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Accounting and Finance

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Investigating the relationship between market values and accounting numbers for 30 selected Pakistani listed companies The information quality of derivative disclosure in corporate annual reports of Pakistani firms The central problem of Corporate Governance for Pakistani listed firms is rendering managers accountable to shareholders. Investigate the ways in which the mechanisms used to control these managerial agency problems are enforced. Financial liberalisation and economic behaviour and performance in Pakistan Attitudes of Pakistani small business firms and financial institutions towards the profit/loss sharing method of finance yes Dividend Policy: Taxes and dividends, Ex-day price behaviour, Dividends and investments in R&D yes Financing: Capital structure, Financing of small companies, Leasing

Omer Siddiqi
Yes Yes

Usman Saeed

Abdul Mannan

Rehan Tariq

Syed Mudassar

yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes yes Yes Yes Yes Yes yes yes yes yes yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

8 Corporate Restructuring: Spin-offs, Equity carve-outs, Divestments, Share repurchases, Corporate recovery 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Corporate Governance: The monitoring role of institutions, Managerial ownership, Board structure Management and risk control of financial institutions Exit Strategies of private equity firms Performance of private equity firms, Critical analysis of different valuation techniques Private Equity as an Asset Class Critical Evaluation of IPOs Long term Performance of Private Equity Global IPO Market, Analysts Forecasts of a company (I.e. make an analysts forecast of a company) Real Estate Derivatives: Research into the developing swap and futures real estate markets including elements relating to the pricing of the products and also their use for both hedging and diverisifction purposes. A critical study of the accounting impact of employee incentive schemes in Pakistan Tax Effects on the Dividends. A Study of Pakistani Companies The Design Of Financial Markets The Role Of Limit And Market Orders Cash Flow Accounting and Its Structure Analysis of Different Methods for Raising Equity Analysis of Rights Issues Analysis of Underwriting Fees, A study of the Market Liquidity in any of Pakistan's stock market Has the IFRS Improved Investment Flows within Europe Forecasting the Yield Spread of Emerging Market Bonds Foreign exchange risk management within financial institutions in Pakistan Case study on growth, liquidity, turnover, risk and return of a financial institution in Pakistan: Analysis and discussion yes yes yes yes

yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes yes YES yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes yes yes YES Yes Yes

yes yes yes

33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

What are the practical implications to all organisations of implementing the International Financial Reporting Standards in Pakistan Petrodollars: Tracking the Flow of Investment of Oil Windfalls Today Vs. the 1970s Domestic Merger & Acquisition in Pakistan Financial viability of selected financial products available in the local market Financial innovation in Europe and Asia: A comparative study. The treatment of off-balance sheet activities in the Pakistan banking industry. Hedge Fund Returns: A Critical Study Credit Risk and Securitization Housing Economics: In particular the long-term impact on affordability due to current lending practices and the current interest rate environment. yes The effectiveness of the use of costing techniques within an organisation An organisations budgetary control system and its links with performance management and decision making The financial and operational consequences of a merger between two organisations or of the acquisition of yes one organisation by another The business and financial objectives of a strategic investment decision made by an organisation and its impact on key stakeholders The financial and operational costs and benefits of the internal audit / internal review activities within an yes organisation The possible effects of a proposed accounting standard on the financial statements and business activities of an organization The Relevance of Accounting Information for Valuation and Risk A critical analysis of Accounting for goodwill on consolation

YES Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes yes Yes Yes yes Yes yes Yes YES YES YES YES YES Yes YES YES Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes yes yes Yes Yes Yes yes


50 Compliance with international accounting standards by listed companies in Pakistan : an empirical study 51 Cash flows and accrual accounting in predicting future cash flows of a Pakistani listed company 52 Financial accounting disclosures and its affect on corporate governance in Pakistan 53 Exploring the relationship between market values and accounting numbers of firms listed in Pakistan The Relationship Between and Underlying Assets Systematic Risk Proportion and the Implied Volatility 54 Curve and its Implications 55 The due process of accounting standard setting in Pakistan 56 Annual accounting earnings as a determinant of share price changes and share returns 57 Determining relationship between cash flows and profit measures of firms in Pakistan 58 The corporate treasury function: risk management and performance measurement 59 Environmental and social reporting and accounting in Pakistan 60 Management accounting practices in Pakistan 61 Implications of the IFRS goodwill accounting treatment 62 Accounting for intellectual assets and liabilities 63 The impact of competition on product costing 64 An empirical investigation of earnings restatements by Pakistani firms The Impact of Audit Committee and Internal Audit Attributes on Internal Audit Contribution to Financial 65 StatementAuditsandAuditFees 66 Market reaction to audit opinions of companies listed on the Shanghai stock exchange 67 Auditcommitteeeffectiveness:PakistanandUSA 68 Analysis of Audit judgments of revalued non-current assets

yes Yes yes YES YES



Yes Yes YES YES YES YES Yes Yes Yes


69 Factors related to the pricing of audit services in Pakistan 70 Relationship Internal Audit, Internal Control and Organizational Culture 71 The impact of the Arthur Andersen and Ernst & Young merger on the Pakistans audit services market. Qualified audit reports : an examination of the impact of changes in auditors' legal and professional 72 obligations on the frequency of qualified audit reports 73 Evaluation of internal control systems by audit teams Real Estate Investment Trusts: Examinations of the investment dynamics of the Real Estate Investment 74 Trust market globally, including research concerning the investment performance, diversification potential, market microstructure and corporate finance issues. 75 An analysis of the reliability of the internal audit function 76 Factors that affect audit quality : the perceptions of auditors, directors and creditors 77 The use of technology for auditing with an emphasis on documenting audit work 78 An appraisal of the roles and activities of the Internal Audit Department in a Bank/company 79 A review of qualified audit reports and an assessment of their impact on the lending decisions of bankers / 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 Organisational change and accounting information systems: a case study of the privatisation of PTCL Corporate governance in developing countries: a case study of Pakistan Role Played by Corporate Governance in the Quality of Corporate Financial Reports An Investigation of the Information Requirements of Users of Public Sector Financial Reports Ways of manipulation of financial reporting and techniques to detect SEC manipulations The Association Between Earnings and Returns of KSE listed companies and Macroeconomic Performance of Pakistan The Foreign Debt Crisis of Pakistan Divisional performance measurement and Transfer Pricing Importance of Due Diligence in sale/purchase of assets and businesses Functioning of Asset based approach in business valuation in Pakistan Functioning of Share based approach in business valuation in Pakistan Critical assessment and analysis of business valuation techniques The relevance of annual reports - the use of annual reports investment and finance decisions A study on cash management and working capital management Behavioral Finance Asset Bubble Theory - In relation with real estate bubble in Pakistan A study of financial restructuring and pre-privatization of Pakistan Railways Adoption of IFRS, whether or not US will adopt IFRS and its implications The impact of stakeholders, governance and ethics on financial stability of buinsess A study of financial conditions of government departments in Pakistan and solutions Business interruption and economic conditions after earthquake in Japan Asset Write-downs:An analysis of Evidence from 20012010 The Impact of Reliability and Relevance of Financial Position Information on Decision Making The RISKS INVOLVED IN INTERNATIONAL TRADE


Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes


Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

yes yes



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