cautious and curating their way to contentment. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:52:52 PDT 2011


#Tobacco control @ #hcmmconf. Now thats happiness. :) Excited for track IV in Grand Ballroom B @2pm![8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

Tue Aug 9 10:53:06 PDT 2011


Mentioned at #hcmmconf. This Book helps you to move into the Digital era of awesomeness. Download it for free:
Tue Aug 9 10:53:24 PDT 2011


I have to figure out how to apply this to my work in public health, because I don't always have "good" news. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:53:25 PDT 2011

shanictaylor tericascott

Interesting question, factoring in disparity and background #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 10:54:10 PDT 2011

#hcmmconf enjoyed J Walker Smith's presentation on 'The culture of contentment'

Tue Aug 9 10:54:10 PDT 2011


RT @FHI360: Follow the conversation around the @CDCgov Health Comm, Marketing, & Media Conf. #hcmmconf Live at
Tue Aug 9 10:54:15 PDT 2011


At CDC conference - ready to learn about making data friendly #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 10:54:51 PDT 2011


Message from Walker Smith: people today are cautious, they want direction, and they seek contentment. Application in healthcare? #HCMMconf
Tue Aug 9 10:54:59 PDT 2011


What America Wants Contentment! @jwalkersmith great lecture #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 10:55:06 PDT 2011


@jwalkersmith Inspiring information on how to connect better with people, messaging on happiness, contentment, and understanding #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:55:17 PDT 2011

tericascott drhealthpsych

#hcmmconf go to to learn to engage the community

Tue Aug 9 10:55:19 PDT 2011

In this consumer context of caution, connection most important. #hcmmconf[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

Tue Aug 9 10:55:23 PDT 2011

ckrobertson Bookpimp1

#hcmmconf Financially fragile public affects messaging to them.

Tue Aug 9 10:55:41 PDT 2011

#hcmmconf How do you explain all the global social unrest? London & Arab Spring for example.
Tue Aug 9 10:55:44 PDT 2011


Materialism isn't going anywhere, but meaning (relationships) has become more important to people - J. Walker Smith, PhD #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:55:57 PDT 2011


I bet I can get my face on the the #hcmmconf big board more times than @CatherineJamal
Tue Aug 9 10:56:15 PDT 2011


recessionFX: Half of America can't come up w $2K for emergency within 30 days = why people have reassessed what's important #hcmmconf #bumhc
Tue Aug 9 10:56:32 PDT 2011


How can this data / perspective be used for community health messages? #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:56:33 PDT 2011

Candormr nimblees

#hcmmconf I still love material good!

Tue Aug 9 10:56:40 PDT 2011

Culture of caution, curation, and contentment according to walker smith. Curious what types of pub health messaging that leads to #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:56:55 PDT 2011


Informative and lively presentations by @jwalkersmith and America Speaks at #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 10:57:14 PDT 2011

MsCherrieAmore jgarrow about those hunter gatherers -_- #HCMMCONF

Tue Aug 9 10:57:24 PDT 2011

Awesome presentation by @jwalkersmith. Would love to know if it's available somewhere, some great ideas in there. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 10:57:29 PDT 2011


Heading to first breakout sessions. #hcmmconf[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

Tue Aug 9 10:57:41 PDT 2011


#hcmmconf - thx 4 reminders re: value prop 4 audiences (what speaks 2 u = what "means most") & tend 4 sm nws & not blast msgs @jwalkersmith
Tue Aug 9 10:57:45 PDT 2011


@Bookpimp1: #hcmmconf How do you explain all the global social unrest? London & Arab Spring for example. great question!!!!
Tue Aug 9 10:58:57 PDT 2011


RT @icfhealth #hcmmconf: ICF is presenting 9 abstracts & sponsoring opening plenary. Come by booth 25, we look forward to meeting you!
Tue Aug 9 10:59:32 PDT 2011


@jgarrow - arriving later tonight. See you bright and early in the a.m. Until then I'm following the #hcmmconf tag!
Tue Aug 9 10:59:55 PDT 2011


Heading down (finally) to the 5th Annual National Conference on Health Communication, Marketing and Media. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:00:03 PDT 2011


Contest detail: PSN In-Store distributes public service messages in more than 13,000 grocery and pharmacy locations nationwide #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:00:10 PDT 2011


The Natl Conference on Health Comm, Marketing & Media is off to a great start in Atlanta. Drop by APHA's booth & say hello! #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:00:10 PDT 2011


Getting ready to present at Natl Health Comm conference - Dunwoody "sex drugs and alcohol" #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:00:14 PDT 2011


RT @wendyr13: #hcmmconf Rise of de-friending and increase of intimate, small networks

Tue Aug 9 11:00:20 PDT 2011


RT @nationalcouncil: In the US on a scale of 1-10 Wealth gets a 6.7, Health a 7.6, and Happiness a 8.1 #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:00:47 PDT 2011


RT @ICFhealth: Day 1 of #hcmmconf: So far, so good! ICF's @wendyr13 kicks things off today at 2, Ballroom F on healthy[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

Tue Aug 9 11:00:50 PDT 2011


RT @ronneostby: The @ICFhealth booth us up! Phew! This baby is big. Come see us at #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:01:27 PDT 2011


RT @jgarrow: Awesome presentation by @jwalkersmith. Would love to know if it's available somewhere, some great ideas in there. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:01:57 PDT 2011


We'll be tweeting from 'Opening up Health Data & How 2 Make it PublicFriendly" w/ @Work Steven @gohealthypeople @Ghideas #mhsm #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:02:25 PDT 2011


Curating (controlling) the context for decision making (e.g. through social networks) moves consumers from caution to contentment #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:02:39 PDT 2011


@jwalkersmith: achieving and improving trust and meaning is where we are increasingly investing our lives, time and money. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:02:41 PDT 2011


@wendyr13 good luck! 2 in ballroom F on Healthy Relationships & Marriage. #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 11:02:50 PDT 2011


@jwalkersmith loved your presentation-factual and informative while motivational. Thanks for being here #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:03:06 PDT 2011


Join us in Redwood. Opening up Health Data and How to Make It Public Friendly #Hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:03:09 PDT 2011


In the "Community-Campus Partnerships to Enhance the Development & Delivery of Promotional Health Msgs" panel #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:04:00 PDT 2011

HCAnnaTE caitdouglas

This coffee is much needed. Warm! #Hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 11:04:31 PDT 2011

Waiting for Sex, Drugs, and Alcohol to start at #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 11:05:04 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


Health comm could use this info to focus more on who is delivering messages and emphasizing how to mitigate risk v/s cautioning #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:05:21 PDT 2011


Room volunteer for Innovative Tools & Techniques in Health Comm at #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:05:41 PDT 2011


RT @Piacere: RT @icfhealth #hcmmconf: ICF is presenting 9 abstracts & sponsoring opening plenary. Come by booth 25, we look forward to m ...
Tue Aug 9 11:05:48 PDT 2011


@Nedra Thanks for sharing handouts! Awesome for those of us unable to attend #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:06:50 PDT 2011


Interested in applying innovative public Health? Stop by booth 18 and tell us about it (and enter to win a Flip cam!). #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:07:00 PDT 2011


The true manifestation of high tech and high touch: Tech tools need to be combined with the power of community. #opengov #mhsm #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:07:01 PDT 2011


Amee Roberson is getting her panel started on campus community partnerships. Come on down andnjoin us! #hcmmconf #boozallen @vet4health
Tue Aug 9 11:07:02 PDT 2011


Listening in on a session on opening up health data and making it more public-friendly -- Andrew Wilson, SAMSHA kicks it off. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:07:19 PDT 2011


Attending the #OpenGov, #OpenData and Online Community session with @AndrewPWilson, @GHIdeas, @SAMHSAgov and @gohealthypeople. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:07:30 PDT 2011


Pace & Partners will be live tweeting from the CDC's National Conference on Health Comm, Marketing & Media for the next few days! #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:07:55 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


At the obesity prevention, food policy, and food safety session #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:08:00 PDT 2011

behavenet HCAnnaTE

Technology empowers community. #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 11:08:09 PDT 2011

@GHideas Mobilizing Communities for Health; the Health Data Initiative #hcmmconf #opengov
Tue Aug 9 11:09:15 PDT 2011


In #opengov session w @GHideas @worksteven @GoHealthyPeople at #hcmmconf - up 1st context of HHS health data project
Tue Aug 9 11:09:20 PDT 2011


Enjoyed a great presentation from @jwalkersmith on what drives people today. Can't wait for more at #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:09:46 PDT 2011


RT @MediaForcePR: Contest detail: PSN In-Store distributes public service messages in more than 13,000 grocery and pharmacy locations nationwide #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:09:48 PDT 2011


Armstrong-Mensah: community members need to be involved in developing health communication that concerns them #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:09:49 PDT 2011


RT @IQSolutions: Interested in applying innovative public Health? Stop by booth 18 and tell us about it (and enter to win a Flip cam!). #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:10:08 PDT 2011


RT @fhi360: @CDCgov Health Comm, Marketing, & Media Conf. Social Marketing Form Check out our blog: #hcmmconf ^LR
Tue Aug 9 11:10:10 PDT 2011


HHS spends about $1 Billion dollars in data collection a year. #Hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 11:10:29 PDT 2011


Waiting on the Best Practices for Integrating Social Media session at #hcmmconf to start. Anyone else here?
Tue Aug 9 11:10:50 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


RT @ElizabethCohen: Armstrong-Mensah: community members need to be involved in developing health communication that concerns them #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:10:50 PDT 2011


"Opening up Health Data & How to Make it Public-Friendly" @WorkSteven @gohealthypeople @Ghideas #mhsm #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:10:55 PDT 2011

ckrobertson RobinPregnancy

#hcmmconf Social Marketing Quarterly. Must subscribe.

Tue Aug 9 11:11:25 PDT 2011

How do we make massive amounts of data useful? #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 11:11:36 PDT 2011


Story of my life. RT @caitdouglas Waiting for Sex, Drugs, and Alcohol to start at #hcmmconf .
Tue Aug 9 11:11:42 PDT 2011


Please do! RT @ckrobertson: #hcmmconf Social Marketing Quarterly. Must subscribe.

Tue Aug 9 11:11:52 PDT 2011


Sitting in on the CDC's presentation of @AdCouncil food safety campaign at #hcmmconf. Cook, Clean, Chill, Separate!
Tue Aug 9 11:11:57 PDT 2011


First up @pharoe on using Photovoice for formative research... #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 11:12:21 PDT 2011


@GHideas (Aman Bhandari, chief advisor to @Todd_Park): Health Data Initiative is making massive amounts of data openly available #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:12:35 PDT 2011


Large amounts of data but little use or creative application. Visit to see what you can do with data sets. #Hcmmconf #opengov
Tue Aug 9 11:12:45 PDT 2011

mpbeau 1st anniv helping govt to be more open, participatory and collaborative Now has 250,000 data sets avail #hcmmconf #opengov
Tue Aug 9 11:12:48 PDT 2011


@Leslie_A_Lewis @ckrobertson Is there a link to the Social Media[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

Quarterly? #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:12:49 PDT 2011

RobinPregnancy thejillbee

Started with 47 data sets #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 11:12:53 PDT 2011

I knew this was a rockin' conference! hee hee RT @caitdouglas: Waiting for Sex, Drugs, and Alcohol to start at #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:13:00 PDT 2011


Questions for the #opengov panel going on right now? Ask away! #hcmmconf @samhsagov
Tue Aug 9 11:13:23 PDT 2011

ampilsner jgarrow

Idea: create hashtags for individual sessions/tracks at #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 11:13:23 PDT 2011

Biggest difference between #hcmmconf and every other conference I've ever been to? More women. #EMisanOldBoyNetwork
Tue Aug 9 11:13:31 PDT 2011


RT @HCAnnaTE: Large amounts of data but little use or creative application. Visit to see what you can do with data sets. #Hcmmconf #opengov
Tue Aug 9 11:13:34 PDT 2011

RobinPregnancy IQSolutions another source of data #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 11:13:36 PDT 2011

.@GHIdeas asks: How do you democratize data and increase access to information? Highlights the global data movement. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:14:04 PDT 2011

MUHCRC RobinPregnancy

In the best practices for integrating social media breakout. #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 11:14:34 PDT 2011

I hear the keys clacking in this small room - tech ppl attracted to data? ;-) #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:14:45 PDT 2011


RT @ampilsner: Idea: create hashtags for individual sessions/tracks at #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 11:14:49 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


Goo team RT @oleandros Amee Roberson is getting her panel started on campus community partnerships. Join us! #hcmmconf #boozallen
Tue Aug 9 11:14:52 PDT 2011


Next up, our Innovative Tools & Technologies cohorts: Best Practices for Integrating Social Media [@bujulicious @KarisSchoellman] #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:15:03 PDT 2011


Open Government is a Presidential mandate. The data is there... Use it! #Hcmmconf #opengov
Tue Aug 9 11:15:37 PDT 2011


Let's create our own! @ampilsner: Idea: create hashtags for individual sessions/tracks at #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:16:18 PDT 2011


Community Based Participatory Research (CBPR): community members and researchers are equal partners in the research process #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:16:23 PDT 2011


Each day 3450 young peeps in US age 12-17 smoke their 1st cig #hcmmconf...good thing @theNCI creating teen smoking cessation site! #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:16:28 PDT 2011


What people want: it's about caution,curation,contentment @jwalkersmith #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 11:16:44 PDT 2011

HCAnnaTE oleandros is the central portal for HHS data. #Hcmmconf #opengov

Tue Aug 9 11:16:50 PDT 2011

Get the community directly involved in designing public health research to increase relevancy and participation #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:16:53 PDT 2011


If you could do anything with #healthcare data from HHS what would you do? #mhsm #opengov 1 result: #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:17:11 PDT 2011


If you could do anything with data--what would it be? .@GHideas is killing it on bringing data home in public health at #hcmmconf.
Tue Aug 9 11:17:46 PDT 2011


Symbiosis = website, Twitter acct, FB, RSS feeds, podcasts, email listserv working together all towards the same goal. #hcmmconf[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

Tue Aug 9 11:17:51 PDT 2011

StacyShelp jessicamarkdc

Where is tonight's tweetup? #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 11:17:55 PDT 2011

More on the Health Data Initiative from @todd_park: See from #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:17:56 PDT 2011

RobinPregnancy penneysage

What would you do if you had this data? Needs innovation. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:17:57 PDT 2011

RT @PublicHealth: The Natl Conference on Health Comm, Marketing & Media is off to a great start in Atlanta. Drop by APHA's booth & say hello! #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:18:14 PDT 2011


MT @WorkSteven: ?'s #hcmmconf @samhsagov is data sharing only stats or would it incl service org type data? Ex agency A & serv offered
Tue Aug 9 11:18:14 PDT 2011


RT @jessicamarkdc: More on the Health Data Initiative from @todd_park: See from #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:18:26 PDT 2011


RT @SocialBttrfly: If you could do anything with data--what would it be? .@GHideas is killing it on bringing data home in public health at #hcmmconf.
Tue Aug 9 11:18:29 PDT 2011


Sounds obvious but lots of parents need the reminder: Kids more likely to maintain healthy lifestyles if their parents do. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:18:56 PDT 2011


#hcmmconf OWH Bodyworks: parents are key diet & exercise role models
Tue Aug 9 11:19:01 PDT 2011

ronneostby caitdouglas

So nice to see former colleagues and friends from AED at #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 11:19:03 PDT 2011

Photovoice: people photograph their everyday life then participate in group discussion about their photos... #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:19:28 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


Sounds good to us! RT @HCAnnaTE: Open Government is a Presidential mandate. The data is there... Use it! #Hcmmconf #opengov
Tue Aug 9 11:19:42 PDT 2011


RT @jaybernhardt: Hey #hcmmconf Visit Florida this Feb 15-17 for the Digital Health Communication Extravaganza! #dhcx See
Tue Aug 9 11:19:51 PDT 2011


RT @thejillbee: Sounds obvious but lots of parents need the reminder: Kids more likely to maintain healthy lifestyles if their parents do. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:19:56 PDT 2011


...Then take photos and discussion to leaders to cause change. #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 11:19:57 PDT 2011


MT@RobinPregnancy: I hear the keys clacking in this small room ;-) #hcmmconf I put mine on silent but wish I had keyboard! #opengov
Tue Aug 9 11:20:04 PDT 2011


RT @jessicamarkdc: More on the Health Data Initiative from @todd_park: See from #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:20:09 PDT 2011


Getting the channels to work together to inform & educate, raise awareness, & take action = success. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:20:40 PDT 2011


CBPR improves community trust of research & gives them voice in rsrch agenda & comm. "it's about listening to the residents" #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:20:44 PDT 2011


Now up, our Innovative Tools & Technologies cohorts: Best Practices for Integrating Social Media [@bujulicious @chosplace, et al.] #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:21:12 PDT 2011


There are three places data lives- With the government, with the private sector, and in the "gap." The gap: the unknown. #Hcmmconf #opengov
Tue Aug 9 11:21:22 PDT 2011


Websites, esp landing pages, should have access to ALL types of content. CDC Injury Ctr found ppl clicked social media page most #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:21:49 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


RT @jessicamarkdc: More on the Health Data Initiative from @todd_park: See from #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:22:05 PDT 2011


Lauren McCoy of M.D. Anderson discusses ASPIRE program: (y tambin disponible en espaol!) #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:22:19 PDT 2011


We're getting a preview of @asthmapolis, a GPS tool to use data to track, better understand and control #asthma. #hcmmconf #opengov
Tue Aug 9 11:22:29 PDT 2011


RT @jessicamarkdc: More on the Health Data Initiative from @todd_park: See from #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:22:51 PDT 2011


Driving users from Facebook to website: be creative! Friday Fun Fact of the Week (taken directly from the website). #hcmmconf @CDCInjury
Tue Aug 9 11:23:14 PDT 2011


Asthmapolis was created by a former CDC employee. An innovative way to use real time technology to capture health data. #Hcmmconf #opengov
Tue Aug 9 11:24:13 PDT 2011


Grow Your Kids with Fruits & Veggies - increasing fruit and vegetable consumption among food stamp recipients #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:24:34 PDT 2011

RobinPregnancy MUHCRC

Code-a-thon: I wish it happened in my area! #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 11:24:41 PDT 2011

Gearing up for social media panel this pm: building sm networks 2 reach youth & teens. 3:45 pm into ballrm f. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:25:04 PDT 2011


Hmm maybe hashtag by conference track number? Anyone in #hcmmconf track IV rooms right now? Let's use: #hcmmconfT4. Who's in??
Tue Aug 9 11:25:18 PDT 2011


Each time newly posted content on the @CDCInjury site was mentioned on social media accts, the long tail of traffic got extended. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:25:44 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


Health 2.0 Data Challenge is an innovative way to engage partnerships and creative tech #Hcmmconf #opengov
Tue Aug 9 11:25:59 PDT 2011


@worksteven from @samhsagov talk about how they use open data #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:26:03 PDT 2011


@GHideas: Great real-time data examples. Hospital compare data in Google results; GPS-linked inhaler->community-level asthma data #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:26:09 PDT 2011


@GHideas on "Health Data Palooza" - initiative to share health data w/ public & inviting innovators to improve sharing. #hcmmconf #opengov
Tue Aug 9 11:26:28 PDT 2011


Looking for data? and Treasure troves of great health data #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:26:33 PDT 2011

HCAnnaTE IQSolutions

@Worksteven up next to talk about open data. #Hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 11:26:40 PDT 2011

Kudos to the @HHSgov team for building a community around data & innovation in #pubhealth: @GHideas, @todd_park and Greg Downing! #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:26:43 PDT 2011


RT @RobinPregnancy: @worksteven from @samhsagov talk about how they use open data #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:26:54 PDT 2011


RT @elanghans: @GHideas on "Health Data Palooza" - initiative to share health data w/ public & inviting innovators to improve sharing. #hcmmconf #opengov
Tue Aug 9 11:27:24 PDT 2011


#hcmmconf I'm game but I'm in #hcmmconfT3 ampilsner: Hmm maybe hashtag by conference track number?
Tue Aug 9 11:27:29 PDT 2011


RT @publichealth Natl Conf on Health Comm, Marketing & Media is off to a great start in Atlanta. Drop by APHA's booth & say hi! #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:27:48 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


Blog integration strategy: utilize all channels to promote new content. Twitter posts, website mentions, FB posts. #hcmmconf @CDCInjury
Tue Aug 9 11:27:52 PDT 2011


State and local communicators at #hcmmconf check out CDC's new CDC STLT Connection FB page for PH professionals
Tue Aug 9 11:27:58 PDT 2011


Less government talk and more plain language a result of the President's Plain Language Act #Hcmmconf #opengov
Tue Aug 9 11:28:03 PDT 2011


RT @oleandros: Get the community directly involved in designing public health research to increase relevancy and participation #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:28:31 PDT 2011


I can follow u in tweet deck :) RT @RobinPregnancy: #hcmmconf I'm game but I'm in #hcmmconfT3 ampilsner: Hmm maybe hashtag by conf track num
Tue Aug 9 11:28:35 PDT 2011


Social marketing is more than just mass media PSAs. local efforts can often produce deeper, more measurable results. #Growyourkids #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:28:49 PDT 2011


RT @HCAnnaTE: Less government talk and more plain language a result of the Presidents Plain Language Act #Hcmmconf #opengov #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:28:53 PDT 2011


+1 --> "Less government talk and more plain talk" from @WorkSteven at #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:28:58 PDT 2011


Nice analytics on CDC TBI blog. Engagement makes a difference over the month. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:29:15 PDT 2011


Numbers talk but that doesn't mean it is speaking your language? That should be the goal of open data. #Hcmmconf #opengov
Tue Aug 9 11:29:20 PDT 2011


@WorkSteven benefits of open & understandable data > helps sharer and sharee #opengov #hcmmconf[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

Tue Aug 9 11:29:45 PDT 2011


Challenge How 2 use multiple SoMe channels 2 max impact and min effort Jessica Handley CDC #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:30:02 PDT 2011


Hope all of our Twitter friends will be able to connect at this Tweetup #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:30:31 PDT 2011


RT @nimblees: Social marketing is more than just mass media PSAs. local efforts can often produce deeper, more measurable results. #Growyourkids #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:30:34 PDT 2011


MD Anderson ASPIRE program soon to be translated into Vietnamese. Cool. #hcmmconf #hcmmconfT4
Tue Aug 9 11:31:00 PDT 2011


digital symbiosis : the living together in more or less intimate association or close union of two dissimilar organisms. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:31:39 PDT 2011


Now discussing Morehouse PRC CommTech Committee which works to identify ways to reach minority community #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:31:41 PDT 2011


RT @jgarrow: Symbiosis = website, Twitter acct, FB, RSS feeds, podcasts, email listserv working together all towards the same goal. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:31:42 PDT 2011


Pitfall of using Facebook "Like" and Twitter "Tweet" buttons: what if no one clicks on them? Push the content more. #hcmmconf @CDCInjury
Tue Aug 9 11:31:46 PDT 2011


@WorkSteven SAMHSA feeds and w/ treatment facilities, publications, aggregate of health reform webinars #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:31:51 PDT 2011


Can we get an amen? =) RT @nimblees: Social marketing is more than just mass media PSAs... #Growyourkids #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:31:51 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


RT @jgarrow: Each time newly posted content on the @CDCInjury site was mentioned on social media accts, the long tail of traffic got extended. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:32:20 PDT 2011


@jwalkersmith U said meaning will outgrow materialism as a motivator. Isn't that attempting to define "the new normal?" #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:32:31 PDT 2011


@WorkSteven: People won't come to you for data - syndicate your data so they can find it where they're looking for it #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:32:36 PDT 2011


RT @ElizabethCohen: CBPR improves community trust of research & gives them voice in rsrch agenda & comm. "it's about listening to the residents" #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:32:40 PDT 2011


RT @IQSolutions: Kudos to the @HHSgov team for building a community around data & innovation in #pubhealth: @GHideas, @todd_park and Greg Downing! #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:32:49 PDT 2011


@WorkSteven: Text4Treatment - text your zipcode and find your nearest mental health or substance abuse treatment center #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:33:29 PDT 2011


RT @CHI_Sandra: Grow Your Kids with Fruits & Veggies - increasing fruit and vegetable consumption among food stamp recipients #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:33:30 PDT 2011


Text4Treatment 804-316-9882 from @samhsagov for #mentalhealth treatment options #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 11:33:32 PDT 2011


@WorkSteven How is HHS helping state government get on board with #opengov initiatives? #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:34:05 PDT 2011


Who knew would take a trip to ATL to finally find some sources of mental health data! #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:34:18 PDT 2011


RT @jessicamarkdc: @WorkSteven: People won't come to you for data syndicate your data so they can find it where they're looking for it #hcmmconf[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

Tue Aug 9 11:34:22 PDT 2011


RT @SocialBttrfly: Can we get an amen? =) RT @nimblees: Social marketing is more than just mass media PSAs... #Growyourkids #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:34:26 PDT 2011


Yes! RT @Meeghan: Circle of Influence - curating content, building relationships, leading to contentment. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:35:23 PDT 2011


Back to symbiosis: use all methods to push content on all other methods. Goal? Find your audience where they prefer to get content #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:35:32 PDT 2011

HCAnnaTE iamsuyeun

SAMHSA Text4Treatment sounds awesome. #Hcmmconf #opengov

Tue Aug 9 11:35:33 PDT 2011

RT @jaybernhardt: Hey #hcmmconf Visit Florida this Feb 15-17 for the Digital Health Communication Extravaganza! #dhcx See
Tue Aug 9 11:35:35 PDT 2011


RT @IQSolutions: Kudos to the @HHSgov team for building a community around data & innovation in #pubhealth: @GHideas, @todd_park and Greg Downing! #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:35:45 PDT 2011


Greta Puckett up to discuss "Promoting Oaklahoma #Tobacco Helpline To #Pregnant Callers." #hcmmconf #hcmmconfT4
Tue Aug 9 11:35:49 PDT 2011

MUHCRC TrendsDC drhealthpsych

Agreed! Integration takes risk and hard work #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 11:35:54 PDT 2011

#hcmmconf is now trending in #DC

Tue Aug 9 11:35:57 PDT 2011

RT @jgarrow: Blog integration strategy: utilize all channels to promote new content. Twitter posts, website mentions, FB posts. #hcmmconf @CDCInjury
Tue Aug 9 11:36:07 PDT 2011


Use multiple mechanisms and channels with clear calls to action. Must bridge the digital divide. Eg radio show to reach low income #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:36:13 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


Yay to @CDCInjury for believing in #FailFast. Try stuff, fail, make it better. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:36:45 PDT 2011

wendyr13 elanghans

#hcmmconf CDC HIV/AIDS 1.2 mil living w/ HIV/AIDS

Tue Aug 9 11:37:01 PDT 2011

@WorkSteven on data syndication of content for more visibility (@SAMHSA with @CDCgov, for example). #hcmmconf #opengov
Tue Aug 9 11:37:04 PDT 2011


RT @SocialBttrfly: Can we get an amen? =) RT @nimblees: Social marketing is more than just mass media PSAs... #Growyourkids #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:37:06 PDT 2011


@WorkSteven: Public-private partnerships were critical. Partner w/ iTriage to get more data to more people where/when they need it #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:37:38 PDT 2011


I hope I can present one day my dream abstract: A Private Approach to Public Health. What Mcdonald's told Coke, but not CDC #Hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:38:07 PDT 2011


Really interesting formative research method (photovoice) from @pharoe. Definitely something to think about using. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:38:09 PDT 2011


Now listening to @bujulicious talking about CDCs content syndication project. @PDPHflu used it! Spreading like butter. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:38:15 PDT 2011


Commemorating 30 years of HIV/AIDS and promoting community engagement through creating an online social community #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:38:36 PDT 2011


Come hear my colleague Wendy Rueda in Int Ballrm F speak about the Two of Us campaign. She's up in 15 minutes. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:38:49 PDT 2011

mpbeau ckrobertson

@samhsagov social media directory - awesome! #hcmmconf #opengov

Tue Aug 9 11:38:52 PDT 2011

@nationalcouncil #hcmmconf Can't locate it. Will ask editor Wm Smith and get back to you.[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

Tue Aug 9 11:39:11 PDT 2011


SAMHSA social media directory could be the new yellow pages for government networks. #Hcmmconf #opengov
Tue Aug 9 11:39:55 PDT 2011

katefink1 Leslie_A_Lewis

Wish I was at the #hcmmconf :-(

Tue Aug 9 11:40:06 PDT 2011

RT @HCAnnaTE: SAMHSA social media directory could be the new yellow pages for government networks. #Hcmmconf #opengov
Tue Aug 9 11:40:08 PDT 2011


@WorkSteven Public Health Social Media Directory is awesome! How can we help? #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:40:33 PDT 2011


RT @mpbeau: @samhsagov social media directory - awesome! #hcmmconf #opengov

Tue Aug 9 11:40:33 PDT 2011


RT @jgarrow: Yay to @CDCInjury for believing in #FailFast. Try stuff, fail, make it better. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:40:44 PDT 2011


Food Safe Families to help prevent food-related illnesses - materials in English & Spanish #checksteps #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:40:45 PDT 2011


Great pres on smoking cessation among mamas-2-b by @vigreta. Check out new @SmokefreeWomen video: #hcmmconf #hcmmconfT4
Tue Aug 9 11:40:47 PDT 2011


@WorkSteven on data syndication of content for more visibility (@samhsagov with @CDCgov, for example) #hcmmconf #opengov
Tue Aug 9 11:41:02 PDT 2011


8 out of 10 Internet users look online for health information. Audience. Is. There. Go find 'em. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:41:03 PDT 2011


RT @jgarrow: Yay to @CDCInjury for believing in #FailFast. Try stuff, fail, make it better. #hcmmconf[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

Tue Aug 9 11:42:00 PDT 2011


RT @jgarrow: Blog integration strategy: utilize all channels to promote new content. Twitter posts, website mentions, FB posts. #hcmmconf @CDCInjury
Tue Aug 9 11:42:20 PDT 2011


We are standing by. @ICFhealth: Day 1 of #hcmmconf: So far, so good! ICF's @wendyr13 kicks things off today at 2...
Tue Aug 9 11:42:25 PDT 2011


The Public Health Social Media Directory from @SAMHSAgov: The possibilities are endless... #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:42:39 PDT 2011


If you are interested in health communications and innovative initiatives in public health, tune into tweets from #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:42:39 PDT 2011


data being up to date is very important for everyone. It's a challenge. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:42:44 PDT 2011


Implementing social media in gov't is hard. @samhsa_gov addresses that w/ S.M. directory: #mhsm #opengov #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:42:57 PDT 2011


RT @jgarrow: Back to symbiosis: use all methods to push content on all other methods. Goal? Find your audience where they prefer to get content #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:43:13 PDT 2011


RT @SocialBttrfly: Can we get an amen? =) RT @nimblees: Social marketing is more than just mass media PSAs... #Growyourkids #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:43:19 PDT 2011


RT @ampilsner: Check out new @SmokefreeWomen video: #hcmmconf #pregnancy

Tue Aug 9 11:43:38 PDT 2011


RT @jgarrow: 8 out of 10 Internet users look online for health information. Audience. Is. There. Go find 'em. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:43:49 PDT 2011

RT @LuceStephen: RT @SocialBttrfly: Can we get an amen? =) RT[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


@nimblees: Social marketing is more than just mass media PSAs. #mhsm #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:43:57 PDT 2011


The "I Love My Boo" campaign, reducing social stigma and increasing safe sex behavior among people of color #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:44:05 PDT 2011


Wow, 3k images posted to flickr every minute. What's that spell? A lot of content generators AND potential competition. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:44:05 PDT 2011


RT @Amanda_D_Miller: RT @jgarrow: 8 out of 10 Internet users look online for health information. Audience. Is. There. Go find em. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:44:35 PDT 2011


Local and state PH depts that use content synd tools may find that the public will stay on their site longer (more, better info) #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:44:40 PDT 2011


RT @jgarrow: Pitfall of using Facebook "Like" and Twitter "Tweet" buttons: what if no one clicks on them? Push the content more. #hcmmconf @CDCInjury
Tue Aug 9 11:44:45 PDT 2011


There are challenges when opening up data. The benefits outweigh the risk. More ppl accessing the data spreads ur message #Hcmmconf #opengov
Tue Aug 9 11:44:47 PDT 2011


Get the finance people involved early in the process to help pay for services. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:44:56 PDT 2011


Great presentation from Jessica Handley @CDC. One thing that could also help is looking at sites also visited by your visitors. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:44:59 PDT 2011


National media can still be valuable but needs needs concrete fulfillment at grassroots level - both digital & brick & mortar #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:45:09 PDT 2011


.@gohealthypeople is up next talking about their use of #LinkedIn for online community: #client #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:45:10 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


RT @IQSolutions: The Public Health Social Media Directory from @SAMHSAgov: The possibilities are endless... #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:45:19 PDT 2011


Love that I Love My Boo campaign used real couples (images & stories) to get their message out: #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:45:22 PDT 2011


RT @stevenmillman: Great presentation from Jessica Handley @CDC. One thing that could also help is looking at sites also visited by your visitors. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:45:30 PDT 2011


Stop by the @boozallen booth to learn about our health comm work! You might find me there or at the Tweet up later. #hcmmconf #boozallen
Tue Aug 9 11:46:00 PDT 2011


Consideration for content synd tools: content should stand alone. Putting your content on someone else's site removes the context. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:46:14 PDT 2011


If you are interested in health communications and innovative initiatives in public health, tune into tweets from #hcmmconf via @mindofandre
Tue Aug 9 11:46:15 PDT 2011


Wow. Did i hear that right? Black radio is listened to by nearly 94% of African Americans over 12 #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:46:17 PDT 2011


RT @thejillbee: Did the recession increase your happiness because you had to redefine what it means to be happy? #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:46:18 PDT 2011


RT @jessicamarkdc: More on the Health Data Initiative from @todd_park: See from #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:46:20 PDT 2011


RT @ronneostby: Come hear my colleague Wendy Rueda in Int Ballrm F speak about the Two of Us campaign. She's up in 15 minutes. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:46:24 PDT 2011


RT @mindofandre: If you are interested in health communications and innovative initiatives in public health, tune into tweets from #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:46:48 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


Who doesn't love data? Especially when it's free! Check it: or @ncihints. Data on how Am public seek health info #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:47:06 PDT 2011


Are we allowed to move from track-to-track when we get bored:-) #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 11:47:21 PDT 2011


RT @IQSolutions: The #PublicHealth #SocialMedia Directory from @SAMHSAgov: ... #hcmmconf #HCSM #SM #HealthLit
Tue Aug 9 11:47:25 PDT 2011


RT @ampilsner: Who doesn't love data? Especially when it's free! Check it: or @ncihints. Data on how Am public seek health info #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:47:26 PDT 2011


Content syndication-make your info high quality and relevant to sites other than just your own #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:47:35 PDT 2011


RT @ElizabethCohen: Wow. Did i hear that right? Black radio is listened to by nearly 94% of African Americans over 12 #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:47:41 PDT 2011


Glad to see LinkedIn being used and presented. With all the Facebook and Twitter, you can forget the power of LinkedIn. #Hcmmconf #opengov
Tue Aug 9 11:47:57 PDT 2011

RobinPregnancy ElizabethCohen integrated with twitter, fb, youtube etc. #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 11:48:40 PDT 2011

CBPR approach used for developing content for Community Health Connections radio program in Atlanta #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:48:55 PDT 2011


@HCAnnaTE Up next: Engaging Public Health Professionals in an Online Community through LinkedIn #Hcmmconf #opengov
Tue Aug 9 11:49:15 PDT 2011


RT @oleandros: Stop by the @boozallen booth to learn about health comm work! You might find me there or @ Tweet up later. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:49:40 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


RT @HCAnnaTE: Glad to see LinkedIn being used and presented. With all the Facebook and Twitter, you can forget the power of LinkedIn. #Hcmmconf #opengov
Tue Aug 9 11:50:14 PDT 2011


Meet populations where they are: research center hosts health show on radio station with strong minority reach on AM and online #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:50:18 PDT 2011


@GoHealthyPeople kicks off talk on engaging folks in data online. 2010: phonebook-sized binders; 2020: website, Twitter & LinkedIn #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:50:20 PDT 2011


RT @HCAnnaTE: Glad to see LinkedIn being used and presented. With all the Facebook and Twitter, you can forget the power of LinkedIn. #Hcmmconf #opengov
Tue Aug 9 11:50:33 PDT 2011


FYI - post links to all of the initiatives/ sites talked about the panel later today or tomorrow. Follow us & get it #opengov #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:50:42 PDT 2011


Thinking about content! Is it findable (tags)? Is it written for the web (chunked)? Is it actionable (does it answer, "so what?")? #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:51:02 PDT 2011


There are challenges w/ #OpenData. The benefits outweigh the risk. mt @HCAnnaTE #Hcmmconf #opengov #hcsm #PublicHealth
Tue Aug 9 11:51:05 PDT 2011


Yes you did! RT @ElizabethCohen Wow. Did i hear that right? Black radio is listened to by nearly 94% of African Americans over 12 #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:51:22 PDT 2011


RT @nationalcouncil: Implementing social media in gov't is hard. @samhsa_gov addresses that w/ S.M. directory: #mhsm #opengov #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:51:22 PDT 2011


RT @ElizabethCohen: CBPR approach used for developing content for Community Health Connections radio program in Atlanta #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:51:53 PDT 2011

@AdCouncil food safety PSAs getting some chuckles at #hcmmconf[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


breakout session. Check them out at

Tue Aug 9 11:51:59 PDT 2011


+1 MT @oleandros: Meet pop'ns where they are: research radio health shows with strong minority reach on AM and online #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:52:06 PDT 2011


1571 members on the Linked in group for healthypeople2020 #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 11:52:46 PDT 2011


Thx! RT @mindofandre: If ur interested in health communications and innovative initiatives in public health, tune into tweets from #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:52:50 PDT 2011

Leslie_A_Lewis nationalcouncil

Anyone know if there is a live video stream for #hcmmconf?

Tue Aug 9 11:52:52 PDT 2011

Can LinkedIn b useful for your #mentalhealth care org? @gohealthypeople has had success with over 1,500 members #opengov #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:53:21 PDT 2011


On LinkedIn look into joining Healthy People 2020 network. #Hcmmconf #opengov
Tue Aug 9 11:53:36 PDT 2011


Big thanks to @bujulicious for a great presentation. Amazing points! #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 11:53:49 PDT 2011


Live from the CDC #hcmmconf in ATL...stop by Booth #24 and get your picture taken at our innovative new photo booth
Tue Aug 9 11:53:49 PDT 2011


RT @samhsagov: FYI - post links to all of the initiatives/ sites talked about the panel later today or tomorrow. Follow us & get it #opengov #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:54:45 PDT 2011


Coming soon: big retail component to the food safe families campaign. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:54:56 PDT 2011


Are you at the CDC #hcmmconf today in Atlanta? If so, stop by Booth[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

#24, where Sapient will be showcasing our...

Tue Aug 9 11:54:57 PDT 2011


Got my Healthy People 2020 group #LinkedIn email update during @GoHealthyPeople pres on same topic :) #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:55:19 PDT 2011


Kristie Bardell from LA MCH Program talking about Sammy the Stork initiative. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:55:40 PDT 2011


RT @HCAnnaTE: I hope I can present one day my dream abstract: A Private Approach to Public Health. What Mcdonald's told Coke, but not CDC #Hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:55:42 PDT 2011


RT @samhsagov: FYI - post links to all of the initiatives/ sites talked about the panel later today or tomorrow. Follow us & get it #opengov #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:56:00 PDT 2011


RT @IQSolutions: The #PublicHealth #SocialMedia Directory from @SAMHSAgov: #hcmmconf #HCSM #SM #HealthLit #PHSSR
Tue Aug 9 11:56:05 PDT 2011


Sammy the stork! Louisiana's campaign spokesperson for their MCH program. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:56:24 PDT 2011


RT @StacyShelp: Content syndication-make your info high quality and relevant to sites other than just your own #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:56:33 PDT 2011


RT @jessicamarkdc: @WorkSteven: Public-private partnerships were critical. Partner w/ iTriage to get more data to more people where/when they need it #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:56:42 PDT 2011


Important point: need a messaging matrix and calendar to ensure goals are met. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:56:50 PDT 2011


@GoHealthyPeople: Over 100 discussions on LinkedIn group to date, 60% initiated by members #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:56:56 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


Up now: Nat'l Public Education Campaign for Healthy Relationships & Marriage at #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:56:57 PDT 2011


Gotta check out LinkedIn again. HealthyPeople are doing some cool things there #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:57:01 PDT 2011


RT @katellington: Yes! RT @Meeghan: Circle of Influence - curating content, building relationships, leading to contentment. #hcmmconf #PHSSR
Tue Aug 9 11:57:08 PDT 2011


RT @ampilsner: Who doesn't love data? Especially when it's free! Check it: or @ncihints. Data on how Am public seek health info #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:57:10 PDT 2011


Thinking about if fear campaigns are ok if audience insights lead to their development #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:57:17 PDT 2011


Sammy the stork, maternal and child health, REALLY using social media in public health! #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:57:20 PDT 2011


You can join too:! RT @RobinPregnancy: 1571 members on the Linked in group for healthypeople2020 #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:57:26 PDT 2011


RT @jgarrow: Each time newly posted content on the @CDCInjury site was mentioned on social media accts, the long tail of traffic got extended. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:58:00 PDT 2011


Market segmentation related to health topics communities are interested in is crucial for success of health radio broadcasts #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:58:47 PDT 2011

RobinPregnancy AudreySuzy

@GoHealthyPeople I'm waiting for my approval now! #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 11:58:49 PDT 2011

RT @PublicHealth Natl Conf on Health Comm, Marketing & Media off to a great start in ATL. Drop by APHA's booth & say hello! #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:59:07 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


RT @GoHealthyPeople: You can join too:! RT @RobinPregnancy: 1571 members on the Linked in group #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:59:28 PDT 2011


RT @jessicamarkdc: @GoHealthyPeople: Over 100 discussions on LinkedIn group to date, 60% initiated by members #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:59:33 PDT 2011


RT @ElizabethCohen: Market segmentation related to health topics communities are interested in is crucial for success of health radio broadcasts #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 11:59:44 PDT 2011


I don't think so... @Leslie_A_Lewis: Anyone know if there is a live video stream for #hcmmconf?
Tue Aug 9 11:59:58 PDT 2011


Thank you to our partner, @ThePSNetwork, for donating a one-week PSN In-Store campaign! #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 12:00:07 PDT 2011


Elizabeth Kilgore of NYC Health Dept discussing hard-hitting media campaigns. Take away: just bc u like it doesn't mean they will. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 12:00:15 PDT 2011


Glad to get a shout out for my IFIC colleagues as members of the food safe families expert panel #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 12:00:16 PDT 2011


RT @ElizabethCohen: Market segmentation related to health topics communities are interested in is crucial for success of health radio broadcasts #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 12:00:36 PDT 2011


"Equivilate?" Not sure on the spelling considering it's the first time I have ever heard the word used. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 12:01:07 PDT 2011


Elizabeth Kilgore (NYC tobacco prev.): we don't want to know what they like, we want to know what creates emotional responses #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 12:01:08 PDT 2011


@RobinPregnancy: @GoHealthyPeople I'm waiting for my approval now! #hcmmconf me too![8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

Tue Aug 9 12:01:12 PDT 2011


@leslie_a_lewis Would love to see a feed. Couldn't make it this year to #hcmmconf. Keep me posted if you find out anything! #PHSSR
Tue Aug 9 12:01:32 PDT 2011


+1 MT @ampilsner: Elizabeth Kilgore of NYCDoH on hard-hitting media campaigns. Take away: just bc u like it doesn't mean they will #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 12:02:07 PDT 2011


RT @ElizabethCohen: Market segmentation related to health topics communities are interested in is crucial for success of health radio broadcasts #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 12:02:26 PDT 2011


RT @jgarrow: Kristie Bardell from LA MCH Program talking about Sammy the Stork initiative. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 12:02:39 PDT 2011


responding to group members is a HUGE thing that has to happen. #hcmmconf #hcmmconfT3
Tue Aug 9 12:02:44 PDT 2011

JasmineLouise27 stevenmillman

Loving the conference so far :) #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 12:03:02 PDT 2011

@ElizabethCohen So true. We do that with the digital space for the exact same reasons. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 12:03:26 PDT 2011


@GoHealthyPeople @samhsagov #opengov do you use a social media monitoring tool for LinkedIn or other social med work? #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 12:04:22 PDT 2011


#hcmmconf'ers, it's not too late to RSVP for tonight's shindig: NCHCMM Happy Hour on Aug 9. RSVP @ #hcmmconfmixer
Tue Aug 9 12:04:30 PDT 2011


Don't be a Monday Morning Quarterback with social media conversations. Be current, be relevant. @SammytheStork #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 12:05:08 PDT 2011


I'm not in that session but MCH is huge online @CHBridge: Sammy the stork, REALLY using social media in public health! #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 12:05:29 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


Success of @GoHealthyPeople #LinkedIn group (and any pub health campaign) depends on monitoring activity and engaging members #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 12:05:48 PDT 2011


Gr8 ROI. Sammy costs 24k/yr but a preterm baby can cost ~45k. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 12:05:48 PDT 2011


RT @nationalcouncil: Can LinkedIn b useful for your #mentalhealth care org? @gohealthypeople has had success with over 1,500 members #opengov #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 12:05:58 PDT 2011


#PublicHealth folks at #hcmmconf, how have you used #hcsm in the light of #budgetcuts to impact #healthoutcomes in your community? #PHSSR
Tue Aug 9 12:06:02 PDT 2011


+1 RT @DOUGweinbrenner: #hcmmconf Not too late to RSVP for tonight's shindig: NCHCMM Happy Hour. RSVP @ #hcmmconfmixer
Tue Aug 9 12:06:18 PDT 2011


Hi 2 all #Hcmmconf 'ers. Feel free 2 follow me. Im @ the CDC Div of Nutrition, Physical Activity, & Obesity. All thoughts are my own
Tue Aug 9 12:06:51 PDT 2011


@RobinPregnancy where can I follow sammy? Would love to see what he's saying on a regular basis! #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 12:06:55 PDT 2011


RT @DOUGweinbrenner: #hcmmconf'ers, it's not too late to RSVP for tonight's shindig: NCHCMM Happy Hour on Aug 9. RSVP @ #hcmmconfmixer
Tue Aug 9 12:07:23 PDT 2011


RT @CHBridge: @RobinPregnancy where can I follow sammy? Would love to see what he's saying on a regular basis! #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 12:07:30 PDT 2011


"If u want 2 learn how 2 cook a dish go ahead & get in the kitchen & get yr hands dirty" says @GHideas: Get started w/ socialmedia #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 12:08:03 PDT 2011


'People didn't want bells or whistles, they just wanted to listen to her.' Elizabeth Kilgore on NYC's effective antitobacco ads #hcmmconf[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

Tue Aug 9 12:08:35 PDT 2011


RT @nationalcouncil: "If u want 2 learn how 2 cook a dish go ahead & get in the kitchen & get yr hands dirty" says @GHideas: Get started w/ socialmedia #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 12:08:50 PDT 2011


Don't lose the fun. A lot of us deal with difficult topics. Be respectful but think outside the box. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 12:09:38 PDT 2011


We have a responsibility to be in SoMe b/c this is where our audience is. SoMe is a trusted resource. Karis Schoellmann MPH #Hcsm #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 12:09:56 PDT 2011


RT @hschlent: RT @FHI360: Follow the conversation around the @CDCgov Health Comm, Marketing, & Media Conf. #hcmmconf Live at ...
Tue Aug 9 12:10:22 PDT 2011


@RobinPregnancy just found it! @sammythestork #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 12:10:50 PDT 2011

Lots of good info at this data session from @ghideas @workSteven and @gohealthypeople #opengov #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 12:11:01 PDT 2011


Health Canada's simple and consumer-friendly approach to #nutrition facts (% DV) #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 12:11:12 PDT 2011


Social media engagement goals are different for everyone, & change over time. Find balance b/w audience & engagement. #hcmmconf @bujulicious
Tue Aug 9 12:11:13 PDT 2011


Thanks for your answer but respectfully disagree - raw data cannot be put out there inviting misinterpretation. @worksteven #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 12:11:31 PDT 2011


"what are cigarettes costing you?" Meet Marie: (NYC anti-smoking campaign) #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 12:11:41 PDT 2011


RT @mindofandre: If you are interested in health communications and innovative initiatives in public health, tune into tweets from #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 12:12:16 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


Agreed. Thank you! RT @MUHCRC: Lots of good info at this data session from @ghideas @workSteven and @gohealthypeople #opengov #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 12:12:39 PDT 2011


RT @IQSolutions: The Public Health Social Media Directory from @SAMHSAgov: The possibilities are endless... #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 12:12:44 PDT 2011


Great questions on measuring the value of Facebook Fans. Check out research on this - "The Power of Like" #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 12:13:04 PDT 2011


You can follow the National Conference on Health Communication, Marketing, and Media today and Wed. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 12:13:13 PDT 2011


Thanks to @ghideas @worksteven @GoHealthyPeople for an interesting session on opening health data. Would love to continue convo. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 12:13:23 PDT 2011


Discussing limits in metrics - hard to put quantitative numbers on qualitative aspects of Facebook conversations #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 12:14:04 PDT 2011


Interesting! We were trained against using MT @epsandler Thinking about if fear campaigns are ok if audiences lead to development #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 12:14:06 PDT 2011


RT @SocialBttrfly: Can we get an amen? =) RT @nimblees: Social marketing is more than just mass media PSAs... #Growyourkids #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 12:14:08 PDT 2011


Two of Us Campaign...for each $1 spent, ICF media team earned $5.38. Awesome ROI @wendyr13 @ICFI #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 12:14:17 PDT 2011


RT @ronneostby: Two of Us Campaign...for each $1 spent, ICF media team earned $5.38. Awesome ROI @wendyr13 @ICFI #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 12:15:10 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


"Listening for Change"....looking forward to the continued meaningful messages here #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 12:15:47 PDT 2011


@bujulicious Thanks for the informative presentation on FDA CTP content syndication #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 12:15:53 PDT 2011


From NCI, one meaningful connection using social media can = success. Me: find influencers, they are worth their weight in gold. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 12:15:56 PDT 2011


RT @jessicamarkdc: @WorkSteven: Public-private partnerships were critical. Partner w/ iTriage to get more data to more people where/when they need it #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 12:16:08 PDT 2011


On data visualization: "We want more of it. We don't want to just a heat map--but a map w/ something more, something actionable" #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 12:16:56 PDT 2011


The Open Data movement. Love it! $1 Billion of data free for you to use and make creatively visual. #Hcmmconf #opengov
Tue Aug 9 12:17:37 PDT 2011


Lots and lots of fear-based campaigns! Am really surprised based on research contraindicating... #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 12:17:41 PDT 2011


Big gaps in visualization of health data. Real area of need in our field. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 12:17:58 PDT 2011


Ew. Def wont be drinking soda (or pop...or coke...) after seeing this NYC public health ad: Sticking to H2O @ #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 12:18:06 PDT 2011


Be willing to use backdoor to start using social media. Alternative funding streams, bring execs to the table early, measure, etc. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 12:18:24 PDT 2011

HCAnnaTE CHBridge

Social media is not social marketing. #Hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 12:18:55 PDT 2011

Increasing community engagement in social media? Suggestions: free stuff! "We should give away free colonoscopys" #j.cho.nci #hcmmconf[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

Tue Aug 9 12:19:02 PDT 2011


Ask ppl what they are interested in, find advocates in community, go to the community, don't expect them to come to you #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 12:19:06 PDT 2011


True that! And new media isn't JUST social media. RT @HCAnnaTE: Social media is not social marketing. #Hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 12:19:49 PDT 2011


RT @HCAnnaTE: Social media is not social marketing. #Hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 12:20:42 PDT 2011

Amen! RT @ampilsner True that! And new media isn't JUST social media. RT @HCAnnaTE: Social media is not social marketing. #Hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 12:21:19 PDT 2011


Very informative presentation by @ghideas, @worksteven and @gohealthypeople. #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 12:21:23 PDT 2011


So say we all! @ampilsner: True that! And new media isn't JUST social media. RT @HCAnnaTE: Social media is not social marketing. #Hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 12:21:25 PDT 2011


Data visualization: "Want more of it. We don't want to just a heat map-but a map w ..something actionable" mt @SocialBttrfly #hcmmconf #GIS
Tue Aug 9 12:21:35 PDT 2011


RT @ampilsner: Ew. Def wont be drinking soda (or pop...or coke...) after seeing this NYC public health ad: Sticking to H2O @ #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 12:21:50 PDT 2011

shanictaylor ICFhealth

RT @HCAnnaTE: Social media is not social marketing. #Hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 12:21:54 PDT 2011

RT @ronneostby: Two of Us Campaign: for each $1 spent, ICF media team earned $5.38. Awesome ROI @wendyr13 #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 12:23:20 PDT 2011


Considering I stopped talking on phone while driving after last year's #hcmmconf... Maybe fear works at certain stages of change.[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

Tue Aug 9 12:23:24 PDT 2011


Overheard at #hcmmconf: Level of engagement varies with size of org. Larger the org means less engagement? Whats your opinion?
Tue Aug 9 12:23:44 PDT 2011

nhs3 CatherineJamal creativeDIVAnt

RT @HCAnnaTE: Social media is not social marketing. #Hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 12:26:01 PDT 2011

Tue Aug 9 12:26:07 PDT 2011

RT @shanictaylor: RT @HCAnnaTE: Social media is not social marketing. #Hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 12:26:20 PDT 2011


Not enough outlets here for charging. I can't listen/engage on Twitter w/ a dead device. #Hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 12:26:55 PDT 2011


Recs on department-wide social media accts, or topic-based? Weigh audience size against desire for engagement. What's your goal? #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 12:27:04 PDT 2011


Just ran into our @HealthLitMO friend Megan Rooney here at #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 12:27:05 PDT 2011


Got a little distracted by the @wholefoods and @WholeFoodsHOU debacle? #islamophobia is alive and well. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 12:27:53 PDT 2011


Would make a good infographic! @AudreySuzy: Overheard at #hcmmconf: Level of engagement varies w/ org size. Larger org means less engagemnt?
Tue Aug 9 12:27:57 PDT 2011


We don't spend enough time thinking about the unintended consequences of campaigns - Bill Smith #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 12:28:37 PDT 2011


RT @creativeDIVAnt: We don't spend enough time thinking about the unintended consequences of campaigns - Bill Smith #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 12:30:33 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

LaurenBecker jgarrow

So wishing I was at #hcmmconf keep me in the loop please!

Tue Aug 9 12:30:34 PDT 2011

While Facebook users are getting older, Twitter users tend to be more educated/professional. So @CDCInjury has seen. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 12:30:50 PDT 2011


RT @mindofandre If you are interested in health communications and innovative initiatives in #publichealth, tune into tweets from #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 12:31:00 PDT 2011

HCAnnaTE Leslie_A_Lewis

Next session: Best Practices in Action Grand D/E #Hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 12:31:41 PDT 2011

RT @creativeDIVAnt: We don't spend enough time thinking about the unintended consequences of campaigns - Bill Smith #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 12:31:44 PDT 2011


Thank you to all who attended our presentation today! Catch up with some us at the #hcmmconf Tweet-up: #hcmmconfmixer
Tue Aug 9 12:32:00 PDT 2011


RT @MarkHarmel: You can follow the National Conference on Health Communication, Marketing, and Media today and Wed. #hcmmconf http://bi ...
Tue Aug 9 12:32:22 PDT 2011


Mailers can still be am effective way of reaching audiences. SMS and ecards work, too. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 12:32:56 PDT 2011


RT @RWJF_PubHealth: RT @mindofandre If you are interested in health communications and innovative initiatives in #publichealth, tune into tweets from #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 12:33:08 PDT 2011


Get ready! Learn about the social marketing work @BoozAllen is doing on the Real Warriors Campaign right now in Grand Ballroom D/E #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 12:34:32 PDT 2011


Thanks to everyone Tweeting from the #hcmmconf !! #PublicHealth #HealthPromotion #HCSM #HCMarketing
Tue Aug 9 12:36:20 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


Psyched for my 4th year presenting at #hcmmconf! Talking #games & #apps tomorrow, #socialmedia mining Thurs. Come say hi!
Tue Aug 9 12:36:25 PDT 2011

JasmineLouise27 epsandler

Where's Prof. Schoellman? :( #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 12:37:58 PDT 2011

Love fruit as snack @ PH conferences - esp. GA peaches! Also love the nametag check-out #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 12:38:48 PDT 2011


No matter what technology you use keep the human element, keep it real Jonathan Cho @NCI #hcmmconf #hcsm
Tue Aug 9 12:39:22 PDT 2011

kmv6 dietplanfacts

At "Strategic Partnerships to Engage Community". #hcmmconf #ae

Tue Aug 9 12:39:31 PDT 2011

RT @CHI_Sandra: Health Canada's simple and consumer-friendly approach to #nutrition facts (% DV) #hcmmconf #diet
Tue Aug 9 12:40:27 PDT 2011


Sitting down now for "Not All Parents Are The Same." Mixed methods research for vaccine messaging to parents. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 12:40:35 PDT 2011


Ready for the Building Social Media Networks to Reach Youth And Teens panel. Join is in Intl Ballrm f #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 12:43:01 PDT 2011

wendyr13 nimblees

#hcmmconf Spot the Block in Cottonwood Room now!

Tue Aug 9 12:49:16 PDT 2011

Great Nutrition Ed campaign from Canada - partnerships and mass and grassroots media for great results. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 12:51:07 PDT 2011


RT @jamierauscher: No matter what technology you use keep the human element, keep it real Jonathan Cho @NCI #hcmmconf #hcsm
Tue Aug 9 12:51:08 PDT 2011


Now: Building Social Media Networks to Reach Youth and Teens with @Nedra and others. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 12:51:27 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


In a few minutes @ElyseCohen presenting on CDC Brain Injury work. See her in Grand Ballroom C. #hcmmconf @ICFhealth
Tue Aug 9 12:52:46 PDT 2011


Same! RT @MUHCRC: Ready for the Building Social Media Networks to Reach Youth And Teens panel. Join is in Intl Ballrm f #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 12:52:49 PDT 2011

ronneostby jgarrow

@wendyr13 #hcmmconf wish I could be in 2 places at once!

Tue Aug 9 12:54:20 PDT 2011

Success in vaccines mean a loss of familiarity with deadly vaccinepreventable diseases. "It doesn't happen here." #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 12:55:23 PDT 2011


RT @jgarrow: Success in vaccines mean a loss of familiarity with deadly vaccine-preventable diseases. "It doesn't happen here." #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 12:55:39 PDT 2011


Too many kids doing the Dew in Kentucky. Worst oral health in the nation #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 12:55:40 PDT 2011


RT @jgarrow: While Facebook users are getting older, Twitter users tend to be more educated/professional. So @CDCInjury has seen. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 12:55:43 PDT 2011


One girl drank 24 cans in a day. 2 year olds with 2 or more cavities. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 12:56:33 PDT 2011


Vax msg challenges: Low disease awareness = increased focus on risks. Complicated schedule. Encouraged to be critical thinkers. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 12:57:25 PDT 2011


Kentucky doing community based prevention marketing. Regional coalition or county level engagement #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 12:57:38 PDT 2011


Are you pregnant or a new mother? Try texting 511411 "baby" to learn about your baby's health! #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 12:57:55 PDT 2011


Mountain Dew given to babies in baby bottles in Appalachia - huge oral health challenge in Kentucky - pay attention to culture #hcmmconf[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

Tue Aug 9 12:57:58 PDT 2011


Listening about KY oral health facts, learn more gen. facts at #hcmmconf #hcmmconfT4
Tue Aug 9 12:57:58 PDT 2011


#hcmmconf 15% of children aged 6-19 are overweight--nearly double the rate in 1980
Tue Aug 9 12:58:33 PDT 2011


Health care professionals are still the most trusted source of vaccine information for parents. Partner with HC pros. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 12:59:05 PDT 2011


@WorkSteven They put it in baby bottless! thx to the Inf. Feeding Survey II data from #CDC you can look at the break down. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 12:59:26 PDT 2011

wendyr13 ICFhealth

#hcmmconf Tweens often dictate what food is purchased

Tue Aug 9 12:59:28 PDT 2011

Thanks to everyone who came to @wendyr13's #hcmmconf presentation. Up now: ICF's @ElyseCohen in Ballroom C & Devona Overton in Cottonwood!
Tue Aug 9 12:59:36 PDT 2011


Want to know what caking and cuffing are? Check out Engaging Hardto-Reach Populations. Weds, 10:45 AM- Dogwood. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:00:14 PDT 2011


Just met a great person who didn't know @BoozAllen does health comm work! Yes we do!See: or stop by our booth! #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:00:39 PDT 2011


@mytext4baby up now at #hcmmconf very cool program, sign up if pregnant or have baby under age 1
Tue Aug 9 13:01:09 PDT 2011


Drink pyramid Water whenever, milk at meals, juice just once, and pop at parties #hcmmconf #hcmmconfT4
Tue Aug 9 13:01:24 PDT 2011


Kentucky has a drink pyramid. Soda is tiny part of diet, water highly promoted #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:01:35 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


RT @RobinPregnancy: Listening about KY oral health facts, learn more gen. facts at #hcmmconf #hcmmconfT4
Tue Aug 9 13:01:51 PDT 2011


2010 HealthStyles surveys (6253 HHs), focused on parents with kids < 6. 4% not at all confident in vax safety, 75% conf, v. conf #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:02:01 PDT 2011


@RobinPregnancy we're going to the same sessions, are u following me? =) #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:02:56 PDT 2011


Jill Herzog: @RealWarriors Campaign is designed to remove the stigma of mental health issues for our armed forces #Hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:03:06 PDT 2011


Health Canada's DrugsNot4Me uses simple asks, such as likes on Facebook, to engage teens through content. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:03:20 PDT 2011


@SmokefreeGov launches #SmokefreeTXT 4 teens! (not a teen? pls txt TEST after signup 2 keep data clean) #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:03:21 PDT 2011


RT @wendyr13: Overton: "15% children 6-19 yrs overweight, nearly doubled from 1980. Tweens often dictate what food purchased" #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:03:24 PDT 2011


CommunicateHealth is at the National Conference on Health Communication, Marketing and Media. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:03:29 PDT 2011


Jill Herzog is talking about soc mktng for reducing stigma around seeking help for mental concerns among servicemembers #hcmmconf @BoozAllen
Tue Aug 9 13:03:37 PDT 2011


3 programs, 3 KY counties, targeted pre, elementary, & high schools to improve #oralhealth. In some, enabled college scholarships #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:04:15 PDT 2011


2010 survey: 94% of parents intended to fully vaccinate their youngest child. Only six percent were considering not. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:04:18 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


DrugsNot4Me complimented Facebook features with FB ads to drive traffic. #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 13:04:26 PDT 2011


RT @shellyspoeth: @mytext4baby up now at #hcmmconf very cool program, sign up if pregnant or have baby under age 1
Tue Aug 9 13:04:45 PDT 2011


RT @WorkSteven: Kentucky has a drink pyramid. Soda is tiny part of diet, water highly promoted #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:04:53 PDT 2011


Parents who wouldn't get all shots: too many vax at once, long-term worries. Parents who would get all shots: pain biggest concern #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:05:52 PDT 2011


Use traditional and social media mix for @realwarriors focusing on profiles of people who sought help #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:05:57 PDT 2011


RT @HCAnnaTE: Jill Herzog: @RealWarriors Campaign is designed to remove the stigma of mental health issues for our armed forces #Hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:06:00 PDT 2011


Videos embedded in PPTs at this conference - wildly different audience in communications specialists vs epi's!! #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:06:23 PDT 2011


RT@ampilsner: @SmokefreeGov launches #SmokefreeTXT 4 teens! (not a teen? txt TEST 2 keep data clean) #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:06:42 PDT 2011


@NCS_GCSC At 1st I was thinking, yes, I'm FOLLOWING you, but then I realized you meant stalking. ;-) #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:07:20 PDT 2011


RT @jgarrow: 2010 survey: 94% of parents intended to fully vaccinate their youngest child. Only six percent were considering not. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:07:28 PDT 2011


@jgarrow re fruit v. cookies - I misunderstood , conf snack choices are pet peeve ;) thx for all the vax tweets from the #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:07:36 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


Preconception health is looking at wellness including alcohol and drug #prevention. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:07:38 PDT 2011


RT @jgarrow: 2010 survey: 94% of parents intended to fully vaccinate their youngest child. Only six percent were considering not. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:07:42 PDT 2011


@Realwarriors anti stigma campaign shows that mental health treatments heals and saves #Hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:07:52 PDT 2011


Showed profile of Maj Jeff Hall's journey watch the whole story at #hcmmconf @realwarriors @BoozAllen
Tue Aug 9 13:08:08 PDT 2011


@jgarrow #breastfeeding during shots helps with pain and crying in infants and toddlers. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:08:10 PDT 2011

JasmineLouise27 RobinPregnancy

Watching Major Jeff Hall, a @realwarriors psa by BoozAllen #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 13:08:12 PDT 2011

What's going to motivate people to know what preconception health is... #hcmmconfT4 #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:09:12 PDT 2011


Really great stuff RT @HCAnnaTE @Realwarriors anti stigma campaign shows that mental health treatments heals and saves #Hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:09:21 PDT 2011


RT @shanictaylor: Not enough outlets here for charging. I can't listen/engage on Twitter w/ a dead device. #Hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:09:23 PDT 2011


Your social media channels are a destination. What will it take to keep them coming back? #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:09:28 PDT 2011


Talked with Capt. back from Afghanistan recently about mental health issues, appreciate @RealWarriors campaign to remove stigma #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:09:40 PDT 2011

I need your help to spread the word! Ultimate Point-of-Care PSA[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


Distribution. @HealthCareGov #hcmmconf #health #patient

Tue Aug 9 13:09:53 PDT 2011


I'm very excited about from @PublicHealth #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 13:10:08 PDT 2011


RT @GoHealthyPeople: You can join too:! RT @RobinPregnancy: 1571 members on the Linked in group for healthypeople2020 #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:10:11 PDT 2011


@realwarriors campaign target audience wanted to see proof, success, and themselves #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:10:12 PDT 2011


RT @elanghans: Talked with Capt. back from Afghanistan recently about mental health issues, appreciate @RealWarriors campaign to remove stigma #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:10:33 PDT 2011


You social media channels are a destination What will it take to keep them coming back? #hcmmconf #hcsm
Tue Aug 9 13:10:39 PDT 2011


RT @AudreySuzy: Really great stuff RT @HCAnnaTE @Realwarriors anti stigma campaign shows that mental health treatments heals and saves #Hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:10:42 PDT 2011


Resp. who would not follow vax schedule more likely to say they knew someone whose child had vax reaction. (cont'd) #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:10:45 PDT 2011


Reproductive life plan doesn't resonate with people - changed it to life plan. #hcmmconfT4 #hcmmconf #pregnancy
Tue Aug 9 13:11:06 PDT 2011

HCAnnaTE ElizabethCohen

TroopTube military version of Youtube. #Hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 13:11:40 PDT 2011

Cant wait! RT @Iana_Simeonov: Psyched for my 4th year presenting at #hcmmconf! Talking #games & #apps tomorrow, #socialmedia mining
Tue Aug 9 13:11:44 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


Check out the @realwarriors mobile app at #hcmmconf #boozallen.

Tue Aug 9 13:11:46 PDT 2011


#hcmmconf attendees: How is Healthy People 2020 relevant to your work? Find out:
Tue Aug 9 13:12:00 PDT 2011


No difference b/w resp. who would or would not vax when asked if THEIR child had a reaction. They just knew someone who did. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:12:06 PDT 2011


soaking up 'Building Social Media Networks to Reach Youth & Teens' [@Nedra, @MUHCRC, et al] Our @SUSIEMagazine is a great example. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:12:08 PDT 2011


Health Canada's DrugsNot4Me identifies cross promotion as a core social media tactic. #hcmmconf"
Tue Aug 9 13:12:22 PDT 2011


Women still lack knowledge about #folicacid #preconception #hcmmconfT4 #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 13:12:46 PDT 2011


RT @caitdouglas: Really interesting formative research method (photovoice) from @pharoe. Definitely something to think about using. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:13:06 PDT 2011


#hcmmconf process of research > design > launch > eval needs a "monitor" phase to ad hoc support discussion, etc in #socmed during campaign
Tue Aug 9 13:13:17 PDT 2011


Interesting social media campaign related to military mental health @ #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:13:33 PDT 2011


Completely off-topic, but Jill Herzog is iced out! Blinding me at the #hcmmconf lol
Tue Aug 9 13:13:36 PDT 2011


Deja-vu back to my work @AbovetheInfluence listening to Canada's DrugsNot4Me (QR codes, apps, the Methalizer, video adventures) #hcmmconf[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

Tue Aug 9 13:13:38 PDT 2011

oleandros pharoe

Up next: Sanjay on FDA mobile apps for tobacco cessation #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 13:13:44 PDT 2011

@caitdouglas Thanks for coming to our session! And thanks for the instant feedback #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:13:49 PDT 2011


RT @GoHealthyPeople: #hcmmconf attendees: How is Healthy People 2020 relevant to your work? Find out:
Tue Aug 9 13:14:11 PDT 2011


RT @shanictaylor: Health Canada's DrugsNot4Me identifies cross promotion as a core social media tactic. #hcmmconf"
Tue Aug 9 13:14:20 PDT 2011


RT @ICFhealth: Thanks to everyone who came to @wendyr13's #hcmmconf presentation. Up now: ICF's @ElyseCohen in Ballroom C & Devona Overton in Cottonwood!
Tue Aug 9 13:14:25 PDT 2011


RT @wendyr13: #hcmmconf 15% of children aged 6-19 are overweight-nearly double the rate in 1980
Tue Aug 9 13:14:42 PDT 2011


Excellent presentation on social media to reduce mental health stigma in the military. #realwarriors #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:14:58 PDT 2011


interconnection intervals important to maternal health. #hcmmconfT4 #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 13:15:10 PDT 2011


At the CDC Nat'l conf on. Health Communication mktng and Media #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:15:11 PDT 2011


This conference is both inspiring me and making me feel like I need to race to keep up. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:15:19 PDT 2011


RT @stevenmillman: Excellent presentation on social media to reduce mental health stigma in the military. #realwarriors #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:15:24 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


RT @ronneostby: In a few minutes @ElyseCohen presenting on CDC Brain Injury work. See her in Grand Ballroom C. #hcmmconf @ICFhealth
Tue Aug 9 13:15:54 PDT 2011


Pres. Obama understands the value of PH: Plain language act, tobacco regulations (Center for Tobacco Products) and Open Data Act #Hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:16:09 PDT 2011


Different concerns for parents that DELAY vaccines & parents that REFUSE vaccines. Different concerns = different messages needed. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:16:10 PDT 2011


RT @jgarrow: Different concerns for parents that DELAY vaccines & parents that REFUSE vaccines. Different concerns = different messages needed. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:16:20 PDT 2011


We are happy to donate a one week PSN In-Store campaign for the @MediaForcePR PSA distribution contest #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:16:37 PDT 2011


Good stuff over at the #hcmmconf tag-- thanks for sharing things for those of us who couldn't make it.
Tue Aug 9 13:17:18 PDT 2011


Thank you to @MediaForcePR for promoting PSN at the CDC Conference on Health Communication, Marketing and Media #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:17:25 PDT 2011


@Nedra taking the podium to talk about "Teen2Xtreme," an intervention encouraging access to and use of insurance. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:17:25 PDT 2011


Photos key; ex.: short sleeves more popular than spaghetti strap tanks in UT, so Power Your Life campaign photos were changed. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:17:49 PDT 2011


RT @jessicamarkdc: More on the Health Data Initiative from @todd_park: See from #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:17:55 PDT 2011


Now @Nedra talking about Teen2xtreme, what works and doesn't work in attracting/retaining youth to site. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:18:15 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


@Nedra taking podium to talk about "Teen2Xtreme," an intervention encouraging access to and use of insurance. #hcmmconf (via @shanictaylor)
Tue Aug 9 13:18:40 PDT 2011


My 1 year old loves Tom the Talking Cart and Bubbles app RT @cdbond 25% of Toddlers Have Used a Smartphone #Hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:18:48 PDT 2011

CommunicateHlth JasmineLouise27

96% of the U.S. population has a wireless device. #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 13:19:05 PDT 2011

8/10 Americans use their phones to help them shop and 9/10 phone owners use them to access social media, Sanjay Koyani presenting #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:19:17 PDT 2011


So cool! MT @CatherineJamal: Images key: short sleeves more popular than spaghetti straps in Utah so campaign photos were changed #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:19:33 PDT 2011


FDA based process of developing mobile app on solid usage data, really important for resisting the shiny object syndrome! #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:19:56 PDT 2011


Wow! MT @JasmineLouise27: 8/10 Americans use their phones to help them shop and 9/10 phone owners use them to access social media #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:20:20 PDT 2011


RT @chingmwu Impressed by apps 2 Common theme: entreprs/survivors working 2 improve health. Due 2day #hcmmconf #hcsm
Tue Aug 9 13:20:34 PDT 2011


RT @MarkHarmel: You can follow the National Conference on Health Communication, Marketing, and Media today and Wed. #hcmmconf http://bi ...
Tue Aug 9 13:20:47 PDT 2011


Holding down the @IQSolutions exhibit at #hcmmconf. Feel free to stop by and say hi. Enter your name for a chance to win a Flip cam!
Tue Aug 9 13:20:48 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


Very cool! RT @oleandros Up next: Sanjay on FDA mobile apps for tobacco cessation #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:20:56 PDT 2011


Challenge getting youth to enroll AND utilize Teen2xtreme. You can lead a horse to the water... From @Nedra #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:20:56 PDT 2011


Focus groups: AA moms more concerned about short-term effects of vax, white moms more concerned about long-term effects. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:21:21 PDT 2011


Adapted program name to Teen2X based on feedback from teens/how they were using it. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:21:34 PDT 2011


RT @ThePSNetwork We are happy to donate a one week PSN In-Store campaign for the @MediaForcePR PSA distribution contest #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:21:34 PDT 2011


RT @jgarrow: Focus groups: AA moms more concerned about shortterm effects of vax, white moms more concerned about long-term effects. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:21:35 PDT 2011


Focus groups: moms "rank" disease. Polio "worse" than chicken pox, so more likely to get polio vaccine. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:22:20 PDT 2011


#hcmmconf FDA partnership with CDC helped to make tobacco project successful, esp mobile apps.
Tue Aug 9 13:22:23 PDT 2011


Interesting @jgarrow: AA moms more concerned about short-term effects of vax, white moms more concerned about long-term effects. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:22:28 PDT 2011


CDC, military, FDA all using #social, but our local health depts still block sites, don't see value. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:22:42 PDT 2011


RT @SocialBttrfly: Holding down the @IQSolutions exhibit at #hcmmconf. Feel free to stop by and say hi. Enter your name for a chance to ...
Tue Aug 9 13:22:43 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


RT @ckrobertson: #hcmmconf FDA partnership with CDC helped to make tobacco project successful, esp mobile apps.
Tue Aug 9 13:22:57 PDT 2011


@Preparing4Birth Yay! Thanks and sorry for being clunky, but I'm at #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:22:58 PDT 2011

wendyr13 jgarrow

#hcmmconf > 1 million unique page views!

Tue Aug 9 13:23:47 PDT 2011

*headdesk* RT @Iana_Simeonov: CDC, military, FDA all using #social, but our local health depts still block sites, don't see value. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:23:57 PDT 2011


Campaign marketng eg: 25% heard via tv/radio, 24% via friend/relative; blogs picked it up once free stuff (eg vitamins) available. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:24:04 PDT 2011


RT @jgarrow: Focus groups: moms "rank" disease. Polio "worse" than chicken pox, so more likely to get polio vaccine. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:24:07 PDT 2011

michele_banyan ampilsner

Marketing to teens/ kids session at #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 13:24:08 PDT 2011

@SmokefreeWomen has live twitter feed on .gov site :) RT @Iana_Simeonov CDC/FDA using #social, but local health depts block sites #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:24:39 PDT 2011


Email and text messaging had low response to getting teens to register for Teen2Xtreme intervention. Mailed cards worked. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:25:01 PDT 2011


RT @jgarrow: Focus groups: moms "rank" disease. Polio "worse" than chicken pox, so more likely to get polio vaccine. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:25:07 PDT 2011


RT @shanictaylor: Email and text messaging had low response to getting teens to register for Teen2Xtreme intervention. Mailed cards worked. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:25:15 PDT 2011


RT @shanictaylor: Email and text messaging had low response to getting teens to register for Teen2Xtreme intervention. Mailed cards[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

worked. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:25:32 PDT 2011

WorkSteven fighting 2 types of mental illness stigma, internal and external. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:25:40 PDT 2011


Cool, researchers also did vax focus groups w/ dads! "Protection" was v. important to them. Exercise & nutrition more imp than vax #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:26:07 PDT 2011


Interestingly, mailed cards most effective in increasing engagement on T2X site. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:26:17 PDT 2011


Two types of stigma in mental health: public and self #hcmmconfT4 #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:26:19 PDT 2011


Spanish language focus groups much less likely to mention autism as concern. More likely to have first-hand experience with VPDs. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:26:51 PDT 2011


FDA created tobacco pledge widget and app with target audiences, geolocating, sharing, mobile optimized design. Smart! #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:27:29 PDT 2011


RT @jgarrow: Spanish language focus groups much less likely to mention autism as concern. More likely to have first-hand experience with VPDs. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:27:34 PDT 2011


More messages targeted for specific audiences has the most effect in fighting stigma. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:27:38 PDT 2011


RT @jgarrow: Cool, researchers also did vax focus groups w/ dads! "Protection" was v. important to them. Exercise & nutrition more imp than vax #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:27:39 PDT 2011


Good site, thnx 4 the info RT @WorkSteven: fighting 2 types of #mentalillness #stigma, internal and external #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:27:47 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


You lose 108% comprehension when moving messages from the desktop to a mobile app. Keep messages simple. #Hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:27:51 PDT 2011


What else didn't work for teens? Music incentives offered by SMS. What? #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:28:04 PDT 2011

RobinPregnancy jgarrow presenting at #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 13:28:18 PDT 2011

Multiple goals of vax outreach campaign, but the first was: Reinforce the social norm. MOST people DO vaccinate. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:28:31 PDT 2011


Initial Tweet Reach results for #hcmmconf -- 15,342 people via @tweetreachapp
Tue Aug 9 13:28:36 PDT 2011


FDA also developing a report a violation app to keep retailers in check on cigarette sales #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:28:48 PDT 2011


#hcmmconf User loses 108% comprehension when going from laptop to mobile app requiring simplification and sharp focus
Tue Aug 9 13:29:00 PDT 2011


So surprising! RT @shanictaylor: What else didn't work for teens? Music incentives offered by SMS. What? #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:29:32 PDT 2011


#hcmmconf Spot the block nutrition rap? Oh yeah! Choose foods low in cholesterol and sodium
Tue Aug 9 13:29:49 PDT 2011


Not feeling too hot. Feeling light headed. Too much coffee not enough food or sleep. Hope I feel well enough for Starts. #Hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:30:11 PDT 2011


@Nedra sharing the difficulties of recruiting teens to online health interventions #teen #healthcomm #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:30:13 PDT 2011


It's freezing in all the rooms! #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 13:30:14 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


Next Minsun Shim on use of social media for food recall information #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:30:15 PDT 2011


When creating materials, don't get too cute/silly. Also, don't be judgmental: Thx to parents like you who vaccinate... #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:30:15 PDT 2011


RT @ckrobertson: #hcmmconf User loses 108% comprehension when going from laptop to mobile app requiring simplification and sharp focus
Tue Aug 9 13:30:26 PDT 2011


FDA Center for Tobacco Products uses mobile apps to "break the chain of tobacco addiction" @FDA #hcmmconf #hcsm
Tue Aug 9 13:30:31 PDT 2011


RT @HCAnnaTE: You lose 108% comprehension when moving messages from the desktop to a mobile app. Keep messages simple. #Hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:30:44 PDT 2011


Up2sd has 3 aims: increase knowledge, improve attitude, change behavior #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:31:02 PDT 2011


Great presentations today at #HCMMCONF - real innovation taking place at DCOE and FDA...
Tue Aug 9 13:31:34 PDT 2011


RT @wendyr13: >1 million unique page views! Learn about Devona Overton: @US_FDA #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:31:38 PDT 2011


Get the latest updates from FDA Center for Tobacco Products by following them @FDATobacco. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:31:59 PDT 2011

shanictaylor caitdouglas

Teens require lots of new content to keep them engaged. #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 13:32:06 PDT 2011

Playing coy did not work about purpose of the T2X site with teen audience. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:32:21 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


Campaign named "up to us" show people with mental illness living healthy lives. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:32:39 PDT 2011


RT @ckrobertson: #hcmmconf User loses 108% comprehension when going from laptop to mobile app requiring simplification and sharp focus
Tue Aug 9 13:33:02 PDT 2011


Lumping together older & younger teens on social networks = bad idea. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:33:03 PDT 2011


RT @RobinPregnancy: Drink pyramid Water whenever, milk at meals, juice just once, and pop at parties #hcmmconf #hcmmconfT4
Tue Aug 9 13:33:12 PDT 2011


Parents asked for more on symptoms and effects of VPDs. Sounds of Pertussis radio campaign specifically mentioned. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:33:13 PDT 2011


Things that don't work with teen sites: lumping younger and older teens together, random incentives, waiting for audience growth #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:33:38 PDT 2011


Glad so many are tweeting but still too many pub health presenters say they don't use social media. Being a user is best education #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:33:40 PDT 2011


Create micro-experiences/events to engage teens (eg. contests, chats). #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 13:35:02 PDT 2011


Testing vaccine theme: Parents have the "power to protect" their kids. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:35:20 PDT 2011


Things that work: keeping it teens only, creating micro-experiences, text messaging, defining navigational path. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:35:21 PDT 2011


Yes! @nimblees: still too many pub health presenters say they don't use social media. Being a user is best education #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:35:42 PDT 2011


90 percent of online users lurk #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 13:35:48 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


RT @shanictaylor: Things that work: keeping it teens only, creating micro-experiences, text messaging, defining navigational path. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:35:52 PDT 2011


I like this. Power to protect! RT @jgarrow: Testing vaccine theme: Parents have the "power to protect" their kids. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:36:08 PDT 2011


Can't get enough of the #hcmmconf tweet goodies! Keep them coming! :) #thanks #bystander
Tue Aug 9 13:36:15 PDT 2011


Gov goes mHealth-check out: RT @jamierauscher @FDATobacco uses mobile apps 2 "break chain of tobacco addiction" #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:36:21 PDT 2011


Mobile health txt alerts to CA teens more effective than site. Building micro-experiences for niche groups also key - @Nedra #hcmmconf #in
Tue Aug 9 13:36:30 PDT 2011


90% of social media users are lurkers. Only 9% occasionally comment and 1% truly engage. #Hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:36:33 PDT 2011


I like the step up, it's good to move from just read up. #hcmmconf #hcmmconfT4
Tue Aug 9 13:36:34 PDT 2011


9/10 online users "lurk" and consume health-related content, only 9% post messages. Let's hope they're posting accurate info... #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:36:45 PDT 2011


So basic! On Spanish language campaign ads, direct public to a Spanish language website! #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:36:48 PDT 2011


RT @jgarrow: When creating materials, don't get too cute/silly. Also, don't be judgmental: Thx to parents like you who vaccinate... #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:37:30 PDT 2011


RescueSCG is up! 90% #tobacco prevention.. #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 13:37:42 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


Over 50% of people online have engaged in a health related social media activity. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:38:02 PDT 2011

michele_banyan shanictaylor

Heads Up/ Concussion talk in ballroom C! you're not too late! #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:38:23 PDT 2011

RT @HCAnnaTE: 90% of social media users are lurkers. Only 9% occasionally comment and 1% truly engage. #Hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:38:27 PDT 2011


RT @shanictaylor: RT @HCAnnaTE: 90% of social media users are lurkers. Only 9% occasionally comment and 1% truly engage. #Hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:39:18 PDT 2011

RobinPregnancy CatherineJamal

Love the mobile guide to #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 13:39:26 PDT 2011

Teens didnt want link to campaign site from soc network page - wanted separate - & didnt want parents on soc network site. @nedra #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:40:17 PDT 2011


RT @CatherineJamal: Teens didnt want link to campaign site from soc network page - wanted separate - & didnt want parents on soc network site. @nedra #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:40:27 PDT 2011


& dont use vanity codes use real phone #s! RT @jgarrow: So basic! On Spanish language ads, direct public to Spanish language site! #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:40:54 PDT 2011


Social media will not fix an ineffective strategy. If your program is lame, your FB/Twitter/Etc page will be lame. -RescueSCG #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:41:00 PDT 2011


RT @shanictaylor: RT @HCAnnaTE: 90% of social media users are lurkers. Only 9% occasionally comment and 1% truly engage. #Hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:41:01 PDT 2011


RT @caitdouglas: Social media will not fix an ineffective strategy. If your program is lame, your FB/Twitter/Etc page will be lame. -RescueSCG #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:41:12 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


If your program is lame & you create a Facebook page for it, it will still be lame. Social media won't fix it. - Jeff Jordan #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:41:39 PDT 2011

shanictaylor caitdouglas

Alert! "social media will not fix an ineffective strategy" #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 13:41:44 PDT 2011

Two types of teens: Kids who are engaged in risk behaviors and kids who are not engaged. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:41:49 PDT 2011


@HCAnnaTE Social media users for food recall info #Hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:41:54 PDT 2011


26% of study sample used social media for food recall information. 15% actively engaged with content #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:42:26 PDT 2011


Second group of teens may not influence the first group, but can make change with policymakers... To impact first group. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:42:29 PDT 2011


Storytelling = very beneficial, culturally competent, in their own words #hcmmconfT4 #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:42:30 PDT 2011


RT @caitdouglas: Social media will not fix an ineffective strategy. If your program is lame, your FB/Twitter/Etc page will be lame. -RescueSCG #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:42:38 PDT 2011


Interesting presentation on social media & food recalls but dense data to present. Clear, sensible presentation is tricky. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:43:41 PDT 2011


RT @communicatehlth: Over 50% of people online have engaged in a #health related social media activity. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:44:07 PDT 2011


A Facebook page will not fix a "lame" health marketing program - social media is a tool in the box, not a strategy. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:44:27 PDT 2011


Website focus group testing: avoided things that "looked like ads." Complained about small type & multiple routes to info. (!) #hcmmconf[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

Tue Aug 9 13:44:28 PDT 2011


Older, lower educated, minority or with children more likely to be active sm users around food recall info #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:44:54 PDT 2011


All agree: you must understand your target audience and only THEY have that knowledge. If you're not a pregnant smoker, you don't. #HCMMconf
Tue Aug 9 13:44:56 PDT 2011


"If your campaign is lame, your Facebook page will be lame" RescueSCG #truestory #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:45:22 PDT 2011


RT @oleandros: RT @caitdouglas: Social media will not fix an ineffective strat. If yr prgrm is lame, yr FB/Twitter/ pg will b lame #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:45:29 PDT 2011


+1,000 MT @CatherineJamal: If your program is lame & you create a FB page for it, it will still be lame. Social media won't fix it #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:45:29 PDT 2011


RT @shanictaylor: Alert! "social media will not fix an ineffective strategy" #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:46:21 PDT 2011


Website focus group: Appreciated "chunked" info based upon child's age. Not all recommendations are the same! #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:46:36 PDT 2011


@LaurenR29 #hcmmconf agree on the dense data. Fascinating useful info but handouts would be helpful w/dynamic visuals onscreen.
Tue Aug 9 13:46:43 PDT 2011


RescueSCG created Evolvement to empower youth to promote tobaccofree communities. Make goal feasible for youth to see through. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:47:05 PDT 2011


Those regarded as disadvantaged from Internrt access more active social media users. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:47:22 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


RT @IQSolutions: The Public Health Social Media Directory from @SAMHSAgov: The possibilities are endless... #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:47:35 PDT 2011


Website focus group: parents wanted website to "acknowledge" their fears, not ignore them. Balanced discussion of risks & benefits #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:47:37 PDT 2011


RT @jgarrow: Website focus group: parents wanted website to "acknowledge" their fears, not ignore them. Balanced discussion of risks & benefits #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:47:46 PDT 2011


#hcmmconf. Social media will not fix bad strategy, just add crappy social media to the mix. Rescue social change group.
Tue Aug 9 13:47:48 PDT 2011

wendyr13 juliesturner

#hcmmconf It's not just translation but adaptation and cultural relevance
Tue Aug 9 13:47:53 PDT 2011

RT @thjacobellis: Those regarded as disadvantaged from Internrt access more active social media users. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:48:54 PDT 2011


#hcmmconf Clash between accurate data and quick immediate need for release.
Tue Aug 9 13:49:27 PDT 2011


RT @ICFhealth: RT @communicatehlth: Over 50% of people online have engaged in a #health related social media activity. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:49:35 PDT 2011


RT @RobinPregnancy: Storytelling = very beneficial, culturally competent, in their own words #hcmmconfT4 #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:49:51 PDT 2011


#HCMMCONF confirms the potential of mobile channels in health outreach

Tue Aug 9 13:49:59 PDT 2011


RT @oleandros: 26% of study sample used social media for food recall information. 15% actively engaged with content #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:50:02 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


RT @ICFhealth: RT @communicatehlth: Over 50% of people online have engaged in a #health related social media activity. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:50:04 PDT 2011


An FDA study found that low income /education individuals are more likely to use social media to get information on food recalls. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:50:13 PDT 2011


RT @shanictaylor: Alert! "social media will not fix an ineffective strategy" #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:50:16 PDT 2011


Hard line to walk @ckrobertson: #hcmmconf Clash between accurate data and quick immediate need for release.
Tue Aug 9 13:50:26 PDT 2011


RT @jgarrow: So basic! On Spanish language campaign ads, direct public to a Spanish language website! #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:50:54 PDT 2011

Leslie_A_Lewis oleandros

@ckrobertson That is the essence of crisis communication! #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 13:51:01 PDT 2011

RT @ckrobertson: #hcmmconf Clash between accurate data and quick immediate need for release.
Tue Aug 9 13:51:10 PDT 2011


RT @Healthcommideas: A Facebook page will not fix a "lame" health marketing program - social media is a tool in the box, not a strategy. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:51:28 PDT 2011


A great day of presentations that motivates me to refine the social media maketing strategy for my organization #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:51:29 PDT 2011


Great anti #tobacco program! RescueSCG engages teen evangelists to change policy thru "Evolvement" projects - #hcmmconf #in
Tue Aug 9 13:52:38 PDT 2011


#hcmmconf Different strategies employed to balance need to info out and certainty of accuracy.
Tue Aug 9 13:52:39 PDT 2011


I appreciate #Hcmmconf efforts for keeping our colleges with disabilities engaged through sign language and other access[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

Tue Aug 9 13:53:04 PDT 2011


RT @CommunicateHlth: An FDA study found that low income /education individuals are more likely to use social media to get information on food recalls. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:53:50 PDT 2011

ampilsner nationalcouncil

BIG fan of! Proud to say it's in my state of VA :) #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 13:54:11 PDT 2011

We've been enjoying the conference & especially meeting friends like @WorkSteven @GHideas and @gohealthypeople. More 2 come! #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:54:25 PDT 2011

shanictaylor cellpodium

When we think about social media, it cannot be in a vacuum. #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 13:54:32 PDT 2011

presenting tomorrow @ #HCMMCONF . campaign promotion is a big concern here

Tue Aug 9 13:54:45 PDT 2011

lbelsberry nationalcouncil

DO NOT underestimate the importance of message testing #hcmmconf!

Tue Aug 9 13:55:28 PDT 2011

RT @HCAnnaTE: RT @CommunicateHlth: An FDA study found low income /educ. indiv. r more likely 2 use S.M 2 get info on food recalls. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:55:29 PDT 2011


RT @lbelsberry: DO NOT underestimate the importance of message testing #hcmmconf!

Tue Aug 9 13:55:45 PDT 2011


Session learning: Need to have social media site/strategy that reflects a real thing in real world. Can't just be created online. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:55:52 PDT 2011

djdowski HealthJusticeCT

#hcmmconf. Social media does not live in a vacuum.

Tue Aug 9 13:56:02 PDT 2011

Impressed by the innovation stragiest to engage young people #HCMMconf #hcsm

Tue Aug 9 13:56:12 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


RT @djdowski - #hcmmconf. Social media does not live in a vacuum. #socialmedia

Tue Aug 9 13:56:18 PDT 2011


Amen! RT @djdowski: #hcmmconf. Social media does not live in a vacuum.

Tue Aug 9 13:56:34 PDT 2011


RT @ckrobertson:RT @ICFhealth:RT @communicatehlth: Over 50% people online have engaged in a #health related social media activity. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:56:45 PDT 2011


#hcmmconf First mention of text message campaign. For Real Warriors it was recommended but not implemented.
Tue Aug 9 13:56:58 PDT 2011


Impressed by the innovative strategies to engage the youth. Yes they are key! #HCMMconf #hcsm
Tue Aug 9 13:57:15 PDT 2011


So bummed I'm not at the #hcmmconf this year! Have fun @ampilsner and @shanictaylor! Eat some shrimp n' grits for me in the ATL!
Tue Aug 9 13:57:18 PDT 2011


Whoa, they just said their looking into retesting (and redesigning) the VISs, because they're so hard to read. BIG, BIG, BIG! #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:58:02 PDT 2011


Seriously, someone just answered a phone call in a session. Etiquette, people. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:58:04 PDT 2011


Is Walker Smith right about what we want in this uncertain economy?... #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:58:34 PDT 2011


Idea for next yr: Ignite format! 20 slides,15 secs each, total 5 mins allows for diverse topics, high energy & more presenters! #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 13:59:41 PDT 2011


Question: when developing materials, what reading level? Ans: what we're shooting for is usu. different than we get. Now=6-8 grade #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 14:01:01 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


Great 1st day #hcmmconf! Full of energy & positivity! Now: run through Centennial Park before #hcmmconfmixer kicks off...see y'all there!
Tue Aug 9 14:02:24 PDT 2011


If u heard someone from ICF present today at #hcmmconf and u'd like a copy of her slides, get them here:
Tue Aug 9 14:02:52 PDT 2011


Compelling data-driven social marketing campaigns in Utah, Kentucky, California. #ae #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 14:02:57 PDT 2011


RT @shanictaylor: Alert! "social media will not fix an ineffective strategy" #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 14:03:10 PDT 2011


#HCMMCONF is all about social media. But what about the digital divide & vulnerable populations without computer access or literacy?
Tue Aug 9 14:03:30 PDT 2011


Please people no personal advertising during Q&A and please limit 1 question and Possible followup #Hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 14:05:35 PDT 2011


RT @nimblees: @AdCouncil food safety PSAs getting some chuckles at #hcmmconf breakout session. Check them out at
Tue Aug 9 14:11:12 PDT 2011


@Meeghan That would be great for at least something next year, if not a whole session, how about a evening? #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 14:11:48 PDT 2011


We miss u & already did! @KathleenND: bummed I'm not at the #hcmmconf this year! Have fun @ampilsner @shanictaylor! Eat some shrimp n' grits
Tue Aug 9 14:12:13 PDT 2011


RT @Healthcommideas: A Facebook page will not fix a "lame" health marketing program - social media is a tool in the box, not a strategy. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 14:13:47 PDT 2011


#CitizenMedia 4 health: In a psych clinic in Buenos Aires, a crop of citizen journalists via @changemakers #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 14:16:00 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


Impressive food safety campaign from CDC and partners. #hcmmconf Check it out at
Tue Aug 9 14:16:13 PDT 2011


#hcmmconf Real warriors presentation ended with qr code. It would be great if program had qr codes for all presenters.
Tue Aug 9 14:18:22 PDT 2011


#hcmmconf. Social media will not fix bad strategy, just add crappy social media to the mix. Rescue ... #socialmedia
Tue Aug 9 14:19:39 PDT 2011


Having a great time at #hcmmconf. Thanks to all my new followers. I have followed you all back. Would love to connect and meet new people.
Tue Aug 9 14:20:54 PDT 2011


Compelling stories; great use of digital storytelling picked up at the #hcmmconf #healthlit
Tue Aug 9 14:22:53 PDT 2011


Feeling blah! Trying 2decide if Im going 2Stats. Wish I had a place 2lay my head 4 a few Drive home 2long 2make feeling like this #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 14:23:01 PDT 2011

janakey GHideas

great booth at #hcmmconf #pnid

Tue Aug 9 14:23:12 PDT 2011

Trying to make it to #hcmmconf tweetup, rt @nationalcouncil @WorkSteven come to this!

Tue Aug 9 14:26:12 PDT 2011

HealthLitMO ckrobertson

@IQSolutions Have to stop by your booth tomorrow! #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 14:27:05 PDT 2011

#hcmmconf Help. Can't find the info on the networking gathering this evening that I rsvped for. Please post restaurant name!!
Tue Aug 9 14:29:50 PDT 2011


Thanks to those of you who entered our contest for a chance to win a free week of PSA distribution. 2 more days to enter! #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 14:30:05 PDT 2011


@ckrobertson the event is at c u there! #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 14:31:46 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


RT @jgarrow Q: When developing materials, what reading level? A: what we r shooting 4 is usu. different than we get. Now=6-8 grade #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 14:33:55 PDT 2011


Stats! @ckrobertson: #hcmmconf Help. Can't find info on networking gathering this evening that I rsvped for. Please post restaurant name!!
Tue Aug 9 14:38:21 PDT 2011


Ooh, I like it. Tea? RT @RobinPregnancy: Drink pyramid Water whenever, milk at meals, juice just once, &pop at parties #hcmmconf #hcmmconfT4
Tue Aug 9 14:39:33 PDT 2011


RT @shellyspoeth: @mytext4baby up now at #hcmmconf very cool program, sign up if pregnant or have baby under age 1
Tue Aug 9 14:41:29 PDT 2011


wish you were here too!!! Miss you. @katefink1: Wish I was at the #hcmmconf :
Tue Aug 9 14:47:20 PDT 2011


Loving all my #bumhc classmates here at #hcmmconf. Learning online and in person with these fabulous women and men. #happiness
Tue Aug 9 14:47:37 PDT 2011


So I think I just lost 10 years of my life running through downtown Atlanta. Thanks, smog. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 14:49:57 PDT 2011


Today our staff shared #text4baby at CDC's #hcmmconf in Atlanta. Hope to connect with those of you at the conf this week!
Tue Aug 9 14:50:10 PDT 2011


time to 'download'... 3rd Annual #hcmmconfmixer #hcmmconf @ Stats

Tue Aug 9 14:53:12 PDT 2011


Hope you enjoyed @ICFI #HCMMconf presentations today! Visit to download presentations & see tomorrow's schedule
Tue Aug 9 14:55:46 PDT 2011


RT @ICFhealth: Hope you enjoyed @ICFI #HCMMconf presentations today! Visit to download presentations & see tomorrow ...
Tue Aug 9 14:57:27 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


RT @mytext4baby: Today our staff shared #text4baby at CDC's #hcmmconf in Atlanta. Hope to connect with those of you at the conf this week!
Tue Aug 9 15:02:34 PDT 2011


Highfives to everyone making it to the #hcmmconfmixer tonight. Let the ideas and connections abound #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 15:04:25 PDT 2011


@CDCgov #hcmmconf Blog Update: @SammyTheStork uses social media to deliver public health messages -
Tue Aug 9 15:12:33 PDT 2011


RT @jgarrow: +1,000 MT @CatherineJamal: If your program is lame & you create a FB page for it, it will still be lame. Social media won't fix it #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 15:24:21 PDT 2011


At #hcmmconf? Come and say "hi" at the Westat reception. We'd love to meet you. Oak Room in the South Tower of the Omni.
Tue Aug 9 15:32:26 PDT 2011


RT @mytext4baby: Today our staff shared #text4baby at CDC's #hcmmconf in Atlanta. Hope to connect with those of you at the conf this week!
Tue Aug 9 15:38:44 PDT 2011


RT @PublicHealth: The Natl Conference on Health Comm, Marketing & Media is off to a great start in Atlanta. Drop by APHA's booth & say hello! #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 15:42:02 PDT 2011


FYI For access to the networking dinner tomorrow nite, all you need is your conference badge unless you purchased add'l tix #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 15:43:13 PDT 2011


Off to Stats in Atl with my MMG crew for the #hcmmconf #hcmmconfmixer! :)
Tue Aug 9 15:51:17 PDT 2011


RT @HealthLitMO: Compelling stories; great use of digital storytelling picked up at the #hcmmconf #healthlit
Tue Aug 9 15:58:31 PDT 2011


TWC is at #hcmmconf looking forward to learning and sharing.

Tue Aug 9 16:14:05 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

shellyspoeth Qforma

@mindofandre we miss you! #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 16:15:17 PDT 2011

RT @Healthmessaging: Poor Doctor-Patient Communication Is Closely Linked To Non-Adherence - Inforgraphic - #hcmmconf #primarycare #MDchat
Tue Aug 9 16:31:10 PDT 2011


RT @CHBridge: Across diciplines, across agencies! Working together for social change! @samhsagov #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 16:33:20 PDT 2011


RT @Sapientgov: Live from the CDC #hcmmconf in ATL...stop by Booth #24 and get your picture taken at our innovative new photo booth
Tue Aug 9 16:44:49 PDT 2011


#hcmmconf folks, try this traditional Southern hot spot - yum! (@ South City Kitchen Midtown)
Tue Aug 9 17:39:38 PDT 2011


What a great first day for the conference. Looking forward to tomorrow. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 17:51:41 PDT 2011


RT @HCMMconf: What a great first day for the conference. Looking forward to tomorrow. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 17:53:26 PDT 2011


RT @shellyspoeth: @mytext4baby up now at #hcmmconf very cool program, sign up if pregnant or have baby under age 1
Tue Aug 9 17:55:09 PDT 2011


RT @mindofandre: If you are interested in health communications and innovative initiatives in public health, tune into tweets from #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 17:56:12 PDT 2011


RT @jgarrow: Ugh, risk aversion and happiness seeking are key tenets of the public. Difficult for emergency comms. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 17:57:22 PDT 2011


Enjoyed the first day of #hcmmconf. In the office tomorrow AM to finish up some work, then back for afternoon sessions.
Tue Aug 9 18:02:17 PDT 2011


RT @ICFhealth: Hope you enjoyed @ICFI #HCMMconf presentations[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

today! Visit to download presentations & see tomorrow ...

Tue Aug 9 18:06:59 PDT 2011

erinpaull epsandler

Learning great info at #HCMMCONF

Tue Aug 9 18:10:34 PDT 2011

#hcmmconf I think we crashed the server at OMG what happened and what should I do...
Tue Aug 9 18:19:00 PDT 2011


USA Today comes free at the door, just like a gift from Heaven. I want to be in Heaven. I think that I'm in Heaven. #buffylyrics #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 18:22:15 PDT 2011


@HCAnnaTE Thanks for the follow back! Wish I was at #hcmmconf, but enjoying your tweets instead :). Feel better soon!
Tue Aug 9 18:22:56 PDT 2011


Excited for the CDC's #hcmmconf. (@ Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport (ATL) w/ 129 others)
Tue Aug 9 18:27:08 PDT 2011


RT @jgarrow: 8 out of 10 Internet users look online for health information. Audience. Is. There. Go find 'em. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 18:30:18 PDT 2011


"Existing wealth, health, and education disparities within our population are simply unconscionable." #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 18:39:18 PDT 2011


RT @CHBridge: Are you pregnant or a new mother? Try texting 511411 "baby" to learn about your baby's health! #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 18:46:43 PDT 2011

CHBridge Fearnas_flute

What sessions are you looking forward to tomorrow? #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 18:49:15 PDT 2011

RT @jgarrow: Success in vaccines mean a loss of familiarity with deadly vaccine-preventable diseases. "It doesn't happen here." #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 18:49:27 PDT 2011


RT @HealthJusticeCT: "Existing wealth, health, and education disparities within our population are simply unconscionable." #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 18:49:33 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


Terrific first day at CDC Health Communication & Marketing Conference. Great presentations by #GMHC and #RealWarriors. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 18:56:27 PDT 2011

CHBridge mpbeau

@AJStellato what what your favorite first day presentation? #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 18:59:17 PDT 2011

@CHBridge: What sessions r u looking forward to tomorrow? #hcmmconf plenary w Turner about social web - 8am is bummer w Atl traffic tho
Tue Aug 9 18:59:27 PDT 2011


@mpbeau 8am can be brutal; turner will be great...worth the knowledge! I know you agree! =) #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 19:01:30 PDT 2011


RT @HealthJusticeCT: "Existing wealth, health, and education disparities within our population are simply unconscionable." #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 19:03:44 PDT 2011


what role can #hcmmconf play in current events? what would you like done on the world's stage? #problemsaroundtheworld
Tue Aug 9 19:05:06 PDT 2011

CHBridge StacyShelp

A must follow = @SaludToday #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 19:27:40 PDT 2011

Sad that I missed the mixer tonight. Hope you all will come to my presentation at 10:45 in Magnolia so I can meet you. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 19:27:51 PDT 2011


RT @CHBridge A must follow = @SaludToday #hcmmconf >> Thanks, right back at ya @CHBridge!
Tue Aug 9 19:37:37 PDT 2011


RT @HealthLitMO: Compelling stories; great use of digital storytelling picked up at the #hcmmconf #healthlit
Tue Aug 9 19:40:49 PDT 2011


RT @RWJF_PubHealth: RT @mindofandre If you are interested in health communications and innovative initiatives in #publichealth, tune into tweets from #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 19:47:38 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


RT @jgarrow: 8 out of 10 Internet users look online for health information. Audience. Is. There. Go find 'em. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 19:49:15 PDT 2011


@nimblees: Social marketing is more than just mass media PSAs. local efforts can often produce deeper, more measurable results. #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 19:51:37 PDT 2011


Excited about day#2 of #hcmmconf. Learned lots today: it's okay to take risks, storks can talk, and everyone needs coffee at 8am.
Tue Aug 9 19:52:16 PDT 2011


@DOUGweinbrenner Doug, thanks for organizing the meet-up. Great time to meet folks! #HCMMconf
Tue Aug 9 19:59:31 PDT 2011


@mytext4baby I definitely need to find you guys at #hcmmconf tomorrow!

Tue Aug 9 20:01:47 PDT 2011


RT @sm1guru: @DOUGweinbrenner double thx! Doug, thanks for organizing the meet-up. Great time to meet folks! #HCMMconf
Tue Aug 9 20:04:39 PDT 2011


@AJStellato Agreed, but I must say, the afternoon session Innovative Programs to Improve Women's Health was great! #hcmmconf @mytext4baby
Tue Aug 9 20:06:56 PDT 2011


The Centers for Disease Control's updated broadcast facility was featured in Govt. Video Magazine. Read: #CDC #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 20:07:04 PDT 2011


RT @HealthLitMO: Compelling stories; great use of digital storytelling picked up at the #hcmmconf #healthlit
Tue Aug 9 20:07:10 PDT 2011


The 1st day of #hcmmconf was great. I'm looking forward to tomorrow! I'd love to connect with any health comms working in North Carolina.
Tue Aug 9 20:07:15 PDT 2011


RT @parkerism: #hcmmconf Contemporary southern food!! Not as yum as last yr but still fun. Loved the service! South City Kitchen in Midtown
Tue Aug 9 20:08:31 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


Check out live coverage of #HCMMCONF on @FHI360 Degrees Blog. The best place to watch the conversation unfold.
Tue Aug 9 20:10:04 PDT 2011


RT @mindofandre: If you are interested in health communications and innovative initiatives in public health, tune into tweets from #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 20:13:44 PDT 2011


#HCMMconf Several speakers mentioned social marketing today, BUT only talked about promotion P. Where is product, price, place?
Tue Aug 9 20:18:33 PDT 2011

RobinPregnancy CorinnaWest

@sm1guru I would consider data a product. #hcmmconf

Tue Aug 9 20:34:15 PDT 2011

@Susan_Ks I wish you were in Atlanta with me at the #hcmmconf instead of in Kansas like your name but follow our hashtag for awesome ideas.
Tue Aug 9 21:01:58 PDT 2011


#hcmmconf I was delayed and got to the mixer late, so missed a lot of people I was looking forward to seeing (you know who you are!).
Tue Aug 9 21:11:08 PDT 2011


I love this @Omnihotels scale. Says I only weigh 99 pounds. #skinny #fail #keepdreaming #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 21:44:03 PDT 2011


RT @PublicHealth: The Natl Conference on Health Comm, Marketing & Media is off to a great start in Atlanta. Drop by APHA's booth & say hello! #hcmmconf
Tue Aug 9 21:58:03 PDT 2011


RT @HealthLitMO: Compelling stories; gr8 use of digital storytelling picked up at the #hcmmconf #healthlit #opnhealth
Tue Aug 9 23:38:02 PDT 2011


Executable research papers, executable research journals: sharing data, sharing #research #hcmmconf cc @erreuvedos
Tue Aug 9 23:40:02 PDT 2011


National Conference on Health Communication, Marketing and Media hashtag #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 3:25:01 PDT 2011

@omnihotels for #hcmmconf great hotel, great rooms, awful pillows! Who[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


can sleep with these? Sleep is important! #justsaying

Wed Aug 10 3:48:43 PDT 2011


@DOUGweinbrenner- thanks for organizing a great get together! It was so nice to connect with old friends and meet new ones. #HCMMconf
Wed Aug 10 3:49:22 PDT 2011


Looking forward to working with colleagues like @CauseMarketer & meeting new folks at CDC's #HCMMCONF.
Wed Aug 10 3:54:09 PDT 2011


Day 2 at #HCMMconf whether you're here in Atlanta or not, you can follow the conversation here!
Wed Aug 10 4:23:44 PDT 2011


With that said, any #hcmmconf attendants want to get together for a run? I could use the encouragement #running
Wed Aug 10 4:31:49 PDT 2011


RT @HealthJusticeCT: Day 2 at #HCMMconf whether you're here in Atlanta or not, you can follow the conversation here!
Wed Aug 10 4:32:58 PDT 2011


Excited for #hcmmconf day 2! Plenary sessions yesterday were so inspiring! Would love to connect w/ healthcomms from MN.
Wed Aug 10 4:34:45 PDT 2011

MSteinbergPhD epsandler WorcesterHealth MUHCRC CAGolden

@ampilsner @shanictaylor What does #hcmmconf stand for?

Wed Aug 10 4:43:20 PDT 2011

Fun Atlanta soundtrack this a.m. @ #hcmmconf!

Wed Aug 10 4:54:48 PDT 2011

Day 2 #hcmmconf ! Anyone from MS? Or MD?

Wed Aug 10 4:55:56 PDT 2011

Waiting for the AM keynote. Excited for day 2 of #hcmmconf.

Wed Aug 10 5:01:00 PDT 2011

Day two of #hcmmconf. So many great new ideas to bring back to AR. It's a little overwhelming.
Wed Aug 10 5:02:41 PDT 2011

Excited for the social media panel presentation #hcmmconf. Updates to[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


come throughout the day.

Wed Aug 10 5:04:26 PDT 2011

HCAnnaTE JeriKirschner

Got my breakfast and coffee. Ready to go. Good Morning all #Hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:05:08 PDT 2011

More tweets today from the Health Communication, Marketing and Media Conference in Atlanta #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:06:37 PDT 2011


#hcmmconf says that social media is like the Gutenberg press because of the way it shares information and ideas.
Wed Aug 10 5:06:37 PDT 2011


CDC's Katherine Lyon Daniel says smartphone is communication revolution, like Gutenberg's printing press #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:07:39 PDT 2011


Me too! RT @JeriKirschner: More tweets today from the Health Communication, Marketing and Media Conference in Atlanta #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:07:52 PDT 2011

PaceAndPartners JeriKirschner

"Think of your smart phone as a teeny tiny printing press."#hcmmconf

Wed Aug 10 5:08:13 PDT 2011

Use mobile devices to save lives through prevention vs. treatment #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:08:21 PDT 2011


Starting day 2 #hcmmconf. Theme is Listening for Change.

Wed Aug 10 5:08:53 PDT 2011


RT @JeriKirschner: More & More tweets today from the Health Communication, Marketing and Media Conference in Atlanta #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:09:06 PDT 2011


Listening about social media promises, myths, and mysteries. #hcmmconf

Wed Aug 10 5:09:08 PDT 2011


Ready to listen for change during day two of the National Conference on Health Communication, Marketing and Media #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:09:12 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

preventionguy KTExchange ckrobertson

Ready for making change with my tiny printing press! #hcmmconf

Wed Aug 10 5:09:19 PDT 2011

Opening plenary for day two of #hcmmconf

Wed Aug 10 5:10:17 PDT 2011

#hcmmconf Word of mouth era of comm. Social and media. Word of mouth is mostly off line. True?
Wed Aug 10 5:11:57 PDT 2011

IFICMedia JeriKirschner

Kicking off day 2 of #hcmmconf. Shocked at the # of people here at 8am

Wed Aug 10 5:12:07 PDT 2011

Technology isn't what makes people social. People are already sociall. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:12:27 PDT 2011

KTExchange CoffeesCommutes HCAnnaTE

Keller: The first social media figure was Betty Crocker. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:12:49 PDT 2011

Social media is just the enabler, not the driver #hcmmconf

Wed Aug 10 5:13:31 PDT 2011

Most word of mouth happens offline not online. Ed Keller #Hcmmconf I an glad to see this point.
Wed Aug 10 5:13:56 PDT 2011


RT @KTExchange: Keller: The first social media figure was Betty Crocker. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:13:59 PDT 2011


Social media is the enabler of behavior, not the driver of behavior. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:14:13 PDT 2011


#hcmmconf What's the story? How will you tell your story? Where will you tell it?
Wed Aug 10 5:14:26 PDT 2011


What's our story and why would someone else want to tell it? #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:15:15 PDT 2011


The conference is very social media heavy. Need more conversion abt[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

all communications, health comm principles, & digital media. #Hcmmconf

Wed Aug 10 5:15:17 PDT 2011

wendyr13 mirigoldman

#hcmmconf Listen before u talk; sounds basic but it's essential

Wed Aug 10 5:15:30 PDT 2011

RT @CoffeesCommutes: Social media is just the enabler, not the driver #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:15:44 PDT 2011


RT @paceandpartners: "Think of your smart phone as a teeny tiny printing press."#hcmmconf

Wed Aug 10 5:15:51 PDT 2011

drhealthpsych JeriKirschner

Most social convos still happen offline #hcmmconf

Wed Aug 10 5:15:58 PDT 2011

If your company wants to use social media, make sure ALL employees receive training. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:16:03 PDT 2011


@KTExchange: Keller: The first social media figure was Betty Crocker. #hcmmconf why am I happy it was a woman even though she wasn't real?
Wed Aug 10 5:16:03 PDT 2011


Pace & Partners will be live tweeting from the CDC's National Conference on Health Comm, Marketing & Media for the next few days! #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:16:21 PDT 2011

KTExchange BCollado

Keller: WOMMA has ethics guidelines online #hcmmconf

Wed Aug 10 5:16:24 PDT 2011

RT @ktexchange: Ed Keller, Keller Fay Group: Most word of mouth still takes place offline. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:16:38 PDT 2011


Social media should be 90% social. The media is the delivery channel.#hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:16:52 PDT 2011


RT @JeriKirschner: If your company wants to use social media, make sure ALL employees receive training. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:16:54 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


If going to engage in social media, you should know the ethics of social media: honesty of identity #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:16:58 PDT 2011


Agree with Ed Keller. The WOMMA code of ethics is a great resource for ensuring that you engage ethically. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:17:25 PDT 2011


RT @WorkSteven: excellent. If going to engage in social media, you should know the ethics of social media: honesty of identity #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:18:01 PDT 2011


First think what's your story, then who will tell it, then what channels will you use to tell it. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:18:20 PDT 2011


Listen for change - engaging with social media is best when we are actually sociable. The art of the dialogue #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:18:44 PDT 2011


RT @HealthLitMO: First think what's your story, then who will tell it, then what channels will you use to tell it. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:18:44 PDT 2011


Listening to VP of Marketing for AT&T. "We love social media" > I would say! #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:18:52 PDT 2011


Greg Pharo, AT&T: "Social media represented a point of confusion. How did it fit in?" We're all still trying to figure that out. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:18:57 PDT 2011


People have always been social. Social media is enabler of social behavior not a driver of it #hcmmconf #hcsm
Wed Aug 10 5:19:23 PDT 2011


AT & T - bring back the unlimited data plan to show u really support social media :-) #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:19:26 PDT 2011


WOMMA ethics guidelines focus on honesty in ROI: relationships, opinion, identity. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:19:55 PDT 2011

Pharo: Quantifying social media was a mind-blowing experience. No[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


other activity had as much impact.#hcmmconf

Wed Aug 10 5:20:06 PDT 2011


What's our story, why should someone else tell it, who will tell it and through what channel? Great insights by Ed Keller at #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:20:35 PDT 2011


RT @mpbeau: AT & T - bring back the unlimited data plan to show u really support social media :-) #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:20:45 PDT 2011


Me too! I'm still on PST, waiting for green tea to kick in. RT @IFICMedia Kicking off day 2 of #hcmmconf. Shocked at # of people here at 8am
Wed Aug 10 5:20:49 PDT 2011


How does the panel see and use apps as part of their technology strategy?#hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:21:02 PDT 2011


RT @jamierauscher: People have always been social. Social media is enabler of social behavior not a driver of it #hcmmconf #hcsm #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:21:21 PDT 2011


Jack Wakschlag, Turner Broadcasting: Anyone that tells you that EVERYTHING is changing is wrong. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:21:46 PDT 2011


#hcmmconf listening to the chief researcher @ Turner and dir of market res ATT convo on social media promises myths and mysteries
Wed Aug 10 5:22:00 PDT 2011


Social media is one of the "big kids on the block" in terms of marketing impact for ATT - Greg Pharo #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:22:05 PDT 2011

MUHCRC ckrobertson

Only one 800-pound gorilla in social media - Facebook #hcmmconf

Wed Aug 10 5:22:20 PDT 2011

#hcmmconf Trust but verify. Words to live by. Look at the facts. Big player in social media is Facebook.
Wed Aug 10 5:22:41 PDT 2011


RT @jamierauscher: People have always been social. Social media is enabler of social behavior not a driver of it #hcmmconf #hcsm[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

Wed Aug 10 5:23:30 PDT 2011


RT @StacyShelp: How does the panel see and use apps as part of their technology strategy?#hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:23:42 PDT 2011


Compared to all tv stations, Facebook would rank 6 on time spent and reach #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:23:53 PDT 2011


RT @Healthcommideas: What's our story, why should someone else tell it, who will tell it and through what channel? Great insights by Ed Keller at #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:23:54 PDT 2011


The biggest game changer in social media is Facebook according to head of research from Turner Broadcasting.#hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:23:58 PDT 2011


Wakschlag: "The 800-pound gorilla is Facebook" Yes, and that's scary that such an unwieldy vehicle is leading the parade. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:24:10 PDT 2011


RT @WorkSteven: Compared to all tv stations, Facebook would rank 6 on time spent and reach #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:24:12 PDT 2011


Facebook impact would be same as #6 broadcast TV network, size alone makes Facebook different - Jack Wakshlag #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:24:21 PDT 2011

CoffeesCommutes LaurenR29

Using social media: Trust but always verify #hcmmconf

Wed Aug 10 5:24:28 PDT 2011

What could public health do if we had a fraction of the resources that Turner or AT&T have? #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:24:45 PDT 2011


great question: how would a company making up a name - Betty Crocker - fare today? Thanks Rhonda Lowry #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:24:48 PDT 2011


Greg Pharo speaks about social media and market research. Says Facebook is the real deal #HCMMconf
Wed Aug 10 5:25:01 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

aligogreen oleandros

If Facebook was a tv station it would rank as #6. #hcmmconf

Wed Aug 10 5:25:27 PDT 2011

RT @AndrewPWilson: Facebook impact would be same as #6 broadcast TV network, size alone makes Facebook different - Jack Wakshlag #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:25:33 PDT 2011


RT @CoffeesCommutes: Using social media: Trust but always verify #hcmmconf

Wed Aug 10 5:25:42 PDT 2011

KTExchange emanhaly ckrobertson HealthLitMO

Moderator: Does Betty Crocker have a Twitter feed? #hcmmconf

Wed Aug 10 5:25:49 PDT 2011!/BettyCrocker she exists!! #hcmmconf

Wed Aug 10 5:26:24 PDT 2011

#hcmmconf Wakshlag: be careful about what you show and say.

Wed Aug 10 5:26:31 PDT 2011

Good question: Would a made up person like Betty Crocker who responds to the public on behalf of your company work today? #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:26:33 PDT 2011


Its the CDC Natl Conference in Health Comm, Marketing, & Media! RT @MSteinbergPhD: @ampilsner @shanictaylor What does #hcmmconf stand for?
Wed Aug 10 5:26:36 PDT 2011


Facebook is the real deal, iflge Jack Wakshlag i Turner Broadkasting #Hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:26:49 PDT 2011


@KTExchange She does! @Betty Crocker is the official Twitter handle. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:26:51 PDT 2011


RT @Indy_Wellness: Listen for change - engaging with social media is best when we are actually sociable. The art of the dialogue #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:27:15 PDT 2011


@bettycrocker was just mentioned at #hcmmconf as the first social media brand.[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

Wed Aug 10 5:27:20 PDT 2011

mpbeau Healthcommideas

@bettycrocker is on twitter ad has over 45,000 followers #hcmmconf

Wed Aug 10 5:27:23 PDT 2011

Check out social media policy templates and ethics guidelines at #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:27:38 PDT 2011


Be careful about behavior in SM - impacts both company representing & personal equity. Never know who is paying attention #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:27:41 PDT 2011

emanhaly JeriKirschner

I should have mentioned her @bettycrocker #hcmmconf

Wed Aug 10 5:27:43 PDT 2011

Social media is a broadcast medium, but you don't know how many people are watching you. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:27:45 PDT 2011


Social media is a broadcast you just don't know how many people are watching you. #Hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:27:49 PDT 2011


Betty Crockery does have a Twitter feed and 45,496 followers #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:27:54 PDT 2011


RT @AndrewPWilson: Facebook impact would be same as #6 broadcast TV network, size alone makes Facebook different - Jack Wakshlag #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:27:56 PDT 2011


Jack Wakshlag at #hcmmconf - "Trust but verify" (the data) is the cold war's contribution to media trends
Wed Aug 10 5:28:07 PDT 2011


Glad speakers are talking about transparency and immediacy on social platforms. You can't wait. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:28:10 PDT 2011


Clearly this guy doesn't work for three government with a quick turn around responses. #Hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:28:35 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


#hcmmconf Wakshlag: basics have not changed. Determine objectives and know audience. Things are just FAST.
Wed Aug 10 5:28:36 PDT 2011


Communication objectives haven't changed - what's changed is the speed. You can't wait to develop a message or reply to feedback #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:28:40 PDT 2011


The communication objectives haven't changed. What's changed is the speed. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:28:47 PDT 2011


Jack Wakshlag from TBS said that of all sm platforms Facebook is the only "real deal". This perspective seems very old media. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:28:49 PDT 2011


The speed of communication has changed. Can't wait 3 months developing messages -no wonder govt has a hard time with social media #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:29:04 PDT 2011


RT @jaybernhardt: Jack Wakshlag at #hcmmconf - "Trust but verify" (the data) is the cold war's contribution to media trends
Wed Aug 10 5:29:04 PDT 2011


RT @paceandpartners: Social media should be 90% social. The media is the delivery channel.#hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:29:15 PDT 2011


J. Wakshlag says who you are trying influence has not changed, just speed. I disagree to some degree, there are new players #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:29:19 PDT 2011


RT @dlhughes930: Betty Crockery does have a Twitter feed and 45,496 followers #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:29:23 PDT 2011


RT @Healthcommideas: Check out social media policy templates and ethics guidelines at #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:29:24 PDT 2011


What hasn't changed with use of social media? Communications goals. What HAS changes? The speed. Jack Wakshlag #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:29:25 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


If you're going social, be staffed and prepared to engage in a 2-way conversation #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:29:46 PDT 2011

TaWannaBerry AndrewPWilson

Day two of #hcmmconf...let's go!

Wed Aug 10 5:29:51 PDT 2011

J. Wakshlag There worst thing that you can do is have someone try to engage in social media & you have nothing to say back #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:30:48 PDT 2011


Psyched to hear from Turner Broadcast System Chief Research Officer Jack Wakshlag - We gotta be ready for the conversation #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:31:08 PDT 2011


Any tips from speakers on how to increase traffic to Facebook page? #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:31:33 PDT 2011


Word of mouth is still the strongest marketing strategy. Need to protect your brand, be ready to respond. #HCMMconf
Wed Aug 10 5:31:43 PDT 2011


"you don't know how many people are watching you on SM" really? Analytics can estimate reach but don't give much about WHO watches #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:32:03 PDT 2011


RT @HealthJusticeCT: Word of mouth is still the strongest marketing strategy. Need to protect your brand, be ready to respond. #HCMMconf
Wed Aug 10 5:32:26 PDT 2011


RT @AndrewPWilson: J. Wakshlag There worst thing that you can do is have someone try to engage in social media & you have nothing to say back #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:32:34 PDT 2011

ampilsner Energizing before #hcmmconf day nmero dos @fbcafe w/ @shanictaylor @KScherm & K Newton!
Wed Aug 10 5:32:38 PDT 2011


Jack: Be staffed to deal with the interaction required of social media. That piece often overlooked by businesses. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:32:50 PDT 2011


RT @Healthcommideas: If you're going social, be staffed and prepared[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

to engage in a 2-way conversation #hcmmconf

Wed Aug 10 5:32:56 PDT 2011


At Nat Conf on Health Communication, Marketing and Media. Smart phones as mini printing presses. #HCMMCONF
Wed Aug 10 5:33:08 PDT 2011


RT @HealthLitMO: The communication objectives haven't changed. What's changed is the speed. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:33:38 PDT 2011


RT @WorkSteven: Compared to all tv stations, Facebook would rank 6 on time spent and reach #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:34:09 PDT 2011

ctschampl HealthJusticeCT

Word of mouth impacts sales big time! #HCMMCONF

Wed Aug 10 5:34:09 PDT 2011

Morning plenary kicks off with a discussion on the myths and promises of social media. #HCMMconf
Wed Aug 10 5:34:15 PDT 2011


#hcmmconf. Market mixed model. Integrated approach of communications and influence. After evaluation, word of mouth came out on top. Pharo
Wed Aug 10 5:34:18 PDT 2011

DavidNeville7 chiefmaven

#hcmmconf social media is the human web.

Wed Aug 10 5:34:33 PDT 2011

Question the idea that social media does not change our communication objectives or what we ask people to do - old wine approach. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:35:13 PDT 2011

tericascott peepingsusan HealthJusticeCT

RT @DavidNeville7: #hcmmconf social media is the human web.

Wed Aug 10 5:35:37 PDT 2011

What message is most impactful? #hcmmconf

Wed Aug 10 5:35:38 PDT 2011

Lowry asks how do these sales/marketing strategies translates into influencing behavioral change for health advocates #HCMMconf #hachat
Wed Aug 10 5:35:40 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


Moderator: "How does the 'sales' model influence behavior change?" I think it's in the disciplined analysis of results. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:35:48 PDT 2011


@DavidNeville7: #hcmmconf social media is the human web. really like that term as well as social web
Wed Aug 10 5:35:50 PDT 2011


R. Lowry asking what kind of language is most impactful in social media - positive vs. negative #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:35:55 PDT 2011


RT @ckrobertson: #hcmmconf. Market mixed model. Integrated approach of communications and influence. After evaluation, word of mouth cam ...
Wed Aug 10 5:36:00 PDT 2011


RT @HealthLitMO: The communication objectives haven't changed. What's changed is the speed. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:36:02 PDT 2011


RT @HealthLitMO: The communication objectives haven't changed. What's changed is the speed. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:36:09 PDT 2011


#hcmmconf Daniel's question. What messages (what kind) are most impactful?
Wed Aug 10 5:36:36 PDT 2011


RT @chiefmaven: Question the idea that social media does not change our communication objectives or what we ask people to do - old wine approach. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:36:42 PDT 2011


People are more likely to respond to positive messages even though it seems like they're more apt to complain - trust and verify. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:36:55 PDT 2011


The job becomes more difficult for communications prof in the health arena. There's more to it #HCMMconf
Wed Aug 10 5:37:08 PDT 2011


RT @healthhashtags: New Health Hashtag: #hcmmconf Stats+Archive #hcsm

Wed Aug 10 5:37:10 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


Some shy away from "social media"-but it's just the "human web". It's time 2 think about how 2 use it in #healthcare. #hcsm #mhsm #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:37:10 PDT 2011


RT @jaybernhardt: Jack Wakshlag at #hcmmconf - "Trust but verify" (the data) is the cold war's contribution to media trends
Wed Aug 10 5:37:17 PDT 2011


Agree! People are more positive and are looking for value and helpful tips. As marketers we need to create solutions. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:37:44 PDT 2011

tericascott IFICMedia

@dlhughes930 thanks for Betty Crocker info #hcmmconf

Wed Aug 10 5:37:59 PDT 2011

Great point from panel on positive messaging. Our research backs up the point that people #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:38:01 PDT 2011


Wonder if some of insights & impact seen by panel skewed by size of orgs represented. Smaller orgs play differently #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:38:22 PDT 2011


Wakschlag: "For the online space, the metrics are all messed up." Precisely. Is there a solution, a way forward? #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:38:26 PDT 2011


Messaging that is positive and solution oriented will likely be more effective, says Keller. #Hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:38:30 PDT 2011


#hcmmconf. Positive, sharable messages. Measuring impact of messaging is messed up. Jack Wakshlag
Wed Aug 10 5:38:46 PDT 2011


RT @JeriKirschner: People are more likely to respond to positive messages even though it seems like they're more apt to complain - trust and verify. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:38:49 PDT 2011


Flashing speeding signs = feedback loop for changing behavior. Article abt this is this months wired mag. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:38:56 PDT 2011


Lowery refers to social media as the 'human web'.. Do folks think this[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

term is more accurate? #HCMMconf

Wed Aug 10 5:39:05 PDT 2011


RT @JeriKirschner: The biggest game changer in social media is Facebook according to head of research from Turner Broadcasting.#hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:39:30 PDT 2011


10% of conversation going online is important if it represents conversations of 90% offline. Metrics right now are still messy. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:39:30 PDT 2011


RT @AndrewPWilson: Be careful about behavior in SM - impacts both company representing & personal equity... #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:39:32 PDT 2011


Is there an ROI equation based on those that engage vs impression vs viral impact? #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:39:39 PDT 2011


Wakschlag: Only 20% of conversations on Facebook are visible to marketers. #hcmmconf

Wed Aug 10 5:40:06 PDT 2011


Only 20% of conversations on Facebook can be seen and analyzed. Pharo at #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:40:20 PDT 2011


Most conversations happening on Facebook are actually private, between Friends, so its hard to measure what is really going on #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:40:32 PDT 2011


I love health conferences. as soon as someone sneezes, they whip out a bottle of hand sanitizer. go #publichealth! #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:40:32 PDT 2011


RT @KTExchange: Wakschlag: Only 20% of conversations on Facebook are visible to marketers. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:40:44 PDT 2011


@HealthJusticeCT The term 'human web' can be useful esp. for those who shy away from 'social media' and/ or discount it off hand. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:40:44 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


Wakschlag: "Trust is really important." Yeah, tell Facebook that. #hcmmconf

Wed Aug 10 5:40:55 PDT 2011

wendyr13 tericascott

#hcmmconf Trust and expertise--you want both

Wed Aug 10 5:41:10 PDT 2011

Who do you trust? What defines a credible source? Where do you go for advice? #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:41:11 PDT 2011


RT @nationalcouncil: Some shy away from "social media"-but it's just the "human web". It's time 2 think about how 2 use it in #healthcare. #hcsm #mhsm #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:41:27 PDT 2011


#hcmmconf Is there ever a time successful campaigns operate outside the mrktng mix model. Correlating an act to one execution is misguided.
Wed Aug 10 5:41:34 PDT 2011


RT @KTExchange: Wakschlag: Only 20% of conversations on Facebook are visible to marketers. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:41:34 PDT 2011


Trust in media is important. Do people trust authority or people, asks Lowery. The answer is both, answers Pharo. [crowd laughs] #HCMMconf
Wed Aug 10 5:41:51 PDT 2011


Speak positive - encourage health and happiness! We can do great things with our online communities. Be well :) #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:42:05 PDT 2011


RT @KTExchange: Wakschlag: Only 20% of conversations on Facebook are visible to marketers. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:42:30 PDT 2011


RT @oleandros: Showed profile of Maj Jeff Hall's journey watch the whole story at #hcmmconf @realwarriors
Wed Aug 10 5:42:36 PDT 2011


But what about those that don't participate in social media? Are they not human? #HCMMCONF
Wed Aug 10 5:42:40 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


#hcmmconf. Trust is really important. Expertise dimension + the dimension of people we trust. A combination of both is the ideal. Wakshlag
Wed Aug 10 5:42:44 PDT 2011


@epsandler what about ppl like @its_Keith_Stone from Keystone beer? #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:43:16 PDT 2011


RT @KTExchange: Wakschlag: Only 20% of conversations on Facebook are visible to marketers. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:43:44 PDT 2011


There are a small number of people who seek and aggregate information & others seek those out because we don't have time. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:43:45 PDT 2011


Two step flow of comm: influentials capture new information and then disseminate to others around them. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:44:05 PDT 2011


Indeed! RT @HealthJusticeCT The job becomes more difficult for communications prof in the health arena. There's more to it #HCMMconf
Wed Aug 10 5:44:08 PDT 2011


30 mins into social media panel "influentials" finally mentioned. IMO this is the big enchilada that needs more info #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:44:12 PDT 2011

KTExchange chiefmaven

Keller: Most of us draft onto the backs of "influentials." #hcmmconf

Wed Aug 10 5:44:13 PDT 2011

Unfortunately the two-step flow model is not how it works in social media (as much as some people wish it were so). #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:44:20 PDT 2011


RT @RobinPregnancy: @epsandler That's Smooth Keith Stone! what about ppl like @its_Keith_Stone from Keystone beer? #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:44:33 PDT 2011


Key Influencers are people u trust and what they know/expert at (tho in US they might not know much!). Pharo at #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:44:39 PDT 2011


@Indy_Wellness: Speak positive - encourage health and happiness! We can do great things with our online communities. Be well :) #hcmmconf[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

Wed Aug 10 5:45:05 PDT 2011


There are a small number of people who go and gather info and the rest are drafting behind. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:45:16 PDT 2011


"This is America!" #hcmmconf interesting as I am Canadian. Q: What are the global implications of American soc med messages & vice versa?
Wed Aug 10 5:45:21 PDT 2011

tericascott RobinPregnancy

About 50000 people contribute most content on twitter #hcmmconf

Wed Aug 10 5:45:29 PDT 2011

yes! @AndrewPWilson: J. Wakshlag worst thing you can do is have someone try to engage in social media & you have nothing to say #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:45:30 PDT 2011


Communications / media hasn't changed too much overtime. What has changed is the speed, with social media, says Wakshlag. #HCMMconf
Wed Aug 10 5:45:48 PDT 2011


RT @nationalcouncil: Some shy away from "social media"-but it's just the "human web". It's time 2 think about how 2 use it in #healthcare. #hcsm #mhsm #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:46:07 PDT 2011


RT @tericascott: About 50000 people contribute most content on twitter #hcmmconf

Wed Aug 10 5:46:31 PDT 2011


Most of us look to influencers who have aggregated their research when we look for trusted information.#hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:46:32 PDT 2011


6 percent of those on #twitter produce 80 percent of the content. True? #hcmmconf

Wed Aug 10 5:46:41 PDT 2011


Wakschlag: You gotta give the influentials something to talk about. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:46:45 PDT 2011


Trust in media is important. Do people trust authority or people, asks Lowery. The answer is both, answers Wakshlag [crowd laughs] #HCMMconf
Wed Aug 10 5:46:54 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


RT @tericascott: About 50000 people contribute most content on twitter #hcmmconf

Wed Aug 10 5:47:03 PDT 2011


Ed Keller: 2-step flow-we communicate to the influentials, others draft their knowledge from those influentials they trust #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:47:15 PDT 2011


We need an on-stage Twitter feed so those not on Twitter can follow the interesting debate stirred up by social media panel #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:47:19 PDT 2011


#hcmmconf you've got to give them something to talk about. Thanks Bonnie Raitt.
Wed Aug 10 5:47:24 PDT 2011


Turners' Wakschlag: best campaigns give people something to talk about and become social currency #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:47:26 PDT 2011

PaceAndPartners wendyr13 HCAnnaTE

6% of people create all of the content on Twitter.#hcmmconf

Wed Aug 10 5:47:36 PDT 2011

#hcmmconf Give people something to talk about!

Wed Aug 10 5:47:38 PDT 2011

These SM stats don't surprise me. I think bringing them to light brings attn to the conf that SM is only apart of the mix #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:47:57 PDT 2011


Social media doesn't drive anything. People drive and use social media. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:48:03 PDT 2011


#hcmmconf Social currency. Give them something to talk about. Also use sm to invite ppl to do something. Wakshlag
Wed Aug 10 5:48:04 PDT 2011


Wakschlag: Social media doesn't drive anything. People use social media to drive their purposes. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:48:04 PDT 2011


Good point @AndrewPWilson: Wonder if some of insights & impact seen[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

by panel skewed by size of orgs represented. #hcmmconf

Wed Aug 10 5:48:13 PDT 2011


RT @CHI_Sandra: We need an on-stage Twitter feed so those not on Twitter can follow the interesting debate stirred up by social media panel #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:48:31 PDT 2011


Social media doesn't drive anything, it's people and their messages that do. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:48:34 PDT 2011


RT @CHI_Sandra: We need an on-stage Twitter feed so those not on Twitter can follow the interesting debate stirred up by social media panel #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:48:59 PDT 2011


@bonnieraitt ...let's give them something to talk about... #hcmmconf is talking about functional information.
Wed Aug 10 5:49:05 PDT 2011


Defining your social currency is one of the biggest challenges. Can be used both through traditional as well as online media. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:49:12 PDT 2011


Defining your social currency is one of the biggest challenges. Can be used both through traditional as well as online media. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:49:12 PDT 2011


Social proof= seeing others engage in the behavior encourages you to do the same #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:49:21 PDT 2011


RT @KTExchange: Wakshlag: Social media doesn't drive anything. People use social media to drive their purposes. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:49:24 PDT 2011


What drives social currency? People do. A [large] group of people who CHOSES to participate #HCMMconf
Wed Aug 10 5:49:26 PDT 2011


@CHI_Sandra Good conversations going on but disagree about Twitterfall - find them way too distracting #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:49:44 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


in order for behavior change to work, people need to see that it does #uphillbattle #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:49:52 PDT 2011


RT @ilathrop: in order for behavior change to work, people need to see that it does #uphillbattle #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:50:41 PDT 2011


Love this! @DavidNeville7 #hcmmconf you've got to give them something to talk about. Thanks Bonnie Raitt.
Wed Aug 10 5:50:45 PDT 2011


Announcing our 1st flip cam winner: Dale Ogunbayo of @healthtvafrica! Visit our booth and enter to win today's flip cam give-away. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:51:00 PDT 2011


Surprised it's that many. @tericascott: About 50000 people contribute most content on twitter #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:51:12 PDT 2011


RT @JeriKirschner: Social media doesn't drive anything, it's people and their messages that do. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:51:22 PDT 2011


RT @nationalcouncil: Some shy away from "social media"-but it's just the "human web". It's time 2 think about how 2 use it in #healthcare. #hcsm #mhsm #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:51:23 PDT 2011

jamierauscher HealthJusticeCT

User generated content is good feedback mechanism #hcmmconf

Wed Aug 10 5:51:33 PDT 2011

Social media does NOT drive people. People USE social media to ____. There's a distinct difference, says Wakshlag #HCMMconf
Wed Aug 10 5:51:45 PDT 2011

KTExchange AndrewPWilson

Keller: It's important to think about "both/and" not "either/or." #hcmmconf

Wed Aug 10 5:51:45 PDT 2011

@jaybernhardt Agree seen influentials rise in certain areas out of nowhere to the degree now publishing on mainstream media #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:52:02 PDT 2011


#hcmmconf observation from Keller. SM, PR, traditional media, must operate together. Not either-or.
Wed Aug 10 5:52:20 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


J Wakshlag says if 10% of discussions are online and 90% off, analyzing the 10% helps if it represents the whole. But does it? #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:52:29 PDT 2011


agree w/Ed Keller: lots of touchpoints, social media is just one - don't throw out what we've done before that's worked #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:53:11 PDT 2011


It's also a face for your data. @jamierauscher: User generated content is good feedback mechanism #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:53:20 PDT 2011


RT @AndrewPWilson: @jaybernhardt Agree seen influentials rise in certain areas out of nowhere to the degree now publishing on mainstream media #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:53:31 PDT 2011


Wakschlag: Make sure you understand the balance between the various avenues. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:53:45 PDT 2011


RT @epsandler: agree w/Ed Keller: lots of touchpoints, social media is just one - don't throw out what we've done before that's worked #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:53:49 PDT 2011


Social media has to be integrated into your marketing plans. Don't throw out those traditional methods that work.#hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:55:05 PDT 2011


RT @KTExchange: Keller: It's important to think about "both/and" not "either/or." #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:55:11 PDT 2011


RT @HealthJusticeCT: Social media does NOT drive people. People USE social media to ____. There's a distinct difference, says Wakshlag #HCMMconf
Wed Aug 10 5:55:24 PDT 2011


Not surprising, what people are watching on TV is often a main driver of conversations online. Need to have an integrated approach #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:55:34 PDT 2011


Wakschlag: One of the major influencers of online discourse is what people are watching on television. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:55:35 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


RT @PaceAndPartners: Social media has to be integrated into your marketing plans. Don't throw out those traditional methods that work.#hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:55:59 PDT 2011


RT @oleandros: Not surprising, what people are watching on TV is often a main driver of conversations online. Need to have an integrated approach #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:56:06 PDT 2011


RT @mpbeau: RT @KTExchange: Keller: It's important to think about "both/and" not "either/or." #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:56:07 PDT 2011


@RobinPregnancy pay attention to people like @jaybernhardt & @chiefmaven - asking some intelligent questions about panel #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:56:09 PDT 2011


"WOM is the most powerful driver to sales for AT&T" Greg Pharos #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:56:21 PDT 2011


RT @oleandros: Not surprising, what people are watching on TV is often a main driver of conversations online. Need to have an integrated approach #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:56:22 PDT 2011


Give people lots of touchpoints with your org by integrating your social media efforts #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:56:48 PDT 2011


RT @PaceAndPartners: Social media has to be integrated into your marketing plans. Don't throw out traditional methods that work.#hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:57:03 PDT 2011


This is the point, larger orgs and those with established brands have different scale of resources to drive conversations #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:57:33 PDT 2011


RT @Healthcommideas: Give people lots of touchpoints with your org by integrating your social media efforts #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:57:38 PDT 2011

What do panelists think about the use of social media in health care[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


given issues like patient privacy and regulatory oversight? #hcmmconf

Wed Aug 10 5:57:55 PDT 2011


Anyone else having intermittent connection issues. No not with the panel conversation but with the Wifi from phone. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:57:55 PDT 2011


RT @kathyschlecht: RT @mpbeau: RT @KTExchange: Keller: It's important to think about "both/and" not "either/or." #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:58:11 PDT 2011


Great point: take advantage of student expertise at local universities #hcmmconf

Wed Aug 10 5:58:36 PDT 2011


Influentials are a distraction from understanding who are the "influenced" and what can we learn from them. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:58:50 PDT 2011


Social media doesn't happen without people. People make it social.#hcmmconf

Wed Aug 10 5:58:50 PDT 2011


So many orgs lose the fact that it's a conversation, two way flow, NOT just a place to spew their info. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:58:54 PDT 2011


Follow up to 1st question asked, influencers can develop overnight ~> how do you plan for this? #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:59:07 PDT 2011


Wakschlag: This generation of students cares about what's happening. Maybe 20 years from now, they won't. Right now, they do #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 5:59:14 PDT 2011


Interested in free PSA distribution? Enter to win a one week PSN InStore campaign by dropping your business card at registration #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:00:08 PDT 2011


9:30 am today, Int'l Ballroom: Catch Bonnie Bloodgoods poster presentation on #HIV vaccines & Shelly Heath-Watsons on eye health #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:00:11 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


PSN is a national media pipeline created exclusively for government agencies and nonprofit organizations #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:00:20 PDT 2011


How many, how often, how long = social media metrics BUT for health comm, also need to know impact! #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:00:25 PDT 2011

penrise KTExchange

Social media metrics are a mess! Whats the way forward? #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:00:31 PDT 2011

Wakschlag: Time spent, not page views. Page views is a Gutenberg measure. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:00:45 PDT 2011


Make intelligent comparisons across all forms of media by measuring reach, frequency, and time spent on the channel. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:00:54 PDT 2011


Reach, frequency, time spent: need these three metrics to compare social media to traditional media #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:00:54 PDT 2011


RT @KTExchange: Wakschlag: This generation of students cares about what's happening. Maybe 20 years from now, they won't. Right now, they do #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:00:54 PDT 2011


#hcmmconf SM Promises, Myths & Mysteries. Wakshlag talking about the mystery of metrics. Yes, you can measure time spent,
Wed Aug 10 6:01:06 PDT 2011


RT @KTExchange: Wakschlag: Time spent, not page views. Page views is a Gutenberg measure. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:01:15 PDT 2011


J Wakshlag - Reach & Time spent are key metrics. Page views are the Gutenberg approach :) #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:01:16 PDT 2011


Today it's about reach (how many do it) and time spent #hcmmconf Turner guy who's name I can't spell
Wed Aug 10 6:01:24 PDT 2011


RT @jaybernhardt: How many, how often, how long = social media metrics BUT for health comm, also need to know impact! #hcmmconf[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

Wed Aug 10 6:01:40 PDT 2011

MUHCRC HealthJusticeCT

Jack: Page views is a Gutenberg measure #hcmmconf

Wed Aug 10 6:01:46 PDT 2011

Reach, frequency and time spent are the top things to measures in communications, says Wakshlag #HCMMconf
Wed Aug 10 6:02:00 PDT 2011


Curious about social media? Stop by our booth at 10am. @socialbttrfly will be on hand to answer your questions. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:02:01 PDT 2011


RT @AndrewPWilson: J Wakshlag - Reach & Time spent are key metrics. Page views are the Gutenberg approach :) #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:02:11 PDT 2011


#hcmmconf Metrics to use across platforms: 1) reach, 2) frequency, & 3) time spent plus memorable
Wed Aug 10 6:02:13 PDT 2011


RT @jamierauscher: Reach, frequency, time spent: need these three metrics to compare social media to traditional media #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:02:28 PDT 2011


Monitoring sentiment of messages being sent allows ability to measure impact #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:02:57 PDT 2011


The hard part of social media metrics isn't the numbers, it's tying them to behavior change. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:02:57 PDT 2011

PaceAndPartners elanghans

Page views is a Gutenberg measure.#hcmmconf

Wed Aug 10 6:02:59 PDT 2011

RT @jaybernhardt: How many, how often, how long = social media metrics BUT for health comm, also need to know impact! #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:03:04 PDT 2011

KristinK1356 ckrobertson

#HCMMconf wow the AC is really kicking today!

Wed Aug 10 6:03:05 PDT 2011

RT @wendyr13: #hcmmconf Metrics to use across platforms: 1) reach, 2) frequency, & 3) time spent plus memorable[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

Wed Aug 10 6:03:08 PDT 2011


Pharo adds that quality and sentiment are also important to measurement #HCMMconf
Wed Aug 10 6:03:12 PDT 2011

RobinPregnancy KTExchange

Time spent is hard to quantify on twitter and Facebook. #hcmmconf

Wed Aug 10 6:03:45 PDT 2011

RT @Nedra: The hard part of social media metrics isn't the numbers, it's tying them to behavior change. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:04:11 PDT 2011


We must remember we are in the field of Hlth comm. w/in our comm mix we have 2 think abt other points like policy, access, #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:04:12 PDT 2011


Social media too frequently just a cyber brochure in #publichealth. What about about engagement? #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:04:20 PDT 2011


RT @Nedra: The hard part of social media metrics isn't the numbers, it's tying them to behavior change. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:04:28 PDT 2011


RT @KTExchange: RT @Nedra: The hard part of social media metrics isnt the numbers, its tying them to behavior change. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:05:07 PDT 2011


great question @sm1guru! How can we move beyond the digital brochure as our new media transition in public health? #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:05:13 PDT 2011

KTExchange oleandros

Keller: Listening before you talk is critical. #hcmmconf

Wed Aug 10 6:05:35 PDT 2011

Keep the conversation going, show examples of people who successfully made the change #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:05:37 PDT 2011

ckrobertson judyfortin

#hcmmconf Ed Keller: listen before you talk.

Wed Aug 10 6:05:56 PDT 2011

Expert panel at #hcmmconf conference advises social media users to listen before you talk and then give them something to talk about.[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

Wed Aug 10 6:06:02 PDT 2011


Good comment from the audience, says gov't / #publichealth depts are using #socialmedia as a 'cyber brochure.' #HCMMconf
Wed Aug 10 6:06:37 PDT 2011


RT @judyfortin: Expert panel at #hcmmconf conference advises social media users to listen before you talk and then give them something t ...
Wed Aug 10 6:06:41 PDT 2011


RT @AndrewPWilson: J Wakshlag - Reach & Time spent are key metrics. Page views are the Gutenberg approach :) #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:06:47 PDT 2011

lostonroute66 AndrewPWilson

@AndrewPWilson thx for the tweets from #hcmmconf. Good stuff.

Wed Aug 10 6:07:10 PDT 2011

Great to hear @bjfogg reference & Persuasive Technology Lab - check out the annual mtg #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:07:17 PDT 2011

creativeDIVAnt RobinPregnancy

"Small seeds sprout big trees." #hcmmconf

Wed Aug 10 6:07:21 PDT 2011

Listening before you join the conversation is how you learn the online culture, it can prevent you from looking foolish. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:07:45 PDT 2011


#hcmmconf Google search is way to understand audience. What are they searching for? From Wakshlag
Wed Aug 10 6:07:56 PDT 2011


Agree! Google search is often a forgotten and free tool that can tell you what people ate looking for. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:07:59 PDT 2011


RT @JeriKirschner: Social media doesn't drive anything, it's people and their messages that do. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:08:11 PDT 2011


Seems like what our panelists are saying is that behavioral change and commercial goals don't necc. need diff tactics on SM #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:08:16 PDT 2011


If you like the social media panel at #hcmmconf you will LOVE #dhcx to[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

build on this great discussion

Wed Aug 10 6:08:43 PDT 2011


another great question from Susan Robinson @ the CDC: how do we overcome our digital divide in public health and pick up the pace? #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:08:47 PDT 2011


@RobinPregnancy Absolutely! Listening must be a part of any social media strategy, and a first step #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:09:00 PDT 2011


Reverse mentoring program can be a great way to deal with the internal organizational #digitaldivide #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:09:25 PDT 2011


How can you change the suicidal mind to keep people alive through social media? Its not like selling a product or TV program.#hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:09:28 PDT 2011


Reverse mentoring program implemented in at Turner aims to decrease the digital divide among public health professionals #HCMMconf
Wed Aug 10 6:09:31 PDT 2011


to overcome digital divide, tap into millennials who work for you #digitalnatives #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:09:46 PDT 2011


RT @Nedra: The hard part of social media metrics isn't the numbers, it's tying them to behavior change. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:10:08 PDT 2011


RT @ckrobertson: #hcmmconf Google search is way to understand audience. What are they searching for? From Wakshlag
Wed Aug 10 6:10:20 PDT 2011


Beware of calling everyone under 30 a "millenial" - there is no category to encompass all people in one age. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:10:23 PDT 2011


Utilize Millenials who work for you to capture their native digital experiences & skills to expand your social presence #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:10:44 PDT 2011


@Nedra Agreed, that's the hard part for any health[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

communications/marketing campaigns in MOST forms of media. #hcmmconf

Wed Aug 10 6:10:55 PDT 2011


RT @epsandler: another great question from Susan Robinson @ the CDC: how do we overcome our digital divide in public health and pick up the pace? #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:11:13 PDT 2011


Day 2 #hcmmconf : Social Media Promises, Myths & Mysteries - It's still the "early days". Plenty of time to make an impact.
Wed Aug 10 6:11:13 PDT 2011


Don't assume Millennials can solve your problems. I've certainly seen plenty of young Neo-Luddites around! #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:11:42 PDT 2011


RT @peepingsusan: Social proof= seeing others engage in the behavior encourages you to do the same #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:12:00 PDT 2011


RT @Nedra: The hard part of social media metrics isn't the numbers, it's tying them to behavior change. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:12:04 PDT 2011


#HCMMconf come stop by the ORISE exhibit today and say hi! We have some good swag! ;) I'll be there this afternoon!
Wed Aug 10 6:12:12 PDT 2011


RT @jaybernhardt: If you like the social media panel at #hcmmconf you will LOVE #dhcx to build on this great discussion
Wed Aug 10 6:12:15 PDT 2011


RT @AndrewPWilson: Social media too frequently just a cyber brochure in #publichealth. What about about engagement? #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:12:16 PDT 2011


Vicariously following #hcmmconf tweets from this morning's social media plenary.
Wed Aug 10 6:12:18 PDT 2011


Do not assume that it's too late to learn abt social media. Even the largest companies r just getting their feet wet, says Keller #HCMMconf
Wed Aug 10 6:12:21 PDT 2011

@jaybernhardt Talking about the divide... we should discuss the[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


increasing importance of digital literacy, perhaps at #dhcx. #hcmmconf

Wed Aug 10 6:12:25 PDT 2011


Digital divide is only a state of mind. Don't dwell just get into it. #HCMMCONF
Wed Aug 10 6:12:34 PDT 2011

DavidNeville7 nimblees

#hcmmconf when the facts change, I change my mind.

Wed Aug 10 6:12:38 PDT 2011

RT @oleandros: Don't assume Millennials can solve your problems. I've certainly seen plenty of young Neo-Luddites around! #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:12:53 PDT 2011


#hcmmconf How do we deal with information that is disseminated then found to be wrong. Good ? That panel cannot address
Wed Aug 10 6:12:57 PDT 2011


RT @causemarketer: Digital divide is only a state of mind. Don't dwell just get into it. #HCMMCONF
Wed Aug 10 6:13:41 PDT 2011


RT @ckrobertson: #hcmmconf How do we deal with information that is disseminated then found to be wrong. Good ? That panel cannot address
Wed Aug 10 6:13:43 PDT 2011


Important to note, social media and social marketing are not the same thing. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:13:49 PDT 2011


RT @ckrobertson: #hcmmconf How do we deal with information that is disseminated then found to be wrong. Good ? That panel cannot address
Wed Aug 10 6:13:49 PDT 2011


MT @peepingsusan: Utilize Millenials to capture their native digital experiences & skills to expand your social presence #Hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:14:00 PDT 2011


Appreciate ppl who just ask a question...not bring their agendas to the mic. Jack: When the facts change, I change my mind. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:14:06 PDT 2011


RT @jaybernhardt: Hey #hcmmconf Visit Florida this Feb 15-17 for the[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

Digital Health Communication Extravaganza! #dhcx See

Wed Aug 10 6:14:12 PDT 2011


Let's communicate! #hcmmconf @cdcgov @cugirl481 (@ HartsfieldJackson Atlanta International Airport (ATL))
Wed Aug 10 6:14:17 PDT 2011


RT @epsandler: great question @sm1guru! How can we move beyond the digital brochure as our new media transition in public health? #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:14:26 PDT 2011


Agreed "@HCAnnaTE: The conference is very social media heavy. Need more conversion abt all communications, health comm princip.. #Hcmmconf"
Wed Aug 10 6:14:27 PDT 2011


RT @HealthJusticeCT: Don't assume its 2 late to learn abt social media. Even the largest companies r just getting their feet wet. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:14:39 PDT 2011


RT @StacyShelp: Important to note, social media and social marketing are not the same thing. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:14:42 PDT 2011


@SocialBttrfly great suggestion for topic #dhcx on digital literacy. any other suggestions out there? #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:14:50 PDT 2011


A caution on using interns to do your social media: remember they will be the face of your org online. Make sure they are ready. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:14:58 PDT 2011


Social media presence important if learning from listening or connecting with audience. Don't use only bc it's a shiny new toy. #HCMMCONF
Wed Aug 10 6:15:06 PDT 2011


RT @StacyShelp: Important to note, social media and social marketing are not the same thing. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:16:02 PDT 2011


Reverse mentoring program implemented at Turner aims to decrease the digital divide among public health professionals #HCMMconf
Wed Aug 10 6:16:07 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


RT @AndrewPWilson: Reverse mentoring program can be a great way to deal with the internal organizational #digitaldivide #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:16:18 PDT 2011


RT @erinbhart: Social media presence important if learning from listening or connecting with audience. Don't use only bc it's a shiny new toy. #HCMMCONF
Wed Aug 10 6:16:26 PDT 2011


RT @Nedra: A caution on using interns to do your social media: remember they will be the face of your org online. Make sure they are ready. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:16:36 PDT 2011


Another question - how can orgs work together e.g. how can federal, state, local link efforts to leverage resources? #hcmmconf #gov20
Wed Aug 10 6:16:40 PDT 2011


RT @Nedra: A caution on using interns to do your social media: remember they will be the face of your org online. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:16:41 PDT 2011


RT @oleandros: Don't assume Millennials can solve your problems. I've certainly seen plenty of young Neo-Luddites around! #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:17:09 PDT 2011


#hcmmconf big issue is investment. Building a truly mass audience without $$$ is still tough in SM, however "free" platforms are.
Wed Aug 10 6:17:11 PDT 2011


RT @jaybernhardt: If you like the social media panel at #hcmmconf you will LOVE #dhcx to build on this great discussion
Wed Aug 10 6:17:20 PDT 2011


RT @wendyr13: #hcmmconf Metrics to use across platforms: 1) reach, 2) frequency, & 3) time spent plus memorable
Wed Aug 10 6:17:31 PDT 2011


@LuceStephen @HCAnnaTE - The conference was SM heavy last year too. That is one of the reasons I passed this year. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:17:47 PDT 2011

ilathrop peepingsusan

not testing ideas automatically leads to failure #learning #hcmmconf

Wed Aug 10 6:17:58 PDT 2011

@jaybernhardt Health narratives in the digital world? Best practices[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

and/or successes #dhcx #hcmmconf

Wed Aug 10 6:17:59 PDT 2011


Is trying new ideas and failing ok for your org? #hcmmconf if new ideas are never tried we won't succeed -jack from Turner
Wed Aug 10 6:17:59 PDT 2011


Key--> MT @AndrewPWilson: How can orgs work together e.g. how can federal, state, local link efforts to leverage resources? #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:18:03 PDT 2011


How to change management perspective ~> start small and pitch ideas as pilots where it is OK fail & pull back #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:18:04 PDT 2011


#hcmmconf Take advantage of large co budgets & knowledge-apply what they discover to our needs. We're all trying to change behavior.
Wed Aug 10 6:18:22 PDT 2011


RT @nimblees: #hcmmconf big issue is investment. Building a truly mass audience without $$$ is still tough in SM, however "free" platfor ...
Wed Aug 10 6:18:33 PDT 2011


RT @erinbhart: Social media presence important if learning from listening or connecting with audience. Don't use only bc it's a shiny new toy. #HCMMCONF
Wed Aug 10 6:18:39 PDT 2011


RT @CauseMarketer: Digital divide is only a state of mind. Don't dwell just get into it. #HCMMCONF
Wed Aug 10 6:18:47 PDT 2011


My pet peeve! Thank you. RT @Nedra: RT @StacyShelp: Important to note, social media & social marketing are not the same thing. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:18:52 PDT 2011


still thinking about this statement from Wakshlag: "When the facts change, I change my mind." #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:18:59 PDT 2011


Looks like the digital divide is a theme. How many folks here see resistance among their public health colleagues? #HCMMconf
Wed Aug 10 6:19:39 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


RT @penneysage: Beware of calling everyone under 30 a "millenial" there is no category to encompass all people in one age. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:19:57 PDT 2011


If your org wants to use SM, they need to provide flexibility, no point if needs levels of approvals. Common govt problem!! #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:20:54 PDT 2011


Let's not do social media just to do it. Let's do it when it makes sense. Apply engagement with a purpose. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:20:54 PDT 2011


@creativeDIVAnt Absolutely right! Many forget what they already know about evaluation when it comes to social media. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:21:06 PDT 2011


Simple Genius: A Cigarette Box So Ugly, It Could Save Lives #hcmmconf [cc @FDATobacco @SmokefreeWomen @SmokefreeGov]
Wed Aug 10 6:21:09 PDT 2011


RT @AndrewPWilson: Social media too frequently just a cyber brochure in #publichealth. What about about engagement? #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:21:22 PDT 2011

CauseMarketer caitdouglas

@mpbeau failure so important to get to great #HCMMCONF

Wed Aug 10 6:21:24 PDT 2011

RT @Nedra: The hard part of social media metrics isn't the numbers, it's tying them to behavior change. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:21:31 PDT 2011


RT @jaybernhardt Hey #hcmmconf Visit Florida this Feb 15-17 for Digital Health Communication Extravaganza! #dhcx #hcsm
Wed Aug 10 6:21:32 PDT 2011


If your org requires prior approval for every message, then #socialmedia is probably not the best tool to use, says Keller #HCMMconf
Wed Aug 10 6:21:46 PDT 2011


RT @SocialBttrfly: Let's not do social media just to do it. Let's do it when it makes sense. Apply engagement with a purpose. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:21:46 PDT 2011


RT @ilathrop: not testing ideas automatically leads to failure #learning #hcmmconf[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

Wed Aug 10 6:21:54 PDT 2011


RT @AndrewPWilson: How to change management perspective ~> start small and pitch ideas as pilots where it is OK fail & pull back #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:21:56 PDT 2011


really liking Wakshlag challenging my cautious sensibilities - why don't we try a couple of things and see what happens?! #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:22:14 PDT 2011


RT @LuceStephen: conf is SM heavy. Need more conversation abt all comm, health comm princip. Is SM so big we can't look at ideas? #Hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:22:37 PDT 2011

DavidNeville7 CauseMarketer

#hcmmconf "Don't force me to choose until I know what the answer is."
Wed Aug 10 6:22:42 PDT 2011

RT @HealthJusticeCT: If your org requires prior approval for every message, then #socialmedia is probably not the best tool to use, says Keller #HCMMconf
Wed Aug 10 6:23:02 PDT 2011


Great point from ATT about problems w/ fractured social media presence - something gov needs to come to grips with #gov20 #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:23:21 PDT 2011


@ckrobertson the panelists are smart - but there ARE experts in social media behavioral marketing. Why aren't they here? #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:23:30 PDT 2011


RT @epsandler: really liking Wakshlag challenging my cautious sensibilities - why don't we try a couple of things and see what happens? ! #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:23:42 PDT 2011


Conversational plenary presentations always more interesting than speeches. ALWAYS! Nice job #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:25:02 PDT 2011


Social media policies, guidelines and staff trainings are key to helping your org go social #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:25:49 PDT 2011


Social media can be done quickly and correctly. #hcmmconf

Wed Aug 10 6:26:54 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


Betting this session will be packed... Mobile: The Next Frontier, moderated by @chosplace. #gaming #mhealth #hcmmconf (Grand Ballroom D/E)
Wed Aug 10 6:27:01 PDT 2011


RT @HealthJusticeCT: If your org requires prior approval for every message, then #socialmedia is probably not the best tool to use, says Keller #HCMMconf
Wed Aug 10 6:27:11 PDT 2011


RT @SocialBttrfly: Let's not do social media just to do it. Let's do it when it makes sense. Apply engagement with a purpose. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:27:43 PDT 2011


@penneysage Ugh they are apparently throwing that term around like crazy there. This ageism in public health has to stop. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:32:25 PDT 2011


RT @samhsagov: Behavioral Health @ National Conference on Health Communications, Marketing and Media #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:36:31 PDT 2011


RT @jaybernhardt: If you like the social media panel at #hcmmconf you will LOVE #dhcx to build on this great discussion
Wed Aug 10 6:37:13 PDT 2011


Kudos to rhonda lowry for her humor and ease in moderating. even if she dismissed the session before i got to ask a question #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:37:21 PDT 2011


RT @penneysage: Kudos to rhonda lowry for her humor and ease in moderating. even if she dismissed the session before i got to ask a question #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:39:29 PDT 2011


Timely q, @AndrewPWilson! Find willing mgrs and start communicating, I guess. Sounds so simple, we should all start NOW! #hcmmconf #gov20
Wed Aug 10 6:39:41 PDT 2011


NC mentored other state obesity programs on communications and marketing with a measurable impact. #Hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:39:57 PDT 2011


Stop by the @ICFhealth booth at #hcmmconf and drop your business card for a chance to win a FitBit!
Wed Aug 10 6:41:07 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


FINALLY found out the PW to get on-line at #HCMMconf ! Duh...need more java!
Wed Aug 10 6:41:26 PDT 2011


What's your approach to social media? Stop by our booth at 10am. @socialbttrfly will be on hand to take your questions! #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:42:01 PDT 2011


RT @AndrewPWilson: Social media too frequently just a cyber brochure in #publichealth. What about about engagement? #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:44:21 PDT 2011


Thx 4 sharing! RT @DOUGweinbrenner: Simple Genius: A Cigarette Box So Ugly, It Could Save Lives - #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:44:27 PDT 2011


RT @RobinPregnancy: Listening before you join the conversation is how you learn the online culture, it can prevent you from looking foolish. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:44:31 PDT 2011


RT @nationalcouncil: Some shy away from "social media"-but it's just the "human web". It's time 2 think about how 2 use it in #healthcare. #hcsm #mhsm #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:44:37 PDT 2011


RT @HealthLitMO: The communication objectives haven't changed. What's changed is the speed. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:44:45 PDT 2011


be sure to see the D-up poster at #hcmmconf in the middle row! it's fantastic! and Zena can tell you all about it.
Wed Aug 10 6:46:00 PDT 2011


RT @RobinPregnancy: So many orgs lose the fact that it's a conversation, two way flow, NOT just a place to spew their info. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:46:02 PDT 2011


@penneysage I'm so sorry! I need to work on my time management skills. #hcmmconf

Wed Aug 10 6:46:30 PDT 2011


RT @ShereeVodickaRD: NC mentored other state obesity programs on communications and marketing with a measurable impact. #Hcmmconf http:/ ...[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

Wed Aug 10 6:46:43 PDT 2011


@ampilsner @shanictaylor Any talk of Google+ at #hcmmconf? So much potential for real public health discussions.
Wed Aug 10 6:47:02 PDT 2011


Does Behavioral Health Have a Place in New Media? We think it does, check out the panel today 4-5:30 PM in Grand Ballroom D/E #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:49:24 PDT 2011

CUgirl481 GraceMcDunnough

@tedeytan sounds good, call me when you are settled. #hcmmconf

Wed Aug 10 6:49:37 PDT 2011

Had a great time moderating the plenary at #hcmmconf today - even if it was at o'dark AM ;-) Thanks for the great questions and discussion!
Wed Aug 10 6:49:46 PDT 2011


Nope unfortunately not! RT @MSteinbergPhD: @ampilsner Any talk of Google+ at #hcmmconf? So much potential 4 real public health discussions.
Wed Aug 10 6:49:53 PDT 2011


YES! RT @jaybernhardt: How many, how often, how long = social media metrics BUT for health comm, also need to know impact! #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:53:48 PDT 2011


RT @AndrewPWilson: This is the point, larger orgs and those with established brands have different scale of resources to drive conversations #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:54:45 PDT 2011


RT @SocialBttrfly: Let's not do social media just to do it. Let's do it when it makes sense. Apply engagement with a purpose. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 6:56:27 PDT 2011


Happening now: Cornelius Baker from @fhi360 is presenting his poster on the Be the Generation project. Stop by and say hi! #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 7:00:48 PDT 2011


RT @WorkSteven: Does Behavioral Health Have a Place in New Media? We think it does, check out the panel today 4-5:30 PM in Grand Ballroom D/E #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 7:02:16 PDT 2011


RT @StacyShelp: Important to note, social media and social marketing are not the same thing. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 7:02:17 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


RT @WorkSteven: The speed of communication has changed. Can't wait 3 months developing messages -no wonder govt has a hard time with social media #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 7:04:13 PDT 2011


RT @jamierauscher: People have always been social. Social media is enabler of social behavior not a driver of it #hcmmconf #hcsm
Wed Aug 10 7:05:53 PDT 2011


RT @SocialBttrfly: Let's not do social media just to do it. Let's do it when it makes sense. Apply engagement with a purpose. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 7:06:24 PDT 2011

RobinPregnancy MediaForcePR

The throngs enjoying poster sessions at #hcmmconf

Wed Aug 10 7:06:34 PDT 2011

Just had a nice conversation with @samhsagov in the exhibit hall. Thanks for all you do to help America's communities #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 7:08:04 PDT 2011


Promoting Integration of Behavioral Health Screening into Primary Care: @samhsagov panel (1:15 International F) #hcmmconf - plz RT!
Wed Aug 10 7:09:56 PDT 2011


RT @chiefmaven: Influentials are a distraction from understanding who are the "influenced" and what can we learn from them. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 7:15:57 PDT 2011


#hcmmconf attendees looking for lunch options? Check out @ATLStreetFood - food trucks @ Underground Atlanta today 11-2.
Wed Aug 10 7:15:59 PDT 2011


Yep! "@StacyShelp: Important to note, social media and social marketing are not the same thing. #hcmmconf"
Wed Aug 10 7:16:43 PDT 2011


RT @Nedra: A caution on using interns to do your social media: remember they will be the face of your org online. Make sure they are ready. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 7:16:53 PDT 2011


RT @samhsagov: Promoting Integration of Behavioral Health Screening into Primary Care: @samhsagov panel (1:15 International F) #hcmmconf ...
Wed Aug 10 7:17:02 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


@Morgan_Rhiannon what sessions will you be heading to today? #hcmmconf

Wed Aug 10 7:18:29 PDT 2011


I posted 20 photos on Facebook in the album "CDC #hcmmconf Photobooth"

Wed Aug 10 7:19:08 PDT 2011

askmanny FHI360

@tedeytan what is #hcmmconf about?

Wed Aug 10 7:19:09 PDT 2011

Dont miss Using Social Marketing to Foster Community Change at 10:45 in Grand Ballrm B moderated by John Strand of @FHI360 #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 7:19:17 PDT 2011

EXplorerDasta PaceAndPartners lexismith529

@pfanderson interesting #hcmmconf

Wed Aug 10 7:19:40 PDT 2011

The poster session and exhibit hall arei great.#hcmmconf

Wed Aug 10 7:22:15 PDT 2011

RT @SocialBttrfly: Can we get an amen? =) RT @nimblees: Social marketing is more than just mass media PSAs... #Growyourkids #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 7:22:25 PDT 2011


Kudos to FHI 360 on their great exhibit linking their excellent work to CDC's winnable battles. #HCMMconf
Wed Aug 10 7:22:51 PDT 2011


RT @ronneostby: Stop by the @ICFhealth booth at #hcmmconf and drop your business card for a chance to win a FitBit!
Wed Aug 10 7:24:07 PDT 2011


How can you get your message heard? Coverage of #hcmmconf from APHA's Public Health Newswire:
Wed Aug 10 7:24:07 PDT 2011


Thanks to @orise for saving the day (my foot) w/their 1st aid kit giveaway. i forgot bandaids and am now set! #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 7:24:36 PDT 2011


RT @ckrobertson: RT @KTExchange: Wakshlag: Social media doesn't[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

drive anything. People use social media to drive their purposes. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 7:24:43 PDT 2011


RT @ckrobertson: #hcmmconf Social currency. Give them something to talk about. Also use sm to invite ppl to do something. Wakshlag
Wed Aug 10 7:24:56 PDT 2011


Next up: Carol Freeman presents lessons learned in injury/violence prevention & response. 10:45, Magnolia #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 7:30:04 PDT 2011


Contest detail: A PSN In-Store campaign airs for one week in 1,625 stores #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 7:30:07 PDT 2011


Join us today for Innovative tools & techniques in tobacco redux & prevention. 4pm, grand ballroom c. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 7:30:07 PDT 2011


RT @publichealth How can you get your message heard? Coverage of #hcmmconf from APHA's Public Health Newswire:
Wed Aug 10 7:31:09 PDT 2011


@OmniHotels thank you so much. I'm in Atlanta!! #hcmmconf Now this is an example of great customer service #success
Wed Aug 10 7:32:55 PDT 2011


Great! Join @StacyShelp in Magnolia now! RT @hcmmconf: What a great first day for the conference. Looking forward to tomorrow. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 7:33:58 PDT 2011


Just about to give my presentation on #adolescent sun protection #hcmmconf

Wed Aug 10 7:35:58 PDT 2011


RT @samhsagov: Promoting Integration of Behavioral Health Screening into Primary Care: @samhsagov panel (1:15 International F) #hcmmconf ...
Wed Aug 10 7:40:08 PDT 2011


Thanks, @tedeytan! I will follow #hcmmconf today and tomorrow.

Wed Aug 10 7:41:14 PDT 2011

RT @samhsagov: Promoting Integration of Behavioral Health Screening[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


into Primary Care: (1:15 International F) #hcmmconf - plz RT!

Wed Aug 10 7:41:40 PDT 2011


RT @HealthJusticeCT: If your org requires prior approval for every message, then #socialmedia is probably not the best tool to use, says Keller #HCMMconf
Wed Aug 10 7:44:32 PDT 2011


Happening Now! Using Social Marketing to Foster Community Change. 10:45 Grand Ballroom B moderated by John Strand of @FHI360 #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 7:45:02 PDT 2011


RT @FHI360: Happening Now! Using Social Marketing to Foster Community Change. 10:45 Grand Ballroom B moderated by John Strand of @FHI360 #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 7:45:18 PDT 2011


RT @HealthJusticeCT: If your org requires prior approval for every message, then #socialmedia is probably not the best tool to use, says Keller #HCMMconf
Wed Aug 10 7:46:14 PDT 2011


RT @samhsagov: Promoting Integration of Behavioral Health Screening into Primary Care: @samhsagov panel (1:15 International F) #hcmmconf ...
Wed Aug 10 7:46:38 PDT 2011


Addendum - its also more than just social media. :) RT @nimblees: Social marketing is more than just mass media PSAs. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 7:47:07 PDT 2011


RT @FHI360: Happening now: Cornelius Baker from @fhi360 is presenting his poster on the Be the Generation project. Stop by and say hi! #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 7:47:33 PDT 2011


RT @samhsagov: Promoting Integration of Behavioral Health Screening into Primary Care: @samhsagov panel (1:15 International F) #hcmmconf ...
Wed Aug 10 7:47:45 PDT 2011

RobinPregnancy IQSolutions

Using digital media session! #hcmmconf

Wed Aug 10 7:48:00 PDT 2011

Happening Now in Dogwood Room A/B: Engaging Hard to Reach[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

Populations (It can be done!). #hcmmconf

Wed Aug 10 7:48:01 PDT 2011


#hcmmconf learning about reversal theory, how to match messages with motives...
Wed Aug 10 7:48:07 PDT 2011


RT @jgarrow: While Facebook users are getting older, Twitter users tend to be more educated/professional. So @CDCInjury has seen. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 7:48:11 PDT 2011


#hcmmconf Clearway Minnesota is talking about a quit-to-win scheme for getting smokers to quit one more time.
Wed Aug 10 7:48:31 PDT 2011


RT @ronneostby: Stop by the @ICFhealth booth at #hcmmconf and drop your business card for a chance to win a FitBit!
Wed Aug 10 7:48:34 PDT 2011


RT @jgarrow: Yay to @CDCInjury for believing in #FailFast. Try stuff, fail, make it better. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 7:48:43 PDT 2011


RT @jgarrow: Pitfall of using Facebook "Like" and Twitter "Tweet" buttons: what if no one clicks on them? Push the content more. #hcmmconf @CDCInjury
Wed Aug 10 7:48:58 PDT 2011


Excited about the Understanding How Media Coverage of Public Health Shapes Public Opinion breakout session! #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 7:49:05 PDT 2011


RT @jgarrow: Blog integration strategy: utilize all channels to promote new content. Twitter posts, website mentions, FB posts. #hcmmconf @CDCInjury
Wed Aug 10 7:49:06 PDT 2011


RT @jgarrow: Each time newly posted content on the @CDCInjury site was mentioned on social media accts, the long tail of traffic got extended. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 7:49:13 PDT 2011


RT @jgarrow: Driving users from Facebook to website: be creative! Friday Fun Fact of the Week (taken directly from the website). #hcmmconf @CDCInjury[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

Wed Aug 10 7:49:20 PDT 2011


RT @PublicHealth: How can you get your message heard? Coverage of #hcmmconf from APHA's Public Health Newswire:
Wed Aug 10 7:49:26 PDT 2011


And I'm back! This next session is Mobile: the Next Frontier. Really stoked about this session! And Jonathan Cho is moderating! #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 7:49:51 PDT 2011


Tschampl - 60% of life expectancy increase due to #publichealth initiatives #hcmmconf

Wed Aug 10 7:50:39 PDT 2011


Less than 1% of the billions of "health dollars" goes to public health. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 7:51:02 PDT 2011


RT @jgarrow: While Facebook users are getting older, Twitter users tend to be more educated/professional. So @CDCInjury has seen. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 7:51:04 PDT 2011


Next hoping to meet up with some of the other folks we follow like @jgarrow who are here at #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 7:51:18 PDT 2011


Wish we could sit in on this panel! RT @samhsagov Promoting Integration of Behavioral Health Screening into Primary Care (115 pm) #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 7:51:51 PDT 2011


Wonderful networking at #HCMMconf So many talented passionate people!

Wed Aug 10 7:51:57 PDT 2011


Is anyone else having trouble getting on the Wi-Fi? This a major problem. Where is the complaint department or the suggestion box? #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 7:53:29 PDT 2011

kmv6 TulanePRC

New edvidence-based theories and tools - reversal theory. #hcmmconf

Wed Aug 10 7:53:40 PDT 2011

Wish I was there RT @PublicHealth: How can you get your message heard? Coverage of #hcmmconf from APHA's Newswire:[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

Wed Aug 10 7:53:54 PDT 2011


A bit in convos not in sessions I've taken. @MSteinbergPhD: @ampilsner @shanictaylor Any talk of Google+ at #hcmmconf?
Wed Aug 10 7:54:04 PDT 2011


#HCMMconf Poster sessions on male hlth messages, mobile to promote quit smoking, social media for underaged drinking
Wed Aug 10 7:54:18 PDT 2011


Share tips! RT @iqsolutions: Happening Now in Dogwood Room A/B: Engaging Hard to Reach Populations (It can be done!). #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 7:54:33 PDT 2011


Breakout on #Mobile now at #hcmmconf w Dr Cesar Bandera and Iana Simeonov who is presenting from her iPad using Appstream
Wed Aug 10 7:54:54 PDT 2011


RT @jgarrow: And I'm back! This next session is Mobile: the Next Frontier. Really stoked about this session! And Jonathan Cho is moderating! #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 7:54:59 PDT 2011


@McJourno there's supposedly a #hcmmconf wifi, but I dunno the details. If someone can supply that'd be great!
Wed Aug 10 7:55:01 PDT 2011


Reversal theory. Motives met or not met cause opposing emotional states. I.E. If motive is rules, might either conform or rebel. #HCMMconf
Wed Aug 10 7:55:30 PDT 2011


RT @publichealth How can you get your message heard? Coverage of #hcmmconf from APHA's Public Health Newswire:
Wed Aug 10 7:55:31 PDT 2011


@Amanda_D_Miller Sounds like you just met up with Arlene and Lauren from our staff. Great to connect. Hope you're enjoying #hcmmconf!
Wed Aug 10 7:55:32 PDT 2011


Agreed! @Meeghan: @OmniHotels thank you so much. I'm in Atlanta!! #hcmmconf Now this is an example of great customer service #success
Wed Aug 10 7:55:49 PDT 2011


10.9 billion apps have been downloaded, 300,000 created for iphone alone in 2010. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 7:55:51 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


Good reminder from #HCMMCONF - Social media gives you opportunity to meet people you wouldn't otherwise.
Wed Aug 10 7:56:23 PDT 2011


Terrific poster session. Congrats to all represented. Shout out to @nacinovich and @phamel from #bumhc #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 7:57:33 PDT 2011


#hcmmconf Stacey Shelp started w/ quoting j. Oliver. Policy is so bleeping boring! How do we make it not boring.
Wed Aug 10 7:57:42 PDT 2011


RT @BanyanConnects: new digital divide: who's mobile & who's not? who's on FB & who's not? #HCMMConf
Wed Aug 10 7:57:49 PDT 2011


RT @BanyanConnects: one common form of digital communication=cell phones, not necessarily smart phones #HCMMConf
Wed Aug 10 7:57:58 PDT 2011


@mpbeau Tha's the best! @richpanzer does that too. He's a go-to on mobile. He'll be at the @IQSolutions booth at 3pm to discuss. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 7:58:08 PDT 2011


Does anyone know what we are having for lunch? I am very hungry and craving red velvet cake. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 7:58:41 PDT 2011


RT @FHI360: Happening Now! Using Social Marketing to Foster Community Change. 10:45 Grand Ballroom B moderated by John Strand of @FHI360 #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 7:58:46 PDT 2011


Fundamental Attribution Error=when health sitch happens to others blame them, when happens to me blame it on outside sources #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 7:58:50 PDT 2011


RT @BanyanConnects: new digital divide: who's mobile & who's not? who's on FB & who's not? #HCMMConf
Wed Aug 10 7:59:24 PDT 2011


RT @BanyanConnects: how can you implement mobile marketing w/o causing people to get lost in the technology? #HCMMConf
Wed Aug 10 7:59:35 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


Tschampl - if people don't see relevance to their lives in what you are communicating, they won't pay attention #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 7:59:41 PDT 2011


Calif Poison Control created a game app #hcmmconf for parents to use w their kids - started w site
Wed Aug 10 7:59:58 PDT 2011


Follow the conversation LIVE at the @CDCgov Health Comm, Marketing, & Media Conf. at #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:00:03 PDT 2011


RT @FHI360: Follow the conversation LIVE at the @CDCgov Health Comm, Marketing, & Media Conf. at #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:00:21 PDT 2011


RT @mpbeau: Calif Poison Control created a game app #hcmmconf for parents to use w their kids - started w site
Wed Aug 10 8:00:23 PDT 2011


#hcmmconf Comm strategies to effect policy change: campaigns have a beginning and end. We need to create movements. Shelp
Wed Aug 10 8:00:28 PDT 2011


Pills look like candy, parents encourage kids to take meds by saying it's candy, but PH doesn't want to nag, so they made a game. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:00:45 PDT 2011


10.9 billion apps downloaded thus far. Peak expected in 2013, when mobile web predicted to take over for apps. (Iana Simeonov) #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:01:03 PDT 2011


A Campaign has a beginning and ending. A movement has volume control #hcmmconf #AMSA #brainsonfire
Wed Aug 10 8:01:06 PDT 2011


@CHBridge Glad it was a good session yesterday - Thanks for the shout-out! #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:01:09 PDT 2011


App got the poison control number onto people's cell ph contacts list #hcmmconf Choose your Poison app - eng and spa version
Wed Aug 10 8:01:29 PDT 2011


RT @AndrewPWilson: Tschampl - if people don't see relevance to their[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

lives in what you are communicating, they won't pay attention #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:01:52 PDT 2011

ckrobertson jgarrow

#hcmmconf. What moves you to take action? Good basis for research.
Wed Aug 10 8:02:03 PDT 2011

Choose your Poison game, available for free on iPhone in both English and Spanish, Android version coming soon. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:02:31 PDT 2011


RT @jbertrand: RT @AndrewPWilson: Tschampl - if people don't see relevance to their lives in what you are communicating, they won't pay attention #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:02:41 PDT 2011


My neighbor in A is sitting next to me and scarfing down a danish like it's her first meal this week. Is she aware I am hungry? #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:03:02 PDT 2011


"Choose Your Poison" app / serious game 4 public health, available on iPhone, Android - (Iana Simeonov, CA Poison Control System #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:03:10 PDT 2011


RT @StacyShelp: Important to note, social media and social marketing are not the same thing. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:03:25 PDT 2011


New Pew reports find 35% of Americans now own smartphones. More own Android devices than iPhone: #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:03:27 PDT 2011


RT @jaybernhardt: If you like the social media panel at #hcmmconf you will LOVE #dhcx to build on this great discussion
Wed Aug 10 8:03:35 PDT 2011


RT @mpbeau: App got the poison control number onto people's cell ph contacts list #hcmmconf Choose your Poison app - eng and spa version
Wed Aug 10 8:03:49 PDT 2011


New Pew report finds 35% of Americans now own smartphones. More own Android devices than iPhone: . #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:03:54 PDT 2011

RT @mpbeau: Calif Poison Control created a game app #hcmmconf for[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


parents to use w their kids - started w site

Wed Aug 10 8:04:13 PDT 2011


RT @jbertrand: RT @AndrewPWilson: Tschampl - if people don't see relevance to their lives in what you are communicating, they won't pay attention #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:04:20 PDT 2011


RT @Meeghan: A Campaign has a beginning and ending. A movement has volume control #hcmmconf #AMSA #brainsonfire
Wed Aug 10 8:04:26 PDT 2011

RobinPregnancy SarahVanVelsor

quit plan did better when including social media integration. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:04:29 PDT 2011

RT @IQSolutions: New Pew report finds 35% of Americans now own smartphones. More own Android devices than iPhone: . #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:04:44 PDT 2011


@mytext4baby Yes, and let's chat more at the #hcmmconf reception tonight!
Wed Aug 10 8:04:46 PDT 2011


I am going to pretend to faint and hope she takes pity on me and offers me some breakfast. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:05:03 PDT 2011


Once an app is downloaded, the chance of someone going back to it is 1 in 4. #hcmmconf

Wed Aug 10 8:05:05 PDT 2011


Downloads of app aren't perfect measure just 25% of apps downloaded get used #hcmmconf used Balsamiq mock up tool for storyboarding
Wed Aug 10 8:05:15 PDT 2011


I searched and couldn't find it yesterday @jgarrow: Choose your Poison game, available for free on iPhone #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:05:18 PDT 2011


Mobile development: first step storyboard your app. Balsamiq tool helps for free. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:05:20 PDT 2011


RT @AndrewPWilson: Tschampl - 60% of life expectancy increase due[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

to #publichealth initiatives #hcmmconf

Wed Aug 10 8:05:34 PDT 2011


4 types of Advocates: personal, issue oriented, social, passive #hcmmconf #AMSA

Wed Aug 10 8:05:35 PDT 2011


#hcmmconf I'm happy to see so many projects/posters here for projects using #storytelling approaches for health communication.
Wed Aug 10 8:05:47 PDT 2011


Wow! @JeriKirschner: Once an app is downloaded, the chance of someone going back to it is 1 in 4. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:06:01 PDT 2011


Measuring new/traditional media across platforms: How many are doing it, how often, and for how long. #HCMMCONF
Wed Aug 10 8:06:12 PDT 2011


@4tuckertalk Thanks for a great session on reversal theory. It was very informative. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:06:42 PDT 2011


RT @Nedra: The hard part of social media metrics isn't the numbers, it's tying them to behavior change. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:06:51 PDT 2011


Your App for 29$ , Swebapps, Appmakr are examples of services that can take a website and turn it into an app. Each less than $100 #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:06:52 PDT 2011


RT @AndrewPWilson: Another question - how can orgs work together e.g. how can federal, state, local link efforts to leverage resources? #hcmmconf #gov20
Wed Aug 10 8:07:15 PDT 2011


Smart move for #clearway to kick of #quitcash tobacco cessation promo at the MN state fair, which pulls in 2 million folks yearly! #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:07:17 PDT 2011


Lars Gunter is here from Germany persenting on an experiment about Cancer treatment in the media #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:07:20 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


RT @Meeghan: 4 types of Advocates: personal, issue oriented, social, passive #hcmmconf #AMSA
Wed Aug 10 8:07:26 PDT 2011


RT @jaybernhardt: How many, how often, how long = social media metrics BUT for health comm, also need to know impact! #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:07:41 PDT 2011


[Improving Lives] Track your supplement use (and coming soon: Rx drug use) with the MyDS app: #client #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:07:43 PDT 2011


RT @SocialBttrfly: Let's not do social media just to do it. Let's do it when it makes sense. Apply engagement with a purpose. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:08:07 PDT 2011


LOL, please feed him! RT @McJourno: I am going to pretend to faint and hope she takes pity on me and offers me some breakfast. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:08:12 PDT 2011


Measuring behavior change is possible in social media. Amelia Baker #hcmmconf

Wed Aug 10 8:08:37 PDT 2011


#hcmmconf target audience: those that effect change, not necessarily those who the change effects.
Wed Aug 10 8:08:42 PDT 2011


RT @jaybernhardt: How many, how often, how long = social media metrics BUT for health comm, also need to know impact! #hcmmconf #PHSSR
Wed Aug 10 8:09:12 PDT 2011


#hcmmconf in session "engaging hard to reach populations" - opening my mind about reaching people AND at the right health literacy level.
Wed Aug 10 8:09:26 PDT 2011


RT @IQSolutions: New Pew report finds 35% of Americans own smartphones. More own Androids than iPhone: #mhsm #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:09:32 PDT 2011


Choose Your Poison app received over 100 media mentions. CA Poison Ctrl tracked mentions online. Found it raised their profile. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:09:33 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

RobinPregnancy tericascott SocialBttrfly

Only influenced by 3 degrees of separation. #hcmmconf

Wed Aug 10 8:09:52 PDT 2011

@4tuckertalk gave a great talk on reversal theory #hcmmconf

Wed Aug 10 8:09:54 PDT 2011

RT @jgarrow: Your App for 29$ , Swebapps, Appmakr are examples of services that can take a website and turn it into an app. Each less than $100 #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:09:54 PDT 2011


@jgarrow Thanks for supporting @CDCInjury and for helping share the important info my great colleague presented yesterday #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:10:15 PDT 2011


RT @RobinPregnancy: Wow! @JeriKirschner: Once an app is downloaded, the chance of someone going back to it is 1 in 4. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:10:20 PDT 2011


Going to have to check out the Choose Your Poison game later: #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:10:49 PDT 2011


Use Twitter as a lens, not a megaphone. Free @fentonprogress guide here. #HCMMCONF
Wed Aug 10 8:10:55 PDT 2011


6 degrees of separation (not all degrees are equal) but only 3 degrees of influence #socialmedia #behaviorchange #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:11:05 PDT 2011


Very interesting to learn about reversal theory and the eight motivational states #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:11:05 PDT 2011


#hcmmconf you have to show people the relevance by selling them a core product that is meaningful and then following up w a nifty exchange!
Wed Aug 10 8:11:41 PDT 2011


RT @IQSolutions: New Pew report finds 35% of Americans now own smartphones. More own Android devices than iPhone: . #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:11:41 PDT 2011

Looking forward to hearing Abt colleague C. Bloomberg at @samhsagov[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


panel on Behavioral health and primary care at 1:15 today #hcmmconf

Wed Aug 10 8:11:48 PDT 2011


RT @HealthLitMO: Going to have to check out the Choose Your Poison game later: #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:11:55 PDT 2011


RT @samhsagov: Promoting Integration of Behavioral Health Screening into Primary Care: @samhsagov panel (1:15 International F) #hcmmconf ...
Wed Aug 10 8:12:12 PDT 2011


there is a difference in wom and social media measurement. At&t found wom relates to outcomes, not social media activity. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:12:22 PDT 2011


RT @chiefmaven: there is a difference in wom and social media measurement. At&t found wom relates to outcomes, not social media activity. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:12:39 PDT 2011


I am disappointed w/ the PH in the News session (track 3). Not all are called to be presenters. Its all in the presentation. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:12:49 PDT 2011


RT @IQSolutions: [Improving Lives] Track your supplement use (and coming soon: Rx drug use) with the MyDS app: #client #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:12:50 PDT 2011


Parents, ur teens say "caking" or "cuffing"? Dating terms! caking=getting sweet on someone, cuffing=serious relationships #hcmmconf @OGILVY
Wed Aug 10 8:13:04 PDT 2011


Really interesting presentation by @iana_simeonov on Choose your Poison ( Next steps: multiplayer! #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:13:16 PDT 2011

RobinPregnancy researchmatters

S.O.C.I.A.L. evaluation #hcmmconf

Wed Aug 10 8:13:20 PDT 2011

#hcmmconf great talk by Jenny tucker about reversal theory @4tuckertalk

Wed Aug 10 8:13:23 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


I'm split on separating research v. practice type tracks - feel these groups needs to talk more #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:13:33 PDT 2011


#hcmmconf http://www. From NC effecting policy change.

Wed Aug 10 8:13:53 PDT 2011


#hcmmconf @socialibriumm showing us how to "move beyond the click" in evaluation

Wed Aug 10 8:14:00 PDT 2011


RT @chiefmaven: there is a difference in wom and social media measurement. At&t found wom relates to outcomes, not social media activity. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:14:19 PDT 2011


Why are the research and evaluation sessions in the smallest rooms? We have people sitting in the aisles. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:14:31 PDT 2011


Whoa! Choose Your Poison is hooked up with Pillbox, from the amazing @NLM_SIS and @lostonroute66 #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:14:56 PDT 2011


#hcmmconf product= health behavior, core product=benefit (in their terms, not ours!!!)
Wed Aug 10 8:14:57 PDT 2011


Social media tools should be used in dift ways: Facebook>community bldg & peer-to-peer comm, Twitter>listening & building profile. #HCMMCONF
Wed Aug 10 8:15:00 PDT 2011


@iana_simeonov Do you know how many of the 3,000 people that downloaded the app have added the poison control # to their contacts? #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:15:06 PDT 2011


Connect with CDC Office for State, Tribal, Local and Territorial Support staff at the 2:45 poster session back tables! #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:15:10 PDT 2011


Totally agree. RT @AndrewPWilson: I'm split on separating research v. practice type tracks - feel these groups needs to talk more #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:15:12 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


I love that @socialibriumm has great photos in her slides, not mounds of data, easier to listen #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:15:37 PDT 2011


We are looking forward to moderating 'Gaming as a Means to Personal and Social Behavioral Change' won't want to miss it! #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:15:50 PDT 2011


Now onto "No Cell Phone Left Behind." How to push media to ALL phones, even when not connected to the web or locked down. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:16:18 PDT 2011


critical to move past click through to measure behavioral change in social media #hcmmconf @socialibriumm
Wed Aug 10 8:16:29 PDT 2011


RT @jgarrow: Now onto "No Cell Phone Left Behind." How to push media to ALL phones, even when not connected to the web or locked down. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:16:34 PDT 2011


RT @erinbhart: Social media tools should be used in dift ways: Facebook>community bldg & peer-to-peer comm, Twitter>listening & building profile. #HCMMCONF
Wed Aug 10 8:16:53 PDT 2011


Social evaluation framework: reach, insights, action & value via @socialibriumm #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:17:08 PDT 2011


RT @HealthLitMO: The communication objectives haven't changed. What's changed is the speed. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:17:08 PDT 2011


RT @Premier_Studios: We are looking forward to moderating 'Gaming as a Means to Personal and Social Behavioral Change' won't want to miss it! #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:17:13 PDT 2011


Despite statistics, none of the parents of 9-15 yo in a study thought their child is currently drinking alcohol. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:17:35 PDT 2011


Diffusion of Use of Social Media through State Health Departments #hcmmconf

Wed Aug 10 8:17:48 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


+ ability to listen & share through microtargeting. PRT @HealthLitMo communication objectives haven't changed, speed has. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:17:57 PDT 2011


.@CHI_Sandra: Teens don't want orgs to use teenspeak (eg skincancersux). Feels patronizing. Treat them like they're mature. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:18:09 PDT 2011


Super impressed by incredible built environment policy change being done by @SYWNC #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:18:19 PDT 2011


RT @Nedra: .@CHI_Sandra: Teens don't want orgs to use teenspeak (eg skincancersux). Feels patronizing. Treat them like they're mature. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:18:31 PDT 2011


Participation, Collaboration, Engagement - this is what makes it social. #hcmmconf

Wed Aug 10 8:18:32 PDT 2011


Add your voice~> What are you learning at #hcmmconf to effectively communicate importance of #behavioralhealth
Wed Aug 10 8:18:43 PDT 2011


RT @Nedra: .@CHI_Sandra: Teens don't want orgs to use teenspeak (eg skincancersux). Feels patronizing. Treat them like they're mature. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:19:10 PDT 2011


RT @samhsagov: Add your voice~> What are you learning at #hcmmconf to effectively communicate importance of #behavioralhealth http:// ...
Wed Aug 10 8:19:23 PDT 2011


RT @samhsagov: Add your voice~> What are you learning at #hcmmconf to effectively communicate importance of #behavioralhealth http:// ...
Wed Aug 10 8:19:25 PDT 2011


RT @samhsagov: Add your voice~> What are you learning at #hcmmconf to effectively communicate importance of #behavioralhealth http:// ...
Wed Aug 10 8:19:34 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

mpbeau behavenet

Darn #tweetdeck for iPad keeps crashing! #hcmmconf

Wed Aug 10 8:19:42 PDT 2011

Facebook tied to poor mental health in teens: What parents must know HealthPop - CBS News #hcmmconf?
Wed Aug 10 8:19:44 PDT 2011


#Hcmmconf is the cdc health communication, marketing and media conference now happening in Atlanta with over 1000 .
Wed Aug 10 8:19:51 PDT 2011


First namedrop of "sexting" that I've heard this week. MMS bridges the gap between SMS & mobile data/video. Good for emergencies! #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:20:05 PDT 2011


State of building for mobile: "The nice thing about standards is tha tthere are so many to choose from" - A. S. Tanenbaum #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:20:09 PDT 2011


#hcmmconf "No Cell Phone Left Behind" :-)...yep-- gotta reach em' every which way! that!
Wed Aug 10 8:20:12 PDT 2011


#hcmmconf Research findings effecting policy lessons: Paige Cucchi. Providing info to arm state health depts to improve comm messages
Wed Aug 10 8:20:25 PDT 2011


Mobile media messaging is the fastest growing non voice function of cell phones- Cesar Bandera from CDC. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:20:28 PDT 2011


RT @elanghans: 6 degrees of separation (not all degrees are equal) but only 3 degrees of influence #socialmedia #behaviorchange #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:20:35 PDT 2011


If media presentation is Negatively Framed judgments and future prospects become more negative #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:20:39 PDT 2011


RT @samhsagov: Add your voice~> What are you learning at #hcmmconf to effectively communicate importance of #behavioralhealth http:// ...
Wed Aug 10 8:20:54 PDT 2011

RT @CatherineJamal: State of building for mobile: "The nice thing about[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


standards is tha tthere are so many to choose from" - A. S. Tanenbaum #hcmmconf

Wed Aug 10 8:21:00 PDT 2011


Good luck to our CEO @carrielayne who is speaking at the CDC conference #hcmmconf on the powers of social media today!
Wed Aug 10 8:21:03 PDT 2011


RT @Nedra: @CHI_Sandra: Teens dont want orgs 2 use teenspeak (eg skincancersux). Feels patronizing. Treat them like they're mature #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:21:39 PDT 2011


RT @jbertrand: RT @AndrewPWilson: Tschampl - if people don't see relevance to their lives in what you are communicating, they won't pay attention #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:21:44 PDT 2011


Game highlights the danger of mistaking medication for sweets: Thanks to @jgarrow for the link. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:21:45 PDT 2011


Some HD may use Facebook to share photos rather than flickr #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:21:52 PDT 2011


Use of mobile 4 Winter Weather preparedness campaign (CDC Emergency Prep/Resp) added nonInternet-requiring channel to prev methods #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:22:15 PDT 2011


@jgarrow #hcmmconf "No Cell Phone Left Behind" :-)...yep-- gotta reach em' every which way! that!
Wed Aug 10 8:22:20 PDT 2011


Positive messages yield positive attitudes about health for public #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:22:29 PDT 2011


.@CDCemergency (OPHPR) uses MMS push technology. Winter weather site gives opp'y to opt-in to receive these messages. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:22:32 PDT 2011


Listening to OWH present on the @bestbones4ever Dance Contest. Reminds us of the Step Royale case study: #hcmmconf[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

Wed Aug 10 8:22:34 PDT 2011


RT @JeriKirschner: Mobile media messaging is the fastest growing non voice function of cell phones- Cesar Bandera from CDC #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:22:53 PDT 2011


Like the cute t-shirts our @SmokefreeWomen Team is rockin' 2day at #hcmmconf? It can be yours: (we have men's tee's 2!)
Wed Aug 10 8:23:06 PDT 2011


HD NOT using their FB pages for more than posting - not events, discussions. Commenting takes it to the next level. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:23:18 PDT 2011

RobinPregnancy singmichele

People are more likely to like a post than comment. #hcmmconf

Wed Aug 10 8:23:42 PDT 2011

RT @mpbeau: App got the poison control number onto people's cell ph contacts list #hcmmconf Choose your Poison app - eng and spa version
Wed Aug 10 8:23:48 PDT 2011


RT @BanyanConnects: what is social media: participation, collaboration & engagement #HCMMConf

Wed Aug 10 8:24:07 PDT 2011


Only 17 state health depts are using any social media -- and Alabama rules! #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:24:41 PDT 2011


Using MMS for delivery of video and pics for disaster awareness from CDC, excellent for populations without smartphones #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:24:51 PDT 2011


RT @oleandros: Not surprising, what people are watching on TV is often a main driver of conversations online. Need to have an integrated approach #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:24:58 PDT 2011


RT @HealthLitMO: The communication objectives haven't changed. What's changed is the speed. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:25:04 PDT 2011


Awesome! #hcmmconf RT @sct_r: For web app makers 4 Mac also see Fluid & the new Rodeo AppMaker-@JerryDaniels of Rodeo also working on iPad
Wed Aug 10 8:25:06 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


RT @RobinPregnancy: and i guess that applies to retweets! People are more likely to like a post than comment. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:25:08 PDT 2011


Social norms marketing does NOT terrorize, stigmatize, emphasize negative, or normalize neg behaviors #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:25:24 PDT 2011


RT @shanictaylor: RT @Nedra: @CHI_Sandra: Teens dont want orgs 2 use teenspeak (eg skincancersux). Feels patronizing. Treat them like they're mature #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:25:49 PDT 2011


I think ppl had hope for this session. Started with 114 ppl and standing room only. Now down to 62 awake ppl and 2 sleeping. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:26:05 PDT 2011


CDC has health message testing tool adaptable for different topics #hcmmconf #CDC. also attentive to health literacy in context of research
Wed Aug 10 8:26:48 PDT 2011


Just noticed a firm has the tagline "the science of improving lives." That's what I always say: (Aug. 2009). #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:26:50 PDT 2011


RT @researchmatters: CDC has health message testing tool adaptable for different topics #hcmmconf #CDC. also attentive to health literac ...
Wed Aug 10 8:27:07 PDT 2011


"Researchers need to be sensitive to health literacy issues in formulation of research questions"-Cynthia Baur #HCMMconf
Wed Aug 10 8:27:07 PDT 2011


Foster - FDA reg of tobacco appeared in 400 articles during Clinton admin & less than 60 in Bush admin #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:27:45 PDT 2011


Interested in health comm & mrktg? Follow the National Conference on Health Communication, Marketing, and Media #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:27:45 PDT 2011


RT @CatherineJamal: "Choose Your Poison" app / serious game 4 public health, available on iPhone, Android - (Iana Simeonov, CA Poison Control System #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:27:48 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

Leslie_A_Lewis Nedra

@SocialBttrfly That would be @FHI360 #hcmmconf

Wed Aug 10 8:27:50 PDT 2011

Loving the teen dance contest run by the Best Bones Forever project. Reminds me of the Let's Move teen-created dance videos. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:28:36 PDT 2011


#hcmmconf lanyards FTW! MT@mattjduffy: my #aejmc lanyard flips over & obscures my name
Wed Aug 10 8:28:45 PDT 2011


Red is viewing videos on computer, green is viewing on cell. Cell users view content MUCH faster. #hcmmconf #SMEM
Wed Aug 10 8:28:57 PDT 2011


RT @chiefmaven: #Hcmmconf is the cdc health communication, marketing and media conference now happening in Atlanta with over 1000 .
Wed Aug 10 8:29:27 PDT 2011


Comparison of media coverage of tobacco regulation between Clinton and Bush administrations? Who paid for this research? #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:29:32 PDT 2011


#hcmmconf Session Recap: REALLY using Social Media for Health Campaigns
Wed Aug 10 8:30:04 PDT 2011


Social media is not being used systematically. Population density didn't matter. HD need UGC #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:30:26 PDT 2011


@SarahVanVelsor About 1/3 have added. It's also at end of game, maybe should b on every page #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:30:34 PDT 2011


Cell phone standards are a disaster. Middleware, like MMS, can solve interoperability. Even allows to offline viewing of msg. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:31:03 PDT 2011


RT @HealthJusticeCT: If your org requires prior approval for every message, then #socialmedia is probably not the best tool to use, says Keller #HCMMconf
Wed Aug 10 8:31:32 PDT 2011

RT @HealthJusticeCT: If your org requires prior approval for every[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


message, then #socialmedia is probably not the best tool to use, says Keller #HCMMconf
Wed Aug 10 8:31:51 PDT 2011


RT @Nedra: Loving the teen dance contest run by the Best Bones Forever project. Reminds me of the Let's Move teen-created dance videos. #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:31:56 PDT 2011

Iana_Simeonov PaceAndPartners

@jgarrow Thanks for the shout out, Jim! #hcmmconf

Wed Aug 10 8:31:57 PDT 2011

Funniest line so far: Before my current job, I thought epidemiology was a rare skin disease.#hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:32:09 PDT 2011


Wow! RT @AndrewPWilson: Foster - FDA reg of tobacco appeared in 400 articles during Clinton admin & less than 60 in Bush admin #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:32:13 PDT 2011


RT @jgarrow: Red is viewing videos on computer, green is viewing on cell. Cell users view content MUCH faster. #hcmmconf #SMEM http://tw ...
Wed Aug 10 8:32:28 PDT 2011


@ckrobertson Track 1: In The News #hcmmconf. The tobacco presentation is slightly better.
Wed Aug 10 8:32:39 PDT 2011


RT @FHI360: #hcmmconf Session Recap: REALLY using Social Media for Health Campaigns
Wed Aug 10 8:32:42 PDT 2011


Nice! @bestbones4ever went national with its dance contest pilot (happening now): #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:32:42 PDT 2011


RT @musehill: Social norms marketing does NOT terrorize, stigmatize, emphasize negative, or normalize neg behaviors #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:32:47 PDT 2011


RT @PaceAndPartners: Funniest line so far: Before my current job, I thought epidemiology was a rare skin disease.#hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:32:53 PDT 2011[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


@Leslie_A_Lewis Track 1: In The News #hcmmconf. The tobacco presentation is slightly better.
Wed Aug 10 8:32:55 PDT 2011


Social norms intervention corrects misperceptions. Eg College students think fellow students use alcohol far more than they do #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:33:20 PDT 2011


@Morgan_Rhiannon Engaging Hard-to-reach Populations! Very interesting #hcmmconf

Wed Aug 10 8:33:36 PDT 2011


At a conference in Atlanta for communications/media folks... Learning innovative tools in strategic campaigning #hcmmconf
Wed Aug 10 8:33:52 PDT 2011

RobinPregnancy jgarrow

It has to go beyond "We want to put information out there..." #hcmmconf

Wed Aug 10 8:33:56 PDT 2011

NJ EMS firm uses MMS tech to push daily exercise msgs to operators. Lowered insurance rates enough to pay for the tech! #hcmmconf #SMEM[8/11/2011 9:14:07 PM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

#hcmmconf transcript
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RT @publichealth What's it like to plan a public health conference like #hcmmconf? Public Health Newswire finds out:
Thu Aug 11 8:34:43 PDT 2011


BIG need 4 capture tool (having CDC zombie flashback) @jgarrow: Asked about tweet archivg...Every1 just copies/pastes 4 analysis #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 8:34:58 PDT 2011


#hcmmconf reminds the news media that they need to be the Jimminy Cricket of the food industry. Help keep industry honest and accurate.
Thu Aug 11 8:35:13 PDT 2011


Audience mentioned for curation? Anyone have any background on this tool? #hcmmconf #SMEM
Thu Aug 11 8:35:21 PDT 2011


Another tool RowFeeder. I know my colleagues at @realwarriors love it! #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 8:35:35 PDT 2011[8/12/2011 11:38:02 AM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


RT @ckrobertson: #hcmmconf important 4 twitter strategy & any strategy: know your goal. Clear objectives then sm strategy. Helps 2 sell ...
Thu Aug 11 8:36:05 PDT 2011


RT @sm1guru: #HCMMconf Remember to engage with public and build a network before conducting a tweetchat--Good advice!
Thu Aug 11 8:36:18 PDT 2011


Thank you to the panelists of "Old Problems, New Passions," wonderful panel! #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 8:36:49 PDT 2011


#hcmmconf is it local and sustainable? Many times it cannot be both. Bananas aren't local, but we can sustainably take care of the waste.
Thu Aug 11 8:37:32 PDT 2011


Great discussion on clear communication: healthy homes, patient consent, getting health insurance. So important! #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 8:37:56 PDT 2011


RT @jgarrow: Audience mentioned for curation? Anyone have any background on this tool? #hcmmconf #SMEM
Thu Aug 11 8:38:23 PDT 2011


RT @mindofandre: If you are interested in health communications and innovative initiatives in public health, tune into tweets from #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 8:40:10 PDT 2011


RT @oleandros RT @sm1guru: #HCMMconf Remember to engage with public and build a network before conducting a tweetchat--Good advice!
Thu Aug 11 8:40:36 PDT 2011


"Health literacy: Is the Patient the Problem?" Better Doctors, Better Patients, Better Decisions: - #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 8:41:05 PDT 2011


RT @Cascadia: "Health literacy: Is the Patient the Problem?" Better Doctors, Better Patients, Better Decisions: - #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 8:42:03 PDT 2011


Experimented with rowfeeder with VOST. Limited capacity..RT @DavidNeville7: RT @jgarrow: Audience mentioned rowfeeder #hcmmconf #SMEM
Thu Aug 11 8:43:33 PDT 2011[8/12/2011 11:38:02 AM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


RT @jgarrow: Audience mentioned for curation? Anyone have any background on this tool? #hcmmconf #SMEM
Thu Aug 11 8:44:03 PDT 2011


RT @Cascadia: "Health literacy: Is the Patient the Problem?" Better Doctors, Better Patients, Better Decisions: - #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 8:44:21 PDT 2011


RT @nationalcouncil: The key to social media: RT @adawnewsletter: RT @suestine: think about how to add value, not just show and tell what you've done. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 8:45:36 PDT 2011


Agree wholeheartedly ^JW RT @healthjusticect: On social media "do what you can keep up with." #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 8:49:47 PDT 2011


Big, huge, massive, wow, thank you to everyone who organized, attended & listened in on #hcmmconf. Huge thx to NPHIC for sponsoring my trip.
Thu Aug 11 8:53:19 PDT 2011


RT @samhsagov: What #movies & #tv shows depict #mentalhealth & #substanceuse issues well? #VoiceAwards honors them on 8/24: #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 8:54:17 PDT 2011


RT @PublicHealth: Not at #hcmmconf in ATL this week? Don't despair. Here's what we've overheard:
Thu Aug 11 8:55:17 PDT 2011


ICF's last presentation is today:12:45 pm in Cottonwood on ed materials for #HIV vaccine research. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 9:00:09 PDT 2011


We're presenting on geolocation, mobile & government collaboration today, 12:45pm ET in Grand Ballroom C at #hcmmconf. Don't miss it!
Thu Aug 11 9:00:40 PDT 2011


RT @samhsagov: Does Behavioral Health Have a Place in New Media?: @samhsagov panel (4 pm Ballroom D/E) #hcmmconf - plz RT!
Thu Aug 11 9:01:00 PDT 2011


RT @AIDSgov: We're presenting on geolocation, mobile & government collaboration today, 12:45pm ET in Grand Ballroom C at #hcmmconf. Don't miss it![8/12/2011 11:38:02 AM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

Thu Aug 11 9:01:45 PDT 2011


RT @AIDSgov: We're presenting on geolocation, mobile & government collaboration today, 12:45pm ET in Grand Ballroom C at #hcmmconf. Don't miss it!
Thu Aug 11 9:01:46 PDT 2011


=/ Sucks. Gotta be a better way. Thanks! RT @TheFireTracker2: Experimented with rowfeeder with VOST. Limited capacity.. #hcmmconf #SMEM
Thu Aug 11 9:04:30 PDT 2011


RT @jgarrow: Problems w/ social media msg approval? "Start w/ approved material" how many tweets can you get out of press release? #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 9:07:51 PDT 2011


RT @jgarrow: Problems w/ social media msg approval? "Start w/ approved material" how many tweets can you get out of press release? #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 9:07:52 PDT 2011


Go Sandy! RT @kbird9 Great pres by S. Hilfiker @communicatehlth on user input guided development for user needs #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 9:11:02 PDT 2011

PaceAndPartners WorkSteven

Airport bound. Thanks CDC for a great conference.#hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 9:14:10 PDT 2011

Come to international ball room f for the most engaging panel of #hcmmconf guaranteed
Thu Aug 11 9:18:03 PDT 2011


Come to international ball room f @ 12:45 for the most engaging panel of #hcmmconf guaranteed
Thu Aug 11 9:18:39 PDT 2011


RT @ImmunizeCa: RT @jgarrow: Problems w/ social media msg approval? "Start w/ approved material" how many tweets can you get out of press release? #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 9:19:14 PDT 2011


@jgarrow Rowfeeder still good tool, but you gotta pay for more, wish more great free tools like the old days :) #hcmmconf #SMEM
Thu Aug 11 9:23:02 PDT 2011[8/12/2011 11:38:02 AM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


RT @SocialBttrfly: It's one of my FAVORITE reports. It's excellent! A New Way to Talk About the Social Determinants of Health: #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 9:24:26 PDT 2011


RT @CatherineJamal: Chats are twitter's niche, greatest value. #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 9:26:54 PDT 2011


Thanks so much to everyone who attended my presentation at CDC's #hcmmconf & for comments! Download resource PDF at
Thu Aug 11 9:29:45 PDT 2011


#HCMMconf today at 12:45, Cottonwood: Bonny Bloodgood discusses research conducted to develop #HIV vaccine ed materials.
Thu Aug 11 9:30:07 PDT 2011


RT @AIDSgov We're presenting on geolocation, mobile & government collaboration today, 12:45pm ET in Grand Ballroom C at #hcmmconf.
Thu Aug 11 9:35:02 PDT 2011


RT @CatherineJamal: BIG need 4 capture tool (having CDC zombie flashback) @jgarrow: Asked about tweet archivg...Every1 just copies/pastes 4 analysis #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 9:35:56 PDT 2011


Hey Tweeps... "The Knowledge Translation Divide" in Dogwood A/B at 12:45. Tweet your comments/questions to #hcmkt2011 #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 9:37:25 PDT 2011


We'll be following the tweet stream at #hcmkt2011 during our panel. Send your comments and questions there. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 9:39:23 PDT 2011


@tedeytan Right on! RT @WorkSteven: Come to international ball room f @ 12:45 for the most engaging panel of #hcmmconf guaranteed
Thu Aug 11 9:40:03 PDT 2011

oleandros mindofandre

New post! Recap, Day Two #hcmmconf @BoozAllen

Thu Aug 11 9:40:55 PDT 2011

Final day of #hcmmconf - tune in for health communication initiatives and case studies. @AIDSgov presenting in 5min on mobile, location
Thu Aug 11 9:41:05 PDT 2011[8/12/2011 11:38:02 AM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


#hcmmconf getting ready to hear about building a better message: the 10 variables that really matter. Punam Keller is a rock star.
Thu Aug 11 9:43:09 PDT 2011


#HCMMconf at Building a Better Message--the 10 variables that really matter

Thu Aug 11 9:46:47 PDT 2011


#hcmmconf RT @oleandros: New post! Recap, Day Two @BoozAllen

Thu Aug 11 9:48:03 PDT 2011

oleandros ckrobertson

At storytelling for health communications success #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 9:48:32 PDT 2011

#hcmmconf building a better message: standing room only. Not even standing room now!
Thu Aug 11 9:48:58 PDT 2011


Thanks @jgarrow @elanghans @mpbeau @oleandros for attending our presentation and tweeting about it! #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 9:49:02 PDT 2011


Preparing to hear @nedra moderate the storytelling session at #hcmmconf and I sat next to @HealthLitMO
Thu Aug 11 9:49:04 PDT 2011

RobinPregnancy HealthLitMO

Miriam Karanja talking about The Big Pitch Drama Contest #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 9:49:52 PDT 2011

Honored to have presented on Twitter chats with @cdcnpin and @healthfinder. Learned a lot from them as well! #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 9:50:07 PDT 2011


Keep me posted! @oleandros: @jgarrow Might take transcript f/ foxepractice & export w/ pdf2excel convert, data looks structured #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 9:50:48 PDT 2011


@RobinPregnancy Love meeting our great Twitter friends in person! #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 9:50:52 PDT 2011


RT @AndrewPWilson: Good, relevant post from @ReadG ~> 10 Tips on Social Communications during a Conference #hcmmconf #gov20[8/12/2011 11:38:02 AM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

Thu Aug 11 9:51:16 PDT 2011


Stoked to be at the Storytelling for Health Comm success panel! #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 9:51:26 PDT 2011


First, Miriam Karanja and The Big Pitch Drama contest for smoking cessation/tobacco prevention #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 9:51:40 PDT 2011


@hillaryboucher Thought of U & J @AndrewPWilson @ReadG 10 Tips on Social Communications during a Conference #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 9:51:57 PDT 2011


Shameless plug by representative from Arkansas for the PR firm they use on youth tobacco prevention campaign. #hcmmconf #iamsmokingrightnow
Thu Aug 11 9:52:34 PDT 2011


RT @PublicHealth: Not at #hcmmconf in ATL this week? Don't despair. Here's what we've overheard:
Thu Aug 11 9:53:04 PDT 2011


RT @healthfinder: If interested, please send an email to; subject line: Moderator's Guide and we'll be in touch. Thanks! #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 9:53:05 PDT 2011


Not an uncommon issue, funding cut, how do you supplement with grassroots when you can't pay for traditional media #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 9:53:13 PDT 2011


RT @mayraporrata: RT @AndrewPWilson: Good post from @ReadG ~> 10 Tips on Social Comm during a Conf #hcmmconf #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 9:53:30 PDT 2011


RT @RobinPregnancy: @hillaryboucher Thought of U & J @AndrewPWilson @ReadG 10 Tips on Social Communications during a Conference #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 9:54:17 PDT 2011


Interactive start to innovation tools for physicians and healthcare providers with introductions all around. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 9:54:23 PDT 2011[8/12/2011 11:38:02 AM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


Partnered with schools for drama contest. Provided desirable prizes, recruited unbiased judges, clear, simple judging criteria #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 9:55:39 PDT 2011


RT @DavidNeville7: #hcmmconf is it local and sustainable? Many times it cannot be both. Bananas aren't local, but we can sustainably take care of the waste.
Thu Aug 11 9:55:44 PDT 2011


We've started "The Canadian KT Secret." Come join us in Dogwood A/B #hcmmconf #hcmkt2011
Thu Aug 11 9:56:08 PDT 2011


Still lobbying to ban PowerPoint at next year's #hcmmconf. Anyone in the big ballroom want to chat? By "chat", I mean get a cup of coffee.
Thu Aug 11 9:56:11 PDT 2011


#hcmmconf please send hooks to Redwood. Need to hang people on walls @ 10 variables that matter in communication and marketing.
Thu Aug 11 9:56:51 PDT 2011


#hcmmconf storytelling for health communication success. Desirable incentives help achieve student participation in youth PSA contest.
Thu Aug 11 9:57:01 PDT 2011


#hcmmconf Galen Cole: one reason for the message development tool: To help justify message.
Thu Aug 11 9:57:09 PDT 2011


Make the concept exciting, connect with Hollywood motif to motivate participation #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 9:58:20 PDT 2011


Interesting to watch the tech progression through the years of The Big Pitch Contest #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 9:59:06 PDT 2011


En route 2 DC (& connected thx 2 @gogo!) Enjoyed meeting/reconnecting w/ #healthcomm folks @ #hcmmconf. Thx 4 another great year @CDCgov!
Thu Aug 11 9:59:52 PDT 2011


Contest detail: A PSN In-Store campaign includes all production for one 30 second audio spot #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:00:26 PDT 2011[8/12/2011 11:38:02 AM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


Created microsite for contest entries. Contest entries uploaded to YouTube, allowed public voting. Used radio ad to promote #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:00:59 PDT 2011


I didn't know kids were such big smokers in Arkansas. What are their preferred brands? Who buys them for the youths? #hcmmconf #kidssmoke
Thu Aug 11 10:01:05 PDT 2011


You can create knowledge but how are you at passing it on in the field and beyond? The Canadians think they have it down. #HCMMconf
Thu Aug 11 10:01:18 PDT 2011


Stamp Out Smoking Program from the storytelling panel #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:01:26 PDT 2011

oleandros RobinPregnancy

created and hosted an award show and screening events #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 10:02:25 PDT 2011

@PrettyPushers Just recommended Flickr over smug mug for integration on wordpress #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:03:39 PDT 2011


85% of physicians have smart phones. 75% of 'em are apple products. #apps #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:03:58 PDT 2011

RobinPregnancy shellyspoeth

quality of videos have improved over the years #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 10:04:25 PDT 2011

RT @RobinPregnancy: Stamp Out Smoking Program from the storytelling panel #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:04:33 PDT 2011


RT @RobinPregnancy: Stamp Out Smoking Program from the storytelling panel #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:05:03 PDT 2011


& their FB pg RT @RobinPregnancy: Stamp Out Smoking Program from the storytelling panel #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:05:06 PDT 2011


Over 75 submissions this past year, really impressive entries, great quality (availability of HD vid cams certainly helps!) #hcmmconf[8/12/2011 11:38:02 AM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

Thu Aug 11 10:05:49 PDT 2011


#HCMMconf New tool--"Social Works"--to develop social media strategy. Like CDCynergy meets TurboTax for social media!
Thu Aug 11 10:07:08 PDT 2011

penneysage KTExchange

Is there going to be an evaluation for #hcmmconf attendees?

Thu Aug 11 10:07:56 PDT 2011

David Phipps: I don't want to get wrapped up in the language debate. I want to do. #hcmmconf #hcmkt2011
Thu Aug 11 10:08:09 PDT 2011


RT @sm1guru: #HCMMconf New tool--"Social Works"--to develop social media strategy. Like CDCynergy meets TurboTax for social media!
Thu Aug 11 10:08:13 PDT 2011


Significant drop in tobacco use over the time of the contest, great correlation, would want to compare to overall national trends #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:09:17 PDT 2011


RT @nationalcouncil: & their FB pg RT @RobinPregnancy: Stamp Out Smoking Program from the storytelling panel #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:09:33 PDT 2011


@emediapro33 workshop: new tool to create and defend better social marketing message from CDC. Has modifiable interface. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:10:20 PDT 2011

sm1guru creativeDIVAnt RobinPregnancy mayraporrata

#HCMMconf #CDC Galen Cole has a wonderful personality!!

Thu Aug 11 10:10:30 PDT 2011

Really great presentaion of stamp out smoking in Arkansas! #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 10:10:45 PDT 2011

How are you twittering at #hcmmconf ?

Thu Aug 11 10:11:13 PDT 2011

RT @sm1guru Totally love this!!! #hcmmconf New tool--"Social Works"-to develop social media strategy....just in time!!!
Thu Aug 11 10:11:34 PDT 2011


They usually email it out after the conf. RT @penneysage: Is there going to be an evaluation for #hcmmconf attendees?[8/12/2011 11:38:02 AM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

Thu Aug 11 10:12:12 PDT 2011


#HCMMconf Punam Kellen about a remote that won't work: Maybe it's a placebo! :)
Thu Aug 11 10:13:10 PDT 2011


Wondder if student produced ads have a bigger impact on adults than kids? #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:14:12 PDT 2011


@tedeytan describing surge in connectivity btwn MD and patients at #kaiserpermanente. #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 10:14:12 PDT 2011


RT @AlexisCHES: Wondder if student produced ads have a bigger impact on adults than kids? #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:14:44 PDT 2011


Where? RT @sm1guru: #HCMMconf New tool--"Social Works"--to develop social media strategy. Like CDCynergy meets TurboTax for social media!
Thu Aug 11 10:14:52 PDT 2011


Gray presentation by Naima Crozier on @AIDSgov work using mobile technologies to reach key audiences #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:14:52 PDT 2011


@Nedra doing a great job at moderating the storytelling for health communication success session #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:14:54 PDT 2011


Pimjai Sudsawad: We have adopted our definition of KT from the Canadian model. #hcmmconf #hcmkt2011
Thu Aug 11 10:15:03 PDT 2011


RT @KTExchange: Pimjai Sudsawad: We have adopted our definition of KT from the Canadian model. #hcmmconf #hcmkt2011
Thu Aug 11 10:15:41 PDT 2011


Yup, they'll email a link. RT @penneysage: Is there going to be an evaluation for #hcmmconf attendees? #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:15:42 PDT 2011


RT @creativeDIVAnt: They email it out after the conf. RT @penneysage: Is there going to be an evaluation for #hcmmconf?"this yr, online"
Thu Aug 11 10:15:55 PDT 2011[8/12/2011 11:38:02 AM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

RobinPregnancy peepingsusan

Chris Dzialo on Hollywood, Health and Society #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 10:16:36 PDT 2011

Up next @chrisdzialo talking about Entertainment Education for TV, movies & New Media. My fav topic! #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:16:51 PDT 2011


Our past Twitter chat summaries for those interested in what the conversation is like: #healthlit #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:16:51 PDT 2011

oleandros SocialBttrfly

Next, Chris Dzialo from hollywood, health and society #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 10:16:52 PDT 2011

In session on innovations and tools in sexual health. Great presentations on mobile reminders, collaboration, data and more. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:17:08 PDT 2011


The power of storytelling as a tool to leverage PH and HC campaing success...lets do it!....brilliant!!! #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:17:20 PDT 2011


Ensuring patients get preventive care msges from all corners-allergy receptionist encouraging overdue mammogram #kaiserpermanente #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:17:31 PDT 2011


Sudsawad: At NIDRR, we fund KT projects, establish requirements for grantees, and build KT capacity. #hcmmconf #hcmkt2011
Thu Aug 11 10:17:48 PDT 2011


8 out of 10 people go online to learn about their health; 2 out of 3 report learning about their health thru a TV show. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:18:17 PDT 2011


HHS connects Hollywood writers to medical experts so stuff in tv and movies is accurate #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:18:28 PDT 2011

HCAnnaTE HealthLitMO

I wonder off I am the only one having Twitter app issues #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:18:38 PDT 2011

2 out of 3 people report learning about their health from TV #hcmmconf #healthlit
Thu Aug 11 10:18:47 PDT 2011[8/12/2011 11:38:02 AM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


RT @nationalcouncil: 8 out of 10 people go online to learn about their health; 2 out of 3 report learning about their health thru a TV show. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:18:47 PDT 2011


RT @nationalcouncil: 8 out of 10 people go online to learn about their health; 2 out of 3 report learning about their health thru a TV show. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:18:52 PDT 2011


Amazing! Info online? MT @sm1guru New tool "Social Works" to dev social media strategy.CDCynergy meets TurboTax for social media! #HCMMconf
Thu Aug 11 10:18:53 PDT 2011


HH& S employs a transmedia strategy to expand voice of media experts. #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 10:19:06 PDT 2011


RT @HealthLitMO: 2 out of 3 people report learning about their health from TV #hcmmconf #healthlit
Thu Aug 11 10:19:13 PDT 2011


Not only that, encourage them to include pressing public health issues in TV story lines. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:19:27 PDT 2011


HH& S employs a transmedia strategy to expand voice of media experts. #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 10:19:46 PDT 2011


HH&S has reactive and proactive outreach efforts that include panel discussions at WGA. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:19:48 PDT 2011


@sm1guru thanks for the great comment! Really enjoyed presenting today w/ @HealthLitMO @healthfinder #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:19:49 PDT 2011


RT @HealthLitMO: Our past Twitter chat summaries for those interested in what the conversation is like: #healthlit #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:20:05 PDT 2011


RT @RobinPregnancy: Stamp Out Smoking Program from the storytelling panel #hcmmconf[8/12/2011 11:38:02 AM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

Thu Aug 11 10:20:13 PDT 2011


They encourage writers to write about health issues, accurately. #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 10:20:14 PDT 2011


Innovative Tools/Tech in Sexual Health - @AIDSgov: of the top 5 mobile web searches for health, 3 are sexual health related. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:20:16 PDT 2011


Chris Dzialo on partnering w entertainment: 2/3 people learn something about their health on TV, then 8/10 go online for this info #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:20:17 PDT 2011


2 out of 3 people learn something about their health from watching TVChris Dzialo, Hollywood Health & Society. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:20:18 PDT 2011


RT @healthlitmo: Our past Twitter chat summaries for those interested in what the convo is like: #healthlit #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:20:20 PDT 2011


RT @alanebearder: Chris Dzialo on partnering w entertainment: 2/3 people learn something about their health on TV, then 8/10 go online for this info #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:20:32 PDT 2011


Writers can contact them for any topic under the sun to get facts to them. They serve as bridge. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:20:51 PDT 2011


RT @nationalcouncil: 8 out of 10 people go online to learn about their health; 2 out of 3 report learning about their health thru a TV show. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:20:53 PDT 2011


HH&S reactive outreach includes PSA's and 1-800 call service. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:21:01 PDT 2011


Sudsawad: Some of our projects --,, #hcmmconf #hcmkt2011

Thu Aug 11 10:21:04 PDT 2011


love HHS @oleandros: HHS connects Hollywood writers to medical experts so stuff in tv and movies is accurate #hcmmconf"[8/12/2011 11:38:02 AM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

Thu Aug 11 10:21:25 PDT 2011

RobinPregnancy KTExchange

@DOUGweinbrenner @aidsgov what are the key words? #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 10:21:27 PDT 2011

Sudsawad: Some more of our KT projects --,, #hcmmconf #hcmkt2011
Thu Aug 11 10:21:58 PDT 2011


1.5M a year for the running center generates $1.5B in public health messaging #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:22:02 PDT 2011


I think Hollywood, Health & Society ( is so cool! Gives free med info & access to experts to TV producers #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:22:02 PDT 2011


Proactive and reactive outreach 2 accurately reflect health issues in entertainment -bridge between writers & pub health messaging #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:22:10 PDT 2011


What is transmedia? Telling a single story over multiple platforms. #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 10:22:12 PDT 2011


RT @DOUGweinbrenner: Innovative Tools/Tech in Sexual Health @AIDSgov: of the top 5 mobile web searches for health, 3 are sexual health related. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:22:22 PDT 2011


Transmedia: Telling a single story over several media platforms so the reader has 2 go to several platforms to get the whole story #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:22:36 PDT 2011


Great concept and essential @RobinPregnancy: What is transmedia? Telling a single story over multiple platforms. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:22:56 PDT 2011


2/3 people learn something about their health from TV. Getting medical info into storylines on popular TV shows. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:23:03 PDT 2011


RT @penneysage: 85% of physicians have smart phones. 75% of 'em[8/12/2011 11:38:02 AM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

are apple products. #apps #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 10:23:21 PDT 2011


RT @JeriKirschner: 2 out of 3 people learn something about their health from watching TV-Chris Dzialo, Hollywood Health & Society. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:23:23 PDT 2011


CDC Tobacco program use online bulletin boards focus groups to pretest advertising messages. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:23:28 PDT 2011


RT @DOUGweinbrenner: Innovative Tools/Tech in Sexual Health @AIDSgov: of the top 5 mobile web searches for health, 3 are sexual health related. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:23:32 PDT 2011


@oleandros: 1.5M a year for HH&S ( generates $1.5B in public health messaging #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:23:43 PDT 2011


Innovative Tools/Tech in Sexual Health - @AIDSgov: the web-based geo widget was intended to be shared beyond HIV/AIDS providers. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:23:46 PDT 2011

HCAnnaTE ckrobertson

I have to look into online bulletin boards. #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 10:24:00 PDT 2011

RT @oleandros: Great concept and essential @RobinPregnancy: What is transmedia? Telling a single story over multiple platforms. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:24:21 PDT 2011


Think what I love most about the #hcmmconf is hearing all the very creative ways people have tried to get their message out.
Thu Aug 11 10:25:27 PDT 2011


Tobacco program decided to go worth graphic ads for regional advertising pilot. Very graphic and some had to air after 9 PM #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:25:37 PDT 2011


RT @nationalcouncil: Transmedia: Telling a single story over several media platforms so the reader has 2 go to several platforms to get the whole story #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:26:11 PDT 2011[8/12/2011 11:38:02 AM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


RT @HealthLitMO 2 out of 3 people report learning about their health from TV #hcmmconf #healthlit
Thu Aug 11 10:26:15 PDT 2011

ShayNJB TaWannaBerry

So excited to learn more about #theexpertsspeak! #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 10:26:18 PDT 2011

Transmedia storytelling = telling a single story over multiple platforms. Thrives in a culture of convergence. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:26:21 PDT 2011


RT @JeriKirschner: 2 out of 3 people learn something about their health from watching TV-Chris Dzialo, Hollywood Health & Society. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:26:27 PDT 2011


Innovative Tools/Tech in Sexual Health - @AIDSgov: it's not as simple as taking a website & putting it on a phone, user Bx is key. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:26:32 PDT 2011


Evidence shows that graphic and grim tobacco add successful for reducing smoking rates. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:26:37 PDT 2011

RobinPregnancy SocialBttrfly

They got this one Parenthood #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 10:26:42 PDT 2011

+1 RT @oleandros: Great concept and essential @RobinPregnancy: What is transmedia? Telling a single story over multiple platforms. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:26:55 PDT 2011


HH&S partnered with on aspergers storyline on Parenthood and Experts Speak online weaving clinical exp & narrative #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:27:05 PDT 2011

RichPanzer to mobile solution. Can't just take major site & make it mobile. Look at data & see what ur traffic does & design 4 mobi #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:27:22 PDT 2011


RT @ImmunizeCa: RT @jgarrow: Problems w/ social media msg approval? "Start w/ approved material" how many tweets can you get out of press release? #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:27:42 PDT 2011


RT @oleandros: HH&S partnered with on aspergers storyline on Parenthood and Experts Speak online weaving clinical exp & narrative[8/12/2011 11:38:02 AM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

Thu Aug 11 10:28:05 PDT 2011


RT @TaWannaBerry: Transmedia storytelling = telling a single story over multiple platforms. Thrives in a culture of convergence. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:28:06 PDT 2011


RT @shellyspoeth: I think Hollywood, Health & Society ( is so cool! Gives free med info & access to experts to TV producers #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:28:40 PDT 2011


Social media has caused medical professionals to care what happens to patients outside of their office. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:28:41 PDT 2011


Linking to the last session does anyone tweetchat during shows with health msgs?#hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:28:51 PDT 2011

RichPanzer desktop search generic search terms, mobile more personal search question,terms #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:28:59 PDT 2011


At least the fourth time I've heard Verb mentioned in two days. Was a great campaign. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:29:12 PDT 2011


Best of Luck to @CUgirl481 & @tedeytan who's speaking at the CDC Conference in Atlanta today!!! #hcmmconf @cdcgov #SocialMedia
Thu Aug 11 10:29:18 PDT 2011

AlexisCHES oleandros

asked and answered #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 10:29:23 PDT 2011

+1 RT @RichPanzer: to mobile solution. Can't just take site & make it mobile. Look at data & traffic & design 4 mobi #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:29:24 PDT 2011


H,H&S works with experts to provide good info and advice on ASD to 'Parenthood' watchers #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:29:29 PDT 2011


Great resourcesRT @sm1guru New tool "Social Works" to dev social media strategy.CDCynergy meets TurboTax for social media![8/12/2011 11:38:02 AM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

Thu Aug 11 10:29:39 PDT 2011


NBC Law & Order SUV does Bubble tweets on health issues. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:29:45 PDT 2011

sm1guru peepingsusan

#HCMMconf Will the PowerPoint slides be available?!

Thu Aug 11 10:29:51 PDT 2011

Bubble tweets have short clips from shows embedded in them. Awesome way to engage new viewers. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:29:59 PDT 2011


RT @researchmatters: Ensuring patients get preventive care msges from all corners-allergy receptionist encouraging overdue mammogram #kaiserpermanente #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:30:07 PDT 2011


RT @RobinPregnancy: NBC Law & Order SUV does Bubble tweets on health issues. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:30:20 PDT 2011


Innovative Tools/Tech in Sexual Health - @AIDSgov: user experience/behavior of mobile version is more personal and accessible. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:30:23 PDT 2011

SocialBttrfly & search: Online, searched history of AIDS, the issue, etc. On mobile, people asked questions at point of behavior #key #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:30:35 PDT 2011


RT @peepingsusan: Bubble tweets have short clips from shows embedded in them. Awesome way to engage new viewers. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:30:36 PDT 2011


RT @oleandros: Created microsite for contest entries. Contest entries uploaded to YouTube, allowed public voting. Used radio ad to promote #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:30:39 PDT 2011


Law and Order uses Bubble Tweets to tweet out compelling storylines very cool technology! #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:30:41 PDT 2011[8/12/2011 11:38:02 AM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

RobinPregnancy IQ_Rose

More on Bubble Tweet #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 10:30:55 PDT 2011

RT @nationalcouncil: 8 out of 10 people go online to learn about their health; 2 out of 3 report learning about their health thru a TV show. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:31:01 PDT 2011


RT @penneysage: 85% of physicians have smart phones. 75% of 'em are apple products. #apps #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:31:05 PDT 2011


RT @LeahHealth: Amazing! Info online? MT @sm1guru New tool "Social Works" to dev social media strategy.CDCynergy meets TurboTax for social media! #HCMMconf
Thu Aug 11 10:31:17 PDT 2011


RT @nationalcouncil: 8 out of 10 people go online to learn about their health; 2 out of 3 report learning about their health thru a TV show. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:31:24 PDT 2011


RT @peepingsusan: Bubble tweets have short clips from shows embedded in them. Awesome way to engage new viewers. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:31:47 PDT 2011


There's been 28k searches on the locator so far. Peaks during observances. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:32:09 PDT 2011


@CatherineJamal: At least the fourth time I've heard Verb mentioned in two days. Was a great campaign. #hcmmconf AGREED!
Thu Aug 11 10:32:29 PDT 2011


What a cool tool RT @RobinPregnancy: More on Bubble Tweet #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 10:32:53 PDT 2011


RT @RichPanzer: to mobile solution. Can't just take major site & make it mobile. Look at data & see what ur traffic does & design 4 mobi #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:33:03 PDT 2011


RT @oleandros: Great concept and essential @RobinPregnancy: What is transmedia? Telling a single story over multiple platforms. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:33:07 PDT 2011[8/12/2011 11:38:02 AM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


RT @viaLanguage: Social media has caused medical professionals to care what happens to patients outside of their office. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:33:13 PDT 2011


RT @peepingsusan: Bubble tweets have short clips from shows embedded in them. Awesome way to engage new viewers. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:33:54 PDT 2011


Innovative Tools/Tech in Sexual Health - @AIDSgov: the geo-locator widget has over 28,000 visits & is located on over 270 websites #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:33:59 PDT 2011


Used formspring for an ask the doctor feature for MTV HIV/AIDS show #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:34:05 PDT 2011


RT @ElyseCohen: 2/3 people learn something about their health from TV. Getting medical info into storylines on popular TV shows. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:34:10 PDT 2011

HCAnnaTE epsandler

Visit to view the ads #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 10:34:12 PDT 2011

RT @shellyspoeth: I think Hollywood, Health & Society ( is so cool! Gives free med info & access to experts to TV producers #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:34:21 PDT 2011


#hcmmconf Eileen Haag: 10 variables that are significant predictors for stated intentions and behavior. We have no control over 4.
Thu Aug 11 10:34:41 PDT 2011


Very unique idea: the "unconference" w/ open agenda, graphical recording artist rendering of note, use of 3x5 for sessions #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:35:20 PDT 2011


Thanks for this link!! @RobinPregnancy: More on Bubble Tweet #hcmmconf #bumhc
Thu Aug 11 10:35:53 PDT 2011


RT @RichPanzer: to mobile solution. Can't just take major site & make it mobile. Look at data & see what ur traffic does & design 4 mobi #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:36:08 PDT 2011[8/12/2011 11:38:02 AM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


RT @JeriKirschner: Law and Order uses Bubble Tweets to tweet out compelling storylines - very cool technology! #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:36:24 PDT 2011


More on Veto Violence hooked up with CW show. #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 10:36:39 PDT 2011


You're welcome @alanebearder: Thanks for this link!! @RobinPregnancy: More on Bubble Tweet #hcmmconf #bumhc
Thu Aug 11 10:37:12 PDT 2011


New CDC national media campaign and quit lines on packages increase in calls but programs can't handle calls due to funding cuts #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:37:22 PDT 2011


RT #hcmmconf Punam Keller noted that: 10 variables that r significant predictors 4 stated intentions & behavior. We have no control over 4.
Thu Aug 11 10:37:27 PDT 2011


RT @RobinPregnancy: More on Veto Violence hooked up with CW show. #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 10:37:59 PDT 2011


HH&S works with new tech - twitter (bubble tweets!), fbook - and traditional - PSA, TV - in transmedia work #hcmmconf #edutainment
Thu Aug 11 10:38:21 PDT 2011


Building a demand for a service without providing the support is a gross mistake. #tobacco #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:38:37 PDT 2011


More info? @penneysage: the "unconference" w/ open agenda, graphical recording artist rendering of note, use of 3x5 for sessions #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:39:00 PDT 2011


RT @WorldSeaParks: Visiting #GeorgiaAquarium? News from A MUST SEE! #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:39:06 PDT 2011


HH&S never tells writers what to write. They provide compelling & accurate information but ultimately have no control over it. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:39:39 PDT 2011[8/12/2011 11:38:02 AM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


HollywoodHealth builds relationships & leverages content via soc media 2 impact people 'where they live'=health edutainment #hcmmconf #bumhc
Thu Aug 11 10:39:41 PDT 2011


Enjoying the last day of the National Conference on Health Communication, Marketing, and Media #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:39:42 PDT 2011


What is transmedia? Telling a single story over multiple platforms. #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 10:39:44 PDT 2011


Transmedia: Telling a single story over several media platforms so the reader has 2 go to several platforms to get the whole story #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:39:44 PDT 2011


Great concept and essential @RobinPregnancy: What is transmedia? Telling a single story over multiple platforms. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:39:45 PDT 2011


RT @oleandros: Great concept and essential @RobinPregnancy: What is transmedia? Telling a single story over multiple platforms. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:39:46 PDT 2011


Transmedia storytelling = telling a single story over multiple platforms. Thrives in a culture of convergence. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:39:47 PDT 2011


+1 RT @oleandros: Great concept and essential @RobinPregnancy: What is transmedia? Telling a single story over multiple platforms. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:39:48 PDT 2011


RT @TaWannaBerry: Transmedia storytelling = telling a single story over multiple platforms. Thrives in a culture of convergence. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:39:49 PDT 2011


+1 RT @HCAnnaTE: Building a demand for a service without providing the support is a gross mistake. #tobacco #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:39:49 PDT 2011


HH&S works with new tech - twitter (bubble tweets!), fbook - and traditional - PSA, TV - in transmedia work #hcmmconf #edutainment
Thu Aug 11 10:39:51 PDT 2011[8/12/2011 11:38:02 AM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


RT @alanebearder: Thanks for this link!! @RobinPregnancy: More on Bubble Tweet #hcmmconf #bumhc
Thu Aug 11 10:40:21 PDT 2011


Real people and real stories work better than across for tobacco ads. Even if they are graphic. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:40:26 PDT 2011


Really impressed by the work of the other HHS (Hollywood, Health & Society) @uscannenberg. Want to connect to learn more. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:40:49 PDT 2011


RT @nationalcouncil: 8 out of 10 people go online to learn about their health; 2 out of 3 report learning about their health thru a TV show. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:40:53 PDT 2011


RT @webdocumentaire: Transmedia storytelling = telling a single story over multiple platforms. Thrives in a culture of convergence. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:41:01 PDT 2011


Next set of National campaign will have self efficacy messages. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:41:24 PDT 2011


Anyone can be taught to tell a great story. HH&S teaches basic framework in workshops so experts can create compelling narratives. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:41:27 PDT 2011

AlexisCHES shanictaylor

Anyone can be taught to tell a good strory, even SMEs #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 10:42:06 PDT 2011

RT @RobinPregnancy: More on Bubble Tweet #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 10:42:06 PDT 2011


Story foundation is already there in mainstream media. Hollywood Health bridges content-w-clinical accuracy-w-engagement #hcmmconf #bumhc
Thu Aug 11 10:42:22 PDT 2011


RT @peepingsusan: Anyone can be taught to tell a great story. HH&S teaches basic framework in workshops so experts can create compelling narratives. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:42:38 PDT 2011[8/12/2011 11:38:02 AM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

sm1guru mayraporrata

#HCMMconf "A model is not a substitute for your thinking." Punam Keller
Thu Aug 11 10:42:44 PDT 2011

RT @TaWannaBerry Love it!-- great name: transmedia storytelling = telling a single story over multiple platforms. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:42:58 PDT 2011


RT @RobinPregnancy: What is transmedia? Telling a single story over multiple platforms. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:43:19 PDT 2011


Writers come to HHS and they provide a service in helping them be more realistic with health content. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:43:53 PDT 2011


Regional advertising campaign cost a little under $6.5 million. Generating about $18M if coverage. Only implemented in the SW #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:44:07 PDT 2011


RT @peepingsusan: Anyone can be taught to tell a great story. HH&S teaches basic framework in workshops so experts can create compelling narratives. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:44:28 PDT 2011

HCAnnaTE alanebearder

Webwhispers an online support group for those with trecs #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 10:45:52 PDT 2011

HollywoodHealth -pull v push approach 2 accurate health content in entertainmnt. Connects writers/producrs 2 subject matter Xperts #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:46:05 PDT 2011


RT @WorldSeaParks: Visiting #GeorgiaAquarium? News from A MUST SEE! #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:46:07 PDT 2011


RT @RobinPregnancy: What is transmedia? Telling a single story over multiple platforms. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:47:42 PDT 2011


"Believe me u wouldn't look good w/o skin either"-Eileen Haag explaing Message Works wireframe (designer's tool.) #hcmmconf Messages session
Thu Aug 11 10:48:09 PDT 2011

#HCMMconf Showing visual wireframe for the message development[8/12/2011 11:38:02 AM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


tool. This is going to be WAY COOL!

Thu Aug 11 10:48:15 PDT 2011


Poster by Bonny Bloodgood, @ICFI & Cornelius Baker: Engaging Health Care Providers in HIV Vaccine Research. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:48:41 PDT 2011


Social media is an important way to build trust between patients and their providers #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:48:43 PDT 2011

oleandros sm1guru

Next @Nedra talking about storytelling for health #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 10:48:59 PDT 2011

#HCMMconf Message tool should look like CDCynergy series for those of you familiar with it.
Thu Aug 11 10:49:17 PDT 2011


Up now @nedra talking about storytelling - settling back for a good time #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:49:25 PDT 2011


Stories are the way we make sense of the world. We are hardwired for narrative. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:50:01 PDT 2011

RobinPregnancy RobinPregnancy sm1guru

Our brains are hardwired to stories. #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 10:50:07 PDT 2011

Blasting info at people doesn't work, but we do it anyway. #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 10:50:33 PDT 2011

#HCMMconf Message tool will give you a score for intention and for behavior. Will give recommendations for change.
Thu Aug 11 10:50:40 PDT 2011


Blasting information at people is not best way to change behavior. #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 10:50:53 PDT 2011


We need to incorporate what we're doing to where people are. They want compelling stories, relevant... #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:51:19 PDT 2011[8/12/2011 11:38:02 AM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

HCAnnaTE peepingsusan

1 in 5 adults smoke. #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 10:51:26 PDT 2011

Incorporate useful information into areas where people are already placing their attention. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:51:33 PDT 2011


Stories help us make sense of our world, says @Nedra no wonder my daughter thinks she is a princess and lives in a castle:) #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:51:34 PDT 2011


Agreed!!! @emheckman People are NOT searching online for info on nutrition/food. Cultural and community networks r our pathway #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:51:42 PDT 2011


RT @peepingsusan: Stories are the way we make sense of the world. We are hardwired for narrative. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:51:54 PDT 2011


RT @RobinPregnancy: Our brains are hardwired to stories. #hcmmconf compelling stories that elicit emotions.
Thu Aug 11 10:51:56 PDT 2011


RT @peepingsusan: Anyone can be taught to tell a great story. HH&S teaches basic framework in workshops so experts can create compelling narratives. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:52:15 PDT 2011


NedraWeinreich: Move away frm giving health facts to educating / influencing via stories. Sounds similar to oral histories/fables #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:52:22 PDT 2011


Stories create change by getting them to focus on our issue, makes abstract more concrete and relevant #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:52:25 PDT 2011


People want content that is entertaining, compelling, relevant - not necessarily PSAs. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:52:35 PDT 2011

peepingsusan mayraporrata

Stories make abstract concepts more concrete and relevant. #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 10:52:46 PDT 2011

RT @peepingsusan: Stories are the way we make sense of the world. We are hardwired for narrative. #hcmmconf[8/12/2011 11:38:02 AM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

Thu Aug 11 10:52:54 PDT 2011


Storytelling can shape people's understanding/interpretation of issues. #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 10:52:56 PDT 2011

HCAnnaTE JeriKirschner

Be smoke free you matter to me e-card coming soon. #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 10:53:03 PDT 2011

@Nedra Stories create change by grabbing a person's attention to focus on issues. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:53:21 PDT 2011

RobinPregnancy HCAnnaTE

Stories provide vicarious experience. #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 10:53:31 PDT 2011

RT @foxepractice: @HCAnnaTE Thanks for adding #VitalSigns to the Healthcare Hashtag Project! #hcsm #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:53:39 PDT 2011


RT @womenshealth: RT @AIDSgov We're presenting on geolocation, mobile & government collaboration today, 12:45pm ET in Grand Ballroom C at #hcmmconf.
Thu Aug 11 10:53:46 PDT 2011


RT @peepingsusan: Stories are the way we make sense of the world. We are hardwired for narrative. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:53:49 PDT 2011

RobinPregnancy oleandros

Stories increase empathy for others. #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 10:53:54 PDT 2011

Stories grab attention, makes abstract concepts concrete, shapes understanding, provides vicarious experience, increases empathy #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:53:55 PDT 2011


#HCMMconf "Social Works" tool is still in development! :( But we will be notified. Folks, this will be tremendous! :)
Thu Aug 11 10:54:24 PDT 2011


@Nedra Use stories to create empathy for others. #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 10:54:25 PDT 2011[8/12/2011 11:38:02 AM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


Stories can persuade the importance or benefit from taking action. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:54:33 PDT 2011

RobinPregnancy RobinPregnancy

Stories can strengthen relationship and create support #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 10:54:48 PDT 2011

Stories, particularly the mass media, influence our social norms. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:55:03 PDT 2011


Stories persuade and strengthen relationships when shared, shared context and meaning, influences norms #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:55:10 PDT 2011

JeriKirschner Sapientgov

@Nedra Stories influence perceptions of social norms. #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 10:55:36 PDT 2011

#hcmmconf health stories can create change behavior and influence social norms
Thu Aug 11 10:55:41 PDT 2011

AliceatColumbia peepingsusan

Thu Aug 11 10:55:42 PDT 2011

Loving the narrative presentation by @Nedra! I keep nodding my head in agreement with everything she says. So refreshing! #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:55:46 PDT 2011

RobinPregnancy parkerism

There is clinical evidence for stories influencing health. #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 10:55:55 PDT 2011

Storytelling helps make abstract concepts more concrete & relevant 2 ppl's lives...can show key benefits of taking action @Nedra #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:56:12 PDT 2011

RobinPregnancy HCAnnaTE

@peepingsusan @nedra Agreed! Great presentation here at #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 10:56:28 PDT 2011

Evaluation for the government is not as easy as one would hope. There are never enough burden hours in the OMB package #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:56:54 PDT 2011

Entertainment Education = Edutainment is like Mary Poppins, A spoonful[8/12/2011 11:38:02 AM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


of sugar... #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:57:28 PDT 2011


Storytelling @nedra - Blood pressure storytelling DVD as effective as previous drug regimes #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:57:32 PDT 2011


We talk re: collaborative learning, yet most conference rooms are setup classroom style and approached as lectures. Let's evolve. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:57:34 PDT 2011


Message Works will have built-in social networking, at least ability to follow people. #hcmmconf Messages session
Thu Aug 11 10:57:42 PDT 2011


RT @oleandros: Stories grab attention, makes abstract concepts concrete, shapes understanding, provides vicarious experience, increases empathy #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:57:57 PDT 2011


RT @CHI_Sandra: Storytelling @nedra - Blood pressure storytelling DVD as effective as previous drug regimes #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:58:00 PDT 2011


#HCMMconf Message tool will be like having theory, planning+content(?) experts on your desk in team that includes you! Very interactive
Thu Aug 11 10:58:03 PDT 2011


Culturally appropriate storytelling improved blood pressure in AA men; randomized trial (Ann Intern Med, Jan 18 2011) #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:58:24 PDT 2011


"Entertainment Education" - think Mary Poppins with a spoonful of sugar to make the medicine go down. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 10:58:25 PDT 2011


Principles of Edutainment: At least 1 character that people can relate to #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 10:58:39 PDT 2011

RobinPregnancy pharoe

Get people to feel an emotional bond with the characters. #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 10:59:03 PDT 2011

Is the new CDC tobacco msgs that use hard-hitting images "scare tactics"? Interesting conversation at #hcmmconf[8/12/2011 11:38:02 AM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

Thu Aug 11 10:59:10 PDT 2011

RobinPregnancy RobinPregnancy RobinPregnancy oleandros

Emotions are key in getting ppl to change. #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 10:59:21 PDT 2011

Model desirable behavior in education entertainment. #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 10:59:39 PDT 2011

Stories can depict positive and negative consequences #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 10:59:57 PDT 2011

Edutainment best practice: relatable characters, emotional ongoing bond, modeling desired behaviors/attitudes, depict +/- conseq #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:00:08 PDT 2011

RobinPregnancy JeriKirschner

Stories can teach knowledge and skills as a part of the story. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:00:10 PDT 2011

Entertainment Education - create characters with whom the audience will create an emotional bond. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:00:32 PDT 2011


2days stories facilitate undrstandng/adoption soc norms & behaviors similar 2 cultural fables, histories carried thru generations #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:00:47 PDT 2011


You can have characters text msging or tweeting from your story. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:01:20 PDT 2011


RT @JeriKirschner: Entertainment Education - create characters with whom the audience will create an emotional bond. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:01:41 PDT 2011


RT @RobinPregnancy: You can have characters text msging or tweeting from your story. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:01:42 PDT 2011


The 4th Wall - the invisible wall between the actors and audience. Our goal is to move it to envelope the audience. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:02:11 PDT 2011


#HCMMconf Message tool Beta release expected Feb. 2012. Send contact info starting Monday!!
Thu Aug 11 11:02:14 PDT 2011[8/12/2011 11:38:02 AM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


Behavior Change Model + Good storytelling + Ubiquitous Media + Participatory Experience + Real World #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:02:54 PDT 2011


RT @oleandros: Stories persuade and strengthen relationships when shared, shared context and meaning, influences norms #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:03:15 PDT 2011


RT @sm1guru: #HCMMconf Message tool Beta release expected Feb. 2012. Send contact info starting Monday!!
Thu Aug 11 11:03:34 PDT 2011


At least three #hcmmconf posts are Top Tweets // @jgarrow @AndrewPWilson @healthfinder
Thu Aug 11 11:03:39 PDT 2011


RT @SocialBttrfly: & search: Online, searched history of AIDS, the issue, etc. On mobile, people asked questions at point of behavior #key #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:03:47 PDT 2011


Immersive engagement: Beh change model, storytelling, ubiquitous media, participatory experience, real world #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:03:54 PDT 2011


If transmedia storytelling interests you, join the Transmedia for Good Facebook group: #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:05:03 PDT 2011


Immersive Engagemt 4 change: behavior change model/theory + GOOD story + ubiquitous media + participatory experience + real world #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:05:17 PDT 2011


RT @SocialBttrfly: We talk re: collaborative learning, yet most conference rooms r setup classroom style & lectures. Let's evolve. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:05:18 PDT 2011

RobinPregnancy RobinPregnancy

Transmedia for Good Facebook Group #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 11:05:54 PDT 2011

@Nedra Weinreich #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 11:07:04 PDT 2011[8/12/2011 11:38:02 AM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


Transmedia for Good Facebook group; #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 11:07:15 PDT 2011


Love that there were scheduled tweets to release the URLs from presentation at #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:08:06 PDT 2011


RT @ckrobertson: #hcmmconf "Emerging tech 2 build capacity among hc providers for behavior change" getting started.
Thu Aug 11 11:09:03 PDT 2011


Can I just say how much I've enjoyed #hcmmconf ? It's my 1st year, but not my last. Thanks for making me feel welcome!
Thu Aug 11 11:09:08 PDT 2011


Formula for stories for Change via @Nedra (totally stole @HCAnnaTE idea of taking pics of screen!) #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:09:23 PDT 2011


RT @Nedra: If transmedia storytelling interests you, join the Transmedia for Good Facebook group: #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:09:30 PDT 2011


To augment our panel on storytelling, here are my thoughts on using transmedia stories to change the world : #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:10:02 PDT 2011


Thanks2 Nedra Weinreich 4 really informative & positive ideas 4 using transmedia & storytelling 4 advancng understandng of health #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:11:00 PDT 2011


@creativeDIVAnt: Really great presentaion of stamp out smoking in Arkansas! #hcmmconf thank you!
Thu Aug 11 11:11:40 PDT 2011


RT @Nedra: To augment our panel on storytelling, here are my thoughts on using transmedia stories to change the world : #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:11:42 PDT 2011


Great presentation by @Nedrra on storytelling and using transmedia stories to change the world : #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:11:57 PDT 2011[8/12/2011 11:38:02 AM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


RT @Nedra: If transmedia storytelling interests you, join the Transmedia for Good Facebook group: #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:12:01 PDT 2011


RT @Nedra: To augment our panel on storytelling, here are my thoughts on using transmedia stories to change the world : #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:12:11 PDT 2011

IFICMedia MuseHill

So nice to meet everyone at the #hcmmconf this week. Keep in touch

Thu Aug 11 11:13:09 PDT 2011

One ex where scaring the hell out 'em is needed: focus grp of parents refused to believe children die from co- and back sleeping. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:13:09 PDT 2011


ThankYou CDC healthycommunities helps people create stories with free images/templates. Springboard for influencing policymakers #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:13:40 PDT 2011

peepingsusan CHI_Sandra

Transmedia campaigns are an ecosystem of stories #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 11:14:02 PDT 2011

RT @Nedra: If transmedia storytelling interests you, join the Transmedia for Good Facebook group: #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:14:09 PDT 2011


RT @alanebearder: ThankYou CDC healthycommunities helps people create stories with free images/templates. Springboard for influencing policymakers #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:14:10 PDT 2011


RT @RobinPregnancy: Interesting to watch the tech progression through the years of The Big Pitch Contest #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:14:12 PDT 2011


Low tech transmedia: radio soap opera, newspaper columns related to them, could be movies or comic books know your audience!!! #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:14:26 PDT 2011


Texting, Tweeting, Facebook? Not so fast! Michael Williams reports on a presentation by Amelia Burke. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:15:03 PDT 2011[8/12/2011 11:38:02 AM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


Sorry, stomach sleeping. Campaign went with real parents speaking about loss. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:15:46 PDT 2011

BMore_Healthy alanebearder

Thu Aug 11 11:17:30 PDT 2011

RT @oleandros: Low tech transmedia: radio soap opera, newspaper columns related to them, could be movies or comic books know your audience!!! #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:17:44 PDT 2011


Ditto @RobinPregnancy: Can I just say how much I've enjoyed #hcmmconf ? It's my 1st year, but not my last. Thanks for making me feel welcome
Thu Aug 11 11:18:56 PDT 2011


Talking B'more for Healthy Babies, infant mortality at last day of #hcmmconf w/Cathy Church-Balin of #JHUCCP.
Thu Aug 11 11:19:14 PDT 2011


The ethics storytelling - a disucssion for another day or maybe next year #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:20:06 PDT 2011


HH& S employs a transmedia strategy to expand voice of media experts. #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 11:20:33 PDT 2011


What is transmedia? Telling a single story over multiple platforms. #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 11:20:34 PDT 2011


Transmedia: Telling a single story over several media platforms so the reader has 2 go to several platforms to get the whole story #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:20:34 PDT 2011


Great concept and essential @RobinPregnancy: What is transmedia? Telling a single story over multiple platforms. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:20:35 PDT 2011


RT @oleandros: Great concept and essential @RobinPregnancy: What is transmedia? Telling a single story over multiple platforms. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:20:35 PDT 2011


Transmedia storytelling = telling a single story over multiple platforms.[8/12/2011 11:38:02 AM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

Thrives in a culture of convergence. #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 11:20:37 PDT 2011


+1 RT @oleandros: Great concept and essential @RobinPregnancy: What is transmedia? Telling a single story over multiple platforms. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:20:37 PDT 2011


RT @TaWannaBerry: Transmedia storytelling = telling a single story over multiple platforms. Thrives in a culture of convergence. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:20:39 PDT 2011


HH&S works with new tech - twitter (bubble tweets!), fbook - and traditional - PSA, TV - in transmedia work #hcmmconf #edutainment
Thu Aug 11 11:20:41 PDT 2011


RT @Meeghan: Idea for next yr: Ignite format! 20 slides,15 secs each, total 5 mins -allows for diverse topics, high energy & more presenters! #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:22:09 PDT 2011


Healthy Babies for Baltimore got safe sleeping video shown in jury duty rooms! Cool idea #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:22:34 PDT 2011


HH& S employs a transmedia strategy to expand voice of media experts. #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 11:24:36 PDT 2011


What is transmedia? Telling a single story over multiple platforms. #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 11:24:37 PDT 2011


Transmedia: Telling a single story over several media platforms so the reader has 2 go to several platforms to get the whole story #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:24:37 PDT 2011


Great concept and essential @RobinPregnancy: What is transmedia? Telling a single story over multiple platforms. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:24:38 PDT 2011


RT @oleandros: Great concept and essential @RobinPregnancy: What is transmedia? Telling a single story over multiple platforms. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:24:39 PDT 2011[8/12/2011 11:38:02 AM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


Transmedia storytelling = telling a single story over multiple platforms. Thrives in a culture of convergence. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:24:40 PDT 2011


+1 RT @oleandros: Great concept and essential @RobinPregnancy: What is transmedia? Telling a single story over multiple platforms. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:24:42 PDT 2011


RT @TaWannaBerry: Transmedia storytelling = telling a single story over multiple platforms. Thrives in a culture of convergence. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:24:43 PDT 2011


HH&S works with new tech - twitter (bubble tweets!), fbook - and traditional - PSA, TV - in transmedia work #hcmmconf #edutainment
Thu Aug 11 11:24:45 PDT 2011


Last day at ATL #hcmmconf getting many insights for social marketing on health issues
Thu Aug 11 11:30:02 PDT 2011


Hope new paperwork reduction regs will make it easier @HCAnnaTE: Evaluation for the government is not as easy as one would hope.#hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:31:20 PDT 2011


RT @Nedra: To augment our panel on storytelling, here are my thoughts on using transmedia stories to change the world : #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:32:29 PDT 2011


HH& S employs a transmedia strategy to expand voice of media experts. #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 11:32:41 PDT 2011


What is transmedia? Telling a single story over multiple platforms. #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 11:32:42 PDT 2011


Transmedia: Telling a single story over several media platforms so the reader has 2 go to several platforms to get the whole story #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:32:42 PDT 2011


Great concept and essential @RobinPregnancy: What is transmedia? Telling a single story over multiple platforms. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:32:43 PDT 2011[8/12/2011 11:38:02 AM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


RT @oleandros: Great concept and essential @RobinPregnancy: What is transmedia? Telling a single story over multiple platforms. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:32:44 PDT 2011


Transmedia storytelling = telling a single story over multiple platforms. Thrives in a culture of convergence. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:32:45 PDT 2011


+1 RT @oleandros: Great concept and essential @RobinPregnancy: What is transmedia? Telling a single story over multiple platforms. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:32:46 PDT 2011


RT @TaWannaBerry: Transmedia storytelling = telling a single story over multiple platforms. Thrives in a culture of convergence. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:32:47 PDT 2011


HH&S works with new tech - twitter (bubble tweets!), fbook - and traditional - PSA, TV - in transmedia work #hcmmconf #edutainment
Thu Aug 11 11:32:48 PDT 2011


#hcmmconf has been an excellent health conference. Loads of learning. Feels like enjoyable schooling. Love it here.
Thu Aug 11 11:33:16 PDT 2011


HH& S employs a transmedia strategy to expand voice of media experts. #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 11:34:37 PDT 2011


What is transmedia? Telling a single story over multiple platforms. #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 11:34:37 PDT 2011


Transmedia: Telling a single story over several media platforms so the reader has 2 go to several platforms to get the whole story #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:34:38 PDT 2011


Great concept and essential @RobinPregnancy: What is transmedia? Telling a single story over multiple platforms. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:34:39 PDT 2011


RT @oleandros: Great concept and essential @RobinPregnancy: What is transmedia? Telling a single story over multiple platforms. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:34:39 PDT 2011


Transmedia storytelling = telling a single story over multiple platforms.[8/12/2011 11:38:02 AM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

Thrives in a culture of convergence. #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 11:34:40 PDT 2011


+1 RT @oleandros: Great concept and essential @RobinPregnancy: What is transmedia? Telling a single story over multiple platforms. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:34:41 PDT 2011


RT @TaWannaBerry: Transmedia storytelling = telling a single story over multiple platforms. Thrives in a culture of convergence. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:34:42 PDT 2011


HH&S works with new tech - twitter (bubble tweets!), fbook - and traditional - PSA, TV - in transmedia work #hcmmconf #edutainment
Thu Aug 11 11:34:44 PDT 2011


CDN KT advice to the US: develop a culture of engaged communities & vote in a gov't that listens to them #hcmmconf #KMb
Thu Aug 11 11:38:03 PDT 2011


RT @researchimpact: CDN KT advice to the US: develop a culture of engaged communities & vote in a gov't that listens to them #hcmmconf #KMb
Thu Aug 11 11:38:15 PDT 2011


RT @peepingsusan: Stories are the way we make sense of the world. We are hardwired for narrative. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:38:16 PDT 2011


HH& S employs a transmedia strategy to expand voice of media experts. #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 11:38:28 PDT 2011


What is transmedia? Telling a single story over multiple platforms. #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 11:38:29 PDT 2011


Transmedia: Telling a single story over several media platforms so the reader has 2 go to several platforms to get the whole story #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:38:30 PDT 2011


Great concept and essential @RobinPregnancy: What is transmedia? Telling a single story over multiple platforms. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:38:30 PDT 2011[8/12/2011 11:38:02 AM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


RT @oleandros: Great concept and essential @RobinPregnancy: What is transmedia? Telling a single story over multiple platforms. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:38:31 PDT 2011


Transmedia storytelling = telling a single story over multiple platforms. Thrives in a culture of convergence. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:38:32 PDT 2011


+1 RT @oleandros: Great concept and essential @RobinPregnancy: What is transmedia? Telling a single story over multiple platforms. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:38:33 PDT 2011


RT @TaWannaBerry: Transmedia storytelling = telling a single story over multiple platforms. Thrives in a culture of convergence. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:38:34 PDT 2011


HH&S works with new tech - twitter (bubble tweets!), fbook - and traditional - PSA, TV - in transmedia work #hcmmconf #edutainment
Thu Aug 11 11:38:35 PDT 2011


RT @AndrewPWilson: Good, relevant post from @ReadG ~> 10 Tips on Social Communications during a Conference #hcmmconf #gov20
Thu Aug 11 11:39:04 PDT 2011


@Nedra awesome presentation on transmedia storytelling! Look fwd to connecting #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 11:39:38 PDT 2011


RT @GrandReportage: +1 RT @oleandros: Great concept and essential @RobinPregnancy: What is transmedia? Telling a single story over multiple platforms. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:39:44 PDT 2011


RT @GrandReportage: Transmedia storytelling = telling a single story over multiple platforms. Thrives in a culture of convergence. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:39:54 PDT 2011


RT @GrandReportage: Transmedia: Telling a single story over several media platforms so the reader has 2 go to several platforms to get the whole story #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:40:06 PDT 2011


Time for more learner focused design@SocialBttrfly:most conf rooms setup classroom style & approached as lectures. Let's evolve. #hcmmconf[8/12/2011 11:38:02 AM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

Thu Aug 11 11:40:13 PDT 2011

researchimpact ivanbecerrav

@KTExchange thanks for organizing the CDN KT Secret at #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 11:41:33 PDT 2011

Thanks to the CDC and @HCMMconf for the amazing job in bringing all our brains and souls together #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:42:10 PDT 2011

girl_jamie girl_jamie

I have enjoyed very much the #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 11:42:29 PDT 2011

RT @Nedra: If transmedia storytelling interests you, join the Transmedia for Good Facebook group: #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:42:47 PDT 2011


RT @Nedra: To augment our panel on storytelling, here are my thoughts on using transmedia stories to change the world : #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:43:59 PDT 2011


+1 @AlexisCHES Hope new paperwrk reduction regs will make it easier @HCAnnaTE Evaluation for government isn't as easy as one hopes #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:46:27 PDT 2011


@MuseHill #hcmmconf Very powerful video of moms talking about sleeprelated losses. See entire video at
Thu Aug 11 11:46:49 PDT 2011


@Nedra awesome presentation on transmedia storytelling! Look fwd to connecting #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 11:47:35 PDT 2011


RT @GrandReportage: Transmedia storytelling = telling a single story over multiple platforms. Thrives in a culture of convergence. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:47:36 PDT 2011


RT @Nedra: If transmedia storytelling interests you, join the Transmedia for Good Facebook group: #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:47:38 PDT 2011


RT @MuseHill: One ex where scaring the hell out 'em is needed: focus grp of parents refused to believe children die from co- and back sleeping. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:48:26 PDT 2011[8/12/2011 11:38:02 AM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


@CTB_us thank you, we were told it was the most engaging session of the #hcmmconf :)
Thu Aug 11 11:48:52 PDT 2011


RT @oleandros: Great concept and essential @RobinPregnancy: What is transmedia? Telling a single story over multiple platforms. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:49:31 PDT 2011


Transmedia storytelling = telling a single story over multiple platforms. Thrives in a culture of convergence. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:49:32 PDT 2011


+1 RT @oleandros: Great concept and essential @RobinPregnancy: What is transmedia? Telling a single story over multiple platforms. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:49:33 PDT 2011


RT @TaWannaBerry: Transmedia storytelling = telling a single story over multiple platforms. Thrives in a culture of convergence. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:49:34 PDT 2011


HH&S works with new tech - twitter (bubble tweets!), fbook - and traditional - PSA, TV - in transmedia work #hcmmconf #edutainment
Thu Aug 11 11:49:36 PDT 2011


@Nedra awesome presentation on transmedia storytelling! Look fwd to connecting #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 11:49:37 PDT 2011


RT @GrandReportage: Transmedia storytelling = telling a single story over multiple platforms. Thrives in a culture of convergence. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:49:39 PDT 2011


RT @Nedra: If transmedia storytelling interests you, join the Transmedia for Good Facebook group: #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:49:40 PDT 2011


Honored to be on #hcmmconf panel with @BMore_Healthy: Very powerful video of moms talking about sleep-related losses.
Thu Aug 11 11:51:35 PDT 2011


#hcmmconf SAMHSA is doing a great job incorporating with CDC.

Thu Aug 11 11:52:47 PDT 2011[8/12/2011 11:38:02 AM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

oleandros GrandReportage

Final plenary, putting the market in social marketing #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 11:53:22 PDT 2011

RT @oleandros: Great concept and essential @RobinPregnancy: What is transmedia? Telling a single story over multiple platforms. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:53:26 PDT 2011


Transmedia storytelling = telling a single story over multiple platforms. Thrives in a culture of convergence. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:53:27 PDT 2011


+1 RT @oleandros: Great concept and essential @RobinPregnancy: What is transmedia? Telling a single story over multiple platforms. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:53:28 PDT 2011


RT @TaWannaBerry: Transmedia storytelling = telling a single story over multiple platforms. Thrives in a culture of convergence. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:53:30 PDT 2011


HH&S works with new tech - twitter (bubble tweets!), fbook - and traditional - PSA, TV - in transmedia work #hcmmconf #edutainment
Thu Aug 11 11:53:31 PDT 2011


@Nedra awesome presentation on transmedia storytelling! Look fwd to connecting #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 11:53:34 PDT 2011


RT @GrandReportage: Transmedia storytelling = telling a single story over multiple platforms. Thrives in a culture of convergence. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:53:35 PDT 2011


RT @Nedra: If transmedia storytelling interests you, join the Transmedia for Good Facebook group: #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:53:37 PDT 2011


RT @Nedra: To augment our panel on storytelling, here are my thoughts on using transmedia stories to change the world : #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:53:38 PDT 2011


RT @girl_jamie: I have enjoyed very much the #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 11:53:44 PDT 2011

#hcmmconf has worn out the battery on my web enabled mobile device
Thu Aug 11 11:53:48 PDT 2011[8/12/2011 11:38:02 AM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


RT @peepingsusan: Stories are the way we make sense of the world. We are hardwired for narrative. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:54:20 PDT 2011


RT @FHI360: Texting, Tweeting, Facebook? Not so fast! Michael Williams reports on a presentation by Amelia Burke. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:54:43 PDT 2011


RT @RobinPregnancy: Behavior Change Model + Good storytelling + Ubiquitous Media + Participatory Experience + Real World #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:54:53 PDT 2011


Big thanks and applause to @CDCgov and @samhsa_gov for all the work a very successful conference! #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:54:54 PDT 2011


RT @sm1guru: #HCMMconf Message tool Beta release expected Feb. 2012. Send contact info starting Monday!!
Thu Aug 11 11:55:01 PDT 2011


RT @SocialBttrfly: We talk re: collaborative learning, yet most conference rooms are setup classroom style and approached as lectures. Let's evolve. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:55:19 PDT 2011


RT @FHI360: Texting, Tweeting, Facebook? Not so fast! Michael Williams reports on a presentation by Amelia Burke. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:55:28 PDT 2011


RT @oleandros: Low tech transmedia: radio soap opera, newspaper columns related to them, could be movies or comic books know your audience!!! #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:55:49 PDT 2011


We just wrapped up moderating 'Innovative Tools & Techniques in Sexual Health' with an awesome panel, crowd and discussion #hcmmconf #thanks
Thu Aug 11 11:55:58 PDT 2011


RT +10! @nationalcouncil: Big thanks and applause to @CDCgov and @samhsa_gov for all the work a very successful conference! #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:56:08 PDT 2011[8/12/2011 11:38:02 AM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


Thank you to everyone who entered our contest. Congratulations to the winner! We will be in touch soon. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:56:26 PDT 2011

oleandros DavidNeville7 HCAnnaTE

@jaybernhardt introducing the panel #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 11:57:01 PDT 2011

From the clapping in the room, #hcmmconf is a raging success...

Thu Aug 11 11:57:03 PDT 2011

This has been a great conference. Hats off to Dawn Griffin and Jennifer Harris. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:57:35 PDT 2011


so true! many times! RT #hcmmconf has worn out the battery on my web enabled mobile device
Thu Aug 11 11:57:53 PDT 2011


Closing plenary at CDC Conference. It's been a health care marketer's dream. Outstanding! #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:57:54 PDT 2011


RT @FHI360: Texting, Tweeting, Facebook? Not so fast! Michael Williams reports on a presentation by Amelia Burke. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:58:00 PDT 2011


RT @HCAnnaTE: This has been a great conference. Hats off to Dawn Griffin and Jennifer Harris. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 11:58:14 PDT 2011


so true! many times! RT @AlexisCHES #hcmmconf has worn out the battery on my web enabled mobile device
Thu Aug 11 11:58:23 PDT 2011


#DHCX conference in Feb. 2012 in Orlando. Digital conference #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 11:58:45 PDT 2011


RT @DavidNeville7: From the clapping in the room, #hcmmconf is a raging success...

Thu Aug 11 11:59:00 PDT 2011


@jaybernhardt plug for #dhcx in Orlando in February, hope to be there! #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 11:59:02 PDT 2011[8/12/2011 11:38:02 AM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


Closing Session: Putting the market back into social marketing. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:00:12 PDT 2011


@epsandler @AlexisCHES glad you all are enjoying the conference this year and sounds like much is being learned? #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:00:26 PDT 2011

DavidNeville7 Premier_Studios

#hcmmconf Let's put the market back in social marketing!

Thu Aug 11 12:00:43 PDT 2011

Now the #hcmmconf Closing Plenary w/@jaybernhardt: Putting the Market in SocMktg: Leveraging Business Strategies for Behavior Change #socent
Thu Aug 11 12:01:00 PDT 2011

HCAnnaTE DavidNeville7

Eagerly waiting to learn about social enterprise. #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 12:01:03 PDT 2011

RT @HCAnnaTE: Closing Session: Putting the market back into social marketing. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:01:03 PDT 2011


#HCMMconf Closing Plenary--Putting the Market in Social MarketingLeveraging Business Strategies for Behavior Change
Thu Aug 11 12:01:11 PDT 2011

epsandler HCAnnaTE creativeDIVAnt

sad, I loved those sound effects in past years #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 12:01:14 PDT 2011

Was looking forward to the buzzer this year... #hcmmconf lol

Thu Aug 11 12:01:39 PDT 2011

They need charging stations! @epsandler: so true! many times! @AlexisCHES #hcmmconf has worn out the battery on my web enabled mobile device
Thu Aug 11 12:01:43 PDT 2011


How can social enterprise and social entrepreneurship be integrated into what we do? #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:01:50 PDT 2011


Transmedia storytelling = telling a single story over multiple platforms. Thrives in a culture of convergence. #hcmmconf[8/12/2011 11:38:02 AM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

Thu Aug 11 12:02:28 PDT 2011


+1 RT @oleandros: Great concept and essential @RobinPregnancy: What is transmedia? Telling a single story over multiple platforms. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:02:28 PDT 2011


RT @TaWannaBerry: Transmedia storytelling = telling a single story over multiple platforms. Thrives in a culture of convergence. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:02:30 PDT 2011


HH&S works with new tech - twitter (bubble tweets!), fbook - and traditional - PSA, TV - in transmedia work #hcmmconf #edutainment
Thu Aug 11 12:02:31 PDT 2011


@Nedra awesome presentation on transmedia storytelling! Look fwd to connecting #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 12:02:33 PDT 2011


RT @GrandReportage: Transmedia storytelling = telling a single story over multiple platforms. Thrives in a culture of convergence. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:02:34 PDT 2011


RT @Nedra: If transmedia storytelling interests you, join the Transmedia for Good Facebook group: #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:02:36 PDT 2011


Really enjoyed #hcmmconf 2011. Gathering of old coworkers & friends from 9 years at CDC and new ones made this week.
Thu Aug 11 12:04:04 PDT 2011


Transmedia storytelling = telling a single story over multiple platforms. Thrives in a culture of convergence. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:04:35 PDT 2011


+1 RT @oleandros: Great concept and essential @RobinPregnancy: What is transmedia? Telling a single story over multiple platforms. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:04:35 PDT 2011


RT @TaWannaBerry: Transmedia storytelling = telling a single story over multiple platforms. Thrives in a culture of convergence. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:04:36 PDT 2011


HH&S works with new tech - twitter (bubble tweets!), fbook - and traditional - PSA, TV - in transmedia work #hcmmconf #edutainment
Thu Aug 11 12:04:38 PDT 2011[8/12/2011 11:38:02 AM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


@Nedra awesome presentation on transmedia storytelling! Look fwd to connecting #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 12:04:41 PDT 2011

HCAnnaTE webdocumentaire

Wow surprised to see mostly women on the panel. Go #hcmmconf !

Thu Aug 11 12:04:41 PDT 2011

RT @GrandReportage: Transmedia storytelling = telling a single story over multiple platforms. Thrives in a culture of convergence. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:04:42 PDT 2011


RT @Nedra: If transmedia storytelling interests you, join the Transmedia for Good Facebook group: #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:04:44 PDT 2011

sm1guru nationalcouncil

#HCMMconf I am on my 3rd legal pad of notes!

Thu Aug 11 12:04:44 PDT 2011

How exciting to be ending the conference with 3 smart, successful, knowledgeable female speakers. A very welcome thing! #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:05:01 PDT 2011


Excited to hear from "recovering Feds" Bev Schwartz @Ashoka author of 'Rippling' & @jaybernhardt on Social Enterprise panel #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:05:17 PDT 2011


#hcmmconf brilliant, committed to the public good, try to be public innovators, and still awake after two and a half days at the conference.
Thu Aug 11 12:06:17 PDT 2011


RT @parkerism: Excited to hear from "recovering Feds" Bev Schwartz @Ashoka author of 'Rippling' & @jaybernhardt on Social Enterprise panel #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:06:28 PDT 2011


@oleandros thanks for spreading the word! Anyone interested in learning more and low tech transmedia, feel free to contact us! #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:06:31 PDT 2011

HCAnnaTE oleandros

I'll admit it... I'm brilliant #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 12:06:34 PDT 2011

RT @DavidNeville7: #hcmmconf brilliant, committed to the public good,[8/12/2011 11:38:02 AM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

try to be public innovators, and still awake after two and a half ...
Thu Aug 11 12:06:44 PDT 2011

DavidNeville7 HCAnnaTE oleandros HCAnnaTE nationalcouncil

RT @HCAnnaTE: I'll admit it... I'm brilliant #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 12:07:46 PDT 2011

Kristen T. is our public health Jamie Oliver #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 12:08:12 PDT 2011

We are all social solution thinkers #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 12:08:18 PDT 2011

Social entrepreneurs think in systems.... Democrats I see... #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 12:08:45 PDT 2011

Social ent. think in systems. It leads them to negotiate complexity so their solutions r easy to understand and get involved in. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:08:52 PDT 2011


RT @parkerism: So true! RT @shellyspoeth: I like this: "technology changes, people don't" - Shultz fr Dr. Cohen - keep in mind for communicating #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:08:56 PDT 2011


RT @nationalcouncil: How exciting to be ending the conference with 3 smart, successful, knowledgeable female speakers. A very welcome thing! #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:09:13 PDT 2011


"We are all social solutions thinkers" great presentation by Bev Schwartz #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:09:18 PDT 2011


RT @HCAnnaTE: Social entrepreneurs think in systems.... Democrats I see... #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 12:09:47 PDT 2011


RT @nationalcouncil: Social ent. think in systems. It leads them to negotiate complexity so their solutions r easy to understand and get involved in. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:10:05 PDT 2011


Social entrepeneurs have an 'everything is possible' attitude. #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 12:10:16 PDT 2011[8/12/2011 11:38:02 AM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


Social entrepreneurs chop out bureaucracy, have a sense of social indignation, and an everything is possible attitude. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:10:22 PDT 2011

ckrobertson elanghans

#hcmmconf social entrepreneurs: connect community + values + money

Thu Aug 11 12:10:54 PDT 2011

RT @DavidNeville7: #hcmmconf brilliant, committed to the public good, try to be public innovators, and still awake after two and a half ...
Thu Aug 11 12:11:05 PDT 2011


Social entrepreneurs combine: Values, Community, and Revenue streams. #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 12:11:06 PDT 2011

ckrobertson sm1guru rocietta

RT @oleandros: We are all social solution thinkers #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 12:11:11 PDT 2011

#HCMMconf Bev Schwartz-"We are all social solution thinkers."

Thu Aug 11 12:11:41 PDT 2011

RT @PublicHealth: What's it like to plan a big public health conference like #hcmmconf? Public Health Newswire finds out:
Thu Aug 11 12:12:08 PDT 2011


RT @DavidNeville7: #hcmmconf brilliant, committed to the public good, try to be public innovators, and still awake after two and a half ...
Thu Aug 11 12:12:18 PDT 2011


yay, toilets! S&%# business is serious business! Reminds me of "The Big Necessity," one of my fave books #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:12:24 PDT 2011


RT @ckrobertson: #hcmmconf social entrepreneurs: connect community + values + money

Thu Aug 11 12:12:43 PDT 2011


@epsandler It also reminds me of one of my favorite musicals, "Urinetown, The Musical" #HCMMconf
Thu Aug 11 12:13:54 PDT 2011


#hcmmconf improving life for the other 90%. Goal of social entrepreneur.
Thu Aug 11 12:14:28 PDT 2011[8/12/2011 11:38:02 AM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


There's the motto of social entrepreneurship: not only getting your money back but improving lives #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:15:05 PDT 2011


Love that Beverly Schwartz is not "reading" from her slides, instead, pics, talking, videos, not surprised since she is awesome #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:15:26 PDT 2011


+1 @MuseHill: There's the motto of social entrepreneurship: not only getting your money back but improving lives #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:15:46 PDT 2011


RT @sm1guru: #HCMMconf Bev Schwartz-"We are all social solution thinkers."

Thu Aug 11 12:15:47 PDT 2011


RT @Nedra: If transmedia storytelling interests you, join the Transmedia for Good Facebook group: #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:16:15 PDT 2011

pharoe SocialBttrfly

Our new Public Health battle cry: "Shift Happens" #HCMMconf

Thu Aug 11 12:16:42 PDT 2011

Thank you Bev Schwartz for having a VISUAL presentation. We can all learn from that alone (let alone all the good info)! #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:17:04 PDT 2011


#hcmmconf when you retire, consider working for a non-profit that needs the skill base that you have. Sounds like a mission worth serving.
Thu Aug 11 12:17:24 PDT 2011


@oleandros thanks for spreading the word! Anyone interested in learning more and low tech transmedia, feel free to contact us! #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:17:35 PDT 2011


Maybe its me... But I am still confused about social enterprise and entrepreneurship. Need to Google. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:18:10 PDT 2011


RT @nationalcouncil: Social entrepreneurs chop out bureaucracy, have a sense of social indignation, and an everything is possible attitude. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:18:28 PDT 2011


Corporate partners with social orgs for a cause, this is the time for it #hcmmconf[8/12/2011 11:38:02 AM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

Thu Aug 11 12:18:52 PDT 2011


To solve problems, need to create real partnerships and bridge the gap between public and biz endeavours. Go beyond CSR. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:18:59 PDT 2011


RT @shellyspoeth: Love that Beverly Schwartz is not "reading" from her slides, instead, pics, talking, videos, not surprised since she is awesome #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:18:59 PDT 2011

AvivaSchwartz JeriKirschner StacyShelp ilathrop

Changemakers live in between drive and passion #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 12:19:17 PDT 2011

Changemakers live at the intersection of drive and passion. #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 12:20:02 PDT 2011

My address is at the intersection of my drive and my passion #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 12:20:38 PDT 2011

turbulence creates opportunities #socialentrepreneurship #hcmmconf #onward

Thu Aug 11 12:22:04 PDT 2011


RT @JeriKirschner: Changemakers live at the intersection of drive and passion. #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 12:22:07 PDT 2011

epsandler DOUGweinbrenner

very inspiring! #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 12:22:21 PDT 2011

As someone [literally] schooled in social entrepreneurism and 'from dayone' #hcmmconf attendee/contributor, this panel especially awesome.
Thu Aug 11 12:22:42 PDT 2011


RT @womenshealth: RT @AIDSgov We're presenting on geolocation, mobile & government collaboration today, 12:45pm ET in Grand Ballroom C at #hcmmconf.
Thu Aug 11 12:22:57 PDT 2011


Entrepreneurship video on youtube inspired me. Wow. #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 12:23:03 PDT 2011

Seize the opportunity to create the job you want. And with that Goodbye[8/12/2011 11:38:02 AM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


CDC #hcmmconf ................................... I kid, I kid

Thu Aug 11 12:23:07 PDT 2011

MuseHill jaschin

Need to watch that video every morning! Is it available? #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 12:23:08 PDT 2011

We need to think like kids again... when anything was possible. It still is. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:23:12 PDT 2011

sm1guru ilathrop

#HCMMconf Changemakers live at the intersection of drive and passion!

Thu Aug 11 12:23:17 PDT 2011

RT @JeriKirschner: Changemakers live at the intersection of drive and passion. #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 12:23:38 PDT 2011


RT @SocialBttrfly: Thank you Bev Schwartz for having a VISUAL presentation. We can all learn from that alone (let alone all the good info)! #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:23:42 PDT 2011


Absolutely! RT @nationalcouncil: Entrepreneurship video on youtube inspired me. Wow. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:24:03 PDT 2011


Revolution foods provides meals for schools in Oakland at the government reimbursement rate #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:24:29 PDT 2011


Let's be changemakers. RT @ilathrop: RT @JeriKirschner: Changemakers live at the intersection of drive and passion. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:24:36 PDT 2011


#HCMMconf "Remember when you were a kid and everything was possible? Say with determination, 'It still is!'"
Thu Aug 11 12:25:14 PDT 2011


RT @shellyspoeth: Love that Beverly Schwartz is not "reading" from her slides, instead, pics, talking, videos, not surprised since she is awesome #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:25:21 PDT 2011


RT @SocialBttrfly: Thank you Bev Schwartz for having a VISUAL presentation. We can all learn from that alone (let alone all the good[8/12/2011 11:38:02 AM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

info)! #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:25:33 PDT 2011


Revolutionary foods provides healthy meals at the same government rate. Awesome! #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:25:49 PDT 2011


RT @Nedra: To augment our panel on storytelling, here are my thoughts on using transmedia stories to change the world : #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:25:52 PDT 2011


Revolution Foods serving 100,000 meals a day to kids receiving reduced cost/free lunch at school #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:26:04 PDT 2011


#hcmmconf Check out this video on YouTube: Remember when you we're a kid? Be an entrepreneur...
Thu Aug 11 12:26:04 PDT 2011


RT @SocialBttrfly: To solve problems, need to create real partnerships and bridge the gap between public and biz endeavours. Go beyond CSR. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:26:33 PDT 2011


RT @nationalcouncil: Entrepreneurship video on youtube inspired me. Wow. #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 12:26:39 PDT 2011


RT @sm1guru: #HCMMconf "Remember when you were a kid and everything was possible? Say with determination, 'It still is!'"
Thu Aug 11 12:26:40 PDT 2011


Revolution Foods is providing healthy lunch to 20K underserved kids in the bay area and other districts. Same cost as the junk. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:26:41 PDT 2011


Kirsten Tobey [@RevolutionFoods] & Beverly Scwartz [@AshokaTweets] are really conveying the missional+financial value of #socent. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:26:46 PDT 2011


OMG! I LOVE THIS! RT @epsandler very inspiring! #hcmmconf #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 12:26:50 PDT 2011[8/12/2011 11:38:02 AM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


RT @StacyShelp: My address is at the intersection of my drive and my passion #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 12:27:07 PDT 2011

hbrink1 MuseHill

So excited to hear from Kristen Toby from Revolution Foods! #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 12:27:08 PDT 2011

RT @nationalcouncil: Entrepreneurship video on youtube inspired me. Wow. #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 12:27:46 PDT 2011


Nutrition is an important piece of education but it's often forgotten #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 12:28:00 PDT 2011


#hcmmconf Revolution Foods since 2005, 23 million healthy school lunches had to change the ingredients and presentation of meals.
Thu Aug 11 12:28:03 PDT 2011


What a world we live in to have hormone free food is considered revolutionary. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:28:40 PDT 2011


Fewer ingredients, natural ingredients, better ingredients, but accessible to kids coupled with nutrition education #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:28:50 PDT 2011

HCAnnaTE JeriKirschner

She is truly our US Jamie Oliver. #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 12:29:19 PDT 2011

Revolution Foods - use half the ingredients as fast food junk and make it taste good for kids. No high fructose corn syrup! #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:29:41 PDT 2011


RT @AvivaSchwartz: Nutrition is an important piece of education but it's often forgotten #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:29:49 PDT 2011


RT @DavidNeville7: #hcmmconf Check out this video on YouTube: Remember when you we're a kid? Be an entrepreneur...
Thu Aug 11 12:29:50 PDT 2011


3% of each revolutionary food products go into school programs #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 12:30:26 PDT 2011[8/12/2011 11:38:02 AM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

JeriKirschner ckrobertson

Agreed! "@HCAnnaTE: She is truly our US Jamie Oliver. #hcmmconf"

Thu Aug 11 12:30:29 PDT 2011

RT @AvivaSchwartz: Nutrition is an important piece of education but it's often forgotten #hcmmconf Or not funded.
Thu Aug 11 12:30:33 PDT 2011


Supplement school food with retail food sales to keep prices down for school districts #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:30:36 PDT 2011


Conference has been awesome at blending the best of govt, nonprofit & entrepreneurship! #HCMMconf
Thu Aug 11 12:31:01 PDT 2011

oleandros DavidNeville7

Impact:better health, better academic performance #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 12:31:39 PDT 2011

#hcmmconf kids deserve healthy foods. Don't adults deserve it, too? Why do we take care of our kids and forget their parents?
Thu Aug 11 12:31:44 PDT 2011


Better foods equal better grade... Better kids... Better leaders... Better country. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:31:46 PDT 2011


I love the Revolution Foods snacks! Very yummy! #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 12:31:58 PDT 2011


RT @DavidNeville7: #hcmmconf Check out this video on YouTube: Remember when you we're a kid? Be an entrepreneur...
Thu Aug 11 12:32:36 PDT 2011


@oleandros: Impact:better health, better academic performance #hcmmconf no actual evaluation. Just claims from anecdotal sources...
Thu Aug 11 12:32:38 PDT 2011


Happiness...comes full circle! Contentment culture in entrepreneurship...awesome #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 12:32:57 PDT 2011[8/12/2011 11:38:02 AM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

DavidNeville7 DavidNeville7

Thu Aug 11 12:33:12 PDT 2011

@HCAnnaTE: Better foods equal better grade... Better kids... Better leaders... Better country. #hcmmconf anecdotal data isn't real data.
Thu Aug 11 12:33:43 PDT 2011


RT @sm1guru: #HCMMconf "Remember when you were a kid and everything was possible? Say with determination, 'It still is!'"
Thu Aug 11 12:33:49 PDT 2011


Revolution Foods - great synergies with @JuniorLeague Kids in the Kitchen. The more kids/parents we reach - the better! #hcmmconf #jlkitk
Thu Aug 11 12:34:26 PDT 2011

AvivaSchwartz = social (and public health) entrpeneurship at its best. #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 12:35:15 PDT 2011


#hcmmconf to the audience member who told me her doctors called her miss type-a when she was caregiving, one word -> @ReginaHolliday :)
Thu Aug 11 12:35:26 PDT 2011


#HCMMconf Social enterprise for healthy school food. Triple bottom line-community benefit; $$; environment
Thu Aug 11 12:35:34 PDT 2011


Social enterprise/entrepreneurship panel is the perfect way to close out #hcmmconf. It's inspiring, motivating, & captivating.
Thu Aug 11 12:35:59 PDT 2011


@DavidNeville7 I'd be curious to know if actual data exists or maybe studies underway. I've heard of relation nutrition & grades #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:36:08 PDT 2011


RT @AvivaSchwartz: = social (and public health) entrpeneurship at its best. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:36:12 PDT 2011


interested in social entrepreneurship, education, or nutrition? Check out Revolution Foods #hcmmconf #health #kids
Thu Aug 11 12:36:22 PDT 2011


@sm1guru thanks for the RT, great to finally meet in person, hope to keep in touch and work together at some pt #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:36:37 PDT 2011[8/12/2011 11:38:02 AM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


+1 RT @tedeytan:#hcmmconf 2 audience member who told me her doc called her ms type-a when she was caregiving, one word -> @ReginaHolliday :)
Thu Aug 11 12:37:10 PDT 2011

oleandros HCAnnaTE

Now CDC safe water system #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 12:37:23 PDT 2011

The lack of access to safe water reminds me to count my blessings. Even if they are as small as a cup of tap water. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:37:23 PDT 2011


Send your questions now for the social enterprise panel at #hcmmconf Thanks.
Thu Aug 11 12:38:22 PDT 2011


RT @nationalcouncil: Entrepreneurship video on youtube inspired me. Wow. #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 12:39:02 PDT 2011


@BoozAllen doing some of this work with clean safe water in Honduras find the poster at #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:39:15 PDT 2011


@jaybernhardt QUESTION: Does anyone on the panel have examples of successful social entrepreneurship used for advocacy campaigns? #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:40:39 PDT 2011


@KTExchange a social Bayh Dole Act would create a US #KMb industry #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:42:21 PDT 2011


CDC doing social entrepreneurship with women in African villages with success, safe water Avon ladies! #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:42:38 PDT 2011


@jaybernhardt Q: how did @revolutionfoods fund start-up of idea? I would think $$ is one of the biggest barriers to soc entrepren? #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:43:07 PDT 2011


Excellent RT @oleandros: CDC doing social entrepreneurship with women in African villages with success, safe water Avon ladies! #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:43:35 PDT 2011[8/12/2011 11:38:02 AM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


RT @StacyShelp: RT @sm1guru: #HCMMconf "Remember when you were a kid and everything was possible? Say with determination, 'It still is!'"
Thu Aug 11 12:44:00 PDT 2011


RT @HCAnnaTE: Better foods equal better grade... Better kids... Better leaders... Better country. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:44:20 PDT 2011


RT @stafrohas: Conference has been awesome at blending the best of govt, nonprofit & entrepreneurship! #HCMMconf
Thu Aug 11 12:44:29 PDT 2011


This closing panel has been our favorite for the whole conference. Great content, excellent examples, and inspirational. Thanks! #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:44:51 PDT 2011


Trusted local representatives, multiple channels, reinforced messages all help success #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:45:17 PDT 2011


RT @nationalcouncil: This closing panel has been our favorite for the whole conference. Great content, excellent examples, and inspirational. Thanks! #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:45:48 PDT 2011


Our battery is running low but our inspiration is running high. Thnx 2 all r new friends, panelists, & conf. planners for it all! #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:45:56 PDT 2011

KDL8 researchimpact

#hcmmconf Social enterprise...the invisible hand?

Thu Aug 11 12:46:13 PDT 2011

RT @Nedra: re storytelling, my thoughts on using transmedia stories to change the world : #hcmmconf (@ICESGuelph)
Thu Aug 11 12:46:36 PDT 2011


RT @oleandros: CDC doing social entrepreneurship with women in African villages with success, safe water Avon ladies! #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:47:19 PDT 2011


Social entrepreneurship is about 30 yrs old but it's getting traction now b/c market forces have gotten involved. Biz plan is key. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:47:41 PDT 2011[8/12/2011 11:38:02 AM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

ctschampl girl_jamie

The time is ripe for a new form of business. #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 12:47:48 PDT 2011

Great way to end the #hcmmconf. I learned a lot about social entrepreneurship!
Thu Aug 11 12:48:35 PDT 2011


Revolution Foods planned rapid scaling from the beginning. Smart! #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:49:07 PDT 2011


In order 2 raise the kind of capital needed 4 scale & impact looked 2 private investors and venture funds with double bottom line. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:49:13 PDT 2011


Just wondering why only use women as SWAP vendors, and how much were they involved in the decision process to conduct the research #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:49:48 PDT 2011


#hcmmconf Question for the panel: When is your timeline for being profitable?
Thu Aug 11 12:50:16 PDT 2011


RT @AvivaSchwartz: = social (and public health) entrpeneurship at its best. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:50:54 PDT 2011


Q: What r biggest obstacles: building capital, stakeholder buy-in, community intransigence.... ? #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:52:12 PDT 2011


So fun to bump into @JeriKirschner on my way out and find out we went to the same elementary, Jr and Sr high schools! #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:52:13 PDT 2011


In addition to fathering microfinance, Muhammad Yunus has started dozens of social enterprises! #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:52:52 PDT 2011


*does the cabbage patch* RT @CatherineJamal: At least three #hcmmconf posts are Top Tweets // @jgarrow @AndrewPWilson @healthfinder
Thu Aug 11 12:52:57 PDT 2011[8/12/2011 11:38:02 AM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


So excited to see this idea of social entrepreneurship at #hcmmconf! Demonstrating that profit doesn't have to be a dirty word.
Thu Aug 11 12:53:20 PDT 2011


Venture Capitalists can be Angel Capitalists if they have values aligned with their hearts. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:53:27 PDT 2011


RT @nationalcouncil: Social entrepreneurship is about 30 yrs old but it's getting traction now b/c market forces have gotten involved. Biz plan is key. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:53:42 PDT 2011


RT @nationalcouncil: Battery is running low but inspiration is running high. Thnx 2 all new friends, panelists, & conf. planners! #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:54:17 PDT 2011


Oops! Selling bed nets didn't work. Red Cross & partners found it took $11/net to try to sell bed nets and $4/net to give away. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:54:50 PDT 2011


@DavidNeville7 answer to your question, hope they do that soon! Have big enough pop. to have some great opportunities for study #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:56:10 PDT 2011


SWAP is soc marketing because it pays attention to the marketing mix. Soc marketing is more than ads. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:56:13 PDT 2011


RT @HCAnnaTE: Better foods equal better grade... Better kids... Better leaders... Better country. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:56:36 PDT 2011


RT @hschlent: RT @nationalcouncil: Battery is running low but inspiration is running high. Thnx 2 all new friends, panelists, & conf. planners! #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:56:53 PDT 2011


Believe in yourself. You have been endowed with certain unalienable talents. acknowledge them; use them for society. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:57:01 PDT 2011

DavidNeville7 ReynaLinares

#hcmmconf partner with somebody who is ridiculously optimistic...

Thu Aug 11 12:57:21 PDT 2011

@jaybernhardt excellant moderator at closing #hcmmconf Lots learned.[8/12/2011 11:38:02 AM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

Thu Aug 11 12:57:30 PDT 2011


RT @DavidNeville7: Believe in yourself. You have been endowed with certain unalienable talents. acknowledge them; use them for society. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:57:30 PDT 2011


There's always a better way of doing something. Great way to look at this #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:57:46 PDT 2011


#hcmmconf How much food gets eaten? Any data? Jamie Oliver would say very little.
Thu Aug 11 12:57:51 PDT 2011


If you aren't an optimistic person partner with someone who is overly so! #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:57:54 PDT 2011

emheckman epsandler

What an amazing few days!!! Thanks you!!! #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 12:58:32 PDT 2011

great advice: if you're not an innately optimistic person, partner with someone who is really optimistic - Julie Harris @ CDC #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:59:11 PDT 2011

oleandros DavidNeville7 hschlent

Donna Garland from CDC with parting words #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 12:59:17 PDT 2011

Kudos to Donna Garland #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 12:59:24 PDT 2011

This might be my favorite quote of today. RT @JeriKirschner: Changemakers live at the intersection of drive and passion. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:59:28 PDT 2011


#hcmmconf Goodbye Atlanta and thank you @KPGAnews for the hospitality and physician leadership!
Thu Aug 11 12:59:31 PDT 2011


Social entrepreneurship tip: Don't take no for an answer #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 12:59:34 PDT 2011[8/12/2011 11:38:02 AM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


RT @epsandler: great advice: if you're not an innately optimistic person, partner with someone who is really optimistic - Julie Harris @ CDC #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 12:59:37 PDT 2011

ctschampl oleandros ronanlynch

Thank you for a great conference!! #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 13:00:36 PDT 2011

Thank yous all around for an amazing conference! #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 13:01:04 PDT 2011

RT @Nedra: To augment our panel on storytelling, here are my thoughts on using transmedia stories to change the world : #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 13:01:04 PDT 2011


Thanks to all tweeters at #hcmmconf . It was like being in 4 sessions at once!

Thu Aug 11 13:01:16 PDT 2011


It's about: Mission. People. Doing good. Having an impact. Let's be unbelievalbe. Here's to great work ahead. Thanks everyone! #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 13:01:26 PDT 2011

peepingsusan oleandros

Record number of attendees at #hcmmconf this year: 1110. Success!

Thu Aug 11 13:02:31 PDT 2011

RT @IQSolutions: It's about: Mission. People. Doing good. Having an impact. Let's be unbelievalbe. Here's to great work ahead. Thanks everyone! #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 13:02:32 PDT 2011


Thanks for a terrific #hcmmconf conference and inspiring closing! @jaybernhardt @PublicHealth
Thu Aug 11 13:02:42 PDT 2011


+1 RT @peepingsusan: Record number of attendees at #hcmmconf this year: 1110. Success!

Thu Aug 11 13:03:13 PDT 2011


#HCMMconf Final comments: thin counter-intuitively+use passion and drive; don't take no for an answer...
Thu Aug 11 13:03:21 PDT 2011


#HCMMconf ...maintain optimism-partner with someone who is[8/12/2011 11:38:02 AM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

'ridiculously optimistic!"
Thu Aug 11 13:03:39 PDT 2011

sm1guru hbrink1

#HCMMconf As we move forward, change our shoes, not our clothes!

Thu Aug 11 13:04:37 PDT 2011

RT @sm1guru: #HCMMconf ...maintain optimism-partner with someone who is 'ridiculously optimistic!"

Thu Aug 11 13:05:21 PDT 2011


Communication is still intimate and word of mouth but now gone high tech, amplifies, accelerates, need to run faster #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 13:05:52 PDT 2011


RT @IQSolutions: It's about: Mission. People. Doing good. Having an impact. Let's be unbelievalbe. Here's to great work ahead. Thanks everyone! #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 13:06:49 PDT 2011


I think it's okay to trip while sprinting as long as you get back in the race. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 13:07:14 PDT 2011

AlexisCHES ctschampl

Garland: facilitate communication don't manage it #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 13:07:48 PDT 2011

Listening means enabling others to speak. Just b/c they are silent doesn't mean they don't have something to say. D. Garland #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 13:07:56 PDT 2011

HCAnnaTE oleandros

Another conference record. More than 5000 tweets. #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 13:08:37 PDT 2011

RT @ctschampl: Listening means enabling others to speak. Just b/c they are silent doesn't mean they don't have something to say. D. Garland #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 13:08:39 PDT 2011

NCS_GCSC girl_jamie

"Listening is enabling others to speak" -Donna Garland #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 13:08:45 PDT 2011

NCEH/ ATSDR represented at the #hcmmconf. Thanks for a great conference!

Thu Aug 11 13:08:55 PDT 2011[8/12/2011 11:38:02 AM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

emheckman dChickadee4Life

Donna Garland is a true inspiration! #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 13:09:04 PDT 2011

RT @Nedra: To augment our panel on storytelling, here are my thoughts on using transmedia stories to change the world : #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 13:09:32 PDT 2011

peepingsusan sm1guru

Thanks for a great conference! Looking forward to next year! #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 13:10:00 PDT 2011

#HCMMconf LOVED meeting my fellow Tweet peeps! For those I didn't, loved your tweets+hope to meet next year!
Thu Aug 11 13:10:18 PDT 2011


RT @Nedra: If transmedia storytelling interests you, join the Transmedia for Good Facebook group: #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 13:14:29 PDT 2011


Inspiring final session at #hcmmconf - thank you Bev Schwartz for encouraging us to remember our childhood dreams!
Thu Aug 11 13:17:15 PDT 2011


#HCMMconf-great meeting, great energy, great ideas. To all friends/ colleagues: keep in touch . Use twitter , email , phone, meetings!!
Thu Aug 11 13:19:19 PDT 2011


RT @sm1guru: #HCMMconf Social enterprise for healthy school food. Triple bottom line-community benefit; $$; envi ...
Thu Aug 11 13:21:46 PDT 2011


RT @pnsocialmrkting: Stop by the PN booth and share what's on your mind. Most overused words? What keeps you up at night? #hcmmconf #pnid
Thu Aug 11 13:22:25 PDT 2011


Heard great Entertainment-Education ideas at #hcmmconf. Inspired by discussion on transmedia storytelling Thx @Nedra!
Thu Aug 11 13:23:26 PDT 2011


Killer conference. Thanks to all who made it great. All the Twitter activity was awesome. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 13:29:23 PDT 2011


#hcmmconf Thank you all for sharing so great experiences, Im totally[8/12/2011 11:38:02 AM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

inspired to make things change.Looking forward to next year

Thu Aug 11 13:31:21 PDT 2011


Leaving #HCMMconf is kinda sad like leaving summer camp! But wow, the inspiration and ideas I am taking home!
Thu Aug 11 13:31:28 PDT 2011


Heard great Entertainment-Education ideas at #hcmmconf. Inspired by discussion on transmedia storytelling Thx @Nedra!
Thu Aug 11 13:32:39 PDT 2011


Have a safe trip back home, everyone! Pls check back with us I'm going to post up conf. recaps ^HT #HCMMconf
Thu Aug 11 13:34:07 PDT 2011


Great quote! RT @HCAnnaTE: I think it's okay to trip while sprinting as long as you get back in the race. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 13:35:27 PDT 2011

HCAnnaTE mar_alze

RT @emheckman: Donna Garland is a true inspiration! #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 13:35:41 PDT 2011

RT @NCS_GCSC: "Listening is enabling others to speak" -Donna Garland #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 13:35:45 PDT 2011


RT @sm1guru: Leaving #HCMMconf is kinda sad like leaving summer camp! But wow, the inspiration and ideas I am taking home!
Thu Aug 11 13:36:20 PDT 2011


Social entrepreneurship tip: Don't take no for an answer #hcmmconf: Social entrepreneurship tip: Don't take no f...
Thu Aug 11 13:36:33 PDT 2011


@LearCenter Will do! Thanks for the awesome presentation at #hcmmconf!

Thu Aug 11 13:48:30 PDT 2011


RT @HCAnnaTE: What a world we live in to have hormone free food is considered revolutionary. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 14:01:49 PDT 2011


@Nedra Really great stuff on transmedia stories. Thank you for sharing. Lots to think about #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 14:03:00 PDT 2011[8/12/2011 11:38:02 AM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


Radical #mhsm #budget campaign. "PlLEASE CUT OUR B UDGETS. We'll tell you how." #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 14:10:17 PDT 2011


#hcmmconf A Care Story, from Kaiser Permanente Georgia -> engaging physicians through patients @KPGAnews @WorkSteven
Thu Aug 11 14:11:54 PDT 2011


@Nedra Really great stuff on transmedia stories. Thank you for sharing. Lots to think about #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 14:17:42 PDT 2011


RT @RichPanzer: to mobile solution. Can't just take major site & make it mobile. Look at data & see what ur traffic does & design 4 mobi #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 14:19:49 PDT 2011


Had a fabulous time @ #hcmmconf thank you all for all the hard insightful work and for encouraging us to listen for change
Thu Aug 11 14:26:09 PDT 2011

RecoveryMonth Nedra

Great time @ #hcmmconf! Thanks to all and see you next year!
Thu Aug 11 14:40:09 PDT 2011

On my way back to LA. It was great to see old friends, make new ones and get inspired. Best #hcmmconf yet! Already looking fwd to next year.
Thu Aug 11 14:45:32 PDT 2011


RT @samhsagov: What #movies & #tv shows depict #mentalhealth & #substanceuse issues well? #VoiceAwards honors them on 8/24: #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 14:51:17 PDT 2011


@Brainzooming You'd have loved the #hcmmconf here in Atlanta but you can search our twitter stream. Health messaging, now with #mentalhealth
Thu Aug 11 14:52:11 PDT 2011


RT @coyenator: RT @SocialBttrfly: We talk re: collaborative learning, yet most conference rooms r setup classroom style & lectures. Let's evolve. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 15:01:35 PDT 2011


RT @peepingsusan: = social (and public health) entrpeneurship at its best. #hcmmconf[8/12/2011 11:38:02 AM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

Thu Aug 11 15:10:56 PDT 2011


RT @WorkSteven: Killer conference. Thanks to all who made it great. All the Twitter activity was awesome. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 15:18:25 PDT 2011


RT @coyenator: RT @SocialBttrfly: We talk re: collaborative learning, yet most conference rooms r setup classroom style & lectures. Let's evolve. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 15:20:59 PDT 2011


RT @RichPanzer: to mobile solution. Can't just take major site & make it mobile. Look at data & see what ur traffic does & design 4 mobi #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 15:33:59 PDT 2011


RT @RichPanzer: to mobile solution. Can't just take major site & make it mobile. Look at data & see what ur traffic does & design 4 mobi #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 15:34:13 PDT 2011


#hcmmconf Another great conference. Informational sessions, wonderful speakers and great people. Hope everyone has a good trip home!
Thu Aug 11 15:35:56 PDT 2011


Thank you #hcmmconf. You inspired me to get back into my blogging groove!
Thu Aug 11 15:48:58 PDT 2011


RT @HealthJusticeCT: Great quote! RT @HCAnnaTE: I think it's okay to trip while sprinting as long as you get back in the race. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 15:49:52 PDT 2011


Curious--How many of you #hcmmconf attendees are on Google+? Do you think it has a role in public health? Please share:
Thu Aug 11 15:53:30 PDT 2011


RT @PNSocialMrkting: Stop by the Porter Novelli booth and share what's on your mind. Most overused words? What keeps you up at night? #hcmmconf #pnid
Thu Aug 11 15:54:42 PDT 2011


RT @RichPanzer: to mobile solution. Can't just take major site & make it mobile. Look at data & see what ur traffic does & design 4 mobi #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 16:02:52 PDT 2011[8/12/2011 11:38:02 AM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


RT @sm1guru: #HCMMconf Changemakers live at the intersection of drive and passion!

Thu Aug 11 16:10:47 PDT 2011


Perfectly stated: RT @sm1guru: Leaving #HCMMconf is kinda sad like leaving summer camp! But wow, the inspiration and ideas I am taking home!
Thu Aug 11 16:11:24 PDT 2011


RT @SocialBttrfly: Thank you #hcmmconf. You inspired me to get back into my blogging groove!
Thu Aug 11 16:13:43 PDT 2011


RT @nationalcouncil: 8 out of 10 people go online to learn about their health; 2 out of 3 report learning about their health thru a TV show. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 16:16:57 PDT 2011

lewismal LisaYSharp foxepractice

@socialbttrfly: I'm coming around to G+ #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 16:17:02 PDT 2011

For real this time, #hcmmconf, told you I am rusty!

Thu Aug 11 16:19:12 PDT 2011

Just crossed 5,000 tweets for the #hcmmconf conference! - Healthcare Social Media Analytics
Thu Aug 11 16:19:18 PDT 2011


Inspiration, ideas and action items! RT @epsandler: Perfectly stated: RT @sm1guru: Leaving #HCMMconf is kinda sad ...
Thu Aug 11 16:25:21 PDT 2011


"@RecoveryMonth: 60 percent of ppl with mental disorders do not get help /year though there is treatment available - Mark Weber #hcmmconf"
Thu Aug 11 17:01:09 PDT 2011


RT @RichPanzer: to mobile solution. Can't just take major site & make it mobile. Look at data & see what ur traffic does & design 4 mobi #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 17:17:18 PDT 2011


RT @foxepractice: Just crossed 5,000 tweets for the #hcmmconf conference! - Healthcare Social Media Analytics
Thu Aug 11 17:23:17 PDT 2011


For those inspired by the social entrepreneurship presentation this[8/12/2011 11:38:02 AM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

afternoon check out the Inc. Mag article #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 17:35:48 PDT 2011


RT @SocialBttrfly: Curious--How many of you #hcmmconf attendees are on Google+? Do you think it has a role in public health? Please shar ...
Thu Aug 11 17:36:56 PDT 2011


RT @foxepractice: Just crossed 5,000 tweets for the #hcmmconf conference! - Healthcare Social Media Analytics
Thu Aug 11 17:37:48 PDT 2011


RT @NCS_GCSC: "Listening is enabling others to speak" -Donna Garland #hcmmconf

Thu Aug 11 18:15:25 PDT 2011

AvivaSchwartz HealthJusticeCT

Back to Boston. #hcmmconf was an incredible experience!

Thu Aug 11 18:18:28 PDT 2011

Heard from #HCMMconf that many folks use #tweetdeck? Thinking about transitioning from #hootsuite. Thoughts from folks abt them?
Thu Aug 11 18:26:58 PDT 2011


Completely agree! RT @tericascott Had a fabulous time @ #hcmmconf TY 4 all the hard/insightful work & for encouraging us to listen 4 change
Thu Aug 11 18:30:58 PDT 2011


@RichPanzer I just bought a copy of Inc. Magazine to read on the plane today! #spoton #goteam #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 18:31:40 PDT 2011


@kgunby @robinpregnancy what did u think of the session? Went to it too! Great panel though I wished they spoke more on solutions #HCMMconf
Thu Aug 11 18:35:14 PDT 2011


RT @hschlent: This might be my favorite quote of today. RT @JeriKirschner: Changemakers live at the intersection of drive and passion. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 18:49:27 PDT 2011


#hcmmconf if traveling download the MyTSA app with ATL airport security wait times and etc. Cool app and not just b/cus we helped
Thu Aug 11 19:04:24 PDT 2011


#HCMMconf New tool--"Social Works"--to develop social media strategy.[8/12/2011 11:38:02 AM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

Like CDCynergy meets TurboTax for social media!

Thu Aug 11 19:26:15 PDT 2011


#hcmmconf settling in at home after a great week at the conference. Thanks to all for the generous tweets and follows! #thankful
Thu Aug 11 19:56:54 PDT 2011


RT @IQSolutions: It's about: Mission. People. Doing good. Having an impact. Let's be unbelievalbe. Here's to great work ahead. Thanks everyone! #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 19:59:07 PDT 2011


RT @hschlent: This might be my favorite quote of today. RT @JeriKirschner: Changemakers live at the intersection of drive and passion. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 20:00:45 PDT 2011

RobinPregnancy RobinPregnancy sm1guru

Thu Aug 11 20:11:18 PDT 2011

Had a great time at #hcmmconf but glad to be safely home.

Thu Aug 11 20:12:25 PDT 2011

RT @Carol_Schechter: #HCMMconf-great meeting, great energy, great ideas. To all friends/ colleagues: keep in touch . Use twitter , email ...
Thu Aug 11 20:48:50 PDT 2011


RT @nationalcouncil: 8 out of 10 people go online to learn about their health; 2 out of 3 report learning about their health thru a TV show. #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 21:06:40 PDT 2011


RT @RecoveryMonth: 60 percent of ppl with mental disorders do not get help per year though there is treatment available - Mark Weber #hcmmconf
Thu Aug 11 23:54:18 PDT 2011


RT @RecoveryMonth: 60 percent of ppl with mental disorders do not get help per year though there is treatment available - Mark Weber #hcmmconf
Fri Aug 12 0:15:45 PDT 2011


RT @RecoveryMonth: 60 percent of ppl with mental disorders do not get help per year though there is treatment available - Mark Weber #hcmmconf
Fri Aug 12 1:34:42 PDT 2011[8/12/2011 11:38:02 AM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript


RT @samhsagov: What #movies & #tv shows depict #mentalhealth & #substanceuse issues well? #VoiceAwards honors them on 8/24: #hcmmconf
Fri Aug 12 1:35:05 PDT 2011


Thanks for sharing links!! #hcmmconf Healthcare Conference Hashtag Transcript and Analytics via @foxepractice
Fri Aug 12 5:04:30 PDT 2011


RT @healthfinder: Us too! MT @CDCNPIN: Looking forward to presenting on building Twitter engagement on Thurs. w/ @healthfinder @HealthLitMO at the #hcmmconf!
Fri Aug 12 5:11:20 PDT 2011


Hope all #hcmmconf are home safe. Reminded that "5 myths of social media'" may make a good follow-up.
Fri Aug 12 5:22:34 PDT 2011


Great to see you at #HCMMconf -follow me and we will learn twitter together!@beverlyschwartz: conf inspiring me to tweet
Fri Aug 12 6:04:39 PDT 2011


RT @JeriKirschner: 2 out of 3 people learn something about their health from watching TV-Chris Dzialo, Hollywood Health & Society. #hcmmconf
Fri Aug 12 6:46:08 PDT 2011


RT @GoHealthyPeople: #hcmmconf attendees: How is Healthy People 2020 relevant to your work? Find out:
Fri Aug 12 7:22:50 PDT 2011


@jgarrow @DOUGweinbrenner @sm1guru @SocialBttrfly It was great connecting in person at #hcmmconf!

Fri Aug 12 7:26:06 PDT 2011


+1 RT @DOUGweinbrenner: DITTO! RT @hbrink1: @jgarrow @DOUGweinbrenner @sm1guru @SocialBttrfly It was great connecting in person at #hcmmconf
Fri Aug 12 7:42:51 PDT 2011


Thanks #hcmmconf! #ff @jgarrow @nationalcouncil @HCAnnaTE @SocialBttrfly @ampilsner @GoHealthyPeople @WorkSteven
Fri Aug 12 7:45:02 PDT 2011


Learned lots re: social media at #hcmmconf and am ready to try a Twitter chat.
Fri Aug 12 8:24:59 PDT 2011[8/12/2011 11:38:02 AM]

#hcmmconf - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

Content from Twitter Discover hashtags for Healthcare Conferences.[8/12/2011 11:38:02 AM]

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